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Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]]

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Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]] Empty Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]]

Post by keblinky May 22nd 2012, 10:45 am

Akihiko was in a deli down in the area around Colombia college of NYC, enjoying what these humans called a "sub", when he heard a strange noise outside. Finishing his sub, he walked out of the red deli doors and saw a rally in the front of the school building.

The rally posters all read something along the lines of "Freedom" "No Corruption", "Police Suck" and various other anti-authoritarian slogans. "This is hilarious, humans are so disorganized, for the ruling class to allow revolts?" Thought Akihiko to himself as he watched the kids start throwing bottles and stuff. "Though from what I have seen of the "ruling class" here, maybe there should be a few revolts" he muttered as he melded into the crowded, disguising himself as a student using his illusory technique. Checking his bass bag, he found that his blade was still there. "Good, if things go south, those cops will be gone within seconds" he thought. Walking across the summer grass, Akihiko saw his opportunity to get farther in the crowd as a few kids got out of the way to get more posters or something. "Please! Students! Calm down! The campus rules enforce this policy, we are the authority, accept that!" yelled the dean as his face grew red, as he was screaming at the top of his lungs. Akihiko had heard about this, Colombia was supporting some crazy politician, and with this came a new set of rules which had pissed of all the students. Walking further, Akihiko noticed something strange next to one of the people standing next to the dean. It was a cylinder, made of what looked to be titanium, and it had "PAYOFF" written on it. "Huh, thats why they changed the rules" said Akihiko to himself as he noticed the can.

After a few more minutes at the rally, Akihiko saw the police cars cruising in. "Well then the "authority" is here to clean up the mess." yelled Akihiko. The students got in a line to stop the police, but the police then got out some batons, pepper-spray, and riot shields. "Alright then, time to mess these idiots up" said Akihiko as he drew his firey blade, Taiyou-Yaiba. He leapt forward at the police and started to fight them off. "DAMN THIS FEELS GOOD! LETTING SOME STEAM OFF!" he yelled as he blasted through the cops, hurting most of them but not killing them, he still had SOME degree of respect for these humans. "Oh damn! Well then GET OFF!" he yelled as he ran around busting up cops. This was his warrior frenzy starting up in him, this always happened when he didn't use his powers for a while, the rage started to pent up in him as he continued to bust up the cops.
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Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]] Empty Re: Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]]

Post by Hana Saku May 22nd 2012, 11:25 am

While the rally was going on, a certain long white-haired, eyepatch wearing Anarchist was stealthily making his way to the cops. His eyes were narrowed hatefully as he crept sneakily towards the corrupt law enforcement, or at least corrupt in his mind. He hated law makers, law enforcement and authority figures in general. They all tried to dictate how people should act and that was a classic sign of corruption. Humans, real free humans should be free to do what they wish. When a law isn't in their favor that was made by their ancestors long ago, they try to and change or make excuses and claim that the laws weren't clear as to what should and should not be allowed. Like the first amendment, allowing people the right to free speech but then the new politicians came about and started censoring things or the second amendment, which gave a person the right to bare arms, or the ability to keep weapons but then the politicians made some anti-gun laws in a pathetic attempt to stop criminals from shooting people, even though criminals could just buy weapons off of the black market and use them to commit crime.

He hated authority figures who thought they could dictate to others how they should act and it always got him pissed and in the mood to kill. He was going to do so and nothing and no one was going to stop him. As he made his way towards the cops, he stopped when he saw another person attacking the law enforcement. He scowled at the person that would try and get in his face and growled at him. "Hey, find your own corrupt officials to kill imbecile. These guys are mine" he said as he spat out a few globs of highly corrosive acidic spit that hit the cops and started to turning them into puddles with ease. He smiled in an arrogant manner as he rubbed his hands together in glee as he killed more officials and started to move on, since he figured his job was done.


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Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]] Empty Re: Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]]

Post by Millenia Murcielago May 23rd 2012, 1:23 am

Millenia was in the campus library doing some research, she had just gotten off work at the office and needed to do some research and this was the only place that was on her way back home. She actually looked like a teacher with the way she was dressed from work. She had on heels, a pencil skirt suit, glasses for reading and her hair pulled back into a bun. Millenia flipped through a couple pages of a book, then typed some information into the computer she was sitting at.She heard a commotion outside and some of the students in the library went to the window to see everything that was happening. From the whispering she could hear that it was some form of riot that was getting out of control, she simply shook her head and continued her work. Then out of nowhere she heard one of the spectators yell "Oh my god! He's got a sword!!" Millenia's attention was grabbed by this statement. She saved what she had on the computer to a flash drive she had, removed it and placed it in her purse, following she closed the book and moved over to the window taking it with her. Looking out she could see one person attacking the authorities with some sort of flaming sword. She rolled her eyes and headed for the exit, after a moment there was more screaming and she could hear people running, she let out a deep sigh figuring that things must have gotten a little more intense and now people were dead. She opened up the front door and headed towards the trouble, it seemed like another had joined them and there were a few less officers than last time.
Oohh boy, these things just always get out of hand she thought as her heels clicked against the concrete. She had her purse over he shoulder and book in her left hand when she called over to the mod of people.
"Excuse me, but the law is the law here. If you don't like it you should probably leave this country... Though, when you think about it, most government officials are acid spitting dirt bags. Seems like you all have more in common than you might have first thought."
She had a confident, yet innocent smile on her face as she spoke. After she looked through her purse really quick and pulled out the case to her glasses, took them off and put them away waiting for the two delinquents to respond.

Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago

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Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]] Empty Re: Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]]

Post by keblinky May 23rd 2012, 5:42 pm

"Oh, well then looks like someone tougher than the cops." said Akihiko as he saw the woman walking outside. "Well, well, well, I might be interested to see what you have up your sleeve, but for now I'm off!" he said as he shifted into a different disguise, and ran away but left his address in the Anarchy guy's pocket.. "God, I need to learn how to control my rage sometimes, al least I didn't kill anybody." Thought Akihiko to himself as he walked home. He flipped on the TV and saw a news report about the acid-guy, and that weird lady. "Seems like that guy fancies himself an anarchist, this society DOES have an overhaul due." muttered Akihiko as he sat on his couch trying to take a nap.

Waking up Akihiko flipped on the TV hoping to see the outcome of the fight. "Well now, let's see what happened next!" he said out loud as he plopped down in front of the TV.
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Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]] Empty Re: Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]]

Post by Hana Saku May 24th 2012, 8:55 am

He smirked in pride as he watched the cops melt away into acidic puddles. He barely had time to admire his work though when a woman arrived in an obvious attempt to intervene. The other male, Akihiko, slapped some kind of contact number into his hand and then quickly left, running away like a coward, causing him to grit his teeth. So this imbecile was running away, was he? It mattered little to him, considering he felt he could take on any opponent. He would just kill this woman quickly in the off-chance she had reinforcements coming. The white-haired, eye-patch wearing man grit his teeth at her as she proceeded to disrespect him by comparing him to politicians. Oh, this whore would pay. He opened his mouth and proceeded to reply back to her in a pissed off manner.

"You worthless imbecile, never compare someone of my greatness to those corrupt, power abusing morons. I am much better then those worthless fool politicians and those corrupt law enforcement pigs will ever be. I do this of my own free will and therefore I am better. I refuse to bend to the laws and rules made and enforced by corrupt imbeciles" he replied back to her as he proceeded to form an acidic knife on his hand, causing part of his shirt to melt away and attempted to hit her with it. He was going to teach this worthless imbecile to never insult those better then her and he was going to do that today. If he let someone get away with insulting him, then people would be more inclined to do so in the future.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
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Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]] Empty Re: Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]]

Post by Millenia Murcielago May 24th 2012, 11:22 pm

Millenia watched as the other individual terrorizing the officers made a run for it, she kind of just raised and eyebrow at it as the other one went on about how he was not at all like the politics that she had just compared him to. Apparently she was worthless and he was greatness. He didn't seem all too great, and she didn't find herself worthless. If anything they both were equals, at least until one proved themselves superior. And as it seemed this man wanted to take the first step in that. He had formed a knife out of a liquid, she noticed that it was corrosive as it had melted part of his shirt away. Millenia quickly materialized a light green magical barrier that his nice struck and cracked slightly. She took a couple steps back and had the defense evaporate.
"You seem rather fond of the word imbecile there buddy."
Millenia then began drawing circles with her right index finger since her left hand had her book and her shoulder with her purse. As she drew the circles she spoke back to the oddly clad man.
"Darling, whomever you are you have a terrible superiority complex. I do believe there are therapist for such a condition now a days..."
Nine large green circles had been formed and Millenia wore a rather un-entertained face.
"Multiplex Adversasque Orbes."
A massive burst of sound-based concussive force reverberated out with crushing power. Most of the crowd has ran away since this character decided to start melting people so Millenia was not too worried about harming any civilians.

Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago
Millenia Murcielago

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Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]] Empty Re: Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]]

Post by Hana Saku May 25th 2012, 11:16 am

He assumed he was going to hit her and was obviously excited, considering the grin on his face. However, it appeared that wasn't going to happen as some sort of green barrier formed in front of him and his acid knife cracked the barrier. He blinked in surprise, realizing that this woman was someone who had superpowers. When he realized that, his look of bewilderment morphed into a twisted, hateful snarl as his eyes took on a borderline psychotic glint. Oh how he hated those who used their powers to help enforce laws. They pissed him off as much as governments officials and law enforcement. This imbecile was going to learn to not interfere in his business.

He barely had time to react as a sound-based concussive force slammed into it at an incredible speed. He staggered back a bit in shock as part of his shirt on his abdomen was torn open and formed a couple of bruises. He grunted in pain a bit before managing to even himself out. He narrowed his eyes at her as she continued to piss him off. He refused to respond to her since hewasn't going to bother wasting his time on banter and monologues during the middle of a fight. It would just give his enemy more time to attack him while his guard was down and he was not going to let her have any slight chance at victory. He decided to go for a surprise attack and shot acid out of his eye at her. He wasn't going to leave anything up to chance and risk losing. He was a superior person to this dog of the government and law enforcement and he would prove why free will beats mandatory law and freedom suppression.


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Hana Saku
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Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]] Empty Re: Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely [[PRIVATE, Kebliny, Chaos, and Genevieve]]

Post by keblinky May 25th 2012, 3:57 pm

"Looks like my action of leaving the prey to this Anarchy fellow didn't go as planned, he seems to have some trouble with this woman." Said Akihiko as he got off his couch, lazily starting to walk towards the school. Anarchy probably considered him a coward. His actions were not cowardice, he was merely leaving the man some prey. "Why does no one appreciate my actions?" he muttered. Phasing out of his disguise Akihiko seemed to grow a tail and fox ears.

Getting to the site of Anarchy and the woman's battle, he heard a huge noise. "Damn, this girl has some skills" he yelled as he took out his flaming blade, and summoned two 7 ft tall boars, jumping into the fight. "Well hello there girly!" Akihiko yelled as he brought his flaming blade crashing down on her, while his two flaming boars, each causing huge amounts of damage, started running towards her. "How ya gonna stop this then?" He yelled over the flaming boars shouts.
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