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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 24th 2014, 7:58 pm

Either Joshua had no idea what he was hinting at or he simply was ignorant of the connotation of what was said, not that he really intended to explain it to him anyway. Of course Michael knew what it meant, but then again he only had a base knowledge. ”I might have to.” Michael noted catching the male mimicking what he had said earlier and allowing his fingers to intertwine with the males before leading him to the place in question. The place was a rather novel little Chinese restaurant, with the oriental waiters and whatnot, Michael leading Joshua through the door as they were both seated. ”Here we are. Not the finest place around, but it’s pretty nice in my opinion, been here a few times.”

The Bolt
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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 25th 2014, 5:17 pm

Joshua looked at the pretty oriental paintings which had been scribed on the walls. He didn't know what they were about but it almost seemed as if they were telling a story. A large dragon which ruled an empire harshly, killing everyone who made a tiny mistake until one day a small farmer boy decided that he had had enough. The boy marched to his father's shed and removed a sword, charged at the dragon and - rather than slaying the beast and being reverred as a hero - was struck down with a waft of the dragon's hand. The moral of the story had to be something about not trying impossible tasks alone. Atleast, that's what he got from the pictures anyway, he didn't have much time to analyze them properly.

He sat down in his comfortable chair which had a pillow stitched onto the back and smiled. Before picking up the menu and scanned his eyes over it. ”Here we are. Not the finest place around, but it’s pretty nice in my opinion, been here a few times.” Joshua smiled "Well it has to be pretty great if you like it, I mean - you're on a date with me so your taste is pretty good." Joshua was starting to relax ever so slightly. After a quick scan of the menu, he smiled a nodded. The waiter returned with a little notepad and pen and he spoke with a very thick oriental accent. "Herro, wercome to the Rittle Rantern (Little Lantern) are you ready to order?" he smiled after saying that. Pleasant costumer service. "I'd like some barbeque ribs and fried rice, please - with some diet coke to drink." Joshua nodded to Michael after making his order, the waiter following his head and turning to face Michael. "And for you, sir?"


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 26th 2014, 5:57 am

The walls were decorated with oriental paintings, something about them having a certain beauty to them; even if Mike did not know what they represented. One of them depicted a dragon, though it was a far different dragon than the ones that Michael had seen within his life, eastern within design. Of course Joshua’s comment about his taste given the present company only made Michael snicker, not that he planned to share his rather negative view. Humans tended to get uppity when shown their flaws, and he was likely not so different in that respect. A waiter with a thick accent would greet them, something about how they spoke amusing within its own right. ”I would like some fried rice and…orange chicken with an orange soda.” Michael noted simply, not giving the male much more attention than need be. His attitude may have seemed a little dismissive but then again his eyes were busy scanning over the multiple paintings adorning the wall.
The Bolt
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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 27th 2014, 3:40 pm

Joshua leant forward on his elbows, and lazily rested a chin on his palm. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly at Michael's face. "So what was your favourite bit in the movie?' not giving him time to answer, Joshua continued 'Mine was the bit were Sherrif Banes had to fight the skeletons while he was on the horse." The waiter returned with their drinks, and assured the pair that their food would be with them shortly. "Like, I know that it's really silly and is for an audience of like 12 year olds." he took a quick sip of his coke. "But who doesn't like Cowboys?"


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 29th 2014, 1:26 pm

”Favorite bit in the movie? Probably the climactic fight scene, if you could call it one, or maybe the one scene on the alien ship, even though that had nothing to do with a movie about wizards or cowboys.” Michael answered taking the drink brought to him and sipping on it lightly, making a pleased hum as the taste of the drink flowed over his tongue. ”It did seem like it was geared more towards kids, but I guess it was pretty cool…for a kids movie.” He had never really seen any sort of movies that were made for kids anyway, so it was more him simply playing along with the judgment of the movie made. ”As for who doesn’t like cowboys, I guess you could say wizards, or so the movie depicts.” Horrible joke for sure, but Mike never claimed to be a comedian by any stretch of the word. ”I mean the movie could have done with a little more action though, but otherwise it was excellent.”
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 29th 2014, 6:47 pm

"Ahaha, I think the aliens were put in so that they could maybe squeeze a sequel out of it." Joshua laughed, and took another drink of his coke before making eye contact with Michael. "So what type of movies do you normally watch them? Action? Romance? Sci-fi?" Joshua crossed his legs under the table, and quietly started drumming on the desk. He noticed that there was actually competent heating in this place and he was starting to get slightly uncomfortable so he took Michael's jacket off and put it over the back off his seat, as well as the hoodie he was wearing. Now just wearing the red skull top over his long sleeved white one. Eyes privately checked out Michael's body. Since he hadn't been wearing his jacket in the rain Joshua could see his nipples through the t-shirt, and tried his hardest to pretend he couldn't.

That didn't stop him from checking it out every now and then.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 29th 2014, 7:20 pm

”I’m more of an action movie guy myself, the more explosions the better.” Michael answered partially joking as he sipped on his own drink, still pleased with the taste of it even now. The ethereal was following Joshua’s every movement, including eye motion but did not really care to mention the fact that his gaze seemed to be hovering a little lower than most peoples did; considering that he didn't care. His eyes however snapped to the waiter bringing their food, with wisps of steam trailing from it as it was placed down for them, along with the usually eating utensils that came with it. If hunger were something that he had to worry about, then Michael’s stomach would have growled but it was not, and so it did not. ”Well, this looks twice as good as I thought it would.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 31st 2014, 10:15 pm

When the food was brought to their table and placed in front of them, Spellstone licked his lips in time with a light echoey growl on his stomach. No sooner had the waiter started walking away when Joshua picked up a rib with his bare hands and started stripping it with his teeth. Flesh and sauce slithered in his mouth and he swallowed, before burping into his hand politely. He'd always been a bit of a messy eater so naturally got sauce stuck to the sides of his mouth. "Woah, this place is great."

In about 40 seconds, two of the 6 ribs on his plate were devoured and Joshua only then decided to wiped his cheeks with the tissues provided. Looking up from his meal of barbeque goodness, he raised an eyebrow. He had been googling good ways to start conversations; especially after the last time they tried bonding, so was a little bit more prepared. "So, Mike, tell me about your family - any siblings or are you an only child?" he smiled - trying to be pleasant, but unfortunately had some meat stuck between his teeth so instead looked a tad goofy. Although a worry brewed in him, had Michael seen him? Let's hope not. He was awkward enough at this, he didn't need accusations of checking him out.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt June 1st 2014, 1:33 pm

Mike could agree that this place was excellent, as he took a bite of the orange chicken that had been placed before him and seeming to enjoy the food through vocalizing a pleased hum. He was clean in how he ate, not really getting anywhere that it was not supposed to be as his phone seemed to vibrate a couple of times, indicating more than one text message. ”You wanna know about my family?” Mike question swallowing his food before considering how much he would tell this human. ”I have two older siblings, and two loving…dads, one of who are actually texting me now.” Michael explained digging his phone out of his pocket and typing something in before depositing it back into his pocket. ”Not what one would call a conventional family, but it is what it is.” he explained sipping on his orange soda. ”So how about your family?”
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo June 2nd 2014, 4:03 pm

Joshua had managed to consume a third sweet, saucy rib before Michael answered his question. Joshua raised an eyebrow curiously. Two dads? He'd heard about the whole gay adoption contraversy from several years ago, but back then he was only 13 - but Michael seemed much older than seven. Maybe they adopted him as a teenager. "Two Dads? That's... a little weird, but I guess anything is possible in this day and age." When he took out his phone and began texting, Joshua smiled "Tell them I said Hey." Before using the fork provided to scoop up some rice and plummet it into the abyss that was his jaws. He was starving, despite the candy he'd devoured throughout the entire film.

"My family? Well, I have a Mommy, a Daddy - now bear with me this is where it gets the tiniest bit complicated.' he cleared his throat, took a drink and started to remember his family tree. 'I have, 4 brothers 3 sisters - 8 aunts, 2 uncles, 16 cousins all together; 4 God parents, 2 grannies, 1 grandad, 1 baby sitter and about 5 uncles and aunties in law, 2 sisters in law and 1 brother in law - but we don't like him very much, he was into some weird things." he took another bite off his meaty delight. "We all managed to fit into the one house too, it was pretty crazy - magical spells flying all over the place. Not to mentioned Spikey the Rhino; I told you about him, right?" He laughed fondly - he'd always loved his family. "So two dads? How long have they been your guardians?"


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt June 9th 2014, 9:37 am

The statement about his having two fathers being strange was annoying to Michael, but not enough to warrant a blade through the males throat, no, he would allow him to continue talking. It was what one called rude to do that, but then again perhaps to more limited humans it was strange. Obliging the male he would say that his friend said hi, though his dad went to assuming that Joshua was some manner of boyfriend, which drew Michaels ire as he frowned at his phone before turning to Joshua and fixing that scowl. ”Interesting family you have here. A little weird but interesting.” He would say, perhaps mimicking the whole weird comment made about his two parents, smirking lightly as he took a bite of his food with a pleased noise made. ”How long have I been with my dad’s? Ever since I was born, can’t really remember a time without them.” Michael said simply sipping on his drink and washing the food down.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo June 10th 2014, 10:05 pm

Joshua laughed whenever Michael said his family was weird, picking up on the repetition of his thoughts on having two dads. "Yeah, our family kinda' breaks the mold. Mainly because there's too much of us for the mold to hold." he smirked and tore of another strip of delicious barbeque flesh with his teeth. He knew he looked disgusting and that there was sauce slathered all over his lips and cheeks, but he didn't care - barbeque was more important than hygiene right now. Whenever Michael noted that his parents had been his guardians for as long as he could remember, Joshua smiled. Glad that Michael had such good care.

It kind of hurt. Here was Michael, who's family seemed so perfect and happy; both his parents loved him and frequently texted him - as well as brothers that he probaly played with whereas Joshua was stuck with a mom and a dad who hadn't spoken to him in months and probably hated him,  siblings and cousins who frequently picked on him for lacking any magical power; aunts, uncles and even grandparents who ignored him because they considered him a flaw in their family - the weakest link if you would. Heck even creepy Jon, his brother in law was more respected than he was in that house. In an attempt to push the jealousy aside and stop them from ruining the date he turned his attention to his food.
Scooping up some rice with his fork, Joshua consumed it with a single motion.

"So you've got two other siblings? What are they like?"
Joshua smiled again, scratching his wrist.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt July 17th 2014, 2:49 am

”Yeah, does sound like a family that breaks molds.” Michael said with a nod as he worked on his food, chewing on it slowly to savor the flavor. Looking up he took notice of a small facial spasm within Joshua's face, one that denoted some manner of internal turmoil, something that he would not really bother asking about as he placed his fork down. Perhaps turning attention away from something, the male would ask about his siblings, something that Michael normally would not talk about with people that he barely knew. ”What are my other two siblings like?” He would ask outloud, mulling over the question with a low hum as he ran over an answer to that question. ”I have two older brothers, ones kinda.....special. Likes to lounge around a lot, and has an affinity for water, and gold. Nice guy though, as long as you don't get on his bad side.” Michael explained running fingers through his hair. ”The other one is what you would call....sauve I guess. The one daddies try to protect their daughters from, and stuff like that. He's a cool guy really, but kind of a douchebag.” It was true that Shael and him were still somewhat friend, Michael was not sure where that stood.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo August 15th 2014, 5:56 pm

Michael's family sounded nice. Normal, apart from the two dad's thing. I bet his family has never had an argument about who opened the portal in the bathroom or who turned Cameron's budgie pink. "Heh, one of my brother's had an affinity for wildlife and the color pink. The two of them frequently... meshed." he laughed a little. David liked turning Spikey pink - Joshua could remember his dad saying that David was a potent chromomancer. A color mage. When he went to take another one of his ribs, his fingers touched the plate. After a brief search, he looked down to discover that he had finished all of them. When did that happen?  With a small shrug, he wiped his mouth with the cloth, before sucking the sauce from his fingers. Usually he was a polite eater, but months of being away from his family had eroded that particular habit. Green orbs looked back to Mike, and Joshua bit the corner of his lip a small bit. "What's it like having two dads?" he didn't mean to pry.... well, yes he did - he couldn't deny that he was curious. From Micheal's plate, it looked as if they were both nearly finished with their meals.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt August 18th 2014, 2:01 am

Michael listened to Joshua speak with only half interest, only nodding when it seemed required and finding himself being distracted by nearly everything. Not that he didn’t hear what the human was saying, as everything he said found itself being snatched up by his mind but that did not mean that he still wasn’t taking in multiple other things. The male would then ask about what it was like having two dads, and he had to actually think about that one. ”Like having parents I guess. Except both are dudes, not really that different.” He would say with a shrug, not really sure how it would be otherwise, though from what he glimpsed families were families regardless of the gender of the parents. Mike was mostly finished with his meal and it seemed that the male sitting across from him was as well, leaving him in a position to leave, which would be a welcome thing.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo August 24th 2014, 8:15 am

Joshua felt kind of dumb. How the heck was he meant to know what it was like to live with two Dads if he's never not had them. That was like someone asking a blind person what is it like to be blind; they couldn't answer, they'd know no different. Should I... apologize? No, no he doesn't look massively offended or anything. Lifting his hand he signalled the waiter to bring over the bill before looking back at Mike. "You're paying for this right? I only have like 7 bucks on me." he laughed a little, and looked back over to the waiter who was printing their receit and the amount of money they owed him. "If you can't, we could always...' he looked back over to the waiter before nodding to the exit and grinning a little. He knew it was illegal but he's done it before - what else are you meant to do when you can't pay. Stand there awkwardly like an idiot?


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 3 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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