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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 18th 2014, 10:10 am

"Do I know where the movie theatre is? Nope, can’t say that I do.” When Michael turned to Joshua and smiled, his stomach filled with butterflies. His toes wriggling around in his damp converse shoes. ”Would you mind leading the way?” Joshua smiled and chirped his response. "Not at all." This was going awesome. He was about to follow Michael out of the coffee shop before he stopped and took a step back, probably due to the rain. Before he could suggest that Michael shapeshifts into something warmer he turned around. ”Might have to lead me by the hand.” Joshua's heart sank and not in the bad kind of way. "S-sure." he smiled and tried to act as casually as ever, despite how new he was to this. He'd only ever held his mother's hand.

He'd never held a hand before, and when his fingers slid between Michael they were both wet and warm from their drinks and to be honest, it felt kind of gross - but despite it all it was probably one of the nicest feelings ever. Once he'd interlocked their fingers and tightened his grip ever so slightly and began walking with Michael into the light rain. "You should probably shape shift into something warmer." he smiled, and tapped his fingers against the back of Michael's hand. "It's about a 10 minute walk to the theatre and I'd hate for you to catch a cold or something." Joshua casually leaned his body towards Michael's to decrase the space between them while they walked, he didn't know how but despite only wearing a polo shirt (ugh) and some pink shorts Michael felt quite warm. It was... nice.

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 18th 2014, 8:24 pm

One could say that Michael was playing around with the human emotions, and they would be….making a lot of assumptions based upon past facts. He did take note of the small stutter within the male’s voice upon hearing Michael suggest that he lead him by the hand, and assuming that he was nervous was a good one. The feeling of holding a person’s hand was a strange one, granted both of their hands were wet from something or other.  The only hand that he had ever held was….well he was not the hand holding type, so never held any hands in his life. ”You’re worried about me catching something?” Michael scoffed lightly as the male leaned into him, though he would….oblige if the term applied here. Not that he was used to taking orders from lesser beings, but Michael was feeling….permissive.

His clothing began to twist and warp, thanks to a certain ring named after a young ethereal. His shirt would twist into a rather comfy looking jack and t-shirt underneath and shorts a pair of blue jeans, much like his brother liked to wear. ”Not sure why I need to when I can’t really get sick, unless there’s some form of super cold I don’t know about.” The male leaned into him, seemingly sharing his warmth with the ethereal and somewhat staving off the cold that annoyed Michael otherwise.
The Bolt
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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 19th 2014, 10:49 am

Joshua found himself checking Michael out in his new get-up, the jacket and jeans suited him much more than the polo shirt did. ”Not sure why I need to when I can’t really get sick, unless there’s some form of super cold I don’t know about.” Joshua laughed while leading Michael around the street corner - still about a block away from the theatre. The street they now had to walk down was nearly abandoned; cars were parked along the kerb and slowly getting drenched by rain and some homeless kid was sat under an umbrella eating what looked like some bread. Poor Kid - Out on the streets with no one to love him. Joshua put a hand into his back pocket to search for some spare change he could give him but all the money in his pockets was to buy his movie ticket - but he made a note of the street the kid was squatting in and heroicly vowed to return with hot food! Joshua turned his head to look at Mike.

"There could be; I don't know much about magical diseases - maybe there's a magical disease that turns your kind blue and gives you a runny nose." he grinned again and tightened his grip on Michaels hand, reminding himself how nice it felt. "You suit that jacket by the way." compliments were sure to put them both in good moods, Michael got to feel good and Joshua got to look at him. A fair trade in his opinion. They were nearing the theatre, the rain was now so fine that it actually seemed more like mist and Joshua's arms grew cold regardless of the Ethereal's heat, and he gasped inwards when he felt a shiver dance up his spine. I knew I should have brought a proper jacket.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 19th 2014, 11:01 am

Michael followed the lead of Joshua, mulling over a few ideas within his head as the rain would fall down on him in a steady torrent, running down his face in rivulets. The male shuddered ever so lightly, remembering that he hated the cold more than anything and this was why he hated venturing into The Final Frost. His eyes fell over what looked like a young human male sitting under an umbrella to stay out of the rain, body thin as he hungrily devoured a small bit of what looked like bread; the male huffing lightly to himself and looking ahead. It reminded him somewhat of why he had such disdain for humanity, how they would simply allow their fellow man to languish in the streets and starve. ”A magical disease that turned me blue? Smurfism is a real thing.” Michael noted with a low chuckle and roll of his eyes as the movie theater seemed to come into view.

”Don’t you mean the jacket suits me?” Michael noted with a smirk taking note of the fact that the human was beginning to shiver, as if he were cold; Michael dramatically rolling his eyes. ”Thanks, but I think the jacket would suit you much better.” He noted disentangling himself from the male and removing the jacket, copying something from some movie he had watched around a month ago, one that Shael had called stupid because something about mating. This involved kinda draping the jacket over his shoulders and hinting that he should wear the damn thing, as Michael was as worried about being cold as he was about dying of hunger or asphyxiation.
The Bolt
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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 19th 2014, 11:15 am

”Thanks, but I think the jacket would suit you much better.” Joshua was surprised when he felt the jacket being put around his shoulders. As warm as it was, he missed the feeling of Michael's hand so put it on as quickly as he could. Damn, it was warm. He couldn't tell if it was the fabric or that Michael's bodyheat was still within it but it did feel nice. He slid his hand towards Michael's and slotted his fingers between his own before he carried on walking. "Thanks." Him giving you his jacket? Next he'll be putting his coat on a puddle so you don't have to walk across it like this is some sort of romantic comedy - barf.

He smirked at his own inner monologue before turning around corner. The biggest building on this road was a somewhat run down shell of a movie theatre which had a flickering blue neon sign above the double doors which said "Movie Land" and the walls were painted with a variety of well known characters from Disney Films to Action flicks. he'd always liked it here, it was one of the first places he discovered when he ran away to Chicago and managed to loiter there for an entire day, he didn't have his little shack at the time. Leading Michael to the small stairway up to the wooden double doors he let go of his hands and motioned to the entrance. "After you." Wow, his jacket really was comfortable.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 19th 2014, 11:28 am

Once the human had wriggled into the jacket, his hand reached for Michael’s and he did not really wrench the limb away, so he found their fingers intertwined once again. His attention leapt to the theatre as soon as it came into view, interest piqued for the most part as the two approached it with their slow walk; granted it was mostly slow to him. A flickering light above the door had the places name, where they would be watching whatever it was this move was about. Something about cowboys, which conjured images of men in hats and shooting each other with six shooters. Joshua would release his hand as they stood before the doors and opened them, as if he were some form of gentleman. Michel smirked, forgoing the comment and walked through, approaching the place where one purchased tickets, remembering the name of the movie and paying for a ticket for both of them.

Something told him that the male he was attending this with could not afford a ticket anyway, so he was doing the guy a favor. This was likely the part where one bought thing such as popcorn and whatever, so that was what Michael did. Finding a concession stand and purchasing the largest size of popcorn, three packages of gummy worms and bears as well as two large drinks, granted he didn’t know so he would let Joshua pick it out; to avoid any sort of problem later. ”Alright I think we have all of our movie essentials.” Michael noted holding the large bucket of popcorn under the crook of one arm, and his own drink as well as the candy in his other hand. Things seemed to be going like they did in the movies, so he was doing it right, this whole date thing.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 19th 2014, 1:49 pm

There was a nice feeling about someone paying your way. That someone would sacrifice their own moeny for you; it was one of the most guaranteed methods of making you feel great. Joshua shot the lady behind a counter a smile when she gave them a weird look. It was justified in all honesty, the film's rating was a U and they both looked as if they were 17-18 years old. Joshua had always liked silly movies though - his favourite movie was atleast 20 years old, Batman and Robin with Uma Thurman. The cheesiness of it was his favourite part, and it mixed it perfectly with action - and the trailers even made it look kind of funny. Joshua followed Michael over to the food stand. After he bought some popcorn and sweets, Michael turned around and asked what he wanted to drink. "Diet Coke, please." he said politely, unused to people buying things for him. He was about to give Michael some money to thank him but then quietly remembered that he still owed him from the pizza breakfast and that this should let them both break even.

”Alright I think we have all of our movie essentials.” Michael looked kind of funny with his hands full of candy and food and in order to try and lighten his load, Joshua took both of their drinks and took a large slurp of his own. Mmmm, a cold drink on a cold day - Genius choice Josh. Glancing at his ticket, he swallowed and pointed at a hallway which was full of 6 doors. "We're in screen 4." and started walking towards it.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 19th 2014, 2:05 pm

With his excess of junk food in tow, the two would walk through the hall with the six doors that lead to different rooms. The ethereal male sighed, licking his lip and blinking a couple of time, as he contemplated what movie they were seeing anyway.The strange look that the lady behind the counter gave them popped within his mind, Mike mulling over it for a second before he simply ignored that. The two would walk through the door that lead into the room where the movie was to be played, some of the minor commercials before any sort of previews played flashing across the screen as Mike took himself a seat in the center of one of the rows of seats. The place was not too crowded, but it wasn’t empty either, yet he male chose the only row with no other people on it. With his seat now taken, he let the small boxes of candy fall into his lap, before placing the large bucket of popcorn there as well. ”If I knew any better, it’s actually colder in here than outside.” Michael noted out loud, observing something that was rather true.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 19th 2014, 5:54 pm

Spellstone walked infront of Michael so he reached the door first. He had less in his hands, so naturally pulled the door open to allow Michael to walk through. However since Michael got into the screen room first he got to choose where they were sitting. Fortunately he had good taste and sat down in the row that had no one in it, much to Joshua's relief. One thing he hated more than the rain was sitting next to strangers - the first time he came here it was a full house and he had to sit beside some husky large man who breathed through his mouth. Completely ruined the movie. However he was certain that things would be different with Michael. Much more pleasant and a lot less irritating. He exhaled and was a little shocked that he could see his own breath.

”If I knew any better, it’s actually colder in here than outside.” Joshua smiled and nodded in agreement. "Hopefully we won't notice it whenever the movie starts." he looked to Michael's lap and eyed up his big, juicy pieces of candy and the warm popcorn. "You going to share that, or?" he grinned, and slurped his drink through his straw. It really was cold in here, despite the 4 layers Joshua was wearing. He huddled his arms closer, and pushed his legs together to try and warm himself up a bit. Joshua turned his attention to the screen and found himself chuckling at a little message to the viewers in the form of a short animated film about a frog telling them to turn their phones off and don't litter. Obliging he reached into his back pocket to took his phone out - turning it off and putting it back. He was looking forward to this movie and didn't want to be distracted - from both the film and his company.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 20th 2014, 9:13 am

It wasn’t just him it would seem, as his breath seemed to escape from his lips in a small white cloud, and the hairs along his arm seemed to rise in goose bumps. The ethereal mentally cursed himself for choosing this theatre, as well as giving the human his jacket but what’s done was done. ”Share what?” Michael asked, cocking an eyebrow as he followed Joshua’s eyes, which were focused square upon his crotch. ”Oh that? I mean I would, but we’re in public and people tend to frown upon that kinda things, especially in PG movies.” He added joking as he removed one of the boxes and thrust it into the mages hands. With that rather off colored joke out of the way, Mike sipped on his orange flavored soda, making a low pleased sound as he followed the instructions of the animated frog, only after sending a reply text to Sean; noting about how he was in a movie and turning it off before any questions could be asked. With all of that done,  he attempted to turn his attention from the cold onto something else, if only to lessen its effects and the movie was a perfect outlet.
The Bolt
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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 20th 2014, 9:48 am

”Oh that? I mean I would, but we’re in public and people tend to frown upon that kinda things, especially in PG movies." Joshua's eyes widened a little bit and he felt his face stain red; he was left speechless when Michael shoved the food into his hand. He smiled and laughed a little bit to show he understand it was a joke but no-matter what he tried the flush was remained painted on his face. He'd hadn't thought of doing that before, infact he forgot that you could and it's sudden interruption into their conversation took him off guard. Distracting himself by sucking on a sour gummy worm, Joshua turned to face the screen. An image of a planet filled the screen and then the words unviersal before it faded to black. Reaching across, Joshua put his hand into Michael's bucket of popcorn and took some for himself and shovelled it into his mouth. Despite his family being kind of Posh he'd always been a messy eater, and some popcorn fell onto his lap and the floor. With his eyes distracted by the screen the air in the room didn't seem that bad. It was either that or the blood rushing to his cheeks managed to warm him up a tad. He gently slumped closer to Michael and prepared to enjoy the movie.

---tiem skip----


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 20th 2014, 9:59 am

The blush that rushed along the males face was what one would call hilarious, and Michael could not help snickering as he took a handful of popcorn and shoveled it into his mouth, making a low hum as he enjoyed the taste of the food. With that small bit out of the way, the movie would start, Mike finding himself….amused by whatever it was they were watching, even though some of it was incredibly silly. Actually, he found himself laughing from how incredulous it was more than anything, but that was what humans called entertainment he supposed. Granted the male slumping into him helped somewhat with the cold that purveyed through the movie theatre, it was not by too much. When the whole thing was done and the credits scrolled across the screen with the booming music, Mike was pleased.

As fun as the somewhat nonsensical movie was, he was more of an action guy himself, and there was the occasional awkward romantic comedy. ”Well…that was interesting.” Michael noted finishing off the last of the candy, chewing it to bits before swallowing it. Which meant they could get out of the cold theatre and to warmer places, where he would not be shivering so much. Trailing out of the room and through the exit, Mike kind of waited for Spellstone, waiting under a small part of the theatre that would shelter him from the drizzle. ”So I guess this is the part where we eat lunch or something?”
The Bolt
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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 21st 2014, 8:52 am

As the credits rolled along the screen and people had began to march out of the viewing room, Joshua made sure that he didn't get seperated from Michael, namely by holding onto the bottom of his t-shirt between two fingers. The film had been enjoyable, and made Joshua laugh out loud more than once but he could not helo but be disapointed that it was one of those 'all the best bits are in the trailer' kind of movies. Regardless he had had a good time, and was in a good mood. As soon as they left screen 4, Michael went to the exit and Joshua spoke to him before he was out of earshot. "I'm just gonna go to the restroom really quickly, okay?" he'd been holding in a pee for the last hour and it was getting hard for him to focus on anything else.

When sweet relief had left his body, he was happy to discover Michael had waited for him and remained at the door. Joshua smiled at him, and stood beside him. "Thanks." he nodded. ”So I guess this is the part where we eat lunch or something?” Joshua shrugged, and then nodded his head. "Sure, what do you feel like eating?" he knew that asking that was pretty redudant because Michael had told him that he didn't need to eat but Joshua had asked him out on a date, it was only fair that he gets to choose where they dine. He also chringed internally after he'd said that as well, Michael was probably going to make another dick related joke so he took a breath and prepared himself for that - he was not going to turn into a tomato again!


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 23rd 2014, 12:15 pm

Michael rolled his eyes slightly as the male noted something about having to use the bathroom, the ethereal forgetting that humans had to eventually excrete what they took in. The prospect itself was disgusting, but then again that was how things worked with them, so he would simply shrug and lean against the wall waiting for the mage. When the male returned, he nodded to him as if silently acknowledging that he had arrived. ”What do I feel like eating? Well, I’m not hungry so I suppose the answer would be anything, and I doubt fast food is a proper food for a date.” Michael noted covertly being sarcastic, considering simply stating that he asked because he was hoping the human would make a choice since eating was something that he needed to do.

”Well since you aren’t a viable option, I suppose we could dine at this fine Chinese place that I know.” Michael noted running fingers through his own hair and snickered to himself. ”Alright, shall we go?” He asked simply walking through the exit and lazily meandering onward.
The Bolt
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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 24th 2014, 4:36 pm

”Well since you aren’t a viable option, I suppose we could dine at this fine Chinese place that I know.” Joshua laughed when Michael did so that it seemed as if he got the joke, even though he didn't pick up on the filthy nature behind the comment. ”Alright, shall we go?” Joshua assumed the question was rhetorical as shortly after asking it Michael began leaving. Joshua quickly walked after him before pausing a few steps behind and biting his lip. An idea had wormed it's way into his head. Should I? Would it be... funny? Funny's good, funny is what people do on dates. Ok; go for it. What's the worst that could happen? Taking a deep breath he spoke in much less smooth manner than Michael had before.

"You err... you might have to lead me by the hand.” he held his hand out in Michael direction and awkwardly looked at the shiny wet ground; trying to not feel embarassed. If he says no you are going to look like a tomato for the rest of your life.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 24th 2014, 7:58 pm

Either Joshua had no idea what he was hinting at or he simply was ignorant of the connotation of what was said, not that he really intended to explain it to him anyway. Of course Michael knew what it meant, but then again he only had a base knowledge. ”I might have to.” Michael noted catching the male mimicking what he had said earlier and allowing his fingers to intertwine with the males before leading him to the place in question. The place was a rather novel little Chinese restaurant, with the oriental waiters and whatnot, Michael leading Joshua through the door as they were both seated. ”Here we are. Not the finest place around, but it’s pretty nice in my opinion, been here a few times.”
The Bolt
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Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] - Page 2 Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

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