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Baby steps

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Baby steps Empty Baby steps

Post by Artemis June 30th 2013, 1:46 pm

Sunlight shone through Sabrina's window. The light hitting her directly in the eyes caused her to stir in her sleep. Groaning she sat up. Groggily she reached up and felt her new ears. She let out a sigh, it wasn't a dream. The serum did work and she was forever changed. At least the soreness that surrounded her body was gone. She stood and and walked slowly to the bathroom. She got ready for the day and shortly after left her room fully dress. Although she encountered a problem. She was no long lanky and her clothes felt uncomfortable and like they where squishing her new body. She let out another sigh, she would have to buy a whole new wardrobe with what ever little money she had. She decided to eat out and grabbed her purse. She almost walked out the door before she realized something. Having the ears and the tail of a cat wasn't natural. She turned around and grabbed a newsboy hat and placed it over her ears. Her ears folded down so that the hat finished but it wasn't the most comfortable thing in the universe, also everything seemed muffled. Her hair covered where her ears once where so it she would look normal as long as she kept the hat on. She grabbed her tail carefully and stared at it. What should she do with it? She could stuff it down her pants but it could easy be seen that way, or at least it will be with the jeans she was wearing. An idea hit her and she ran to her closet, pulling out a roll of ACE bandages. Lifting up her shirt she wrapped her tail and the bandage around her waist. Again, uncomfortable but once she pulled her shirt down it was hardly noticeable. She walked out of her apartment and locked the door. She went to the ground floor then began to walk to downtown to buy some clothes.

Walking to town was... different, people were looking at her, not in a bad way but it wasn't something she was used to. She stopped off at a cafe and bought a coffee and a plain bagel with Lox and cream cheese really quickly before returning to walking to downtown. She took a sip of her coffee and looked around. Their were a lot of places she could go but maybe places she could afford. She spent most of the morning just walking around. Frustrated she couldn't find anything she could afford she bought food and sat down outside at a deli.
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Baby steps Empty Re: Baby steps

Post by Saileyra July 2nd 2013, 1:00 pm

Trepidation at it's finest, always confusing and always fucking forever lonely. There was a few things that were deep in her system that made her confused, lonely, she missed her fucking family. It was odd sometimes she hated their guts, hated what they did what they stood for but in the long run she was one in the same. One of fucking -them- and there was nothing she could do about it. Biologically the same, physically the same, and one of the few now to only be her and her cousin Xeonix. Who truly wasn't even her cousin at all, her started off as a machine slave to her and now his x-cells made him biologically advanced as a synthetic organic XETA. It was odd, but she knew he had far more limitations than she did.

"Stop thinking so deep your going to end up hurting yourself." Xeonix said, the bird form resting on her shoulder. Metallic, of course the voice from the bird was manly, but the mouth of the bird didn't move. It came from the vibrations of the creature itself as it's eight foot tall form rested on her body, long tails barbed, wrapped around her arm but it did not harm her for the material would harden from feather like quality to harsh needle like dexterity. Saileyra realized he was right, noticing a girl at a deli she looked at her clothing. She was hiding something, how did Sai know? She was way to covered up for a summer afternoon. A hat, her shirt, the contours and rumples not fitted for a women her age.

Then again, Saileyra attracted a lot of attention wherever she went, she was a walking menace in itself. Her form was skin tight, black spider-silk graphene donning her figure holding taut giving her a good extra skin resilient to most normal bullets. Her belt on her hips an x-shape holding a various array of weapons she had managed to create that were close to home, throwing knives, forty on each side sheathed, but carefully aligned along her ribs in specialized compartments that allows the knives to rest carefully without allowing them to fall from the sheathe for the nano technology kept them in place without fail and weight. All that seemed to strap the nano sheathes together were small straps donning over her breasts giving her figure a much more menancing 'armored' look.

Diamond carbonate boots borne into the ground x-clips moving up her shin from the two inch platform of the boot that had good traction but provided a good amount stealth. The black studded x-belts had a few weapons attached to them, the MERT Revolver tucked away in a holster on her right side and a purple and black handle on her right behind it more closer to the curve of her behind. Complimented by the Xetaken, Xettakalyria on her left side. Adrenaline ready for spike as needed she felt..strong than ever her form approached the woman sitting down across from her.

"So what are you hiding from the world?" She said, her voice a whisper nearly as she leaned over staring at the female. "Your probably hot with such baggy clothes. What are you deceiving others for?" She said, her voice scrutinizing her almost but she was curious of her reaction she wasn't a bitch like this usually but this new adrenaline sent her exodus into an overdrive made her want to fight made her want answers. Of course, her tone wasn't too mean it was curious almost as if talking to a child.

Baby steps SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Baby steps Empty Re: Baby steps

Post by Artemis July 2nd 2013, 2:30 pm

Sabrina had got up and grabbed a newspaper, flipping through the classifieds. She needed a job, sooner than later. Especially since she has to by a new wardrobe for this new body. But most of her money had gone into the project that she now had nothing to show for it, she was nearly broke. She took a bite out of her tuna salad sandwich and yet out a yawn. Although it came out as a 'nya' sound and she slapped her hand over her mouth. She looked around, no one seemed to of noticed it so she when back to reading the paper. She took a bit out of her sandwich then froze. What she heard was muffled cause of the hat, but she heard it. Sabrina eyes shot up, she meet the eyes of another woman.

"So what are you hiding from the world?" asked the other woman. Sabrina's mind lit up after that. Had she heard the yawn? Was she with the men who raided her lab the other day. Sabrina was about to bolt but then the woman continued to talk. From what it sounded like the woman thought she was dressed oddly, which why she asked. Sabrina calmed down, but not majorly, this woman seemed well armed.

"Who says I am hiding anything. Maybe I just like to dress like this." said Sabrina, doing her best to stay calm, even if she is failing at it horribly.
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Baby steps Empty Re: Baby steps

Post by Saileyra July 4th 2013, 3:01 pm

Saileyra raised an eyebrow, she couldn't believe the sound of that yawn. Interesting scientifically, where was this chick going with this lies? It was going nowhere but south from here she had no sense of where she was going in the retrospect of the conversation because Saileyra had heard as she sat and implored. She only smirked as her arms crossed over one another, the bird on her shoulder jumped onto the table. Long barbed tails flicked left and right as he stared at her, the red eyes, sharp intense slitting as it scanned her face staring.

"I don't believe you. That yawn sounded very cat-like to me. The way you responded was fairly delayed. Your hiding something." She said, her voice intense, more imploring but curious all the same as she leaned forward on the table her legs crossing over one another. With the way she looked, people were looking at her like she was crazed but her eyes scanned the other female staring at her wondering if she would take to the whole concept if not. She was a sitting duck waiting to get struck with more facts by Sai.

Baby steps SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Baby steps Empty Re: Baby steps

Post by Artemis July 5th 2013, 12:38 am

Crap, the woman had heard her yawn. She did her best to look calm, but she honestly didn't know how much longer she could. If she was from the group the raided her lab this could mean huge trouble. The metal bird that was on her shoulder jumped onto the table, she didn't really notice the bird at first but now it was right in front of her and oh... look how it's tail feathers are moving. Sabrina's eyes began to follow the bird's tail. Back and forth, so mesmerizing... Sabrina started to hunch her body lower the the table with out really realizing it, like a cat ready to pounce.

"I honestly have no idea what you are talking about..." said Sabrina in a daze, no long paying attention to the woman. "Besides, why do I owe you an answer... I mean you walked up to me and stared to barrag-" Sabrina lunged at the metal bird, trying to catch it.
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Baby steps Empty Re: Baby steps

Post by Saileyra July 5th 2013, 2:48 pm

The bird stared at her back, it's wings ruffled now as it stared at her challengingly. As she would prepare herself, so would the bird long 18 long tails flicking the soft substance growing hard enough to slice through skin of any human. Remaining silent the long tails challenged her the creature having one of the biggest egos as it raised it's head high the feathers around his neck rising. Saileyra noticed the actions of both of them, animals that were going at it this girl was far from normal.

She was still talking though albeit not as focused on the conversation, leaning back she crossed her arms as she scanned watching the woman jump across the table. Xeonix flying up, his wings carrying him as he landed back on Sai's shoulder her eyes scanned the other female who was now strewn across the table. Sai leaned forward her lips near her ear as she whispered, "Are you sure you can keep up this lie?" She said, her form now leaning back as she crossed her arms waiting for an answer.

Baby steps SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Baby steps Empty Re: Baby steps

Post by Artemis July 5th 2013, 3:29 pm

Well Sabrina was now cornered. Color drained from her face as she released what just did.  She reached over and grabbed the woman's wrist and slid off the table. She walked off dragging the woman behind her. She dragged her into a restaurant near buy and dragged her into the restroom. She checked the stalls to make sure no one was in them. Once she saw no one was in them she lifted up her shirt and removed the ACE bandage from around her. Her tail, now happily free swung back and forth. Letting her shirt drop she removed her hat and her ears perked up, finally free. Everything was finally less muffled now. She then her hands out, holding them palms up.

"Yeah i stole back one of serums you men stole yesterday. And yes I used it on myself, sadly it wasn't the chimera serum. If it was I won't being doing this." said Sabrina looking the side, venom in her voice. She couldn't make her look at the woman. "If you want to arrest me or shoot me make it fast. I don't know why you wanted the serum in the first place, or how you even knew it about it. It doesn't really matter, you destroyed my lab and once my bosses realize it I'm out of the job. I have nothing left to live for anymore." Sabrina's ears folded back and her tail went between her legs, she didn't want to die but she could at least act brave, despite her new body parts betraying her.

Last edited by Artemis on July 8th 2013, 5:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Baby steps Empty Re: Baby steps

Post by Saileyra July 8th 2013, 2:06 pm

She noticed the features, how they changed her, she seemed to have been not used to her body her structure was changed. Sai scanned, learning, comprehending her arms crossed over one another as she watched the other female her eyes scanning the others as she hadn't said anything for the moment as she watched her trying to give a rise or an indication of where they were going but she knew the sight she had seen was relevant to the whole point.

Listening, apparently, this chick thought she was with the feds but she was completely wrong. Sometimes getting information out of someone was too fucking easy. Yet, she did not bother with such things as she crossed her arms eyes scanning watching as she knew time was only going to tell. "Looks like your lucky today." She said, "I am the founder of OCEAN. My name is Saileyra. I have the funds to make all your problems disappear." She said leaning on the wall, "That is if you join my cause. My organization needs brains, I see you have it to be able to do this to yourself. If you help us create weapons and even relay information to my operatives to a com-link I will wipe away your debt and give you a very comfortable home." She said, "Or you can walk away from this and deal with your sticky situation with the feds yourself."

Baby steps SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Baby steps Empty Re: Baby steps

Post by Artemis July 8th 2013, 6:19 pm

Sabrina wanted to hit her head against a wall. This woman was apparently not part of whatever group stole her serum and she had spilled her guts. Sabrina's face turned bright red but then her ears perked up at the woman's offer. Sabrina's arms dropped her sides. This woman didn't have it exactly right but still... she needed money and this sounded like a job. "I don't know if it's the feds who stole my life's work, i don't know who did or who even knew about it but I am out of a job. And what your offering is very tempting. I'll accept your offer. I don't really have very much I wish to bring with me, considering most of my clothes don't exactly fit this body. It's... not something i'm used to but an hourglass figure is good right? I can fit most things I need into a backpack so If you don't mind me stopping off at my house real fast I'll be ready to go."

(OOC: End of topic?)
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Baby steps Empty Re: Baby steps

Post by Saileyra July 9th 2013, 10:27 am

[ Sounds good to me. ]

Baby steps SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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