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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 17th 2014, 10:31 am

The low beeping of the phones alarm was what woke Michael up, ethereal groaning lowly as he drug the back of his hand across his face, eyes meeting the ceiling within the darkness of his room. There was no one to wake him up, not as he was used to and the feeling of that was a hollow one, a dull ache rising within his chest, followed by this was a small whine from Michael was he tossed the covers aside and rolled knee first onto the floor. Rising to his feet, the male yawned loudly and stretched, a few low popping sounds coming from his back and he looked over a small picture standing upon his nightstand, the only thing really visible within the low light. It was a picture of what one would call a happy family, a young tan child being held by what looked like Michael, the male smiling widely as the child was latching onto him much like a young monkey.

He sighed to himself before placing the picture down and picked out the clothes for today, though they were nothing special. A simple white polo shirt and a pair of light pink shorts, something that he had bought on one of the few times that he had been able to spend with his younger brother; before his death anyway. Around his neck was a seashell necklace, a memento of his son, the seashell a dingy brown color that rested in the hollow of where his collar bones met. Taking the clothes and walking through the still house, he slipped into the shower and washed off, something about the feel of the warm water relaxing him, but only by a fraction. However it was around this time that he thought the most, and when….memories resurfaced, save for when he slept.

All he could think of was the weeping young ethereal, the dead wolf and that sentence. ”Death would be too good for you.” he had said something to Silus along those lines, and muttering them now only sent a wave of repulsion through him, as if those were the only words he had ever said to him that stuck. Fingers wound tightly into a fist, nails biting into his palm but not breaking the surface, eyes closing tightly as Michael crossed arms over his stomach and hunched forward. He had said that to Silus, he was…a monster. For a moment everything seemed to go into a haze before clearing up, Michael curled up io the shower and the warm water still washing over him, heartbeat a loud and audible sound. ”Me feeling guilty? Damn, I must be losing touch.” Rising to his knees, he caught the shape of a familiar figure but Michael jumping back and slamming into the shower wall, eyes widening.

However the shape was gone as soon as he saw it, leaving him surprised and….naked. Slipping out of the shower, Michael dried off, got dressed and sighed, brushing his teeth and doing the usual. Walking from the bathroom, he was face to face with a certain tan male he knew as his father, silver orbs looking into his  own, though lacking the neon green specks. ”Heya Mike.” Sean would say with his usual chipper tone, as if Silus’ death did not affect him. He was shirtless and wearing the usual light pink, and floral patterned boarding shorts, ones that he saw a lot on the beach. ”You…um doin okay.”

”Yeah dad, I’m fine.” Michael deflected, not really wanting to get into any sort of heart to heart scenario.

"Oh….um okay then.” Sean muttered awkwardly before wrapping Michael into a tight hug, much like the ones that he would give to him when he was younger. The ethereal male melted into it for a moment, returning the gesture before turning rigid and pulling from it.

”Yeah…I’m goin out.” Michael noted, slipping into his shoes and grabbing his phone before heading out the door, passing Fera by.

His phone vibrated and upon further inspection, he took note that it was from a certain mage. He hummed lowly to himself, thinking about the fact that he had not seen him for a few months and now he was contacting him. Answering back, he drew upon his ethereal energy and within a few seconds he was gone, appearing within Chicago and not far from the coffee shop. Adjusting his hair to the right style, Michael walked through the shop door and spotted him, with the drink that he had drunk when they first met. A low chuckle escaped from his lips as he quickly ordered a small chai tea with whipped cream on top and took a seat across from him at the table. ”You needed me for something?”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 17th 2014, 11:10 am

Joshua lay awake in his bed, fully dressed - wearing a red short sleeved t-shirt, which had a darker red skull on it's chest with a long sleeved white top underneath with jeans and some red baseball boots. Joshua kept his eyes fixed on the alarm clock besides his bed. It was half seven in the morning but he'd been up since about 5 - he couldn't sleep. When he tried it was in spits and jumps - 20 minutes here an hour there, so he tried to pass the time with video games but the concept quickly grew boring, they were much funner with co-op. He tried to pass the time by spanking the monkey but he couldn't finish, his arms just got tired. He wanted to say he couldn't sleep because he was excited but he knew that that was a lie. He was scared, nervous and worried. With another blurry glance at the clock he saw that it was approaching 8 o'clock in the morning.

"Might as well... get up..." he groaned and sut upright. The blue morning light was bleeding through the holes in his little shack's roof. Narrowing his eyes, Joshua swung his legs of the side of the bed. He felt a squelch. He grimached his face. Clearing that pizza away would have been a good idea. He tried to ignore the fact that it was atleast 2 months old. Even stepping on the pizza reminded him of Michael and the reminded him that he'd basically ditched him for months. Trying to think of an excuse to make himself feel better, the best he could materialise was I've been busy and he knew it wasn't good enough.

He peered through the slit in his door and saw that it was actually raining. Lightly, but rain was rain. He walked back to his drawers and removed and dark grey hoodie, and pulled it on, flicked up the hood and left. The rain felt good, the last shower he'd had was two weeks ago so atleast now he could blame the smell on the downpour. Making the familiar walk to the coffee shop that he and Michael went after wrapping up their first dynamic duo kind of deal. When he pushed the glass door to the place open, he smiled when the bell above the door let out a metallic chime. Looking at the counter there was no-one standing in the que. Infact, there didn't seem to be anybody in the place apart from staff.

After walking to the counter and ordering his usual drink he went to the corner booth and sat down. Slurping his frappuccino with extra milk double cream triple sugar, with chocolate sprinkles, marshmallows, a cherry through a straw he removed his phone, fingers shaking and began texting. 'Hey, meet me in the coffee shop' he tried to make it as casual as possible and made sure there was no spelling mistakes so that he came across as impressive. Putting his phone down after sending it, he rested his head against the glass and watched the rain slither down the window pane. No more than 30 seconds after he'd sent it had Michael walked in and sat down. ”You needed me for something?” Needed. That was one way to put it. With a smile, he stuttered a little but finally managed. "How're you doing?" his thumbs tapped of the warm sides of his mug.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 17th 2014, 11:28 am

The question moved through the air, Michael sipping lightly on his chai tea for a moment as he considered a reply to such a question, unsure how he would respond and what would be an appropriate response. His eyes would search the eyes of the male sitting across from him, his own blank slates almost in how he was trying to hide all emotion, hoping nothing slipped through. One thing he could not permit was allowing the human to see that he was vulnerable, raw and hurting much like a wounded animal. He blinked a few times and formulated an answer, though it only seemed to take around ten seconds in total and the pause was by no means too awkward. ”I’m doing well, a little tired but otherwise I’m fine.” He was by no means tired, but the slightly bloodshot eyes showed otherwise. They were simply a product of something else, and something that he would not delve into.

His eyes drifted from the male and to the light rain that was falling outside, something about it somber and at the same time…depressing. Shael had loved the rain, running around in it and trekking mud in later, a huge grin on his face as he did so. For a few seconds his face seemed to soften, a small smile flowing across it and falling away so fluidly that it was hard to notice, Michael becoming fluff and then stone within a matter of seconds. Having his emotions acting up like this was…annoying, and something that he wanted to end soon, yet he knew that would not happen. Perhaps it would have been better if Raziel killed him, spared his son. Sure the young one would have mourned, but he would have gotten over it quicker, he had the family, a family that loved him; Zell and Sean would have likely been able to do a better job.

If it was one of them there, he would have not died, and Michael was more than aware of that, his weakness was the reason. Returning from nostalgic thoughts, he cocked an eyebrow and spoke up. ”How are you Joshua? Slay anymore dragons lately?” he joked lightly, smirking lightly and sipping on his chai tea, the taste soothing and the whipped cream simply adding a certain charm to it.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 17th 2014, 2:03 pm

Joshua took his rain speckled hoodie off, and put it on the space beside him. Michael's eyes looked red - Joshua was about to suggest that he'd been crying but Michael quickly destroyed that with the admition of being tired. Atleast he was doing well. Joshua smiled, but didn't look him in the eye incase he got distracted. "It's good that you're doing well." Just stare at your drink, Joshua, smooth. He silently crused himself and continued to tap out a gentle beat on his cup which was in tune with the rain pitta-patting against the spotless windows. Out of the corner of his eye he caught that Michael was grinning, and slowly Joshua shifted around to face him. His eyes were still silver with specks of green and still looked pretty. So did his face, and his body and his everything. Stop Joshua, you're better than this, you don't need to be so scared. Michael a person, just like anybody else. But he's the half-cast love child between two powerful magical species. Ok so maybe he's not exactly like anybody else but maybe that's why you like him. It felt weird to say it like that. Like him. He nearly shivered.

Joshua's eyes briefly glanced at the rain and he smiled again - he'd always enjoyed the rain. Watching it that was, he hated being in it. Something about it always relaxed him. Snow though, snow he enjoyed watching and being in. The snow always reminded him of his family when he was younger - before they introduced him to all the magic stuff. He could remember dragging his dad out of the house at 7 in the morning because it had snowed all night and then his dad would get the rest of the family up and they'd spend the entire day outside. Granted, it wasn't until his 13th birthday that he learnt that the snow was deliberate and they did it every year to keep him happy and their pet Yeti alive - then he gave his dad the biggest hug. Joshua found himself grinning with Michael over similar reasons. The rain reminded him of his dead son while the rain reminded Joshua of his dad who he was dead too.

Sometimes he regretted taking the Spellstone, sometimes he just wanted to go back to his dad and give him one of those big hugs again - but then he would remember all the good he has done with the Spellstone and all the people who would be dead if he hadn't taken it. Maybe someday he could go back and they'd let him keep it but he would have prove to them that he's responsible enough to use it. ”How are you Joshua? Slay anymore dragons lately?” Joshua laughed softly. "Actually yeah, I fought one in Los Angelas. I was on the news.' he smiled, and took a slurp of his drink. 'Although she didn't stay a dragon for long, she was a draogn then she was a snake and then a wolf. It was pretty crazy." he smiled and slurped his drink. Just act natural. N-A-T-U-R-A-L. "What about you?" this was going nowhere fast.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 17th 2014, 2:06 pm

posted twice

Last edited by Spellstone on May 17th 2014, 2:49 pm; edited 1 time in total


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 17th 2014, 2:22 pm

The taste of the drink washed over his tongue, drawing a low and pleased hum from Michael as he went back to contemplating the rain. ”Fought one in Los Angeles?” he would have thought it was his father, but the moment that he mentioned she, he knew that it was not the case. How he described this mysterious dragon reminded him of a certain person, the mother to his child and a person that he hated more than anything. Which reminded him that he needed to kill the bitch the next chance he saw her, if what he heard about her was correct. ”Sounds like quite the…adventure.” Michael mused taking another sip of his drink, a small amused smirk finding itself stuck upon his face as he breathed slowly through his nose, a low calm sound that was pronounced even with the light pattering of rain.

The question about his life then came up and Michael was not sure exactly what to answer with, considering that his life had for the most part gone to hell, or whatever equivalent there was. Would he tell him of how he had managed to…emotional butcher his brother, or that he was the reason that his son was dead? No, the male likely did not even know of the fact that he had a son, and that would bring up more cumbersome questions than he wanted to deal with. ”Haven’t slain any dragons that I’m aware of, just a lot of lesser demons.” Michael noted, even though he did not bother when it came with dealing with demonic individuals. ”I was busy with what you would call family issues, but those have…passed.” He noted off handedly taking another sip of his drink.

His mind was half here and it was also half somewhere else, place he wished it were not. His eyes slowly analyzed the male, taking in every subtle twitch and muscle movement, mulling over what each one meant and processing them to perhaps understand more of the male. He had twitched and that suggested some manner of hesitance with the male, not that he felt like bringing it up. ”I was also in the Chicago area and you happened to contact me, which worked since I haven’t seen you in a while. So here I am.” He concluded motioning to the small coffee shop, resting chin on his palm as he waited for any sort of answer.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 17th 2014, 3:08 pm

”Sounds like quite the…adventure.” Joshua got flashbacks to having two demons bound to his service, unable to open his eyes until they did their business or else they would eb free and would most likely turn on him. He remembered how scared he was because of the fact eh was completely exposed and the only person there who could help him was exhausted and just as scared. "Y-yeah, I guess you could call it that..." he smiled into his drink again, and pushed that day down into his stomach so that there was a chance he could forget about it.

”I was busy with what you would call family issues, but those have…passed.” Joshua saw an oppurtunity to be funny. "I haven't had to deal with family issues in ages." he smiled but regretted making the joke. He thought he was over it but he wasn't, he could feel his heart frowning and shaking it's head in disaproval. He took another slurp to try and distract it and it seemed to work, the flavour explosion filling his mouth. He looked back at Michael again and smiled to hide his self-induced anguished. He was tempted to ask him about the family issues but quietly reminded himself that they were none of his business. While trying to look back at his cup he discovered his eyes had locked on. They wouldn't let him look away. You're doing this they insisted stubbornly. He wanted to plead with them but then he realised that they're his eyes.

Michael seemed to catch on that there was something up, when he addressed that Joshua had invited him here and then didn't appear to want anything. "Well... I...' You can do it. 'I was just wondering, if...' It's like ripping off a bandaid. 'If you'd' you can betray your entire family but you can't ask a guy on a date, the hell's wrong with you. "Iwaswonderingifmaybeoyuwantedtogooutsometime." he spoke so fast it was nearly nonsensical, but as soon as he said it it felt as if a large lump in his stomach had been expelled. He exhaled afterwards and quickly retreated into his drink, slurping - expecting a negative answer.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 17th 2014, 3:21 pm

He spoke of not having to deal with family issues in ages, and something about that felt wonderful, a relief in some ways. Yet the idea of being disconnected from his family also had a certain painful sensation that followed the feeling of freedom, much like that time he stood against them. It had taken so much to make him realize he was being an absolute idiot, that his family was there for him and he was isolating himself more than anything, and now he realized that family was perhaps the most important thing in his life. ”Lucky you.” Michael noted with a small amount of wistfulness, looking down to the placid surface of his drink and then sighing, the force of his exhalation creating ripples across the surface of his drink. His chest was aching dully and had been doing so since he woke, though it was more of a daily occurrence.

Something about this feeling of weakness and vulnerability was maddening, as if he wanted to turn it off yet had no idea how to. He was too….hesitant to talk to Zell, or Sean about this, not even Jordan, they would likely blame him, laugh at him and brush it off. Why should he miss Silus when it was him that did such horrible things to the ethereal? Michael had no right to miss him, they were seemingly brothers in only blood; the guy had idolized him, and all he did was spite him at every turn. Fingers gripped tightly round the cup, turning to Joshua as he began to say something, answering his last statement almost though what he said was rather rapid. Michael had to listen closely to understand anything that he had said, words spoken without any discernable pause. Once he ran it over in his mind, Michael finally figured out what was said.

”You want to go out….sometime with me?” He asked as if not sure of what to say, the idea that someone would want to go out with him almost incredulous. He could not help but chuckle, leaning forward a little as his eyes bore into the males. ”Sure, I would like to.” Michael answered leaning back within his seat, sipping on his drink and waiting for a reaction.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 17th 2014, 4:24 pm

”You want to go out….sometime with me?” here it comes, the denial - this was a terrible idea, you shouldn't have asked him Joshua why'd you ask him? Because you told me too! he reminded himself, and clentched his face - preparing for a little snapping sound from his heart. ”Sure, I would like to.” See? Now you're confidence is and ruined and... wait... what?! It took Joshua a few seconds but eventually he sat upright, smoothed out his face and looked at Michael with an eyebrow raised. "Y-... you're sure?" disablief had infected his voice. Why wasn't he sad, what was happening. His brain had spent so much time preparing for grief that the arrival of relief took it off guard and caused it to stumble. His muscled relaxed and he felt a shocked laughter spill from his mouth.

"Um.... thank you?" he didn't know what to say. Maybe he should start organising a date? Like... like maybe a trip to the movies - or maybe bowling. He was getting rather giddy. It had taken some time but now his brain was squealing and rushing around. HESAIDYESHESAIDYESHESAIDYESHESAIDYES. His feet were tapping under the table and the beat his was tapping on his cup moved onto the table. He kind of wanted to run down the cafe shouting but that would probably be embarassing. So he just imagined himself doing that and grinned again - a grin which managed to staple itself to his face. He couldn't get rid of it; not that he wanted too. He just continued to restrain himself - lest he bounce around in his chair.

"Where'd you wanna go?" he asked enthusiastically, and took a big drink off his frappucino to try to calm himself down - not the best move in hindsight, caffine isn't very good at relaxing. He knew he said go out sometime but he wanted to do it now, today this second because if he waited til' later then maybe it wouldn't be as exciting.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 17th 2014, 4:34 pm

He was mentally processing everything that the male did, muscle movements and things of that nature. Upon his agreeing to this whole going out thing, the male seemed to relax so profoundly that Michael could tell that his answer was welcome, even though his facial expression was one of shock. ”I am pretty sure.” Michael answered slowly, cocking an eyebrow in unison with the male and nodding as if to get the point across. The human had some interest in him, and Michael felt like gauging how far this interest seemed to go, the excited reaction proving even more that this had some kind of value to him. ”No need to thank me.” He added, unsure how to proceed from here, seeing as how he had no idea how this kind of thing worked. All he had for an example of a relationship was his fathers and from what was said, they were not the best example.

Michael tapped his index finger against the table in a rhythm, watching the male and waiting for him to say something else. ”Well…don’t people usually go to things like movies on dates or whatever this is?” Michael questioned, letting his mind run over what kind of movies were out this time of the year and if any of them would be worth watching. Likely he would want to watch something full of action, unless the human persisted on watching some manner of romantic comedy to make some manner of romantic tension. ”I don’t really know any of the movies out at the moment, but its whatever.” Michael shrugged finishing off his tea with a long gulp and placing the cup on the table, waiting for some manner of answer.

Something about the males grin was infectious, a grin forming along Michael’s face and hopefully this small distraction would allow his mind to move to….happier pastures.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 18th 2014, 8:02 am

”Well…don’t people usually go to things like movies on dates or whatever this is?” Date. He called it a date. This was going better than he had hoped. The movies sounded nice and there was a particular film that had just came out which he wanted to see. Dickpunch 2 It was an action adventure called Cowboys and Wizards. The premise was stupid but the trailers made it look quite interesting. Wizards arriving in the Old West and terrifying a whole load of cowboys. Flicking out his phone, he connected to the local 5G and checked the local movie time table - his feet still happily patting away under the table.

"If we walk quickly, we could make it to the 10 O'clock viewing of...' he looked at Michael, he wanted to see his reaction to the film name 'Cowboys and Wizards. It looked pretty cool - people are saying it could be the movie that finally gets Leonardo Di Caprio an Oscar." his grin didn't disappear, infact it was only reinforced by the fact that Michael had started grinning too. He was about to suggest that Mike only said he'd go out with him out of pity but the fact he seemed happy as well quickly disipated that idea. "Would you be up for seeing that?" he blinked, and began scanning other movie titles incase he said no.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 18th 2014, 8:13 am

Something about the male’s expression showed elation, even though the emotion itself was not profound enough to really draw a verbal response from him. His mind wandered over the movies that could have been playing, yet he knew nothing of them, save for the fact that there was something in the places humans called theatres.  A phone was produced and then he began to tap away on it, Michael sighing and looking to his phone, not having a single text save for… from Sean. Sup? ~~Dragon Daddy :3Michael snickered, the signature of the text amusing him somewhat as he sent a reply to the male.

Coffee in Chicago with a friend.
U have a friend?
Yeah, I do.
Good 4 u Mike! :D

The ethereal male rolled his eyes dramatically and looked up to the human, taking in the name of the movie and smirking. ”Sounds like an…interesting movie.” He admitted  depositing his phone into his pocket, he looked to his finished drink, sighing under his breath as he adjusted a strange ring on his right hand, one that was silver and inscribed with multiple runes. ”I guess I would be up for watching it.” Michael stood to his feet and looked to Joshua, waiting for him to stand so they could get moving.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 18th 2014, 9:15 am

Joshua tried to ignore the fact that Michael just took out his phone mid-conversation and starting texting someone. He put it down to the fact that he was busy, searching through his own phone for time tables but part of him worried that it was because he boring him. He smiled with Mike sniggered at his phone to try and hide how sad he was that Michael was finding more fun in the device than he was in Joshua.  But when he looked at Joshua and smirked after hearing the movie's name he felt a little drum of relief fill his body again. ”Sounds like an…interesting movie.” Joshua laughed a little, and smiled once again. "That's one way of putting it."

He glanced at the ring on Michael's finger and raised an eyebrow. Something to ask him about later Joshua said to himself, before looking at Michael when he stood up. He put the straw of his drink into his mouth and finished it in about 7 seconds flat before burping politely into his hand. He left the empty cup on the table, picked up his damp hoodie and briefly peered out of the window. Still raining. Pulling the hoodie onto his and pulling up the hood, Joshua shivered. Despite his double layers he could still feel the chill of the wet fabric. "D'you know the way to the movie theatre or do I have to lead you there?" Joshua said, and moitoned to the door.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt May 18th 2014, 9:23 am

Michael tapped his finger against the table for a moment, once again examining the male expression as he looked to the rain that fell out the window. ”Do I know where the movie theatre is? Nope, can’t say that I do.” Michael muttered, chuckling to himself as the small drizzle seemed to continue to pour outside, eyes narrowing as he sighed lightly. He turned to Joshua with a small smile, not a smirk but a legitimate smile, even though it was simply something that slipped by. ”Would you mind leading the way?” he asked with as much charm as he could muster, which was a decent amount. He paused for a moment, and let his devious streak show itself as it always did.  He would press on the door that opened into the small downpour, sighing as some of the droplets fell cold on his head and then retreated back inside for a moment. ”Might have to lead me by the hand.” Michael noted, remembering that humans usually held hands or something on these kinds of thing; not that one should take advice for dates from shoddy romantic comedies.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Empty Re: The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo May 18th 2014, 10:10 am

"Do I know where the movie theatre is? Nope, can’t say that I do.” When Michael turned to Joshua and smiled, his stomach filled with butterflies. His toes wriggling around in his damp converse shoes. ”Would you mind leading the way?” Joshua smiled and chirped his response. "Not at all." This was going awesome. He was about to follow Michael out of the coffee shop before he stopped and took a step back, probably due to the rain. Before he could suggest that Michael shapeshifts into something warmer he turned around. ”Might have to lead me by the hand.” Joshua's heart sank and not in the bad kind of way. "S-sure." he smiled and tried to act as casually as ever, despite how new he was to this. He'd only ever held his mother's hand.

He'd never held a hand before, and when his fingers slid between Michael they were both wet and warm from their drinks and to be honest, it felt kind of gross - but despite it all it was probably one of the nicest feelings ever. Once he'd interlocked their fingers and tightened his grip ever so slightly and began walking with Michael into the light rain. "You should probably shape shift into something warmer." he smiled, and tapped his fingers against the back of Michael's hand. "It's about a 10 minute walk to the theatre and I'd hate for you to catch a cold or something." Joshua casually leaned his body towards Michael's to decrase the space between them while they walked, he didn't know how but despite only wearing a polo shirt (ugh) and some pink shorts Michael felt quite warm. It was... nice.


The first steps always the hardest [Spellstone] Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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