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Harbinger Of Elysium: Elena Vexus

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Harbinger Of Elysium: Elena Vexus Empty Harbinger Of Elysium: Elena Vexus

Post by Elena Vexus April 25th 2014, 2:44 am

Elena Vexus
Harbinger of Elysium

Harbinger Of Elysium: Elena Vexus Snow-white-huntsman-img05

Basic Biography

Real Name: Elena Vexus
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: N/A
Title: Harbinger of Elysium
Alignment: Evil
Age: 155
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'10"
Blood type: O-

The Looks

Vexus has obtained such a younger looking appearance by discovering and extracting the 'youth gene' from younger individuals and splicing it into her own. Doing this increases her time in this life, but not by much so the process needs to be performed quite often. She ages very rapidly since her body is over a century and a half old but yet she keeps pushing it further then it was naturally intended.

The Legacy

Personality:Elena is heartless and is never emotionally attached to anything but herself. It helps her get her work done mostly, but it is also from being around longer and seeing much more than any one that she works with. Though she had not shown her true colors in decades which is a merciless tyrant. However, many of her coworkers view her as that already. She is extremely smart. Even if her appearance does not always say so, her position and bank account surly does. She normally handles problems in an intellectual and serious manner. Elena has a very elegant and sophisticated vocabulary. She tends to view most problems and situations in an intellectual manner, like an academic or a professor, rather than as a manner of life or death, something which leads her to underestimate her foes, which will probably be resulting in her eventual downfall. A narcissist, she tends to be quite confident both in her abilities and her mind and reacts violently to criticism. Ultimately, Elena could be viewed as yet another example of a Machiavellian inspired ruler, with ruthless determination to achieve power, though it cannot be seen from a simple passerby. This personality existed years ago and has been suppressed by time and machinery, now she only wishes to see the stars.

History:When the world went to hell, Elena took up fiddle lessons. It started out innocently enough, as far as things go with international mega-terrorists. Vexus had a problem, several actually. A number of annoying little super-powered insects that seemed to foil all her well-laid plans, and that’s not even mentioning the magi families.  A woman named Eir offered a permanent solution to these problems, so they entered in a partnership. With Elena's obstacles out of the way she quickly began to grow in power. Soon there were others, villains Eir had gathered from the corners of the world. Working together with Eir’s uncannily well-laid plans the heroes couldn’t stop any of them. Soon not even the military could, once Eir’s Automaton armies began to march. Then the shroud machines activated. The other villains on the team began to voice dissent, even outrage at being an unaware part of Eir’s master plan. They were quickly taken care of. They were insane, they had to be. Couldn’t they see there was no stopping this now? The last fellow villain on the team called Elena delusional right before she ended his life.

So Vexus remained in partnership with Eir, and seemingly failed to notice when it ceased to become an equal partnership. Herr empire grew to cover all of Europe, with the exception of the walled in city of London, and Elena constructed her own biodome over a vast area surrounding including The Palace of Versailles which she deemed worthy of her continued presence. These days Vexus never sees that woman Eir, though they occasionally speak over holographic interface. The “partnership” is still alive and well as she sees it. Eir continues to do Elena favors, importing whatever resources she may need and keeping her borders safe, and all she asks is a few favors in return. Keep the peasants subdued, and ship some warm bodies up to the work camps in Russia every now and then. What’s a few favors between old “friends”?

The Powers

"Telekinesis is the psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction." Elena has found little that she is unable to do with her telekinesis. She is capable of flight either by levitating another object she is standing on, or by lifting herself into the air. She can manipulate most anything within her range of sight. Vexus has found a universal limit of about 400 tons when it comes to lifting objects, displacing matter, or exerting force. The limit on the weight she can lift is greatly reduced when dealing with less solid objects such as liquids or gas. Vexus is also capable of erecting barriers in a variety of shapes and sizes, when she does there is a bit of a shimmer and light distortion making the barrier visible in most lights. Launching telekinetic blasts have also proved very effective, though these also distort the space which they travel through making them relatively visible despite the high speeds that they can travel at. Her creativity with the Telekinesis is only limited by her imagination. Elena has had enjoyment with making marionettes out of objects and piloting them around with her mind. Condensing, Carving up different objects or weapons out of surrounding materials, creating small pressure based explosions, bending and breaking impossible materials, sky writing, (very)minor weather manipulation. The list could go on. Elena Vexus' Telekinesis is perfectly paired with her vast knowledge and experience. The only thing she finds herself severely limited on it only being able to control what already exists and having no power on creating anything at all.

Ability: 10
Fighting Skills:5


The General
The Guard of Elysium

Harbinger Of Elysium: Elena Vexus 01061

Basic Biography

Real Name: N/A
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: N/A
Title: The General
Alignment: Evil
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Cyborg
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Green
Height: 7'.0"
Blood type:N/A

The Looks

He only utilizes the four arms shown in combat situations, most of the time they are bound together.

The Legacy

Personality:The General is an overly confident and condescending individual. Taking much after his creator. He is an extremely talented military general and takes care of most the rebellion out breaks as well as keeping Europe in order. When at the Palace, he stays by Elena's side as a sort of assistant bodyguard type. He is bound to obedience and only follows ordered given by Elena Vexus.

History:The General was created by Elena Vexus as a sort of boredom project. She took one of Eir's robots a random and slightly dead captive and basically created a crude cyborg. He has his flaws and defects since the human parts were nearly useless, however if they fail she has plenty of captives and prisoners for replacements. The General knows not what he is, the control of Eir does not apply to him. Because of his arrogance he believes to be far above the Eir robotics when in actuality he is an abomination of robotic and nature.

The Powers

Abilities: The General is not nearly as powerful as Vexus herself, however he is not without talent. He has a very extensive skill set for hand to hand combat. In addition the cyborg had been given an insane level of strength, and an impressive agility stat. Due to his robotic nature, his stamina does not waver after time. In situations where he is out classed in ability, he can wear his opponents down to a point where he can take advantage.

Fighting Skills:8

Items: The General possesses four swords that he had engineered. They are retractable and are basically just average swords, however if they are damaged the regenerate over time.
Int Allocation: 4

Base Name: Elysium (The Bio-Dome)

Purpose: Elysium was constructed by Vexus and a team of humans and robot when the earth was undergoing atmospheric changes due to Eir's presence. She created the dome in order to shield herself from the changing environment. Inside the dome everything continues as if Eir's reign had never occurred. The dome is undetectable by any means whether it be scientific or in the realm of magic. Due to its sheer size it obviously exists, however no form of detection can prove that it is actually there except for the basic human senses of touch and sight.
In addition to it being undetectable it is also completely impenetrable. Once again there is no form of technology or magic that has been proven successful at breaking through the dome's defense. The dome does extend under the ground preventing any blow ground surprise attacks. There are two weaker spots on the dome. The most northern point of the dome 18 miles up and a south western part of the dome where the gates of Versailles are located. At these two points there are entrances that can only be triggered by Vexus. They are there to allow shipments of supplies enter and exit Elysium.

Everyone and everything is monitored constantly by Elena Vexus and Eir's robots. Those inside of Elysium are the extremely wealthy who were willing to sacrifice everything in order to stay alive. Not a single resident of Elysium carries the MetaHuman gene, and if they do they are confined to the Palace to serve Vexus, be tortured/experimented on, or sent to Russia to work in the camps.
Life in Elysium is very peaceful, but completely fabricated. Residents are allowed to go about their daily lives however there is no need for work, because there is no need for money, because there is nothing to be achieved. There is no crime, no sickness, no weapons and everyone is equal keeping Elysium true to its name. Outside of the dome the land is a vast wasteland. Scouters roam the land with groups of Eir's robots looking to sweep up and take any survivors or rebels. The need for servants or workers in Russia is always in demand. There are small colonies throughout Europe and as long as they stay passive the scouters do not bother them.

No new residents are accepted, there are no visitors, and there is absolutely no contact with the outside world. The only way to communicate with outside the dome is in Vexus' quarters within the Palace. Only other Harbingers are permitted to enter and exit Elysium at will, but even then it is a process. On extreme and rare occasion Elena will personally invite specific individuals into Elysium. The invites go one of two ways; They are either treated as honored guests and everything goes about normally, or, they are taken prisoner immediately upon entering the dome.
In Paris everything functions normally and for the most part is self sustaining. Much of the city had to be converted back into farmland since it is rare that Elena provides for her subjects. The population of the city had significantly been reduced so there is generally plenty of food to go around. There are still cars, however they have been converted and upgraded to electric so that there is no pollution within the dome. The dome is basically a large screen which displays the sky,  sun and horizon as if would be in the real world. Even if you were standing right at the edge of the dome it would appear as if it went on to the rest of France. The largest change to the city is that the Eiffel Tower has been converted to a massive grid detection system that monitors every inch of the city at all times. She knows exactly how many people are within the dome and exactly where they are at all times. In the event of an intruder, they will be immediately pinpointed and targeted by Elena's forces and apprehended quickly. The Tower has also been cannibalized and made into quite literally a death ray. The weapon can only be operated by Vexus from within Versailles, however she does have a portable control that she can use if the time ever calls for it.

All in all, Vexus intended for Elysium to be her escape from the cruel reality that Eir has installed and her own personal realization of a dream she's had ever since she was a little girl, which is being a Queen ruling over her subjects in the Palace at Versailles.

Location: Elysium encompasses all of Paris and Versailles and extends upwards roughly 100,000 Feet/30KM/18Miles in France; Europe


History: The Bio-Dome was constructed in the early years of Eir's rule as the Earth's atmosphere became more and more polluted. Upon its completion the area inside had become completely self sustaining meaning that Ms.Vexus would never had to travel to the barren outside world. If she had to visit her fellow Harbingers or Eir herself she will either send her General, or a hologram of herself. The dome is just an excessive and elaborate illusion orchestrated by Elena to keep herself sane in the most insane of ways.

Wealth: N/A
Base Name: The Palace at Versailles

Purpose: The home of Elena Vexus, the Harbinger of Elysium.

Location: Place d'Armes, 78000 Versailles, France; Europe


History: The Palace of Versailles, or simply Versailles, is a royal château in Versailles in the Île-de-France region of France. After housing royalty it became a popular tourist destination and once Eir began her attack on humanity it was a refuge for many. Eventually Vexus settled into the palace and constructed her Bio-Dome over all of Versailles and Paris to protect herself and those who had 'paid' to stay in what was now called Elysium.

Wealth: N/A


Base Name: Neuschwanstein Castle

Purpose: This is Vexus' "safe house". If Elysium is ever compromised she has a device which allows her to instantaneously transport herself into this castle. The castle from the outside appears unused and untouched for decades overrun with nature. However on the inside the whole place has been transformed into a launch station. In secret Vexus constructed a shuttle that as an absolute last resort can jettison her into space. Such an action would only be performed if her life is in immediate danger. If Elysium falls or if Eir turns on her would be two situations as an example. The rocket has a stasis chamber to keep Vexus in a state of limbo for an undetermined amount of time, or however long it takes for the damage of Eir to be undone. In addition is also enough food onboard to last her two years. However in Elena's condition she would have to go into stasis before her food runs out or else her body will age past a point that she would be able to repair.
As an addition safety precaution there is a single escape pod that is programmed to bring her back to Earth. There is also a self-destruct mechanism for the absolute worst case scenario.

Location:Schwangau, Germany; Europe

Space Shuttle:

History: The castle is a nineteenth-century Romanesque Revival palace on a rugged hill above the village of Hohenschwangau near Füssen in southwest Bavaria, Germany. The palace was commissioned by Ludwig II of Bavaria as a retreat and as a homage to Richard Wagner. Ludwig paid for the palace out of his personal fortune and by means of extensive borrowing, rather than Bavarian public funds.
Present day it is a museum of sorts but now because of the Era of Eir, Vexus has taken precautionary measures and converted it into a safe house for herself.

Weathly: N/A

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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