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I-O-U-A [Creator]

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I-O-U-A [Creator] - Page 2 Empty Re: I-O-U-A [Creator]

Post by Samify April 19th 2014, 10:22 pm

Brad watched carefully as Eeli seemed to manage himself against a group of, what he could only assume, was Vampires. Why they were attacking him in the first place was the question he wanted to ask, but when Eeli playfully recreated the Jedi Mind Trick hand wave, he thought it would be better to keep it to himself. The fact that no one saw this event take place baffled Brad for a while until he looked up and noticed a CCTV camera pointed directly at him.

"That can't be good..." he thought to himself. He was about to tell Eeli about it before he was cut off by sirens, "This is probably going to be worse..." he thought as he turned around to see several police officers making their way towards the pair of them, or at least that is what Brad assumed, when he turned back around, he saw an empty alleyway with just piles of ashes "Great..."

Half an hour later Bradley was seated in an interrogation room of a police station, the investigator entered the room with confidence and sat down opposite of Brad, he immediately flipped open his file to reveal several black and white images of him and Eeli throughout the shopping centre a short while before the fight. Bradley was going to try his best not to rat out his new friend, but it was also the night of the full moon, so he needed to do whatever he could to get out of this station and to somewhere safe.

"Who is this man?" the investigator questioned calmly.

"I don't know" Bradley replied snappingly, he was very nervous, but he was trying hard not to show it.

The investigator laughed before standing up and continuing "The pictures in this file show you spending a lot of time with this boy... He bought you clothes, food... and you expect me to believe that you don't even know who he is? Ok... let me explain to you who he is... He is a murderer, see these pictures here? These are pictures of an alleyway, here you are... here is your friend before" The investigator snapped the picture away revealing an image with a lot less people in it. "And your friend after... Tell me who he is so I can let you leave right now... It's not a very hard choice" The investigator had now turned from bad cop to good cop with the promise of freedom, but it still wasn't going to make Brad talk.

"You can believe what you want, but I don't know that man"

After 15 minutes of further interrogating, the officer sent Brad to a jail cell for the night to see if that will give him an incentive to get him to speak. Brad felt a nudge in his back as he was pushed into his new room with a nice window, a barred one, but one with a good view of the full moon... Full Moon!? Bradley was too busy trying to stay calm that he forgot about the change, it would happen any second now and it would not be pretty with where he was locked away right now.

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I-O-U-A [Creator] - Page 2 Empty Re: I-O-U-A [Creator]

Post by creator April 23rd 2014, 8:16 pm

Eeli didn't even think twice when the two men came in. They must have been done interrogating brad and from the looks of things they got nothing on me but that video. Eeli watched as the two men tried to scare him into giving up anything about himself. But he was too preoccupied with a subtle sent that he remembered. It was shiver and he was coming out to play, and not in a good way from the feel of it.

"If you don't mind I have to go, but i'll be back in the morning so that you can finish this useless interrogation." Eeli said and with that he snapped the handcuffs holding him down and ran out of the room slamming and jamming the door behind him. He then vanished down the hall with blinding speed as he followed the smell of dog to the holding cells. "Your savior has arrived." Eeli said as he ripped the bared door off it's hinges and gestured for brad to leave.




Karah (Renegade)
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I-O-U-A [Creator] - Page 2 Empty Re: I-O-U-A [Creator]

Post by Samify April 23rd 2014, 11:11 pm

A large variety of smells were coming through the single window that Brad was given, he stared blindly outside as he smelled the flowers, cigarette smoke and the stench of fast food from miles away, that was until it was time to turn.

Bradley stepped off of his table, back to the floor before falling to his knees in pain, he began to moan and groan, much to the dislike of the fellow inmates who were trying to actually get some sleep so late in the night. Officers had left the cell areas after assuming everything would be fine, they couldn't have been more wrong.

Bradley was just slightly happy that at least his cell door was locked and rigid, so it may take him some time before getting through it and it could make him tired, one thing is for sure though, there was no way he would get away with turning without anyone seeing it, the last time something like that happened, it was the first time he had turned at a house party.

Brad's body parts began to stretch and increase in size as he grew to a new form. He heard a ruckus behind him, but did not care to turn around as he was already doing a different kind of turning. His day old new clothing tore off of his chest and legs as fur took the place of his skin. Several seconds later he was something new, his normal posture had been substituted for being on all fours and his diet now consisted of mainly meats.

Shiver slowly turned around to see Eeli standing in front of him, holding a cell door in one hand, Shiver would thank him for letting him out, but he couldn't exactly speak... human. Shiver burst out of the cell like a caged animal and began patrolling through the corridors, staring at the helpless prisoners as they scrambled to the back of their cells and as far away from him as possible.
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Humor : Drinking Tea and Eating Crumpets
Registration date : 2013-07-16

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I-O-U-A [Creator] - Page 2 Empty Re: I-O-U-A [Creator]

Post by creator June 14th 2014, 11:17 pm

Eeli laughed as he followed the wolf around the rooms. They were patrolling everything and nobody seemed to want to mess with him which was really funny since shiver seemed to be extremely harmless. "Heeeyyy Shiver if your looking for the food your going the wrong way it's this way." He said as he backed up a lil ways.

If Shiver followed him then he would bust a U-turn and charge for the next corridor on his left and start heading down there at full sprint, he knew he wasn't faster than the wolf but the wolf being a puppy as of yet would likely just follow him till he made it to his destination...hopefully.




Karah (Renegade)
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 495
Age : 28
Registration date : 2013-09-18

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