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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeJanuary 5th 2025, 6:17 pm by Cynical_Aspie

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeJanuary 1st 2025, 5:35 pm by Cynical_Aspie

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 26th 2013, 8:06 pm

At the counter was a dark skinned lady, polite from what he could glean of her mannerisms and that was always good for tips. Spellstone went first, and his order was quite the mouthful, something that Michael barely cared to follow, let alone remember. Something about whipped cream with sprinkles and something else that he could not quite keep track of. It appeared that he had made this order multiple times, while Michael…well he was not too much of a coffee guy himself. Sure he knew the basics, but nnot anything that sounded as complex as that. As far as he was concerned, the male might as well have spoken something in reverse Latin. ”Yeah, I’ll have….” he paused for a moment looking over the selection, eyes running over it swiftly before finally deciding what he wanted. ”yeah, I’ll have the Chai tea.” He said with a small smirk, stepping back next to Spellstone and simply waited for his drink, which would take a few minutes to finish.

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 29th 2013, 3:24 pm

Fortunately enough both Michael and Joshua's drinks arrived at the same time, and Joshua took them both into his hands, looking at each of the orders. He went down his check list of things he'd asked for and one by one they were all fufilled, and once he was finished he took a slurp on his straw. Of course, he left Michael standing out the counter to pay for the order by 'accident' while he went to find them a table. Luckily one for two had just been cleared so Joshua went and sat down, placing Michael's tea at the opposite end of the table while he put his boots on it and slurped through his straw once more again.

His eyes tracked Michael while he walked over from the counter and sort've chuckled, speaking to him before he sat down. "Chai Tea? Exotic." he joked. It would have been mocking had his tone not been as friendly as it was. He motioned for Michael to sit down with one hand while the other pulled down his hood, revealing his somewhat dark skin and his bluey-green eyes. While he was suspicious at first, he decided that he could trust Michael with the knowledge of his face. And besides, if he told anyone, that would be more fun. He only kept his identity secret because it felt like the normal thing to do.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 29th 2013, 4:50 pm

Both drinks came about the same time, though Michael was left to foot the bill while the other male simply took the drinks and walked away. Grumbling lightly to himself, Michael pulled a few crinkled bills from his wallet and placed it down on the counter and was given the proper change. With that done, he followed Joshua to his seat, accepting the invitation and sitting down; grabbing his drink as he sipped lightly on it. Taking note of the slight hint of joking within the males tone but ignoring it for the most part, if only because he was in a good mood. He didn’t really need the invitation, since he bought the man his drink in the first place, Michael finding himself slightly irritated before calming down. ”yeah, it’s a personal favorite of mine. Not as…extravagant as whatever it is you have but I like it.” He noted simply sipping on his drink once more.
The Bolt
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 30th 2013, 10:36 pm

Joshua let out a chuckle whenever Michael called his taste in drinks exotic. He lifted the white ceramic mug to his lips and took a big slurp. Unbeknown to him the cream on top had stuck to his upper lip and whenever he lowered the cup he had a white mustache of froth. "It's not that extravagant, you should hear what my grandma used to order." Joshua followed this statement with a nostalgic snigger, before he crossed his legs over on the table. Smiling, he tilted his head ever so slightly. "So, tell me about yourself Michael." he requested, hoping to learn more about the person who could potentially be his new partner in bed. What. His new partner in justice. That's what he meant. He had to stop doing that, it was getting kind of annoying.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 30th 2013, 11:17 pm

”Interesting.” He said with a slight snigger, taking note of the small amount of cream that had made home on Spellstones upper lip. Part of him wanting to wipe it away, though then again humans were known for misunderstanding many things. A simple kind gesture could be taken for an attempt to court them, and Michael never had the patience for it. Didn’t want to end up like his dads, granted his control over his energy was complete. The question that got him was when the guy asked him about himself, and it usually ended up with family being involved. ”I live in Chicago, been here for around a month.” He sipped lightly on his tea, some of it clinging to his top lip, though it was quickly cleaned with his tongue. ”Can't say there's much to say about me though, have a pretty normal family, grew up out of country.” As far as he knew, most human families only had one father and he had two, which seemed to be weird among the population, minus the fact that they were ethereals. ”Wait a sec.” Not allowing a slight obsessive tick bug him, Michael produced a small paper towel and reached over, whipping away the cream that lingered along the young mans upper lip, perhaps drawing a strange look. ”Was bugging the hell out of me.”
The Bolt
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 31st 2013, 12:55 pm

Joshua nodded along with Michael while he spoke. He lived in Chicago and he had a normal family. Sounds fair enough: Kind of boring but that only meant that his own family was even more impressive. Joshua paused and blurred out while he began to remember what his family was like, filled with a nearly never ending lineage of seers and mystics. A tiny fire built up in his chest whenever he remembered that this lineage ended whenever he was born without any connection to this magical history. He was born a goddamn normal person and he could tell that everyone in the family didn't treat him as an equal, even whenever he was given duties and taught about magic the same as they were. Hmph. I bet they all shat their pants whenever he stole The Spellstone. While he remembered these times he fondled with the grey stone that was his belt buck-What.

Michael reached across the table and rubbed a tissue across Joshua's lips. It took him a while to realise what he was doing but once he saw the whtie froth on his napkin. "Was bugging the hell out of me." Joshua put a hand infront of his mouth in an embarassed manner before chuckling lightly. "Thanks." he said, taking another slurp; being sure to run his tongue over his lips this time, just incase the same thing happened.

"You know, I have just realized something Michael.' he took yet another slurp, goddamn this drink was good. 'I haven't told you my name; I'm Joshua."
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 31st 2013, 2:17 pm

Okay, he was lying totally on the part about his family being normal, considering that his father on one side used to be king of a hell dimension and the other ruled an isle of immortal beings that wielded energy thought forbidden. Michael smirked, the guy issuing a small thank you as he crumpled up the little napkin and tossed it into the nearest trash bin thingie. ”No prob.” he said smirk briefly spanning into a smile before subduing itself, Michael letting his fingers intertwine for a moment before palms were pressed against the table top. Finally the guy gave the ethereal a name to refer to him by, one that wasn’t a lame superhero moniker, so they were somewhat on equal footing in that regard. ”Well it’s nice to finally know your name.” Not that the question was on his mind often, Michael found that information all too important considering that he was just that nosey. He sipped on his chai tea again. ”So, tell me about yourself Josh.” He said mirroring the tone that Spellstone used to ask the question.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo January 2nd 2014, 7:52 pm

"Well it's nice to finally know your name." Damn right it is spellstone thought; leaning back in his seat. After Michael lowered his chai tea from his lips he mirrored Joshua's question, something which he'd expected. It is of course the normal thing to do after being asked to tell someone about yourself. Joshua found himself at a T-junction in his brain. Should he just tell Michael the truth about his origin? Or should he make up some sort of elaborate story which could make him seem even cooler. But if he screwed it up he would look pretty dumb....

Did he even have to go that far into his origins? He could just say where he is from and how he got to chicago and just retcon out the teleportation and the theft of a stone which basically turns someone into a god. Yeah that sounded plausible enough. He guessed. "I was born in San Francisco, and had quite a big family. Not all siblings and stuff, but aunties and uncles. And the were all witches, wizards enchancters you name it, and someone in my family is probably studying it.' was he revealing too much? he worried, biting his lip. Nah, Michael seemed trustworthy. 'I was raised normal enough, just around magic and stuff." There. That answer made him not seem like a powerless dweeb who relies on a stone to cast spells. "I've been in Chicago for about 2 months: Felt like it was time to leave the nest y'know?" he lied, recalling that the real reason he left was because his family were chasing after him with glowing pitchforks.

"And I sort've thought I have all this power, it'd be a waste to not put it to good use." Joshua smiled after saying this because it was the part where everything he said was 100% true. Mostly. His family had had such power and he decided to not let it go to waste and put it to good use. "So I doned a cloak and became Spellstone." Joshua took another slurp of his drink, repeating the process of licking his lip in order to prevent him from looking like colonel sanders. "And it's Joshua." he corrected Michael after him having called him Josh. He felt bad for lying as much as he did but he had an ego to protect: And telling people he was really a powerless whelp was just plain embarassing.


Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt January 2nd 2014, 8:15 pm

Michael raised an eyebrow waiting for his question to be answered, and of course it would be. Unlike his story, it seemed that his friend was able to divulge more about himself, considering that he was not some kind of soul fueled being that never aged. The male was from a family of magic users, and that meant that he had some magical knowledge along with that power, which would make him possibly not the worst company that Michael could keep about him. If anything that made him slightly interested, if only because Michael found mages more interesting than humans, their connection with magic making them perhaps more powerful in some respects. ”I’ll keep that in mind Joshua.” he said with a slight smirk playing across his lips, winking as he took a deep sip of his chai tea. ”Chicago must be lucky to have such a powerful hero looking over it.”
The Bolt
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo January 2nd 2014, 10:01 pm

Joshua smiled whenever Michael listened to him and called him by his proper name. He was about to thank him, but Michael did something completely unexpected. He simply sat there and fed Joshua's ego. And whenever he winked, Joshua got butterflies in his stomach and his 'spellstones'. Agitated, Joshua tried to push the feeling aside and simply laughed after Michael called him a great hero. "Well, I would try to be humble but where's the fun in that? Hell yeah Chicago's lucky.' Joshua saw an oppurtunity to lay some foundations for the future 'And I think it would be even luckier if I had the mighty Titan looking after it with me..." he hinted, sending a wink of his own, internally praying that Michael and him could become some sort of famous superpowered duo which could help save the world. I mean, if anyone had of seen how easily they took down those guys and then um, well how easily one took down Michael and then how easily Joshua had brought him back alive they would be in pure awe of their teamwork. Sort of.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt January 3rd 2014, 5:23 pm

This was easier than Michael thought, the whole making friends thing. Granted he could do so ever since he was young, humans were always easier to deal with than ethereals in many regards, but then again either were not too difficult for him to understand. ”Yeah, humility is way over rated.” He said agreeing. ”Wouldn’t mind working with someone of your caliber either, it would be fun.” Michael smirked widely, half expecting that to be the appropriate response to being winked at, though the gesture was somewhat new to him. Usually those he hung out with did not really do anything remotely flirtatious, if only not wanting to risk some kind of wrath from Ouroboros. Sure Shael would wink occasionally, but that was just him being mischievous and it was no way in the manner that was perhaps being thrown about. ”Wouldn’t mind working as some kind of super duo.”
The Bolt
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo January 3rd 2014, 10:51 pm

Sweet! He hadn't been at this game long and he'd already found himself the perfect side kic-... No sidekick was a bad word that made Titan seem as if he wasn't an equal party; I mean obviously he wasn't, Joshua was waaaayyyy cooler than he could ever dream of being (It's all in the cloak.) No, he didn't have a new sidekick he had a partner - someone who seemed pleasant enough to stare at.... Pleasant enough to get along with. Sitting up and taking his feeet of the table, Joshua leaned in and clapped his hands together at such a volume that he wouldn't alarm anyone else who was slurping their everages. "Awesome! - We're gonna make Knightwatch seem like dweebs." Joshua chuckled, he couldn't tell if he was exagerating but he probably wasn't. "All we need to do is think of a cool duo name... Hmmm... Any ideas?" Joshua asked, taking a larger - and final - slurp of his rather complex drink.


Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt January 4th 2014, 6:22 pm

Michael chuckled lightly, enjoying the idea of making light of any hero really. If he was to be a hero, he would be the best among them, or something like that. ”A cool name huh?” Michael mused outloud, rubbing his chin lightly as he thought over a name that would work. ”I would say The Dynamic Duo, but that sounds lame.” Michael noted smirking widely, not really making a joke but more amusing himself. ” Or the Arcane Asskickers? No, not cool enough.” He mused outloud, rubbing his chin lightly. "You have any ideas?"
The Bolt
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo January 5th 2014, 5:44 pm

"Arcane Asskickers? Nah not cool enough." Michael blasphemed. Joshua immediatley sat up and held out a hand as if telling Michael to slow down and think. "Now let's not be too hasty. Arcane Asskickers is nearly perfect! It has everything." Joshua lowered his voice incase anyone who is a tiny bit too curious. "It's easily remembered, it kicks ass. And, I'm assuming, both our powers are magical in origin. It even has alliteration, and it'll be hard to find anything else which sounds as awesome." Joshua raised an eyebrow and awaited for Michael to give him some feedback on his suggestions. Joshua felt giddy that this was actually happening - He'd have his own superhero team in no time!
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt January 5th 2014, 5:58 pm

Joshua seemed to like his idea, which pleased Michael slightly. While he was not known for his creativity when manipulating someone was not involved, it was nice toi know an occasional suggestion worked. ”It does sound pretty kick ass doesn’t it?” Michael drained his Chai tea, feeling slightly annoyed that he didn’t have any more. ”It could work.” he finally admitted letting the smirk that was brewing form fully across his face as he thought over the possibilities. Being a hero might be slightly annoying, but he was sure the ass kicking perks always outweighed the negative. ”So unless either of us have a better name, I think Arcane Asskickers could work.” Michael made sure not to speak loud enough that everyone else could hear him, blinking lightly as his eyes turned to their new natural color; a dark purple.
The Bolt
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