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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 14th 2013, 10:43 pm

"Great!" Spellstone exclaimed, having a pleasant expression on his face in response to the smile Michael gave him, which was out of character, but Spellstone didn't know this. ”You're right, can’t keep the press waiting now can we?” Spellstone shook his head, and smirked. "Not at all." Happily, Spellstone turned around to face the doors. The police had began to edge closer to it and before he pushed both the doors open, he made sure that his hood was in such a place that it wouldn't blow down if any wind managed to get into it. It was more of an appearance thing than an indentity thing. He didn't want his mystqiue to be ruined. He confidently pushed both the doors opened, and allowed the noise of the wind to claw into the bank's reception. Looking back to make sure Michael hadn't ditched him, he began to walk down the stairs outside the bank and nodded to the police and ambulances who had congregated like flies around the scene. The nod was a sort of default signal for Get yo' butts in there, arrest those guys and help the one I may have maybe fucked up. Alot. and was usually well known among the emergency services.

Spellstone's cloak had been drawn by the wind into a massive wing-esque shape. He was nearly dragged backwards due to the air bubble forming within it's red regions. He kept his chin up and allowed the camera's flashes to spill all over his body. Looking around to give every person with a camera a chance to snap a shot of his utter baddassery, I mean come on. Look at him. He looked like a superhero. Which was pretty much the point. Oh... he was rambling. Holding up both his hands flat, in order to try and stem the tide of microphones, meanwhile the police where running into the building, taking 3 of the robbers out with cuffs around their wrists and bruises on their faces. The one who had the switchblade was taken out of a stretcher, which Spellstone tried to cover up.

"Now, now everyone. There's plenty of time for each of you to ask your new hero a question. Please, one at a time..."

This was great! He felt like a celebrity. He quietly hoped that Michael was as comfortable as he was with all of this. No... he felt more than comfortable.
He. Felt. Awesome.

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 14th 2013, 11:07 pm

Michael walked not too far behind Spellstone, grape colored eyes darting about as if seeing for the first time, bewildered by every sensation that reached them. Police congregated around the entrance, and he could see the press not too far away from them, like vultures with their cameras flashing brightly. A strong wind whipped across his face, Michael bringing up a hand to shield his eyes and grimacing lightly. Slowly he walked down the stairs after Spellstone, flashing a bright smile to all of the people gathered out there as if he were a celebrity of some kind. Sure he had died in there, but then again he was also brought back to life within that same instance. As soon as they were in a certain step of descending, the cops began arresting the criminals as they were supposed to, and likely drag the one with the knife out to be treated.

Michael wished that he had died of his wounds, but then again it was still possible. The lights of a camera washed over his face, causing him to wince, eyes unable to take the brightness yet without tearing up. Microphones were thrust upon them, though pulled back with a wave of the mages hand, Michael rubbing his eyelid therapeutically. Looking out over the people before them, Michael felt strangely pleased, perhaps the public coverage would be nice. One thing the ethereal could tell was that was drinking this up like water , causing an amused smirk to form on his lips and then stretch into a wide grin. Now it was time for the questions, something that Michael was not quite ready for.
The Bolt
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 14th 2013, 11:26 pm

Trishy Voneromo from Action News shoved a microphone right in Spellstone's face. "What exactly happened in there?" she pryed with a perky and slightly pestering voice. Spellstone cleared his throat before confident speaking down her microphone. "Oh nothing much...' Spellstone paused, and turned to smirk at Michael. '... Just some stupid low lifes thought that they could harm the innocent people of Chicago and get away with it. And we proved them wrong." The people seemed quite impressed by Spellstone act of heroism, and it filled his head like drugs. "And who is this we, precisely?" Trishy asked, clearly prying for some sort of Alias from the pair of heroes. Looking to his left and then to his right to make sure all the cameras were currently facing his direction he spoke clearly. "We as in me, Spellstone and my unexpected assistant..." nearly said Michael's name aloud and gave his identity away to the public, but remembered that that was how many people got hurt in superhero movies. Spellstone instead pointed to Michael, just incase he wanted to come up with some sort of alias in order to protect his own name from the public. All the while, Spellstone's bright red cloak continued to blow in the wind, and his eyes remained coated with the shadow cast by it's velvet like material.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 14th 2013, 11:50 pm

A rather perky sounding reporter woman began to barrage of questioning; something about the way she spoke annoying Michael already. The question was a simple one to, inquiring about what exactly happened in there, something that Michael would have easily answered if not for his ally. They were stopping a robbery in progress, though Spellstone made it sound heroic, almost like out of some kind of comic book. It was then that he realized that he lacked some kind of fantastic heroic costume, or at least something to match it. That was when he thought of something,  perhaps he could simply use the name that his father once used, back in his vigilante days. ”Titan, I go by Titan.” And in an instant his body was covered in what looked like purple runic markings, ones that dominated his right half, going along his neck and even places not visible. He smiled as friendly as possible, looking over everyone.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 15th 2013, 3:19 pm

Impressed gasps filled the mouths of everyone nearby, even Spellstone's. He certainly didn't see it coming. Within moments Michael, or Titan, had covered half his body in runes and magical symbols. He even came up with a somewhat impressive name in about 5 seconds. It was alittle more imaginative than Spellstone's, since he'd literally just named himself after the source of his power. Infact he found himself becoming slightly envious of Micheal's alias. But whatever, Spellstone was good enough and it had sibilance. Sibilance is the best.

Looking Micheal's new appearance up and down, Spellstone turned back to the camera's and the perky reporter and finished his sentence. "And my unexpected partner, Titan!". With the revalation of their alias to the public, several citizens started clapping for the heroic pair who had teamed up in order to save the lives of innocents. The feed was broadcast live across most of chicago, giving Spellstone and obviously Titan a large reputation boost. Titan. He sure did make Spellstone's pants tigh- Oh for fuck sake, not again. God damnit. It was nothing unusal though, it had been happening with nearly everyone he'd seen lately. He was probably just at that phase. Hopefully.

Turning back, Spellstone once again gave Titan an impressed look. He felt the envy build up within his stomach once again, but quickly tried to dismiss it with positive thoughts. Sure, Titan had runes on his face but he didn't have a cape. Or space arms, like he did. The news lady put the microphone to Titan this time. "Nice costume! What inspired you to fight crime, in the city of Chicago?" Flattery, subtle but it was usually effective.
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 15th 2013, 3:42 pm

Within moments of his alias, and Spellstones grandiose statement, several of the citizens gathered infront of them began to applaud. It was much like one would expect for a hero, and Michael soaked up everything with a wide grin stretching across his face. If this was what those heroic types enjoyed out of their job, then maybe he could get used to doing whatever it was that they did, saving old women and all of that stuff. Perhaps this young hero could show him the ropes, considering that until now Michael had found himself only doing illegal things, not that anyone had caught him doing so perse. If anything, shape shifting did have many advantages.

The perky reporter shoved the microphone in his face and posed a question for him, one that he found actually hard to answer.”Well, I was gifted with such great power.” He raised his left hand and a small orb of dark ethereal energy manifested anyone with a magical sense probably feeling something dark resonating from the orb itself, but the masses would not; not when it was this small. ”So I thought it would be a waste if I didn’t use this power to help people.” He flashed his pearly whites, orbs of ethereal energy disappearing quickly with a snap of his fingers.
The Bolt
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 15th 2013, 6:35 pm

Michael seemed to be taking all of this attention very well, for someone who probably never prepared for any sort of interaction in this manner. Maybe making a cameo appearance in the backround of a newspaper picture by accident. But never being directly involved with this kind of thing that makes the fifth, maybe even the forth page! Wow.... That acutally sounded a little bit lame. Spellstone mused to himself about the idea and simply put it down to him being new to this. It wouldn't be long before his every heroic deed was plastered over the front page like paint. Hopefully.

The news continued to ask questions and blurt down the words on their notepads, while some filmed for their stations to use. One of the hostages, the elder asian, shuffled over quietly behind his son who was only about 6. The child rushed at Michael and wrapped his arms around his legs in a hug, and the elderly man shook Spellstone's cosmic hand, and soon the roles switched, and Spellstone knelt down in order to hug the child on eye-level.

Although, Spellstone knew the way this should work. You should always leave them wanting more, so in a few minutes, or even sends he would orchastrate his own and Micheal's stylish exit! Infact, the Spellstone began to light up slowly, getting ready to explode with light.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 15th 2013, 6:53 pm

Michael mused over how much coverage this would actually get him, and if it would even reach front page on the news site, considering that newspapers themselves were obsolete. Still, Michael felt that he was doing well for all of the new publicity, smiling at the right time and answering all the questions in the right way. If anything, his experience with people also seemed to work well when it came to using the media. One of the hostages walked upto Spellstone, the elderly asian man, thanking him while a younger looking male tightly hugged his leg. Damn children and the sway that they have over ones emotions, especially ones that were legitimately innocent. He knew quite a few ethereals that looked that young and were the opposite of innocent.

Soon the roles were reversed and he was shaking the elderly man’s hand, smiling reassuringly as the attention continued, but he had a feeling that they would make their leave soon enough; before anything else happened anyway. If his father swooped out of nowhere and reduced the crowd to a bloody river, that would have ruined his short-lived heroic career. All he waited for was Spellstone to initiate the heroic exit, and he would perhaps follow suit.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 15th 2013, 7:14 pm

Lifting the child up into the air he blew a childish raspberry at him. Spellstone handed the child back to his elderly father or... grandfather, it was hard to tell which he was. Who took him in his arms and carried him away grateful he could still do so, thanks to the pair of heroes. Spellstone smiled at the cameras again and then did a Hercules-esque pose, with his muscles flexed just so that the news could have some sort of image that they could use and that would be quite comedic and inspiring. Lowering his arms, he leant his head near Titan's ear and whispered quietly to that the news people didn't hear, but Titan himself could in case after he did this: Titan was either left standing alone like a clueless idiot or the press and cameras and citizens would know exactly where to look which would ruin the mystery. "Up."

With that short word, Spellstone put his arms to the side and allowed the light of the Spellstone to extend around the area like a dome. It temporarily blinded anyone who was watching, and everyone within it could hear the words "The light that blinds" only spoken backwards and in a slow motion tone, so it sounded more like 'Sdnilb taht thgil eht' to them, and it lasted for the duration of their eye's temporary uselessness. This happened to everyone. Everyone excluding Spellstone. He took advantage of everyone's temporary blindness and allowed the Spellstone lift his body through the air. His cloak swurled and spiralled behind him and he quickly rushed upwards towards the roof of a building behind them. His cosmic feet touched the floor, and he knelt down alittle still feeling a rush.

He went from a kneeling position to sitting on the floor, his feet ontop of his cloak using it sort of like a personal picnic blankey. He patiently awaited Titan, worrying that maybe his signal wasn't obvious enough. Biting a lip, he could just picture Titan stood awkwardly on his own, with all the press looking confused.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 15th 2013, 7:36 pm

Spellstone posed a little, soaking in all the admiration more than Michael seemed to, and it was charming in a way. Still he knew when their time to leave was, considering that it was punctuated by the male saying up. Within a few seconds, Michael had to do some guess work but otherwise it seemed pretty obvious; they would have to fly. With a spell of some kind a bright light appeared, Michael finding himself blinded along with everyone else, but that did not mean that he was caught unaware…okay he was. With the command of up still fresh in his mind, Michael willed himself up as quickly as possible, fast enough that they did not see him ascend. They had made a clean exit, though his vision was still spotty from the sudden flash. Within a matter of moments he caught sight of the mage, cloak like a blanket beneath him, male sitting as if waiting for him on top of a roof. ”Nice trick...a little bright but it did it’s job.” He said good naturedly, if only because his brain was stuck on that setting at the moment. The ethereal male rubbed his eyes, eyesight slowly returning to normal. He slowly lowered onto the roof himself, and sat cross legged down, arms resting in his lap.
The Bolt
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 16th 2013, 5:26 pm

Peering through the sky he saw the figure of Titan flying through the sky towards him. Good, Spellstone thought: He hadn't completely failed and been left standing alone like a dork. Spellstone quietly thought to himself about how lucky it was that Micheal could actually fly. Now that would defietably have been a bad way to exit stage if he hadn't have been able to fly. Spellstone nearly chuckled at his own thoughts, but was stopped when Micheal made a remark about his escaping. ”Nice trick...a little bright but it did it’s job.” He mused, before he allowed himself to mimic Spellstone's actions and sit on the floor. Laughing, he replied "Haha, yeah. It scared the crap out of me when I first learnt about that trick. But I learnt to block it out eventually. It's actually one of my favourites. That and um....' he looked to his belt buckle which began to glow a space-like dark blue before he clapped his hands together. Closing his eyes he pulled them apart and created what appeared to be a minature Milky Way between his palms. It revolved slowly in the air about 3 times before Spellstone pulled his hands away from eachother abrutly, and the tiny little stars faded away into imaginary stardust, and then nothing. 'That."

He smiled once again at Michael, before reaching under his hood and scratched the hair on the back of his head again. Something was annoying him, he probably put his hood up against the grain of his hair. He clapped his hands against his knees and tilted his neck, curious about Micheal's purple eyes. Had they been purple before? He couldn't really remember. Maybe he should ask? Was it creepy that he was looking at his eyes... No, of course not. You can't not look at eyes otherwise you're just rude. You know what? Fuck it, he thought. He hardly knew this person, even though he wished he knew him more, what harm was there in asking him a question or two about his fucking face? None. Hopefully. He raised a finger and pointed it at Micheal briefly.

"Your eyes. They're... purple. That's not normal." He stated, somewhat obviously but then Spellstone realised that maybe what he was asking actually held no significance and was quite ordinary. Titan pretty much looked completely different after he changed into this... alternate form. "But then, your entire body is glower with magic runes and stuff, so maybe it's not that usual...' He smirked and cocked an eyebrow, thinking of a joke. 'Nice trick" Spellstone maintained his grin after he finsihed mirroring part of Titan's earlier comment on Spellstone's own flashy trick. Behind his back, he tapped fingers on the concrete roof.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 17th 2013, 10:38 pm

If Michael thought that the flashing trick was the only thing that this mage could do, he would have been surprised, but that that did not take away from the fact that he was impressed. The ethereal male smirked lightly as Spellstone formed the small nebula within his hands, and then easily snuffed them out. ”Impressive.” Michael said with a small amount of clapping, not intending to seem condescending in the least. It was a nice display, and something that caught his interest, and perhaps explained why the cloak had the star patterns. What really caught him off guard was the mention of his eyes, neon green flecked silver orbs that….were now purple. His eyes widened as the guy said something, and then tried to explain it as part of his Titan costume. ”You’re kidding right? My eyes aren’t purple.” He said incredulously, smirking as if the guy was telling some kind of joke, and then his expression dropped instantly. ”They’re not supposed to be purple….I didn’t make them purple.” He started, before muttering to himself the last part. He blinked lightly, and then rapidly as he activated the spell, and one could see his eyes flash back to their natural color. ”There…its fixed now, I think.” Michael said finally, hoping what he said was true. " much as sitting here is fun and everything, I know a coffee shop not too far from here thats..comfier."
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 22nd 2013, 6:24 pm

Michael complimented Spellstone's ability to create the cosmos within his finger tips. He knew he was showing off but he didn't care. It felt kind of awesome to show everything he was capable of doing. Titan seemed shocked whenever Spellstone told him about his altered eye colour.  "You didn't 'make' them purple? So you can change your eye's co-" Spellstone's question was interupted by Michael preforming the impressive feat of changing his eye color from purple to another color, a vivid silver with bright neon green specks. They were quite pretty to be honest, however now purple eyes seemed as though they were normal in comparison. Spellstone stood a tiny bit in awe of what Michael could do with his own body. "That's pretty awesome." he stated. He was about to ask more questions about Titan's ability to change his appearance before he was interupted by Michael speaking once again. " much as sitting here is fun and everything, I know a coffee shop not too far from here that's..comfier." Spellstone couldn't help but feel a tiny bit excited. This guy actually wanted to spend more time with him: He must have been quite good at this social thing, which was surprising considering he'd rarely done it before. Spellstone's body began to glow a turquoise hue, which allowed his body to levitate into the air by about 3 feet. After a few seconds of hovering mid-air with his legs folded like some kind of monk, the hue dissipated and he allowed his legs to drop down, gravity taking hold once more.

Now, stood upright, he turned around and extended a hand to help Michael off the floor. While he did so the Spellstone began to glow a very bright green. The green lights scattered around Spellstone's body for about a second before vanishing abruptly. Now, instead of his super suit, Joshua stood above Micheal wearing a red hoodie with the hood over his eyes, just like his cloak's hood had been, a white t-shirt with a black skull on it, some dark blue jeans and a pair of light brown war-boots. He also had a black belt, with several studs around it and where the buckle would be he had the Spellstone. "Where is this coffee place then? Is it good?" he asked, his voice sounding slightly less heroic than it did before. Joshua was already thinking about what he was going to order. Probably something sweet, with whipped cream. Is he gonna pay? He better pay.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 22nd 2013, 8:11 pm

”It’s pretty cool I guess.” Michael said with a small smirk, not really bothering to go into the fact that he could change his entire appearance, from eye color to anything else in-between, taking on any appearance that he wished. It was only one of the strange abilities that his own ethereal energy allowed him to perform, things that perhaps would only grow as he aged. ”And no, I didn’t make them purple, I like how they are now.” he said with a light shrug, lips curling into a pleasant smirk. Spellstone seemed to take to his suggestion, Michael letting the runes pulsing across his skin seeming to fade away, no longer there with a simple thought. While he needed magic to change his appearance, making those markings appear was much easier than altering his appearance, voice, ect.

The mage through a rather grandiose way of doing so, stood to his feet and offered Michael his hand. The ethereal accepted this gesture and was pulled to his feet, hand then drifting to his side as he seemed to think over something for a moment. The guy used some kind of magic to change from hood to more inconspicuous clothing, though still hid his face as if Michael would use it to harm his family or something cliché. ”It’s only a block away, and from what I’ve seen, it’s really good.” he said in answer to the question, feeling over the wallet sitting in his back pocket, checking to see if he had that wallet of his. Yupp, and it still had a good bit of money in there, so no harm done. With that done Michael realized that his shirt was still a little dirty from his blood, and with a thought a dark purple steam issued from it.

One could take note that there was not a speck of blood remaining, and only a scar at the base of his neck where the knife entered.  With that done, Michael motioned for Spellstone to follow him, the walk itself taking only a few minutes until they reached the little café. Some people sat at the tables, sipping on coffee, and using the free wifi offered. He would try that Chai tea again, considering the last time he had it was when he met that strange ethereal with an irish accent, and something within him wanted to try it again.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 26th 2013, 7:48 pm

Joshua walked behind Micheal when he motioned, and used the fire escape to get down (which I assume you used pat thanks for telling me). Looking at the street he peered down the road to check if all the cameras and police were still there; and they were, probably still freaking out that there's another real life superhero out there. He fantasized about his future career for so long that he almost lost track of Michael who continued walking down the street. After a small jog he caught up with him.

A quaint bell jingled whenever Michael pushed the door opened. The air smelt like coffee beans and it carried a murmur of gossip between couples and groups of friends. Fortunately the que to the cashier was nonexistent and Joshua stepped infront of Michael in order to order first. The dark-skinned cashier lady looked up and asked; "Hello, what would you like to order?" with a pearly white smile and very photo-genic neck swivvel. What lovely customer service. Smiling back at her, Joshua replied "Hiya, I'd like a frappuccino with extra milk double cream triple sugar, with chocolate sprinkles, marshmallows, a cherry oh and with a straw? That would be great." when making his order he spoke very fast, having clearly requested such a beverage several times in the past; infact it almost seemed to have been rehearsed in the past. Joshua turned and stepped along the line, allowing Micheal to make his order.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 26th 2013, 8:06 pm

At the counter was a dark skinned lady, polite from what he could glean of her mannerisms and that was always good for tips. Spellstone went first, and his order was quite the mouthful, something that Michael barely cared to follow, let alone remember. Something about whipped cream with sprinkles and something else that he could not quite keep track of. It appeared that he had made this order multiple times, while Michael…well he was not too much of a coffee guy himself. Sure he knew the basics, but nnot anything that sounded as complex as that. As far as he was concerned, the male might as well have spoken something in reverse Latin. ”Yeah, I’ll have….” he paused for a moment looking over the selection, eyes running over it swiftly before finally deciding what he wanted. ”yeah, I’ll have the Chai tea.” He said with a small smirk, stepping back next to Spellstone and simply waited for his drink, which would take a few minutes to finish.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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