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Post by Augsp December 14th 2013, 2:22 am

Lily froze, as she heard the boy speak. He seemed so broken, face ashen and grey. Her hands fumbled out, and lightly gripped Silus’s shoulders. With her conscience yelling at the back of her head to shut up on the drama and get rid of Shael first, Lily looked at Silus quietly.
“Sure. Lead the way,” she replied quietly. Forget her conscience. Sometimes she hated to e a hero, being so…...noble. She wasn’t noble. She was a fumbling mess who cared more about the people around her than humanity or the public. And for now, all her attention was on Silus.
“Let’s go,” she repeated, nodding for extra measure.

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Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Post by Silus January 15th 2014, 11:56 pm

Silus did the best he could, running as far as he could, as fast as he could and taking Droplet with him. She was probably faster than him....and probably stronger. But if the worst came to worst he could always use his scapegoat trump-card. The running was finally over and all they could hear was Shael screaming, a car being launched over thirty feet in the air as he began walking through a barrage of bullets, the look to kill in his eyes as he made his way to the bulk of the police units gathered there.

"A-are you....okay?" Silus asked, panting as he doubled over trying to breathe. He was worried abut her, but then again he was also worried abut the officers. It looks like this was one fight the heroes weren't going to win. Silus noticed Kaisses and Hocus returning, Abra still bloody and laid out upon Kaisses, who was carrying him. Silus' eyes began to water, when Abra's eyes opened and he chuckled.

"You guys almost had him...he ran off not long bought the humans enough time to get reinforcements. Shael's gone and so are the rest of his little gang. Good job Water-girl." Hocus said, sounding genuinely impressed.

 No girls allowed... (Closed to Droplet) - Page 3 Lucife10
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Post by Augsp January 16th 2014, 12:21 am

Lily ran. the cold air whipped behind, the small amount of water on the ground squeaked under her shoes. Breathing heavily, she stopped a little behind Silus and squatted down, taking in the surroundings for a moment, listening to the ruckus she had been in only moments ago.
"I hope I am," Lily replied softly, managing to find her voice. Would anyone approve of her actions? Running away from a combat scene? That was the first thing she had vowed to never do, but here she was. But all she could find in her heart was numbness.
She could see them, Silus's wolves, returning to the two of them. Nothing really seemed to matter much. Not even the complement she received from one of the wolves.
"But I left the combat scene," the words escaped and fluttered down like leaves.
"And they all ran off, didn't they?"
Maybe she'd ask Ranger and the others when she had one of the practices with them, about what she could have done otherwise.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 183
Location : SOUTH Korea
Age : 23
Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
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Post by Silus January 23rd 2014, 10:19 pm

"But because of you two there were little damages. The people who were hurt will survive. Except...Abra. He'll survive of course...but he's out of commission for a bit." Kaisses said, the wolf who had been crushed by the car seeming rather worse for wear. Silus cringed and began shaking, meanwhile the rainbow wolf began laughing a little.

"Hey...I've been through worse. I've had to try and force Silus to take a bath." The weak wolf whined with a laugh, keeping it's spirits high. Silus smiled hearing this as he ran hand down the large wolfs bloody mane. The wolf yawned and it's tongue flicked out and slapped Silus' cheek. "Lily...being a hero... isn't about beating up the bad guys. It's about keeping people safe... that's exactly what you did." The would said, it flopped down and gimped over to Lily and licked her cheek as well before resting on the ground, in the middle of public.

"If Shael weren't an Ethereal she WOULD have done both though. Seriously kid, what are you? twelve or thirteen? Pretty impressive kid. You'll grow up and be flinging the baddies left and right." Hocus said as he walked over and began to nudge Abra with his snout.

"I-uh...I'm sorry about this. We should hang out some time... ya' know...when my brother won't be harassing people." Silus said with a bashful smile all the while rubbing the back of his head, slightly nervous that he maybe scared her off.

 No girls allowed... (Closed to Droplet) - Page 3 Lucife10
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Post by Augsp January 24th 2014, 2:11 am

Lily merely stared down at her hands with a small smile.
"I'm thirteen," she said, finally looking up to see the wolf rather tentatively. "And, well, I still have so much to learn," she said, looking up at the sky. The cold wind cooled her down, leaving her shivering slightly. She wondered about where she'd go next.Headquarters, to see the others and talk about the little skirmish? Or home, to finish her work and hopefully go out and have something nice for dinner with her mom?
After all, she was a normal girl. If anyone living like her could ever be called normal.
"Yeah, sure, we could meet up," she replied as little more confidently.
"Why not meet with a few of my teammates? I think they'd find you guys pretty....."
Hopefully this would go better than the time she asked Peter to join.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 183
Location : SOUTH Korea
Age : 23
Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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