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Post by Silus November 15th 2013, 12:11 am

       His eyes widened, and he suddenly went pale- well… he went paler. How did he answer this one? This was a delicate matter, one that needed him to devote his total attention and caution to answer. Too bad his heart stopped and he was starting to sweat a little. A freaking out Silus was a strange thing to see. He didn’t freakout out loud, but you could tell by the stone cold face and thoughtful expression that he was trying to formulate what to say. He kept chanting to himself that he had to be normal. I need to be normal. I have to be normal. I just want to be normal. He thought to himself. How oh how would he do that. Wait! He should totally make something up right? Make himself sound normal, like he was form a normal family right? Silus swallowed his bite of food and he looked to her. Okay, he just needed to make himself sound normal.
      ”Ehhhh-uh..well.” He hesitated. In his mind he just told himself to calm down, it’s not like this was the first time he’d talked to a girl…well total lie, the only girl he’s ever talked to was Xarlessa…but still that wasn’t hard. The hard part was making himself normal. Okay…not hard. Just be normal. ”W-well I have my dad, Sean and Ouroboros-“ Silus said that and immediately wanted to face palm himself. He couldn’t get a dang sentence without already making himself weird. First of all, who has two dads? He should have lied and made it a dad and a mom…and of that who the heck has a parent named Ouroboros. He loved his daddy a ton, but he needed to replace that name with a motherly name, like Ophelia! Dang it, too little too late. Okay though, from now on Silus has a mom and a dad. Sean and Ophelia. So long as Ouro doesn’t find out he should be good…
        ”Eh…well I have three brothers, I had a sister but she died. Eh…My family all has crazy powerful abilities and stuff, and I’m pretty sure they don’t like normal humans very much… I’m the only one in the family who doesn’t have powers, so my brothers all pick on me but…my daddy keeps me protected…and when he doesn’t Abra and my pack keeps me close.” Silus explained. He was rather forthright with this information. He had a family, it was awkward and full of superhumans, two dads, three brothers and he was powerless. The only thing he didn’t say was that they were villains…but it might have been picked up when he mentioned them not liking humans much. He then looked back at her with a little bit of a pout and a raised eyebrow…there were the puppy dog eyes.
      ”H-hey! IW-wait I asked ya if ya lived here alone. You cheated!” He said playfully, though it didn’t take away from the eyes. The kid was good at it, but then again Lily probably knew how to use them too. The Sirens became louder and louder. What could it possibly be that was so bad?

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Post by Augsp November 16th 2013, 10:19 am

"Crazy powerful abilities?" Lily siad, her eyes dilating slightly. She was dealing with the prince of a supernatural family here. The son of the wealthy chaebol who was protected from the threats of the world. The son, of a family of most likely-villains. That was the most probable chance. Hopefully she didn't get captured by Silus's relatives and be dragged off to who knows what. If that happened, she'd probably have to quit her life as a very useless hero. Well then, this guy and Lily, they were enemies. The not-romantically-connected Romeo and Juliet. I'd never be as graceful as Juliet though, she thought with amusement.
Wait he'd asked- oh right, he'd asked her a question before, and she'd completely forgotten.  Definately not like Juliet. "Sorry, I'm being very unladylike," she said with a laugh.
"I....." she began, but something caught her attention first. There goes her last chance to salvage her politeness.
A siren. Silus must have noticed it earlier as well. Oh great, then she could drag Silus there and stop some random baddie. If she ever could beat a villain.
"You hear them too, don't you?" she said rather quietly. So this was going to be a pattern now, huh?
"The sirens," First Peter, then Silus. Hopefully this friendship would end better.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus November 16th 2013, 11:48 pm

.       ”Y-yeah…It might be my older brother…Shael.” Silus said. He stood up and placed the remaining couple of bites of his lunch on the table. ”I gotta stop him, before he hurts someone, I’ll be back!” He said as he took off. He hoped that she’d still be there when he came back. She was…really nice. It wasn’t something Silus was used to…a nice human? Guess it is possible, after that whole ordeal with….with Leonhard, he was pretty sure all humans were just out for themselves. Silus smiled as he ran into an alleyway, he was glad he didn’t give up on humans just yet. Lily reminds him that there are a couple out there that he still wants to meet.

      He made his way to the source of the sirens, and of course, who else would be causing such a riot other than the one and only met human named Riot…or to Silus, he was known as “brother” or Shael. Shael had that smirk he always had, the boy just LOVED getting into trouble, and Silus shivered at the thought that Michael might be involved with this too. For all Silus knew, Michael already knocked out the police chief and took his form…just to make things harder on the vcops and cause a bigger riot. Then again, Shale had a few of his friends with ‘em. Silus had a small frown on his face. There was nothing he could do really. If he let Shael go then he’s not a hero at all…he’s just a coward. But if he does become a hero, and tries to stop Shael, then Shael will beat him, then tell Ouro and Sean….and then Silus was in BIIIIG trouble if Ouroboros found out. Forget Sean’s nether doing him in ‘cuz of the heart…Ouroboros would go Vlad the impaler on his sorry little butt.

      ”These guys won-know what hit ‘em, Alright bys, get going!” Shael called out, From behind him, from inside the bank, there two more of his little friends popped up. It was Riot, Chandler the Pyrokenetic, Gabriel the Healer, and Lucas the Energy infusion specialist. Those friends of his were part of his group, and because they were part of his group, they all had the same tattoo. The tattoo was of a flag, divided into six portions, each portion was a different Superpower, all blending into one flag. This flag had burn marks all over it, as if it were burning away, and in the fire was a clenched fist with a shackle on it.

      ”10-4 Chief, lethal force Authorized on the meta-human known as “Riot” and we’re to capture the gang members alive.”

      ”Copy that ground team” the officer said over the CB radio. Silus shivered. No, he wasn’t afraid of what was going to happen to Shael. He was afraid of what was going to happen to the cops. Guns were trained on Shael, and all he did was keep up that same smirk, like he had everything under control…just as he always did.

     The three wolves converged on Silus, and Silus nodded. Hocus left to deal with Lucas, Kaisses left to deal with Chandler, and Abra stayed back behind the both of them, his light manipulation primed and ready to counteract the healing done by Gabriel. The last thing to ask, was if the police could keep up with Shael. Shael and his little group were on the top of the stairs, the police semi-circled around the perimeter, in the space between the police and the stairs, Silus’ pack made their way, all three bearing fangs and snarls as they began to pace back and forth, each looking to their individual assignments.

      ”This is officer 9934, We have three large meta-wolves, they seem to be challenging the threat, what’s your orders?” The one officer radioed in, Silus smiled as he heard the response.

     ”Hold fire, I repeat: Hold fire. Evacuate the area, secure and contain the situation let the meta’s wear themselves out and arrest the criminals.” Silus smiled. Apparently the police chief was a good person too, considering normally one might have just had them all shot.

      ”Hey howdy hey, we got some fighters!” Shael snickered as he pulled out a machete from it’s holster across his back. Silus looked on at the chaos that was about to unfold, hoping he could get this done quickly before his new friend left him…
Shael’s group:
Chandler the Pyrokenetic:

Lucas, The Energy infusion specialist.:
Gabriel, The Healer:
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Post by Augsp November 18th 2013, 3:40 am

"Shael?" before lily could even finish the statement, Silus was up and gone. Slightly cursing to herself, Lily flew up from her seat to go pay for the meal, basically bullying the cashier, a confused man, to ring it up quickly and running after her new friend quickly. Lovely. She hadn't had a good chance to fight in ages. Ranger was far too protective of her to let her go on missions, which obviously didn't satisfy her, ending in one or two arguments with the leader of her team. To the rest of them, she was more of a hidden card, to play in emergencies. Again, unsatasfactory.

She approached the scene a little after Silus's three wolves did. Man, they were fast. She hid behind one of the buildings, Silus in front of her with a few feet's distance. She sensed the dread her friend felt. Obviously the Shael guy was pretty powerful. Was he one of his tormentors? Most probably. She looked around, looking for a source of water she could harness. There was a fountain at the park. but that was far away. Hopefully there was a sprinkler, or a fire hydrant someplace. Maybe even some sewage whatever. Yeah, it'd be dirty, but what could she do?

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
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Post by Silus November 19th 2013, 12:40 am

. Silus watched as the Pyrokenetic made use of his flames against Kaisses, who responded with his spells, his fur began to glow with strange Runic markings, and it began to rain, grayish clouds began to form overhead, thunder rolled, and strange glowing green rain fell from the skies, and the wounds of all Kaisses viewed an ally, and all those not participating in combat against him were beginning to feel refreshed, renewed and revitalized, as well as the visible healing of wounds. Bullet holes closed, scald marks healed over…even one man who lost an arm began to heal and even regenerate his arm because of the glowing rain.

    ”Alright, good job Kaisses, now everyone else will be okay and his fire might be a little weaker, use your earth spell!” Silus said in a hushed tone. Interesting fact about wolves, their hearing is about twelve times better than a humans…and in the wild their hearing can reach out to ten miles, if the wolf has good hearing, but in a city like this, their hearing was limited greatly, maybe to about six, if they were lucky. Still, Silus was close enough for Kaisses to hear him and follow instructions. The wolf did so, actiating his spell Wrath of Earth, which made him able to manipulate all nearby nature for a short time. Silus looked to find Droplet behind him. He was worried abut her instantly, and he made his way over to her, only pausing to look back at the wolves. Once he got to her he looked up to her, still worried about her being around here. He tried to tug on her arm, trying to get her to move away. ”Y-you gotta get out of here.” Silus whispered to her.

      ”I need to get out of here? Really?” Kaisses thought to himself as he still heard Silus’ innocent little voice pleading. He looked to Chandler and lowered down into a pouncing stance. Roots twisted and broke through the concrete, flying straight for Chandler. He spawned a fire shield and while normally the fire would have consumed the roots, the rain weakened the fire slightly, leveling the field. The wood burned up, getting extinguished by the rain and healing the roots, while sending the pyromaniac flying. Kaisses began to run on all and as he ran a root grew beneath him and arched a path in the air over the bank, where he had thrown the pyrokinetic. Kaisses and Chandler were now away from others, and able to pursue their own battle.

     ”L-lily please I don’t want you to get hurt” Silus pleaded. He just now made a decently close person, maybe even a friend, and he didn’t want her to get hurt. He noticed something though, the strange rain seemed to pour harder and harder, then Silus looked up to the water tower, not thirty feet away. Lucas and Hocus were at odds, meanwhile Abara kept conjuring powerful light barriers to interrupt the beams of healing energy, greatly annoying the healer, Gabriel. All that was left was Shael, who looked irritated by the wolves, he even stepped out  and started down the stairs in a calm walk, right towards Abra. Poor Abra was so focused on interrupting the healing that he didn’t notice Shael, until it was too late. He turned his head and Shael backhanded his furry prismatic face, launching the poor wolf onto a police car, on his back with a loud yelp and a whine. The car folded under the pressure of the hit, making Shael smirk and nod as he folded his arms. ”ABRA!” Silus called out! What was he going to do? It was raining, he had no powers, he only saw a fire hydrant and a water tower…what was Silus going to do with that though?
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Post by Augsp November 19th 2013, 2:39 am

Something tugged at her, and Lily snapped her attention back to Silus, who was desperately trying to lead her away, a few policemen getting ready to lead her out of the chaos. But she wasn't any normal kid. If she was, she'd already have the phone out and capture the whole image. Sometimes, she did't understand the stupidity of her age group. "I've got some powers too," Lily smiled and promised Silus, refusing to be led away. If Silus didn't know about who she was in the night, then would their opponents not know of it as well? Again, she swept over the surroundings once more, looking for a water source. Nothing much......Except for the lovely water tower and fire hydrant that seemed to almost smirk at her with a smug face. Score. Time to get in the action then.
She looked towards the wall of policemen, one of them trying to reach her. She turned back to the water tower and thrust out a hand. She could feel the water pulsing, beginning to churn, trying to escape the metal confinements of the tower. She imagined the water making a hole in the metal, spewing out and acting according to her needs, which in this case, was to distract that healer guy and maybe the Shael guy. Anything to let one of the wolves-Abra, right?- have some time to recover. She must have looked so stupid to the policemen. But as soon as that thought left, the water tower's walls were punctured with a loud bang, water running out from the good-sized hole. She twisted her hand a little and thrust it again, in the direction towards Shael, trying hr best to put as much pressure as possible. The water wasn't hot or anything, so the most it could to was probably have him stunned for a small time, no burns or blisters or whatever. Not that blisters and burns could stop this guy. But time was time, and the way she saw it, even a little would help.
"See? I'm not completely useless...." Lily said, a slight smile escaping her lips despite the current situation.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus November 20th 2013, 9:06 pm

Water flooded down into the street, the sheer pressure being able to move cars slightly, though nothing too major, save for one car that actually shifted onto a guys leg. Silus placed his back against the wall, hoping the water wouldn't exactly get swept away. He looked to Lily wide eyes and a small smile, seemingly amazed by the water powers she possessed. He looked to her with the same jaw dropped smile and then he noticed Shale, who wasn't very happy about his nice spiked hair being matted against his cold, and now horribly wet self.

     "Well...looks like I got me a Hero..." He said, looking around for the source of the power. He settled for targeting the police officers. He began walking down the steps, shots rang out, but none of the bullets did anything but tear at his rock-star styled clothing. He would reach the officer's easily, and proceed to smash at them, hitting one after another, showing great restrain and only knocking them out, up until Abra stood up and shot him with a blast of Light energy, causing Shael to glare at the wolf. Shael, his shoulder still smoking from the blast, charged the wolf, tackling it, taking it to the ground and smashing it's head off the concrete...again...and again...and again. Abra finally let out a loud high pitched yelp and began whining as it tried to breath and stay alive. Shael smiled, got up off the wolf, and turned to the nearest police car, picking the vehicle up and holding it over the wolf. "Night-wolf" Shael sniggered as he moved, ready to bring the entire car down on the wolf.
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Post by Augsp November 22nd 2013, 3:47 am

Okay. That was quite the opposite of what Lily was trying to do. Apparently she'd been getting rusty, or her power was growing, because this was far more powerful than what she was trying to do. And it actually cause civilian damage. Great.She'd have to stop this hero business if she couldn't control her powers anymore. Hopefully not.
"That....was far more than i ex...." she began then promptly shut u. No use in revealing herself to that guy Shael. That was much too risky. Based on what was happening at the moment, her funeral would be held a few days later.
But now, it seemed, Abra would be getting that treatment. Was Shael blind? Or was he simply this cruel? Did he really have no love for his sibling's own guardians? Evil, she decided, blinded you in every way possible. But this......this, she could not bear to see. Innocence, in this case, well, like all cases, wouldn't work. She couldn't just impulsively jump in. Well, unless if she wanted a death wish. That wasn't exactly the case for now. She looked at Silus desperately, hoping that some odd miracle would happen in time to prevent the police car ending Abra's life? If only, she could get to Abra.......If she had a little time....
"I....i need cover," she squeaked out, then composed herself a little more.
"Distract your brother and his gang," her eyes shone momentarily. "Give me time. I can heal him,"

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus November 23rd 2013, 11:22 pm

"N-No! Lily Kaisses used his spell, the rain will heal him, don't worry. We gotta get Shael out of here..." Silus said, looking to Shale, with a loud grunt Shael slammed the car down on the wolf, which let out a high puitched whine, before blood pooled out from under the car. "ABRA!" Silus said, whimpering, fearful for his dog.

     "Alright, which one of you owns these mutts, HUH?" Shael asked, displaying that he had no idea that these wolves were in any way linked to Silus. Silus began to cry, but he seemed to clutch his hands, a display of anger. His left eye began to glow indigo, and the right began to glow a bright sky blue. He looked to Droplet and tugged on her sleeve. 

     "We have to save them...if we don't get the car off Abra then he's gonna die!" Silus said, his hand shot forth Nether and Aether energy into Lily, unknowingly, his fear of his "Pack member" Abra, who was practically like a brother to him, triggered something deep inside him, just this once granted him the power to support someone.

     With the energy of Nether and Aether that Silus used to make her stronger, she would be able to take on Shael and save the day, but that was up to her to do it. Silus was just a kid with special wolves. Shael looked over at a police officer, Picking him up by the throat and clenching his hand, suffocating the man. He just laughed as he cracked his neck.
    "Who...commands...the wolves?" He asked slowly and deliberately, making it clear that he was belittling the intelligence of humans everywhere.
(Droplet gains +4 PP)

spell list:

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Post by Augsp November 24th 2013, 1:40 am

"I'll go and try to distract your brother," Lily said, eyes big and heart racing. She's just met the guy, and now she was risking her neck to save his pet/guardian wolf. Awesome. But hey, that was the life of a hero. The water seemed to agree, lapping at her now-soaked boots. With one hand, she gathered the liquid before her.
Blond hair flying, she created something very similar to a hurricane. Okay. That was weird. She wasn't this powerful. There was a loud crack and Lily whipped her head. She took a step back, but the huge amount of water seemed to get stronger, gaining fire with the occurrence of a martyr.
Blond hair flying, she came out into Shael's view impulsively.
"They're definately not mine," she said, a wry smile spreading on her lips.
"But the water.....that's was me." then the water went barreling towards the young man. Hopefully she wouldn't kill somebody. Whatever. Law decreed that if something like this happened, it was your responsibility to evacuate. At least, that's how she remembered it. "Oops, my bad," she let out a very bad-timed laugh. Maybe a crazed teenage girl act would be best. She definitely felt like one.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus November 25th 2013, 8:38 pm

[color:6769=ffcc66]"Well, well, well. I knew we were starting young, but what this is ridiculous." Shael said. He snickered, wiping a little blood from his mouth. He charged Droplet, wanting nothing more than to pop her little head off. His superhuman strength made being close to him very deadly, but with this new and powerful water, Droplet was going to be fine, for now Silus had to figure out what he was going to do about all the civilians.

      "Kick his butt Lily!" Silus said as he cheered her on. It was boring for him for the most part, though he was scared for her. She would need to duck and weave through a flurry of punches and powerful blows to stop him. Though Silus was more interested to see her stop him, than watching her duck and dodge.

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Post by Augsp November 26th 2013, 2:08 am

Lily's eyes widened as she saw Shael running towards her with deadly speed. So was this how she was going to die? Battered to death by this guy? Awesome. Maybe Silus could come to her funeral. Say a few words or something. And why was he cheering her on? Okay, weird. Maybe it was a dream. As Shael got closer, she closed her eyes and thrust both of her hands out. Maybe she's made some shield or something. Anything to at least slow him down, although it was highly unlikely. She waited, and then she was shocked to be still alive. She opened her eyes a little, and she now gazed upon the prism that now held a very angry supervillan. Okay, definitely magic.
"Why so ridiculous? There's a lot of younger heroes these days, right?" she countered dryly, contemplating her work and wondering about how long it'd last. Was it soundproof as well? Probably not. But her science studies seemed to offer no knowledge worth scraping up.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus November 26th 2013, 1:58 pm

.      Shael ran right into the prism wall, bashing his durable head against it. The Prism wobbled, but Shael rubbed his head, getting the appearance that someone had just punched him...and actually did some damage. He began chuckling maliciously, he looked like he was going to make Lily pay a thousand fold for this. He placed his hands on the prism and his eyes began to glow an off shade of aqua blue. He began pressing and slowly beginning to stretch through the Prism.

      "Sorry...kid...I'm not year...old!" Shael said as he powered through the water, breaking through it like a water balloon and swinging for her head. As the arm came up, Abra snak his teeth into Shael's arm and tackled him to the ground. Shael smashed his arm off the concrete, Abra attached, cracking the wolf again. The poor prismatic fur of the wolf was stained red, blood everywhere. "Damnit, Stop it ya mutt, I'm starting to feel like Michael Vick!" He said, standing up blood trailing down his arm.

     "A-ABRA!" Silus yelled, the voice made Shael pause, freeze up and look over at the source. The little mop-headed punk! It was Silus, his own brother was trying to haras him!? Shael smiled, unsure if he had ever been prouder of the little kid. The wolf, Abra whined as he weakly moved his head. "Abra Kadabra!" Silus said.

      "Alakazam?" Shael asked, holding both arms out to the side and looking around as if he were looking for something to happen, seeing nothing he looked back to Silus with that "know-it-all" smirk and a questioning raised eyebrow. "What-uh...what are you going to do with that huh?" Shael teased his little sibling. The wolf knew exactly what it meant though. The Wolf had suddenly come undone, and the wolf seemed to bleed away like a liquid, colors randomly skewing, it looked as if it were a puddle of mixed paints, or an abstract piece of art. [url=The colors seemed to reassemble, and suddenly, where Abra had been there was now a large beautiful Prismatic Dragon]The colors seemed to reassemble, and suddenly, where Abra had been there was now a large beautiful Prismatic Dragon[/url]!

      Abra Kadabra The Dragon spoke, still the same voice as the wolf. Shael turned around and looked up, seeing the fifteen foot tall Dragon, it's wounds mending and with a swift whip of it's tail, sent Shael into a car. Silus seemed to slink down a little, he began to heave a little. He felt utterly sick...his brother knew...and that means Ouro would know....

   He knew that today was going to be a bad day...he just knew it.

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Post by Augsp December 2nd 2013, 2:00 am

Okay. It held him off. For five seconds. Missions accomplished.....maybe. And now, she was pretty defenseless, huh? She decided to duck at the right time, but just before, Abra struck and the two engaged in the fight. The rest was really a blur to her, Abra almost dying and then somehow becoming a huge awesome dragon. Lucky her, experiencing all that in a day.

She wondered about how this would end up. Would they somehow defeat this guy? Or would they fail and need others from Knightwatch to clean up their sorry messes? Her hands balled up into fists as she thought about it. Even with this magic, it was all she could do, projecting useless bubbles of water that obviously didn't do much. Whatever happened in the end, she hoped that she wouldn't leave this place on a stretcher.

Seeing as Abra was occupied-occupied, really?- with Shael, Lily turned around, sturggling to get out of her thinking bubble. In les than seconds, her eyes landed on a termbling Silus. Instantly, she ran over to him.
"Silus? Silus, are you alright?"
Lily obviously wasn't asking that sort of question to a kid who seriously wasn't alright.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus December 14th 2013, 1:26 am

"I-I'll be fine...we-we should go..." Silus said. There were hundreds of things running through his head right now, and he honestly didn't want to be here. He needed to think of a way to keep his daddy from hearing about this, and the only way to do that was either bribe or kill Shael...and killing Shael was like killing Michael. That crap just don't happen man.

    Silus looked to Lily, they either had to leave now and trust the wolves to beat Shael and his little minions, or Lily would need to continue fighting. Either way, Silus needed out of there. The poor little guy was sick to his stomach, scared that somehow...his parents would disown him or something like that. He was afraid for his life at the moment, physically trembling as he fought off his illness. He looked to Lily to see what she wanted to do, and if she wanted to run where they were headed to.

 No girls allowed... (Closed to Droplet) - Page 2 Lucife10
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Post by Augsp December 14th 2013, 2:22 am

Lily froze, as she heard the boy speak. He seemed so broken, face ashen and grey. Her hands fumbled out, and lightly gripped Silus’s shoulders. With her conscience yelling at the back of her head to shut up on the drama and get rid of Shael first, Lily looked at Silus quietly.
“Sure. Lead the way,” she replied quietly. Forget her conscience. Sometimes she hated to e a hero, being so…...noble. She wasn’t noble. She was a fumbling mess who cared more about the people around her than humanity or the public. And for now, all her attention was on Silus.
“Let’s go,” she repeated, nodding for extra measure.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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