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Dance in the windy City

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Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance in the windy City

Post by Arcana September 26th 2013, 10:56 pm

Here came the whole you ruined my life, and destroyed everything you monster speech. Sean had to admit that he was expecting it, but there wasn’t anything within him that could deny it. ”oh Sean you monster.” The Titan would muttered to himself, feeling more dark liquid seem to ooze from his nostrils, accompanied with a minor amount of pain that did not really affect him in the slightest. ”Yes, you have all the answers, and know exactly why I did what I did.” His lips curled into an animalistic snarl, teeth seeming to take on a sharper appearance as the Nether around his arm radiated the killing intent from it. His eyes were on the pistol, and Sean was ready to move before he even pulled the trigger. It was now a large machine gun, and one that would unleash a hail of bullets that would easily tip the Titan to shreds if he missteped once. He had to be careful, not let this bastard overcome him.

It was the sound of gunfire that started the fight, and Sean was moving fast from the get go. His energy seemed to move in perfect synchronization with his body, and any movement that did not allow him to dodge a bullet, a small tendril would lash out and destroy what was close to harming him. In the midst of the high profile dodging, he noticed that two more clones of the bastard were created, and that meant that he had more problems, and ones that Sean did not need when he was already barely keeping up. They both had blades, and he could see the slight glimmer of a barrier, one that he was unsure if he could pierce even if he tried. With these two, he felt like that would only be another strain upon his concentration.

That meant his energy would have to do more work on his part, and more concentration would go into two extensions of his energy, which would lash out at the Niall clones. However, the barrier proved more powerful than Sean anticipated, and even if he had managed to break through it with the two nether tendrils with blade like things at the end, nothing was really done to the clones themselves. Sean pushed forward with all of his speed past the two of them, trying to dodge all of the bullets, but that was impossible now that he thought about it. Something painful and sharp jabbed through his right shoulder, the one where his energy was not coursing through, and he already knew that one of the bullets had made their mark.

The energy around his right arm would seem to coalesce to a point, and then extend outward, with a few precise, if not forced strikes, he aimed to slice through both the gun and the arm holding it. If anything, he was pushing himself more than usual, and the damage to his shoulder, and the blood squirting out of it was likely to stack somehow.
The little blonde Sean had thought he was getting away, but that was not true. The Ethereal being made himself faster than him, and ran the boy down, tackling him to the ground with a jarring amount of pain, one that made his headache and covered up the pain that was already there for a moment. He grumbled lightly, perhaps a more controlled response, feeling that the other half was in pain, and it was likely he would die. Ouroboros said something that made him wonder for a moment.  He felt like he knew the stranger, and something made it impossible to be mad at him, and in fact he felt a certain connection with him, and that was more than enough to calm the burning energy within him.

Still the kid wondered if  he speaking to him, or his darker half? He looked at the blonde curiously as he walked away, and that was when the pain truly came into play, as a phantom pain wracked his shoulder, and forced him to curl on the ground in pain, as Aaron and Brandon caught up. Brandon was the one to pick him up, seeing as how Aaron was not the strong type, and he would likely end up dropping the poor guy anyway. Nothing was really making sense anymore.


Number of posts : 2491
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance in the windy City

Post by Zodiac September 27th 2013, 10:05 pm

     Niall watched as his assault worked, slightly. The Ethereal clones got their shields decimated, and one of the clones Lost an arm, turning into an explosive. The second clone took minor damage and turned to attack Sean from behind. Niall just continued to assault the Titan, hoping to God or whatever was out there that he could take off the little freak's head. Niall felt his left arm hunger, and as such his 'tendencies' turned into a bit more of an aggressive sadistic nature. Sean closed in to about three feet away, Niall went to raise his gun to fire, but Sean lashed out at Niall.

     "Checkmate." Niall said, the blade plunged into his arm, tearing through his superhuman skin as if it were paper. A large wedge of Ethereal light poured out from the wound, but no blood would spill. Instead now it was revealed that Niall lacked such things, for where there should be blood and body there was only energy and flesh. Niall's confidence however existed in the fact that he had triggered a reaction within himself and as the light poured out of his arm in a flash. The clone behind him exploded and in the explosion it's rays turned into circles. Given Sean's momentum within the strike, and how close he was to Niall, escaping from these rings was unlikely, however...Sean had proven to do the impossible before. The rings would attempt to wrap themselves around each shoulder, each thigh and one around his waist, followed by the one that would wrap around the abdomen, by the xyphoid process.

      Niall's arm went limp, and he began gasping and grunting as he grappled the wound. Niall took advantage of his time and augmented the Ethereal rings using his own manipulative powers. The gun had been decimated and was beyond repair, and so he was left with only a sword and a broken pistol. Sean was quick, that much was certain, and if Niall didn't do something now he was going to die, or end up being manipulated by this think, like Zell was. He just had to think on his feet for a change. He'd been spending time around Aaron, and Zell before him. You'd think some brains would rub off on him.... then again...he spent time around Brandon too, which would also rub off on him.

      Niall, in a flash conjured up and Ethereal wall. This would provide good protection for him for a moment while he thought of what to do next. It wasn't needed though. In fact...he knew what to do next. The problem would be controlling himself once it happened. He coughed and smiled as he stood upright. He looked at Sean and finally let out a sting of little laughs, the innocent smile directed right at him."Let's get this over with..." He said, his eyes glowing and his energy growing even more prominent.


      Ouroboros arrived at the scene, leaning against a wall as he watched Niall form a shield of Ethereal energy. Ouro just smiled at his little Ethereal subordinate, until he looked to find the opponent really was none other than his Titan. Ouro let out a little groan, knowing he would have to make a choice. He wasn't too worried about either of them knowing he was there, but then again he didn't want to get in the way of the action. this rate I'll lose both of them... Ouro thought to himself. He shook his head. He wouldn't let that happen, he was more than able and willing to intervene when the time came. He was at Niall's back but Sean was still likely to be able to see him. If Sean saw him he might have been able to see Ouro mouthing the words "rooting for you". If he didn't it didn't matter of course. In retrospect it might not have been a good idea to let the Titan know he was rooting for him.

Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance in the windy City

Post by Arcana September 27th 2013, 11:43 pm

His strike had succeeded in harming Niall, while it also managed to damage his weapon, but it seemed that there was more to him than initially thought. It was that energy, something that clawed at his very being, and took away all rational thought within an instant, leaving Sean a slack jawed junky presented with their crutch. It was in this moment that he did not notice the rings form, and forcibly bind him as his own Titan blood quickened, markings taking their dominance over the male that was now caught. His breathing grew erratic, and something akin to a sadistic smirk formed on his lips, as he deeply took in the energy. Niall was filled with that energy, and it poured from his every pore so pure, and so wonderfully.

He would have resisted against the bindings normally, but not now when he felt the energy seeming to consume him. Now a wall of Ethereal energy stood between them, and Sean was bound rather tightly as the markings would only finish their expansion. ”Get this over with? Niall, it hasn’t even really started.” His voice seemed to gain a layer to it, something dark and malevolent. "I haven’t had my fun yet.” The energy about him was dark, and something that perhaps could steal the very life from the air as it mingled with the radiant Ethereal energy in an almost forbidden way.

He could feel his true power coming to him, and that meant that he could easily escape the little bind he was thrown in, and his eyes caught a glimpse of someone watching, Ouroboros watching. He was going to toy around with the irish male, play with him, and then drop his petulant head right at Brandon’s feet

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance in the windy City

Post by Zodiac September 28th 2013, 1:40 am

       ”You know what’s funny…” Niall rhetorically stated. His face was down cast. He wasn’t smiling anymore, there was no longer a reason to smile. He felt the presence of Ouroboros nearby, though he didn’t know it was Ouroboros, he felt another of greater force than him. He weakly placed his hand over the large gape that illuminated with Ethereal energy. His heart sank, and for as moment he remembered Arianna, Brandon and Aaron. They had gone through such measures to protect him, to make him feel welcomed. Some reason though…they would likely never accept Ouroboros. They likely felt as if he was a monster…but then…why did they not make Niall feel as if he was a monster? They used the same powers. He finally managed to keep his thoughts together enough to go on. ”I thought that I was just like you…ya know? That Ouro and I were the same…and that you were like us. We all feed off the energy that is hated and revolted. We all have these powers that people think are all evil and stuff….” Niall said. The point was valid in his eyes, and in Ouro’s as well.
      ”I even thought about going with Ouro…and being with him just like I was with Zell…Going with Ouro…none of this would be happening if I did that.” Niall said. For a moment he was questioning his morals, who he was, everything he stood for. He was just a machine not too long ago, and before that he was a human boy. In his growth into becoming the young man he was today…he never had the development he needed to discern right from wrong…he just had to go off of what he remembered form Zell. ”The last thing I remember Zell saying was that he swore he’d find a way back…before….he made me human.” Niall continued on. He was truly doing it wasn’t he? He was deconstructing, breaking down. Ouro’s heart sank as he felt it, almost as if…he knew what Niall was talking about…of course he’d not show any indication. A single tear fell form Niall’s eyes and stained the ground. Niall was like a small Ethereal child, lost and confused about his place. Ouroboros felt a chill run down his spine. He knew Sean, he would not allow Sean to take advantage of Niall’s compromised morality.
     Niall began to break down in ways that none had imagined. He was shaken to his very core. None would have expected that this all happened form that one little comment made from a short egotistical prick. He began to wonder if Zell…really could come back. Why not? Zell had always had an answer or a plan for everything…
      Ouroboros watched as he felt the pain radiating from Niall. He needed something to keep this fight interesting. Or that’s what he told himself. Besides….Niall was an Ethereal, and the Ethereal were not meant to be ruled by Titans. Ouro cursed himself mentally. As the thought of the name Titan’s he spewed it out like it was a venom he wished to expel. He didn’t want to think of his “Ally” in that way, but recent events had begun to sear and brand the Ethereal King on his very soul. He took in a sharp breath and finally thought of it. He sent out his nanites to Snapple little parts of Ethereal energy into Niall’s brain, triggering the Auditory sensory and mimic words from an important memory. Though Ouro had no idea which one it was…
      ” I swear...I WILL find a way back”
      Those words rang out in his head. Though he had no idea where they came from. He stopped shaking. He stiffened. The Death and Ethereal mixing in the air. No…he wouldn’t fall to this. Not like this. He remembered the night he died to Ouroboros. He remembered everything, and he even remembered having to look Brandon in the face as he died. He was glad to die for him…and he’d do it again in a heart beat, but he wouldn’t need to. Not tonight. He has a single stream of wetness down his cheek, he looked up to Sean, his face hardened, stoic. If Sean had decided to try and convince him return to Ouro and join them…or whatever may have been happenings. Niall would let it finish.
      ”Sean…you’re Death right?” Niall asked. He heard the response and smiled. The wound sealed over with the use of his Ethereal light and with his arm completely healed over he raised the broken pistol, and then the sword in the other hand. The weapons flashed and transformed into other weapons, weapons that only a genius could make. Niall smiled as the pistols energy went up to his forearms and formed down to past his fingertips. He had been practicing on this for a long time..but he finally was getting to use it. The E.G. Guns (Ethereal Gataling guns). Suddenly two more clones manifested beside Niall with the Ethereal energy. The clones took their positions and they all surrounded Sean. This all took place in almost an instant, and so Niall had just heard the answer when he looked at Sean with a smile on his face, rising both arms , all three of them taking Aim at the trapped Sean. ”I’ve died twice…you’re doing a really shitty job mate.”

      And then they all fired out.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance in the windy City

Post by Arcana September 28th 2013, 2:43 am

Sean let the rhetorical question move through his mind for a moment, something that seemed so simple but he could not quite answer it. He then went on, about how he thought he, like Ouroboros were like Sean in some way. The more he spoke, the more Sean could see that he was breaking down, and all he could do was pity the being. There was no contempt to be had, only pity, as if part of him empathized with the bastard. That was when he felt thrumming, something coming close and closer, and sending a most unpleasant sensation through his being, something he had not felt in so long. Sean hated it, that feeling that tore into his very core, and threatened to rip him apart from the inside out, something that he could not quite place. That was when he felt it, the Aether that more than anything seemed to claw at and deconstruct his seemingly perfect façade of emotionlessness.

That was when everything seemed to change, and the question was asked. ”Yeah, I am.” Something within his voice was….uncertain about that. Out of the corner of his vision he saw something, a flash of blonde that seemed to set his attention off course, as he did not catch the latest quip, but his body reacted for him as it became mist. All of the bullets would miss, going through the haze that was now Sean, as it moved from its position to another, where it would take a human form once again. ”You.” He had lost all interest in Niall, as someone more pressing had appeared, and it was none other than his other half ”Seems like no matter what, you just can’t keep away.”

”We are one in the same after all.” The blonde half would say, bright energy seeming to radiate from him like a fountain, but one could feel so many energies coming off of it. The markings had extended across his body entirely, in a mock of Sean’s full Titan form. Sean tightened his hand into a fist, as the other male seeming to have changed radically simply stood there with that strangely powerful aura. ”So what, are you going to try and kill me?” He said with a humorless chuckle. ”You know that won’t happen, you can’t kill me.” He looked to Niall, who was still radiating Ethereal energy, grimacing lightly, a little annoyed by it, but otherwise seemed unphased. This was not the same person that shared that form only moments ago.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance in the windy City

Post by Zodiac September 28th 2013, 11:18 pm

      "Oi, I went out of my way to try and get him away from you!" Niall said, shocked at seeing blonde Sean there with...Sean. That was confusing to even think about. The blonde Sean was different though. He was...jagged? He didn't seem like the same little Sean that had been at the manor not all that long ago. "I don't want you to get hurt." Niall said, almost pleading. It even touched Ouro to see that Niall had gone through such lengths to protect the little blonde man from himself.

      Niall continued to fight until suddenly his clones vanished, and his E.G guns reverted to normal pistols. Niall gasped quietly, as his powers failed him. He had returned to normal, his Ethereal energy was weaker now, and the Nether could easily drown it out. But where his energy faltered, a new energy took it's place. There were three energies, mingling in the atmosphere. Aether, Nether and Ethereal, all of them twisting and intertwining. The Ethereal had actually advanced and now it was clear that this was farther than Niall had ever wanted to bring this.


      Niall faltered, for a moment he was shocked and when his emotions changed, so did his powers. Ouroboros himself sent out his soothingenergies into the atmosphere, his eyes glowing violently as the Ouroboros tattoo altered, showing that the Dragon's head had ben snapped back, and it was no longer able to bite it's tail. His eyes changed to compliment the tattoo and his hands became alight with Ethereal energy. Within a second, Ouroboros had managed to break the most powerful Seal of it's time, and tap into his primal birthright.

      He was unamused by any and all of this. His intention was that both Seans would know the feel of the Ethereal energy and it would disarm the combative attitudes, however he knew it was unlikely. It was a long shot but he was attempting to take it. his face cold and stoic, beguiling all who looked at it and hiding away the torment. Ouroboros at this moment feared he would be forced to pick a side. Which one would he side with? Sean was stronger, but Naes was...different. Truly a difficult decision, but one he would begin to answer for himself. The worst thing that would happen to him right now would be for either, or both of them to ask his assistance, because then it would be a direct invocation that would likely sway opinions of him one way or another.  Perhaps it was time to make his exit...

Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance in the windy City

Post by Arcana September 28th 2013, 11:52 pm

”You know you don’t want to kill me, and I certainly do not want to kill you.” The blonde noted barely seeming to note what Niall said. ”Without me you are half, you are only ever going to be as you are. “ Sean’s intangible form seemed immune to all that Niall threw at him, and soon enough that Ethereal energy would fade away to insignificance. The Aetheric being would simply keep his distance from Sean, as if considering what to do as he looked over his other half, one that was an opposite, and at the same time so compatible with him. ”I don’t know what you see in him, Ouroboros that is.” He would disappear in a flash of light, and there he was in front of Sean.

”Everything you built your life upon, you gave up for him. You did it without batting an eye too.” The blonde make would crouch before the Titan, his markings glowing brightly. ”You made me as well. I am all that was good; anything that you thought you could simply cast away.” He could have said more, and the black haired bastard needed to hear every word of it, but that was when he felt that damned energy. If anything, he hated Ethereal energy, and that creeping sensation that it gave him. All he needed to do was reach out, and touch the Titan, and everything would realign. He knew the consequences, but then again that did not matter in the bigger picture. Neas would stand to his feet, arms crossed over his chest, and looking down.

Right now their proximity was creating a strange, if not dark energy that only agitated the air around them. Reality would warp, and seem to buckle in on itself, before fixing itself back as it once was. ”Get away.” Sean growled harshly, which was ignored really, by the blonde Titan that only looked down upon the one that was for the moment on his knees. His nose bled more, dark liquid spilling from it in one gush, as it felt like a lance was being rammed through his skull. His markings glowed a dark red, far brighter than before as if his skin would burn, and begin to melt any second.

”You lower yourself for him, that thing. For a great and mighty Titan, you sure enjoy playing lapdog. If I touched you now, I could easily drain you of all that power you hold so dear, but I won’t. Remember this Sean. If you come near Aaron, Brandon, or anyone else, I’m sure you can understand what I’m saying. Now if you excuse me I have other matters to attend to.” Sean however did not hear that last part, as his whole body seemed to shudder, the markings slowly cooling down.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance in the windy City

Post by Zodiac September 29th 2013, 1:58 am

  Did Niall really just hear that? Nothing but...sadness welled up in him. He stood up and shuddered. He turned to Ouroboros and his eyes were bloodshot. Wouldn't Ouroboros look him in the eyes? Did he remember what he did? Was it finally catching up with him? Ouro just kept looking at Sean and the Blonde Sean, his energy beaming with immense power. Did what little blonde Sean say...affect him? Niall figured this fight was as good as over. He was against killing, and he wasn't about to start. But...what he just heard.

      "I...I..." Niall started, but he could not finish. He simply turned and walked away. He was ashamed, embarrassed. and depressed. Here he thought all that whiny bull crap was done and out of the way...but it wasn't. His body seized, and he began to break down, but he didn't show it. He walked through alleyways and even passed the Hales, not bothering to look either of them in the eyes.


      Ouroboros heard the words and it stung. At first he simply wrote it of as his pride being wounded. But then it began to fester, and the irritation grew into burning. The burning went even further into a drilling pain, one that made him hollow inside. He heard the words of Naes and he began to quiver, despite his commanding his body to wouldn't. Was this...was Sean really thought of him? Was this REALLY Sean? Despair washed over him...but he would not walk the path that his ethereal friend had. He would not allow tears to overcome him, no...instead he would embrace rotted his soul...hardened and deadened him. The change was almost visible too. Ouroboros warped over to Sean and got down on his knee, trying to help the Titan.

      "You're not my lapdog, I hope you'd know that." Ouroboros said. There was a tinge of Innocence in his voice...perhaps validating it as truth. His words were meant to sooth the Titan and hopefully make him calm down. He looked over his shoulder at the one he called Naes. While he would never admit it...his heart was ripped out today.


      Niall went to the top of Sears tower. The place was still stained by the Nether energy Sean had left behind. He dropped to his knees at the edge and he looked over the side. Where many found heights terrifying...Niall found it relaxing. He remembered that one day he and Zell...but then his memory stopped and he was hit with a rush of grief. The clouds above him seemed to turn gray, and thunder boomed in the distance. Perfect timing. Rain began to descend on him, beading off the sides of Sears tower, and the sides of Niall's face.

      It was the perfect way to hide tears. He looked over the edge...he wished he could just jump and fly away. Zell and him used to dream about that. That maybe when he became the "Perfect Being" he would be able to make himself some wings, or have the ability to fly. Then Niall would end up human and They could become friends all over again, and then they could just fly around all the time. So much for those plans.

      h-how wil-will you remember me when you change? How do you know you'll like me? A flash of lightning and a roar of thunder as the rain poured down over him.

      Because, you're my best friend...and I could never forget you...ever. The rapid dropping of the rain perfectly hid his tears...or so he thought.

  On my life!

    The rain continued and no sign of end came. He just sat up there...alone...partially wishing to feel the surge of Nether...just so he could go back and put an end to all of this. But he was above that...and that...would NEVER change. Instead he remembered the promise he made with Zell...and he swore on his life. Niall really couldn't be mad...after all...

       Zell gave him his life...
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance in the windy City

Post by Arcana September 29th 2013, 2:40 am

Sean couldn’t move, his body shuddering spastically as the silver pools would stay locked with the ground. He seemed to have no control over anything in his body, even his own Titan power it seemed, as the markings began to recede across the pale flesh. If anything, his humanity had only reminded him, that he had truly given everything up. Bitterness swept through Sean like a wave as he let the black blood blip across the ground, drop by drop as he dumbly, and deafly. One hand pressed against the ground, keeping his barely stable form from falling over, and he could feel as the blonde one walking away, as the sky rumbled, and Ouroboros spoke something, that he was not his lapdog.

Part of Sean wanted to believe him, but someone that was himself had spoken those words, and that seemed to hold a large amount of weight. The bleeding stopped, but his body still was wracked with spasms, and…something slid down his cheeks cold as everything else about him. An overt show of weakness, in the form of tears tinted darkly slid down his cheeks, though brief as it was. The question within his mind was why? Why was he crying over something that did not require it? It was then that he realized all that he had thrown away, all that he had given up, but for what? In an attempt at being overt, Sean rubbed his eyes, and wiped away the moisture.

It was then that the rain fell, and the wet drops fell against his skin as the Titan forced himself to his feet, body wanting to collapse with each motion upwards.  It was Ouroboros that seemed to help him, as it always seemed to be.”Yeah….I know.” He could feel it twisting within him, that weakness called humanity that was destroying him from the inside out, and perhaps only damaging him more than anything that a foe could do. Sean let the Nether crawl up, and cover the wounds that were caused by Niall, staunching the blood flow, and looked to Ouro. ”Well I doubt we should stand around here for too long, this whole fight might have draw unwanted attention.” Sean said suggesting that they get moving, perhaps to another place, even the isles maybe. He tried to smile, but it only came as a half smirk, and slightly forced.

That was when the blonde Sean, now only half of his power dominant returned to Aaron and Brandon.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance in the windy City

Post by Zodiac September 29th 2013, 3:08 am

      Niall was bitter. What else could he be? It was apparent now more than ever. He and Ouroboros were no different. Any difference between them was by the sheer luck of circumstance. He SHOULD have gone with Ouroboros. He should be a part of his life. Maybe if he fought harder...maybe if he had stuck with Ouroboros the whole way through...he might have ended up a better person...and Zel-l...Ouro...Oruoboros might have befriended they planned. What if...they could start again?

      This wasn't worth it...was it? Putting up with the constant abuse of himself? Should he be ashamed of what he was, that he had the powers he had. He cared so much for other people...and they don't give a shit about him. But Zell did...Ouroboros did. Why would he not have gone...Brandon...that was the ONLY thing. Niall roared out in pain. The Ethereal in his body augmented his voice, and it boomed like thunder. He cursed in a tongue he didn't even know he knew. A tongue that could only be understood by those who could speak it...


      "DAMN YOU!" Was the thing Ouro heard next. He shuttered. He cursed Naes, at that moment. He never wanted anything bad to happen to Naes or the Hales...but at that moment Ouroboros wished he could drag them all to Hell. Why was Niall so tortured, what was he so resistant? It didn't matter to Ouro in the end, because Sean took precedence, above all else. The word Lapdog echoed throughout his head.

      [I]He's MY lapdog? He didn't create life...he didn't create an entire island society, filled with monster and creatures that specifically accommodated my power... He didn't sacrifice his political authority and risk his image by naming me his equal. How exactly is HE the lapdog? Ouroboros asked himself. Sean said something along the lines of drawing attention. His smile snuck out only as a smirk. Sean was hurting, and it didn't take any of Ouroboros' intelligence to decipher that. Before Sean could walk away Ouroboros pulled at him and latched onto him snugly. He took in a deep calming breath and sighed.

      "They can look and blame me, I don't care. The only thing I care about is right here with me. If you wish to go...We will go...just tell me where." Ouroboros said, and for a minute it almost seemed like he was human as if he were...vulnerable. This was something he would never show again...most likely.

Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance in the windy City

Post by Arcana September 29th 2013, 3:32 am

Sean wanted to run, as fast as his weak legs could carry him, and run far away. Away from Brandon, from Arianna, away from Aaron and Niall, and everyone else, but one; he could not leave Ouroboros behind. Even if Sean wanted to hate him with every fiber of his being, he simply could not. Part of his hated that half that seemed to take a certain pleasure within taunting him, but then again he was afterall part of Sean, so that explained so many things that would have been wondered about. Sean would step forward; aiming to move, but Ouroboros reached out and latched onto him. The sudden movement was a surprise, and something about it only brought up the weakness within Sean even more, but he would not deny it this time. Sean would only press against Ouro, feeling the wonderful warmth that seemed to nullify the coldness within him.

”I…” He started hollowly, smirking a little wider, perhaps this seeming to bring a little more real emotional warmth above. ”We can go anywhere….as long as its not here.” Fingers curled around cloth, perhaps a shirt or something along those lines, but he was not quite sure. Chicago brought up more pain than Sean wanted, and if he had to face Aaron now, Sean was unsure what he would do, other than simply break down like he was now. He was weak it seemed, and nothing could change that, just as his humanity seemed to know so well. The Titan pressed their forehead against the Ethereal beings chest, taking in the Ethereal energy and more than anything simply enjoying the contact, as if it could quiet the tempest of thoughts that now surged within his mind. He wanted to go, and he knew that Ouroboros could do that whenever he wanted.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dance in the windy City

Post by Zodiac September 30th 2013, 12:12 am

     Niall sighed, driving his fist into Sears tower, despite his normally human strength his "blood" must have been pumping, as he punched a small crater into the roof, chipping it off the edge a little, sending small shards to the ground below. Ethereal Lightning cracked in the sky, tearing through anything that would dare get close enough. It was a storm unlike anything Chicago had seen. Niall tried to calm himself, but it did no good. He was not able to sooth himself, it would take days at this rate...and day's weren't exactly good for the public. Niall would need to go on the lamb...again it seems.


     Sean wished it, and so Ouro commanded it. Ouro commanded it, and so it was. Without another moment, Ethereal energy wrapped around the both of them. This time though, the innocence was drained from the energy, as if all innocence had been killed, and the energy was running warm with its blood. In a flash, they had been removed from Chicago. Ouroboros had contemplated going to the Isles, but he stopped himself, and settled for New Zealand. It was a nice enough place form what he'd heard. So Why not?

Dance in the windy City  - Page 2 Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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