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Contained Chaos

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Arcana September 1st 2013, 7:31 pm

Rhetorical questions one after the other, as if he did not already know the answer to them all. Normally, Sean would have stopped playing around, taken what he wanted with no regard for his victim, for his prey. Sean however loved it, the cat and mouse that left him wanting, that left him hungry for more. Their eyes locked, and within both of them was a fire, one that had reignited itself and burned him from the inside. Ouro inched away from Sean, perhaps trying to incite a certain chase. He so loved toying with the Titan it seemed, and this was just their game.

Ouroborous hooked his finger into Sean's jeans, pulling him forward in a rather unexpected turn of events. They were so close now, skin to skin and his heartbeat quickened., honestly Sean was surprised himself. His flesh was cold as ice, cold as death.  ”Are you sure you want me to take what I want?.” He asked quizzically as their eyes met two different colors, both smoldering like a furnace. Would this perfect being truly want what Sean had in mind or would he shy away, like so many times before. He rested his forehead against perfect beings, the Nether and Ethereal energy touching seeming to only energize him.

”Very well, but don't say I didn't warn you.” The Nether rose in the room excitedly, seeming to form over the only entrance to this room, the only way that one could hope to interrupt the fruition of what he had desired ever since that night in Chicago. Something that made him cast away all human allegiance, cast away everything. One of his hands steadied him, seeing as he was not aware as to how close he was to the desk, though he knew how close he was to the blonde. Hell, if he were any closer it would have been too perfect.

If he was to take what he wanted, now was a better time than any. Sean leaned forward,  and he did it. He pressed his lips to Ouro's as a jolt of pure bliss shooting throughout his body. If this were Nirvana, he wouldn't have it any other way, not at all. His hands without even much of a conscious thought pushed Ouro against the desk, likely scattering a few things in the process, and for a moment that bliss was cut off. Yet the Titan looked down upon the Ethereal being, now the predator he was meant to be.

Last edited by Pattata on September 30th 2013, 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total


Number of posts : 2493
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Zell September 1st 2013, 8:28 pm

      Well Ouroboros had been warned. Just like every other strong willed and thick headed individual he wrapped up the warning and threw it in the trash. The Titan seemed to be taking charge some, if not a little too much. Ouroboros instinctively wanted to battle back a little, but he suppressed it. It wasn’t fair if he won EVERYTHING, now was it? He felt the ethereal energy seeping from his hands and flowing into Sean, and the Nether attempting to overtake him. The Nether would ultimately fail, as would the Ethereal, but the energy that was formed in their wake, when they reached the full synchronization, when they reached their golden moment of total unity…that power was enough to make God’s envy.
      An undeterminable amount of time passed, but Ouroboros was up and moving about, seemingly with a great purpose. He was collecting thinks, checking computer monitors and humming a tune on his serious face. With a heavy sniff he picked up an orb, one that glowed of pure Ethereal energy, refined and pure. Suddenly, with it removed, the room returned to its normal state. Empty, save a monitor a bed and the windows overlooking the apocalyptic landscape. Now it was mostly time to just let Sean wake the hell up. A loud distorted noise rang out, and a brief glow of light, the Imperfect that had brought Sean to the teleporter had entered. He took off his crimson hat, revealing matted black hair and he removed his sunglasses to reveal the red eyes and the pearly white smile that made Satan shudder. Much to the surprise of any who were to see him, they would Swear that it was Zell in a strange attire and with dyed hair. He looked perfectly the same as the old Zell, the one Ouroboros had replaced and erased.
      ”Put through your paces?” The Imperfect jested with a sick snicker.
      ”Zakaken, mind yourself.” Ouroboros snapped at him, a warning to not misstep.
      ”Of course Master, my apologies.” he said as eloquently as he could. With a look to the ground and closed eyes he scoffed and shrugged it off. ”You of all people…”
      ”ZAKAKEN!” Ouroboros said, in an instant a sword of pure Ethereal light pierced through his stomach. The look on his face was pained, but somehow still blank. He staggered back and coughed, spitting out a little blood as a large pool lay on the ground.
      ”I was just about to say ‘are the one person I’d want’ to watch your ass when I couldn’t” Zakaken snapped as he used his power, the blood running from the floor up into the large whole in his body, beginning to reconstruct it.
      ”Don’t lie to me.” Ouro reminded him light heartedly as he looked into the orb.

Contained Chaos - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Arcana September 1st 2013, 8:57 pm

Sean couldn't tell how much time had past, how long the dance went, but during it the concept of time seemed meaningless. So many places passed at the edge of his vision, one that was obscured by so many other things. Ethereal energy danced across his skin, seeming to try and meld with his very being but it would fail as his Nether did with the Ethereal body of Ouroborous. Soon his body felt almost weightless, and he swore that he was in the Abyss, its dark tendrils caressing him lovingly, as if this could get no better. No human word could describe it, nothing at all, and soon enough he faded into blackness, with  the pure bliss of their synchronization to comfort him. When an energy so amazing was formed, that the gods themselves would both be fearful and envious of what had happened.

Sean knew not how much time he had been asleep, but when he woke his body felt slightly sore, especially the lower section. It was a slightly familiar feeling, but one that Sean would perhaps never get used to. He didn't know where he was, if it still was the office that the event had happened in. Sean's eyes snapped open as the silver orbs seemed ringed with dark red for a moment, and his breath came out in a harsh hiss. Something a lot like cloth hung over his body, which felt for the most part bare, as if he were...naked. Sean moved his head up, a sheet clinging to his body, hoping he was lucky enough to be still wearing boxers at least.

Someone roared and Sean swore he heard someone else in here, a male voice that sounded familiar. Like the one that had taken him here in the first place. This was just brilliant really, he had lost all humanity except for the part that made him feel modest. While he was likely in the nude, Ouroborous was the opposite, and speaking with the one that Sean had killed so long ago. With a quick motion Sean checked, and he was indeed nude, which added more trouble, but he would have to play it off, be smooth. Now where the hell were his pants, hoodie, shirt and fucking underwear? Sean had been wearing them at the start, and when he peaked over the edge of the bed, there they were.

With them all in a pile, out of reach, he would have to make sure not to get them until a certain male was out of here. Nether might have rotted them good, so he couldn't simply use it to reach them. He knew that when he woke, the Nether energy would become slightly more potent, but then again perhaps that was just when he slept his energy slept along with him. 'So it seems we have a guest, and I’m not even properly dressed.” Sean said changing his position where nothing of course would be revealed.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Zell September 1st 2013, 10:16 pm

      ”Awe, stage fright? From the way the energy in this room rose all the time I’d say you were pretty da-“ Zakaken began he noticed Ouroboros glare and he chuckled a little before wiping the lenses of his sunglasses off. ”Well…if you stood close enough to the teleporter you could hear-“ Ouro’s eyes flashed, the pupils becoming blood red like his face.

      ”Enough!” Ouroboros snapped. The Imperfect smiled and chuckled to himself, ceasing as he was asked.

      ”Well I was going to say the ocean…but from the look on your face I’ll assume you just didn’t want anyone else to hear you.”     
     ”I’ve asked you, and I’ve told you! ENOUGH!” He roared. Zakaken immediately fell into place looking at Sean with a judgmental look. It suddenly shifted back to the twisted smile.

      ”Well…I’d love to stay and keep blocking you rabbits but I’m actually doing something useful.” He said as he began to walk back for the teleporter. He was half way there, twenty steps form Ouroboros.



      ”We are going to stay here forever.” Ouro said. Zakaken stopped, dead in his tracks, looking over his shoulder and glaring.
     ”Sickening.” He said, taking the last couple steps onto the teleporter and vanishing from the room. Ouroboros walked over towards Sean and plopped down on the bed next to him and smiled. Within a second he already gone down and basically pinned Titan down.
     ”Honestly…I could live with this…keep you around here with me…” he said, starting to toy with Sean a little again. He smirked and leaned down and planted his lips on his guest. The second he stopped he chuckled. ”If you want out of here you need to be ready in five minutes…I just used four of them.” He snickered like a playful little sprite as he popped off Sean and walked towards the teleporter.
      The first think that happened to Ouro as he walked through the teleporter he felt something slimy slap him on the cheek. He tried to wipe it away only to see…oh god. He glared at Zakaken who just smiled the same sadistic little smile, and had a box in his hand. Ouroboros’s face was red with rage. He let out as roar so loud that the upper levels of the prison could hear him. In the end he was left seeing Zakaken’ unphased but one of his sunglasses lens’ were cracked.
      ”What? Safety first.” He said innocently
      By time Sean had come through the teleporter he would see Zakaken passed out, bleeding profusely from the head the smile still etched onto his face with closed eyes. Ouroboros looked at him and smiled as if nothing happened and he began walking towards the other guards. On the way past Ouro kicked Zakaken in the head and ontinued on leaving him with the instructions.

      ”Get up you lazy bastard.” Zakaken’s body obeyed the command and slunk along behind them in a zombie like trance.

Contained Chaos - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Arcana September 1st 2013, 10:44 pm

Sean would have blushed, well he did, so he made sure to skillfully hide any slight alteration within his face coloring, though it wouldn't be red like a normal human, but a slight darkening along the cheeks. Still, if there was any he managed to hide it with his slim arms, though Ouroborous seemed rather annoyed with how the male was acting, and it was interesting. Was there some kind of history between them that could spark off at any second, and end with a blood fight?

Perhaps the being had a slight problem with what transpired between The Titan and Ethereal being, but then again he had no interest in that things protests, not while he was likely more powerful than it. Sean adjusted his position, rather enjoying the soft feel of the matress against his bare rump, though he was still slightly put off on the fact that he was so damn shy over something like that. He was not a blushing maiden dammit, he was a Titan that would rule his race with a iron fist. This was no way for someone of his power to act now, especially around someone like Ouroborous, who he would not show weakness near.

Ouro said something about staying here forever, and Sean wondered if perhaps he was referring to both of them. Zakaken left, leaving the two that had so much fun only moments ago alone, as Ouro once again plopped down on the bed.'You could? I'm flattered Mister Ouroborous.” He added the first part teasingly, winking. He would not fight against the man pinning him down, though he was perhaps hoping that he not have his current stat compromised. Luckily, it seemed they would be moving, and that meant Sean would not be held down or naked for much longer.

Sean wondered if Ouro had noticed his scars, or did he even care. The small ugly scars adorning the small of his back, as well as the one near his belly button, one that seemed rather ugly but healed. Where he had been run through in a confrontation with Elena Vexus, and the others a villain that had tortured him with fire, and seemed to be visible even through his new markings. Sean would never be free of his past, but it mattered not.

So it seemed he would have a minute to get ready, though with his speed it was more than enough for the Titan. There was a brief but wonderful kiss. So this was him toying with Sean once again? He didn't really mind it, seeing as now he had managed to rake his claws into the perfect being, to make him finally his. He had a feeling that even if he chose to share such a moment with someone else, he would never have the same intimacy with anyone else; never the mingling of life and death in such a harmonious union. Ouro would move through the teleporter and leave Sean alone, with enough time to move.

He reached for his underwear, and put it one first, finally putting to reat that unease, and then his ratty jeans and the graphic tee next. Afterwards came his hoodie, which Sean zipped all of the way up. It took him almost a minute but not quite, he was as fast as he had expected. Sean grumbled to himself for the lack of shoes but got over it, his bare feet still feeling nice against the floor. He would likely feel a little sore for a while, but it was something that could be ignore, he had felt pains from worst penetrations.

”All clothed up now.” He said with a wistful enigmatic tone and stepped through the teleporter to see an unconscious and blood Zakaken. It seemed he had once again angered Ouro, so there would be no pity there. ”So, where to now?” he said innocently enough with a sly grin, flashing perfectly white teeth, as his bare feet made their own sound against the cold floor.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Zell September 2nd 2013, 3:06 am

”We’re busting out…” Ouroboros said, a very matter-of-fact tone. He poked Zakaken, his arm glowing and Zakaken’s wounds sealing over as a little light encapsulated him. His eyes fluttered a little and he shot Ouro a look, as if he were disappointed in him. Ouro slapped him on the back of his head and smirked. Ouro jerked his head off, pointing out the guards and nodding. Zakaken’s hardened dead face slowly crept back into a sinister sadistic smile. He walked out towards them. Ouro turned his gaze back to the Titan and he smiled a little. ”I’m the Warden so…I suppose we could just walk out…but-“ Ouroboros said, there was a loud scream A guard’s blood was ripped from his body and Zakaken held out a hand, the blood formed into his hand, solidifying into a gun of unique construction. It was a very odd-looking piece of steam-punk, the gun was sturdy and before the second guard could do anything, Zakaken took one shot and produced one kill.

    ”ell where’s the fun in that?” He asked the titan a little smile on his face as he started walking up next to Zakaken. There was a loud alert that sounded off. Basically warning everyone in the facility that there was a breach in security.

    ”Oh this will be fun!” Zakaken said anxiously licking his lips. There was a loud stomping noise, and before they knew it there were two Guardians at the doorway. Ouroboros smirked and crossed his arms, his eyes boring into the twins. Raymond the Red and Cyril the Cerulean. The twins looked rather similar, the only difference being in their hair color, and that each one held a blade, each one looked like a Dragon’s wing, but each one was colored specifically yo the one who wielded it.

    ”None will Escape The Etherium.” Raymond began, his twin continued on as he drew his blade and got into a battle stance.
     ”None will overcome us.” Cyril added in, taking his won stance.

Contained Chaos - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Arcana September 2nd 2013, 3:25 am

So they were breaking out now? Sean was slightly curious as to why the warden needed to break out, when it would have been much easier to just walk out.. Perhaps Ouroborous was just going to play around with all of these guards, instead of walking around them, and leaving. Unless of course something else was keeping them from walking out, a certain Titan that was walking on a few steps behind them, as his bare feet touching the cold floor sent a shiver through his entire body. Still, the perfect being showed slight concern for his ally by healing the wounds that he had inflicted upon hi, though perhaps it was just giving them a new ally. He crossed his slim muscled arms over his chest, and decided to watch these two work, and perhaps to see how this Zakaken fought.

Considering the last time that he had fought him, he was mostly a beast, unlike this new grinning form.He pulled the blood from a guard, which was a grisly enough feat within itself, but that did not keep him from being disgusted anyless. He produced a gun, and then another kill, though that would only end up bringing more security down upon them, not that Sean minded such attention. In fact he would enjoy a little fight after the long time within his power draining cell. Silver orbs looked down on the ring stuck to his finger, one that allowed him to use his powers within this place. It was all about fun now though, and he would let them have all of the fun that they wanted.

For a moment the Titan wondered what would be sent against them, if they had powerful metahumans that would perhaps give the powerful Ouroborous a run for his money, or would it be something else entirely. Sean pulled one of the overly long sleeves over his right hand, letting it get absorbed into the clothe, as it hid his building the Nether energy into it, forming a sneak attack that would only radiate Nether so minute, but not enough to be sensed by anyone with less than the absolute best magical senses.

'So who are you two?” Sean asked stepping forward, his right big toe seeming to twitch in anticipation.”Wait...I don't care actually. You're in the way and I think that’s enough of a reason to end you two.” In his hand not gathering Nether energy, he formed a construct that took the shape of a katana, seemingly flawless in shape. Yet it still had a certain distortion within its design.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Zell September 2nd 2013, 12:47 pm

While the Titan mocked the two, Ouroboros and Zakaken were already formulating their plans. Ouroboros had already found three hundred and sixty two possible victories in the first three minutes, and he was also to factor in the probability of their success. Between Ouro, Titan and Zakaken the probability of their success was one, and failure was non existent. Zakaken just smiled at Cyril, having a long history with the twin in events preceding this. It was obvious that the only interest Zakaken had in this battle was Cyril, an interest that he would not give up to Sean, and perhaps not even to his master. Ouroboros saw the blade of black Nether form, causing him to smile a little. He took a step forward, pushed his matted hair to the side a bit and then his eyes locked on Raymond. He chuckled a little and looked over to Sean. ”I like that. Here’s mine.”

A simple, slow and graceful flick of the wrist and the entire fabric of reality warped, and what started as a mere graceful display contorted into a violent display. Pieces of stones from the ground chipped off and began to drift up into the air, as if gravity no longer held any meaning. The ethereal energy consumed everything around, and for a second The nether energy could no longer be felt. Plant life began to grown through the barren rock, molecules began to assemble in the water in reaction to the energy coming from the perfect being, and in moments interdimensional fish were formed in the waters all prismatic scales and an imagery of beauty. Ouroboros held out his hand, and all the rocks flocked to his hand, like Alfred Hitchocks ‘The Birds’. There was a glowing ethereal light in his hand, and the stones suddenly became so much more than that. Zakaken smiled, even more sadistic and twisted, which none may have believed even possible.

”Long live the Misanthrope” He said with a little chuckle trailing off at the end. The blade Misanthropy had formed and in a moment it felt as if there were a vacuum of power, drawing in Nether energy as if a hungry animal. The shape of the blade had changed so much since the last summoning of it, it finally had awakened it’s true power. With a glowing red orb, the black bade of death and hatred was formed. Ouroboros gave a single slash in the air. Ever plant that had formed…every fish…it all turned a pale grey, and fell to ashes.

Raymond and Cyril were intrigued, that much was certain, and however it was not enough to deter them from their cause. While it was quite odd to have to fight the Warden and a max security convict, Cyril and Raymond knew it was their purpose. This is why they were created, they were to prevent any and all whom would escape. Cyril looked at Ouro, almost sad, or hurt, while Raymond held only contempt and anger on his face. The bigger thing that held Raymond’s attention however was the dark energy that radiated from the blade Ouroboros held. It was ethereal by nature…but it was…violated...corrupt by nether, The roots of ethereal energy had been kissed by Death, and from it a new energy was born. It was not Ethereal and Nether in perfect sync, no. Instead it was something altogether different. It was an entity of it’s own, wielding an ethereal energy that existed solely to fuel hatred, inspire wrath, and corrupt the pure. The energy of this blade almost roared out as the purity of Ouroboro’s ethereal essence commanded it. This roar prompted Raymond into action, without a second thought, Magma began to seep from a large metallic canister on his back. Ouro’s eyes fixated on Raymond, just as Raymond formed a magma bolt and threw it at him.


Contained Chaos - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Arcana September 2nd 2013, 2:52 pm

His hand tightened around the solidified Nether, the feeling of death against his cold palm perhaps something that he relished almost as much as the Ethereal energy itself. Red danced on the constructs edge, a sharp contrast to the midnight black that formed the core of the weapon itself, which was nothing more than a weapon to deal death.. With each death that it would cause, its own strength would increase, until it returned to the greater Nether itself. Sean wanted to kill both of the twins himself, drink up their deaths and perhaps present their heads, faces twisted in agony to the Ethereal Being. The thought itself put a dark expression on Sean's face, one that perhaps would make children cry and old people die of heart attacks or something like that. That was until Ouroborous himself decided to show off his power, or more specifically his weapon.

In this form, Sean didn't have an impressive arsenal at his call, just the endless Nether energy that he could call to himself, an energy that would always be present so long as things died. Reality itself seemed to fold upon a point, as the very laws of nature changed, life energy flooding within the room, but not from the blonde. In that moment his overwhelming Nether energy seemed to pale in comparison, or rather it just was undetectable, but just for a moment. Which meant that the energy within his right hand was still forming, still condensing into an attack all it sown. It wouldn't be long now though, not long until he was sure it could punc through anything that Dweedle Dee and Dweedle dick could hope to muster up.

The ground beneath their feet seemed to crack, and rocks levitated into the air, defying gravity itself. What exactly was he doing? Prismatic fish formed, along with water to sustain them,their scaled beyond radiant and catching the eye of the Titan. Whatever magic he was weaving, Sean found himself infinity interested in it, perhaps too much so. In a moment a blade seemed to form from thin air and the radiant Nether not within Sean's control was drawn in, seemed to meld with and corrupt the Ethereal energy running through it. No, it seemed to drink in the dark energies of death like an animal starved for sustenance, as if there was nothing else that would sustain it. Death and harted was its aura, and it seemed to excite the Titan even more, as if there was nothing else that could have done so, except the one that would wield this blade.

'Well, count me impressed.” Sean said cheekily, not even paying attention as all that was created through the Misanthropes summoning had fallen away as dark ash, though the nether that it created partially fed the Titan anyway, giving him a jolt of energy. The blade roared, it roared against the purity of the energy that the one who wielded it held, it seemed to detest that such a pure child would dare command it, and that amused the Titan to no end. It forced the twins into motion however, but they were far too slow to really catch the Titan off guard, or even to surprise him in the least. One of them formed a bolt of magma and aimed it at Ouro, but Sean had his sights on the other.

In an instant he was moving with an inhuman speed, a blur to anyone lacking the proper skill. From his left hand the Nether blade lashed out, aiming to sever his head from the shoulders in one fell swoop, one quick motion of the powerful Katana.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Zell September 2nd 2013, 4:52 pm

           Zakaken smirked as he raised the gun and shot at Cyril, hoping to take his attentions off the Titan whom launched his own assault. Zakaken was a loyal servant, and while annoying in every way possible there were none more loyal, or eager to serve than he. However, he was also highly predictable when it came to using weaponry over powers. It took no effort for Cyril to move out of the way of the mundane styled blood bullet. Sean’s movements were fast, and his reflexes were quick, making this a true challenge for poor Cyril. Cyril’s reflexes were enough, but that was not the problem. Simply because he could react did not mean his powers were up to speed with him. Cyril used his powers to form a layer of crystal on his neck, enhancing his own durability, but Titan’s katana clashed into it, sending him flying head over heels. The crystal ice over his neck was completely shattered, and there was a dark burn on his flesh from where the Nether had struck the ice that lay against his skin. He began to skid across the ground, ice-crystal claws formed over his hands, dug into the ground, shattering and chipping as he stopped himself. As he stood upright, A large ice wall formed behind him, spanning up to the cavern ceiling. Cyril knew that he was not to let Titan get behind him again, to do so was to invite Death itself to dinner.
          Meanwhile Ouroboros jumped to the side tucked into a somersault. The magma bolt missed him, a second later and Raymond would have burned the hydra-skin off the perfect being, and potentially counting him as a fatality. Ouro remained calm, cool and collected however, no matter how hot the magma, or how close the fire, he was unmeltable. He just wore the same smile, the same look on his face, like it was a game, or child’s play. It drove Raymond insane. That face was a mockery, it was a living declaration of his failure, his fall form what he once was. He used to be Inferno, a feared meta-human. Now he was a second rate city-guard who was the subject of unwilling experimentation to amplify his powers. The anger ignited his hair and eyes ablaze. He called back the magma and tried to hit Ouroboros on the return trajectory.
Ouroboros wouldn’t give him the satisfaction, instead he pushed off the ground and jumped over the magma leaning forward a little, throwing Misanthropy into the ground and flipping forward to land on the hilt. Ouroboros just looked at him, the same innocent smile, but a judgmental vibe.
     ”Who are you to judge me? Who.the fuck.are you…TO judge…ME!?” Raymond roared and in an instant eight orbs of magma surrounded Ouroboros from various and random angles. The magma turned and solidified into spiked of burning power, each of them headed straight for the perfect being.

Contained Chaos - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Arcana September 2nd 2013, 5:21 pm

Nether raked across the ice that barely protected the meta humans from the Titan's powerful strike but that did not mean he would be safe for long. If anything, Sean would soon be ready, his hand hidden within the sleeve barely able to keep the Nether building within it from bursting forth and aiming to strike this man down. Sean landed skillfully on his feet, the Nether blade seeming to flicker before returning to its blade form. Zakaken was helping him, but for what purpose he was unsure. Perhaps this was a show of absolute loyalty to Ouroborous, or maybe he just didn't want fools like these to be the one that killed him. The man had formed a wall of ice him, one that his weapon was not likely to be able to slice through, not without a large amount of effort on his part anyway.

”Nice move, with that wall behind you I can't attack your flank.” Sean questioned disappointed, taking a step forward as his silver pools scanned over the wall, trying to find a weak point in it. If he wanted to, he could shatter it but let him screw himself over. ”Still do you think its wise to press yourself against wall? I'm obviously faster than you,and with that wall, you've sealed your fate.” he pointed the tip of the katana at the man, its dark figure seeming to grow sharper, gain its own point. Ouro seemed to be handling his fight well enough, and Sean wouldn't cut into his kill, not while he was enjoying his own.

The cloth around his hand began to grow black, perhps from the Nether energy that had collected, enough to perhaps destroy him, and everything within a good block behind him. This would be a blast that Sean had made sure would not spread to the sides, only go forward like a drill, so he wouldn't interfere with the Ethereal beings fight in any way possible. His hand removed itself from the sleeve, radiating with the energy that seemed to lash out at the ground and air, saturating it with death and threatened to take away any light that remained along with it. 'As fun as playing around with you was, I think i'm bored.” His entire body was covered in the dark energy, one that for a moment would overshadow all Ethereal energy.

His eyes even grew dark, the irises seeming to become specked with black, and all malevolence shown within his smile. ”You said none will overcome you right? he held his hand forward, as all of the energy he gathered formed a small orb of energy, that seemed to drain all color around him for a moment. ”Now let me show you why that's bullshit.” With that the attack was launched, with enough force that the ground below it tore, deep gouges as the attack itself shot with the speed of a bullet. Let him bring up a defense, with all of the energy in it, nothing he could do would be enough to save himself, or at least full evade damage.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Zell September 2nd 2013, 7:43 pm

      ”Stop talking. Your powers will say everything.” Cyril sighed in annoyance. Cyril knew that he was in trouble, but he also knew that his opponent was an arrogant bastard who wasn’t worth wasting any time on. He was going to go full force and be done with it. Apparently his opposition seemed to think the same thing just about, as he was charging something very powerful. There was a build up of the strange energy, it was so heavy…so exhausting. It made Cyril want to sleep…Forever. He was yanked back to the current situation by the noticing that there was a sudden drainage of color. It was so surreal, like that part of the world was in monochrome, or a Noir styled film. That was a sign of a highly powerful attack.

      ”RAY!” He called out. Seemingly as if they knew exactly what each other were thinking, they acted in unison. A large sphere of Magma placed itself in between the titan and the azure haired by. The sphere expanded, creating a circular shielding around Cyril and then Cyril added his own powers to it. He threw crystal-ice onto it. There were large emissions of steam, fogging up the area entirely. The air was thick, and breathing in was enough to feel the water particles in the air. This was more than a smokescreen however, it was something far greater. With the molten shield now enveloped in equally durable crystal ice, there was a near perfect defense. Even if the titan could shatter the ice, would he be able to make it past the shield? was impossible. Even if he managed to do that, Cyril’s skin was tough enough. He heard a little bit off a sadistic chuckle, he knew already who it was. Zakaken.

      ”They work in total cooperation. So I suppose I should help you…for my Master if nothing else.” He spoke, Cyril assumed to the Titan. Zakaken raised the gun, his shades slipping down his nose just enough to reveal his left eye. He pulled the hammer back, and cleared his throat. ”I was the catalyst of your creation…and now I am the catalyst of your destruction…how bittersweet.” He said a little chuckle. There was a small red orb that formed at the end of the barrel. There was a high pitched humming sound, one that only grew louder and louder. There was a sphere the size of a fist floating in front of the barrel, and Zakaken closed his eyes, his sadistic chuckling pausing for a second. ”Bang…” He said, he pulled the trigger and the bullet propelled the large orb of pure blood magic at the large shield. The fist sized orb began to saw into the ice, as if it were a sander. The Ice began to evaporate away as the orb began to slowly dig inches into Cyril’s shield. With the entire cavern now filled with the graying white steam, the thickness of the air was nearing unbearable.

      Ouroboros jumped off of Misanthropy, and in a falling twist he landed safely, the molten spikes all passing through him. He shifted his momentum and leaned back, and as he fell he reached down and wrapped his fingers around the hilt. Given his current angle, he managed to land n his feet, pulling Misanthropy from the ground. Raymond wasted no time, not even taking his eyes form Ouro as he sent out the sphere to his brother’s aid. His next action was to attack Ouroboros, close up and personal. Raymond wanted nothing more than to rip the heart of the perfect being out, and watch it turn to ashes in his hand. He didn’t care what the cost was, he would defeat Ouroboros. His Brother requesting defense was ill timed, because now he was out of magma to manipulate, unless.. No, he’d save that. He’d save that…

      ”Time to step up!” He roared as he charged at Ouroboros. He jumped off the ground, and added momentum to his already astronomical force. Ouroboros just  kept the same face, a smile that said it all. A smile that promoted the concept of innocence, a smile that basically said that he was in control of the situation. Raymond hated it, and he’d do anything for the chance to crush that smug little bug Ouro. As he went to make connection, Ouro’s eyes closed as if he were even happier, and Raymond passed right through him. His mind was racing, questioning if what he had just seen was an illusion, or if it was an unknown power of the Ouroboros. He landed, throwing his fist into the ground anyway, releasing a large shockwave all around. After the shockwave passed him, Ouroboros returned to his fully physical form. He turned ad stuck the blade Misanthropy into the poor fire-headed meta. A sudden roar of pain and a twist prompted a fist to drive into Ouro’s abdomen, sending him flying back.  Had it not been for the Hydra’s skin he would have likely been hurt to the point of death. However, he did not intend on dying today, or any time soon for that matter.
     ”Well this is rather troublesome.” Ourboros said calmly with his cute smile still in place, him staggering and barely able to stand. He cracked his neck, as his body kicked in the life support systems. He stood up, completely restored and he snapped his fingers. Misanthropy heeded it’s master’s call, and in a second and a half flat, the blade crossed the distance and rested inside it’s master’s grasp. Raymond roared in anguish as the pain from the blade’s wound lingered. He looked over just in time to see it, before a great steam fully covered the area. The Titan’s large energy attack pushing the orb of blood-magic and with their combined strength they broke the ice and crashed violently into the molten shielding. It began to crumble, to falter and Raymond could only watch as his defense failed his brother as well. The energy collided directly with Cyril after the molten shielding and the rest of the titan’s wrath that was not soaked in by the two shields was now befallen upon Cyril. For a second the energy persisted, and then as if on a delay timer, a large steam, far to great for anyone to see through, was flooded the areas.
     There was a moment where everything was silent, as if everyone had believed it was over, or was waiting for the ‘fog’ to clear up. Ouroboros growled to himself as he knew Raymond was still out there, but he was not about to charge head in to the battle when fighting in steam was not a specialty of his. He did not mind it really, but it was not ideal. Zakaken was still with Sean and smiled with the same smile, and he let the gun return to it’s form of blood. He let the blood fall onto the ground and he sighed with appreciation for their work. Raymond however was furious, he had failed to protect his brother, and a full force punch and then some didn’t kill his target. His grunting, panting and roaring was enough of a proof that he was furious. He began twisting, and moving around, hoping to maybe be able to see one of the bastards that did that to his brother, or even better maybe even Ouroboros himself. What was he going to do? There was a chance with the two of them working together. Even back before they were captured and experimented on, they were practically invincible. That had all changed, in a matter of ten minutes, everything had changed.
    ”How you holding up?” Zakaken asked, the question not exactly directed to anyone, more of a general conversation starter.
    ”I would ask you that…not everyone can just kill their little brother in cold blood.” Ouroboros said casually. Zakaken had a littler fit of chuckling. He began waving Ouro off and acting like he was being an annoyance.
   ”I’m not everyone…now am I?” He asked, his eyes narrowed as he looked over his shoulder at Ouro, his eyes narrowed as if warning him not to persist on the topic. Ouro noticed, however he simply played it off as if he hadn’t seen it. All the while, Raymond still sat in the steam. Preparing himself for his death charge. He froze and his eyes widened as he felt a hand grab onto his shoulder. He turned to punch when a freezing cold hand grabbed the fist.

      ”Focus the Titan…” Cyril commanded him, blood turning his azure hair a darker color, and his clothing all ripped apart. Raymond felt a drip of water, and looked up, a wide grin and a rising laugh, as if he wrrte the villain that had finally won. Ouro heard this and sighed, knowing it was too much to ask for that Cyril had parished, however he didn’t know exactly how bad his luck was, for soon the steam began to vanish, his eyes widened in shock as he finally realized what had happened.

      They were surrounded by slates of ice, one in every direction, cardinal or otherwise. Just outside the one slate of ice they would see Cyril, barely living, and his brother Raymond with a large molten looking spirit bomb on his shoulder, as if he were Atlas holding the world up. To make matters worse, spikes of ice began rising from the ground, slowly but surely to separate the three whom would have escaped.

Contained Chaos - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Arcana September 2nd 2013, 10:10 pm

The man was likely angered by the Titan's arrogance, his self assurance that seemed to trump all else. He knew not the proud heritage of his people, one that had been glimpsed when he took his true form, when he had become all that he could have been. Within his full form, Sean had seen dark secrets that were forbidden to anything with a small grain of humanity, such things that would have corrupted all innocence, and destroyed all preconceived notions. His was a race that had from the beginning been proud, one that had reasons for such pride as well, and he would be no different, even in his current half human form. Normally he would have shunned any help offered to him, but this was a special situation, so for now pride would have to be damned. If not, perhaps he would find himself to be the one that was soon bleeding on the floor.

Energy had colaesed within his hand, and was all too ready to be unleashed in a blast that would eviscerate his opponent. Nether was so heavy, that most weak mortals would find themselves wanting to sleep, wanting to sleep for eternity, as if death were trying to drag them down with its dark claws. That was when the man called for his twin, asking for aid agaisnt the superior power, and with it came a double enforced barrier that seemed likely to be able to stand up even against the power that he had amassed. It was adorable how the siblings were trying to work together, trying to keep Sean from murdering them like pigs lead out towards the slaughter. Even if this worked, they would find nothing but death in the end, all to the power of the king of the Titans.

A side effect of their defense however was what appeared to be mist forming from the cold ice and searing magma seeming to kiss, and that meant complications. Zakaken seemed to take an interest in helping Sean, though why he was still curious about. He referred to the Ethereal being as master, as if he was simply a servant to a greater power, one that he was likely never to be able to surpass, or perhaps he had no interest in doing so. If the strange man anted to help Sean, he would not stop him.'You can help if you want, but either way i'm killing this one.” He let Zakaken release his blood shot, which only seemed to dent the ice barrier and release more of the infernal mist, but it gave Sean the opening he needed. It may be a powerful barrier, but with this added power, he could possibly punch through.

So his shot was launched, hitting the blood bullet and adding its own power to it, which seemed to add some bang tot he already powerful attack. Sean however still felt it, the thickness of the mist that obscured his vision and made him an open target to anyone that could see through it, not that he was weak himself. However, he did not see the chaos his team work with the imperfect fared, he only could hear it in action as ice shattered and it seemed that magma itself was shorn through. Their defenses in the end meant nothing when compared tot he overwhelming power of death. Part of him wondered how Ouro was perfoming against his foe, but then again perhaps he was doing even better than Sean, who had not gotten a single wound yet from these fools. His blade faded away, but around his hand was energy ready to form any defense the Titan needed.

Now he had to clear this mist, to make sure that this victory was an absolute one.. If Cyril was still alive, Sean would make sure to remove his head this time, to make sure he did not survive. Nether, freshly releashed found its way to him, in the form of a black steam that he drunk in. So he wasn't dead but he was dying, he would soon expire even if Sean did not finish him off. Still, he would, there was some things that one had to do themselves if they wanted to be taken seriously. Soon enough a certin visibility would return to the room, where he saw what looked like a steaming Raymond, though the expression itself was a rare turn of a phrase.

Sean relaxed for a moment, but his energy did not, it would not relax until both were dead at his feet. Nether came through his clenched teeth in the form of black smoke, not leaving its stain upon those perfect teeth. ”I would say thats one down, and only one firestarter to go.” Sean noted, his eyes scanning over glowing hot spots where the magma had burnt the floor beyond where his bare feet could stand on. Well without being marred beyond belief, and Sean preferred not to allow himself anymore scars. With his eyes off the prize, Sean did not see the trap until it had been sprung, when they were already trapped. Cyril had survived his attack, though he was worse for wear, something that his attack had made sure of. Even if he had not been killed, he was at least messed up. Still, the Titan scowled, his full black brows furrowing as silver pools seemed to turn molten. In the moment anger seemed to give them life.

Soon the steam was gone and they were surrounded, with pillars of ice that had cut off every way they could exit, and that was not the worst part at all. Above them was a large orb of magma, one that would devour them in a single moment, one that would eat flesh from bone and reduce them to nothingness. If he were in his full form, Sean could have turned into Nether mist, and have made his way to the bastard before he even had the chance to launch that thing, but there would be no time. Sean would have to improvise, by drawing in all of the Nether he could, and then creating some himself until he held a large sphere that was mostly condensed energy. Sean reared his hand back, and threw it, growing larger as it moved along. His body felt weak after releasing it, and Sean fell to his knees, breathing a little heavier.”I used more energy than I had thought.” He muttered to himself, hoping that the attack was enough.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Zell September 2nd 2013, 11:52 pm

      Sean sent what he had left towards the Magma ball, hoping it would be enough, and it was. Instead of a large Magma ball falling on their heads, it exploded, sending the usual magma down as form of rain, nothing that Ouro really needed to be concerned about, but his comrades were in danger, and he wasn’t about to let two little fools like Ray and Cyril claim their lives. He threw Misanthropy out, it appeared to seek out Sean and Zakaken, stopping once it was above them. Once it was there it began spinning at a rapid pace, acting as a helicopter blade and slashing the weakened lava away from the comrades. Little pieces of it still got on Zakaken’s clothing, but nothing to be alarmed about.

      Cyril’s face was priceless, Ouroboros smiled at him kindly, and then turned his attentions to Raymond. The rage in his eyes, the mix of despair and sorrow was like a drug to the monster inside Ouro, the monster he would let out if this didn’t end quickly. He looked at Raymond and laughed at him, openly mocking him. Zakaken looked at him curious as to what he was going to say.
     ”I have to admit, Cyril that was impressive, the whole set up…I remember why I selected you to be the defense of the max security unit.” Ouro said he seemed to be perfectly fine with Cyril, who smiled slightly, trying but unable to hide the pride he felt from the compliment. ”I feel like I should offer up my apologies though…It seems as though you’re going to die here…and it’s not even your fault…It’s mine. The fact that Raymond somehow wormed his way to that position sickens me. You both haven’t even been fighting me, the only thing I’ve done was prance around like a damn leprechaun. Sorry boyo…you’re tragically outclassed.” He said. He started walking towards the boys, his arms still crossed, and his blade, Misanthropy followed him. His eyes flashed as Raymond looked at him, too exhausted to even move. Now he was not only too exhausted to move but he had reached the end of the line.
    Cyril instinctively moved and began to back away, but he suddenly realized that his brother was not moving, and incapable of moving. He was mortified as Ouroboros approached. Cyril knew nothing of Titan, other than he very well could have been stronger than Ouro, and if not was in fact stronger. But now Ouroboros had done it again, he used people, he let them do the dirty work while he came in and cleaned up. He reached Raymond and pushed the blade into the helpless flame-haired meta human. There was a slight squirm, but nothing large. His pupils constricted as the pain intensified. Cyril knew exactly what he had done, he had seen Ouro do it before, it was the most sadistic form of torture. That blade he had was an agent of constant pain and torture, and for every second the blade remained in his brother, his brother would experience what felt like years of pain. Cyril knew of no one to ever survive this and still come out completely the same as before. He needed to help his brother, but what could he do?

     ”Don’t worry…you’re a fourth of the way done.” Ouro said, as if he were trying to sympathize, but he was being very blatant that he was more excited for the time to continue ticking along. He chuckled before he suddenly caught onto something, Cyril was approaching form his left, he smiled and looked at him, but as he turned his head there was a deep pain throughout his torso. There was a slate of ice, Ouro’s eyes traveled to the right, only to find that Cyril had used his ice to create a deceiving reflection. Cyril pushed Ouro back. His eyes were wide and blood seeped from his chest, there was a large opened mouth smile though, as if the pain was something that he enjoyed.
     ”Please…just leave already!” Cyril appealed to Ouro. Ouro’s head fell forward, his shoulder slumped. Cyril had conjured a crystal ice dagger and ripped through the Hydra skin, which had already begun to stitch itself back together. He looked up, the black of his eyes went form pencil tips to quarters as a smile crept on his face.
     ”Well this is over…they drew blood, which is going to send him into his masochistic frenzy…” Zakaken said with more of an interested look than an actual smile, it was a smug grin if nothing else.
    ”You were always my favorite Cyril…” He said with a sadistic little chuckle. Ouro then looked over to the Titan. ”Would you do the honors, Mister Titan?” He chuckled, standing up as straight as he could, resisting the urge to rip his favorite soldier to shreds...that was the honor that Titan reserved.

Contained Chaos - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Arcana September 3rd 2013, 12:29 am

He had used far more energy than originally anticipated, but Sean wasn't totally out of it, just temporarily winded. His attack was successful, but it seemed that he was left  a little too weak to really defend himself, specially against the magma that was falling down upon them. He need more energy. He needed more Nether within his system to fuel the cells within his body that was now fueled by death itself, but there was not much. Sean had thwarted the magma master , and now his handy work was falling upon them and Ouroborous came to clean up the mess, his blade forming what appeared to be a barrier of slashes that kept the lava at bay, or at least from landing upon Sean. The Titan was aware that his body would have been destroyed by such heat, so he was partially thankful for the aid, even if he hated that he needed it.

Now it was the Sadistic creatures time to gloat, and man did he do it. If anything, Sean had to give him credit for being powerful, and having the mouth to talk trash with, as well as speak words that he knew he could back up. Sean wondered perhaps if he was the powerful one, or it was the Ethereal being, playing a fight like a chess game almost. If anything, he was easily far more intelligent than the Titan, but then again there was a wide margin that could claim that. Sean would for the moment only crouch on his knees and listen, perhaps to take a sick twisted enjoyment in listening to the man have his hope dashed aside with each overtly harsh word. This was the icing on the proverbial cake, and Sean was more than pleased with this being, even if it seemed that he had done most of the hard work in this battle.

Sean tried to draw more power from the Nether of the Abyss, where he should have been so keenly attuned with, but something for a moment kept him from doing so. It of course took a few moments but his muscles gained some strength, and once again the pint sized Titan was on his feet, which now felt a slight warmth from the floor beneath him. Perhaps it was the radiant heat of the magma making it so warm, but whatever it was, Sean felt it. He did a test of his nether energy, drawing upon a small amount and the dark outline formed along his left hand before fading away. He was in a functioning order for now, which meant that Sean could keep going. He had no intentions of being useless, not by a long shot. Weakness was not a trait that his race looked upon favorably, and neither would he.

Ouro had begun the physical section of the torture, now that his verbal assault had been done, though how slow moving a sword through the flesh helped was unknown. Perhaps the blade itself caused some kind of pain, some kind of intense pain that kept him from screaming, but what could do that? Sean wondered, his mind racing but getting nothing. What he knew of poisons did little help in this matter, but still he knew no kind of poison like that. That blade itself was another enigma, along with the one that he had come to know as Ouroborous. So many questions he could not answer, but then again that would not remain a constant forever, no, not at all. What caused his train of thought was snap from Ouro was the ice maker pleading that they just leave, as if he had a say within the matter. If Sean still held human emotion, he would have been touched.

What lost such pity was when he drew blood with a dagger of ice, which ripped through the hydra armor and seemed to do its job, though the armor itself repaired within moments. Sean gave the man his proper due for having the gall to strike when he was so weak, but it would not do much when what would be an unstoppable rage came after wards. Sean might have been able to stop it, but he wanted to see the man be ripped to shreds by a Titan's fury. Ouro however did not lash out with an attack, he spoke with a sadistic chuckle about the man being his favorite before suggesting that Sean end him.”If you insist.” Sean said with a certain pleasure within his voice, making his way towards the fallen twin with his light hair slightly marred by ugly dark blood. There was poetry about this moment, but for now Sean would focus on the brutal aspect of killing him more, on ending his life and drinking up the blood.

'You look scared, but you shouldn't be.” Sean knelt by in front of the fallen metahuman. ”I'm feeling generous, so your death will be perfectly painless. Death isn't something you should fear, its The Abyss to follow.” Nether formed tendrils that would wrap around his neck and force them to come to eye contact.'You humans speak of Hell, you speak of burning and screaming for all eternity but The Abyss is far worst than that children's fable. There you will know true darkness, true despair, true fear and most of all true pain. If you think of the most painful torture possible on this world, that will be but a pinprick compared to what awaits you. I hope you and your twin enjoy it. That will be your reward for all eternity.” With that the Nether around his neck would turn rather sharp, and slice through the flesh and bone like a buzz saw through butter. Blood splattered across Sean's face as the head rolled at his feet, and hot blood hit his cold feet. All could see as the black mist rose from the body and passed through Sean's lips with a great sighing sound. It sounded as thousands were sighing in unison and in an instant It cut off, and Sean stood to his feet.

”Well i'm done.”

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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Contained Chaos - Page 2 Empty Re: Contained Chaos

Post by Zell September 3rd 2013, 1:41 am

      Ouroboros just watched as he saw Sean do his thing. It was interesting, and it was captivating for Ouro to see this event. HE watched as Cyril’s essence was whisped away by the unholy power of the Nether. Ouro’s heart ached for but a moment before he had moved on to bigger and better things. He had made his way back to Raymond, and pulled Misanthropy from the flesh of the other meta.

     ”Poor little Raymond….you’re still sixty three years into jet lag…you’re about to see your own brother die..” Ouro said with a down and depressing tone. It wasn’t two seconds later that Ramon’s eyes leaked water, his skin burning and scarring as the tears rolled down his face. Ouro knew that he had finally witnessed the brother’s death. ”I can’t imaging how it must feel…to watch the only friend you’ve ever had die over the course of fifty years, while you’re godly senses disable your futile body. Hmph…I almost feel something for you.” Ouro said as he walked away. He took two steps before he stopped, and looked over his shoulder.
     ”K-k-kill M-mee” Raymond said. Ouro turned and walked back, getting onto a knee and leaning around to look at Ray form the side. He watched the tear fall. He looked over to Cyril, and he briefly knew the pain he had felt before…this pain…what was it? The only thing he could conclude was it was weakness. It was an attachment he had with Cyril, one that made him weak. He needed to sever this at once, he did not have these issues on the island from which he was birthed, and he would not have them now. He would deaden his nerves, and his heart would be cold as stone.
     ”I wouldn’t waste the bullet…” He said, shooting Titan and Zakaken looks to see that they had heard him. He would live…and he would suffer. He stood and resumed his walk, down the pathway that would lead him to the elevator. The rest of it would be easy. The guards wouldn’t even bother to strike at them most likely.

      ”What do we do about the survivors?” Zakaken asked. Ouro looked at him his righ eye lid half down as if he were relaxed, tired or both. He licked his lips and swalloed.

      ”Survivors? What survivors?” Ouroboros asked. Zakaken’s sick grin returned, and the elevator door opened. Zakaken stepped out of the elevator and chuckled.
     ”Gentlemen…your nightmare is here!” Zakaken said loudly, his sandpaper styled tone adding to his creepy nature. Within an instant every guards in sight had been drained of their blood. Ouroboros smiled at Sean before stepping out of the elevator.
     ”Listen up…the Inmates are running the Asylum now! But there will be only ONE type of man escaping. Those men are the men who know their place. Take a knee, do not assume it is an insult to your pride, no think of it as your sign of fealty, to something far greater than yourself. To something beyond me, to something beyond the man next to you. Do not be ashamed to know your place, you are not the only one who will kneel, and to every man who takes a knee is the promise of salvation. All whom kneel will be regarded as equals. They will be saved from the Meta-Human Hell and given new purpose…This is what you are…you are mortal…you are a FINIT creature who was meant to be ruled. Now accept your place…or accept your fate.” Ouroboros commanded. The inmates all listened, a few threw heckles at him, but the ones whom were personally captured by Ouroboros knelt, knowing his power and what he was capable of. There were thirty seven inmates that knelt. Ouroboros smiled. ”thirty seven of you…you are the elect…the few who see the futility of the flesh…you serve me now…stay on bended knee…and know that your trust in me….is that saves you.” Ouroboros said. His entire body began to glow, The A.V.A.T.A.R that had been infused with his body activated a nanite assault on everything that was not a kneeling inmate or Sean. Zakaken himself was the first on bended knee, his head lowered. The standing inmates began to glow form the inside out…and they suddenly dissipated into nothingness. Ouroboros’s body lost the pure Ethereal glow and he turned back and nodded at Titan.
     ”Alright, those of you who weren’t imbeciles, stand up, I’m deactivating the cages.”
     ”So, are you ready to get out of here?” He asked the Titan with a smile. He was still just a kid, although it was obvious that the Titan had influenced him greatly in the short time they’ve spent together. Zakaken had undone the cages and the thirty seven prisoners followed Zakaken as they all flocked to Ouro and the Titan.

Contained Chaos - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

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Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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