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Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto)

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Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto) Empty Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto)

Post by Noodle June 30th 2013, 8:54 pm

Shizuka sat in the garbage can outside a McDonalds in Chicago. After a few weeks of travelling, she'd finally reached Illinois, and as soon as she'd reached the town, the evil villain named Hunger had reached her stomach. She'd taken to begging, and roaming the streets, mugging people for a spare change for a sandwich or something. She had been searching this can for an hour, shoving stale bread and burnt nuggets into her mouth and thanking whatever gods there might be for the chance to have a little bit of a meal. She glanced around quickly and hopped out of the trashcan before her eyes fell on an ice cream truck not far away.

The truck had stopped in front of the alley way with the driver facing away from her. It was the perfect window of time for Shizuka to take one of the delicious treats that were before her now, just waiting to be eaten. She stepped forward slowly and used a small bit of strength to snap the lock on the back of the truck, making sure to stay quiet so the driver wouldn't notice. The engine revved and Shizuka acted fast, diving into the truck and looking about as the driver moved forward. Shizuka waited two blocks before taking a box of ice cream and hopping off of the back of the truck at the next stop. She left the truck with her arms full of ice cream, and she knew she'd have fun eating the treats she'd gotten. Feeling quite pleased with herself, Shizuka sat down on the steps of an old church and opened one of the ice creams, licking it slowly and savoring the sweet taste of her loot.

Robert Walker

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : South Carolina
Job : Musician/Writer
Humor : Controversial
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto) Empty Re: Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto)

Post by Riccto July 2nd 2013, 10:37 pm

Campeon was out on patrol again, it seemed that every day refugee's from the incident in New York would stream into town, some were well off, had a plan, knew people and it was just a simple move. But for others they had built their roots in the Big Apple, The big apple was all that they knew and to have it taken away from them so suddenly. Campeon knew some of the refugee's from New York personally, he tried to get them settled and taken care of as well as he could but still. Thereut not only did were an awful lot of people who needed to taken care off and only one Campeon, but not only was he helping people, but he was also pushing hard against the influx of Criminals from New york. Making sure that the existing criminal element doesn't get a boost from the out of town element.

But whom Campeon was worried for are the children. He couldn't imagine how it could be for someone so young to get everything taken away for him, he had a rough childhood himself and all that. But Campeon was on patrol today, keeping an eye out for anything he could help with. And then he spotted something curious, a girl, no older than 13 by his guestimation, opening up a truck and taking her share of the sweet treats. What particullarly piqued his intrest was when he came up to the spot where she pilfered the sweets there was a small busted padlock on the asphalt. Curious

Campeon jogged in the direction that the girl had scampered off to. There he found her infront of one of the cities older churches, enjoying her purloined parcels.

A little bit early for that? He says with an air of seriousness but with a slight smile playing on his lips

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto) Empty Re: Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto)

Post by Noodle July 3rd 2013, 7:31 am

Shizuka jumped when she heard a voice, and turned to where the voice had come from. Standing in front of her was a man that was about six feet in height, with brown hair and light brown eyes. She attempted to hide the ice-cream bar she’d been eating behind her back, but her face was smeared with it, and the ice cream was dripping onto the ground behind her, “Uh… You’re not my parent… you can’t tell me when to eat,” she said, deciding it was better to eat the ice cream than to do anything else. She sized him up, and decided that he was probably just some human; but there was a strange feel about him that she couldn’t place her finger on.

Shizuka kept licking the ice cream and glared at him, “Besides, who do you think you are, telling me what to do?” she asked him. Her ratty hair got in her eyes, and she flipped her bangs away so she could see if he tried anything funny. She was ready to kill at the first sign of trouble, but she didn’t think this guy had it in him to attack a little girl… none of them ever did. She blinked twice and sniffled a little bit, the ice cream being all over her face made her nose run, and she didn’t like it, so she threw the bar that she had in her hand to the side walk and smiled sweetly at him. The sudden mood swing was something she’d hoped might confuse him, or make him go away. She really didn’t like him being here at all, for some reason. Shizuka flipped her hair again and wiped her mouth on her already quite dirty shirt before looking at him, still demanding an answer.

Robert Walker

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : South Carolina
Job : Musician/Writer
Humor : Controversial
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto) Empty Re: Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto)

Post by Riccto July 5th 2013, 8:10 pm

Campeon shrugged and glanced up to the sky as if conceding a point to her.

“Yeah, I guess I cant tell you what to eat, Not really that much of a... He pauses and looks down, tapping his foot as he searches for his word, his stern demenor cracked as he hunts for the word in the dirt for a second or two before snapping back up Dietician, Not much of a dietician. But I can tell you not to chow down on stolen goods He looks at her with his air of confidence returned.  He pulls the busted padlock from the truck and twirls it around his finger, glancing towards her and the destroyed lock spinning from his finger.

Now I’m goin to assume a few things, firstly that you’re meta, as am I, but I’m just judging this off this padlock, because as far as I last knew these have been made of solid stuff... He yanks on the curved portion with a small tug, straightening it out, he examines it for a moment and nods his head slightly before continuing I’m also goin to guess you just got outta New York, just a solid guess really... But dont worry,  You dont have to rob. We can help you out. Settle thing out” With that Campeon smiles a big sincere smile, takes a few steps towards the steps she was standing on and extends a hand.

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto) Empty Re: Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto)

Post by Noodle July 6th 2013, 5:09 pm

Shizuka glared at him as tried to figure out his word, and after he had figured out his word, she didn’t look very amused. She sighed and moved closer to him before looking down, “You’re right,” she said, “I suppose I should go and say I’m sorry for stealing all of this ice cream… I didn’t mean to make anyone sad, and I’m sure the ice cream man I stole it from is just crying his eyes out right now because of the armful of ice cream bars that I stole. The ones he didn’t even know were gone. She shook her head and a ball of electricity appeared in the palm of her hand. She shot it at him, and before she saw if it hit, she ran. Shizuka jumped off of an air conditioner and scaled a building quickly, using a pipe that was leading to the air conditioner. She got onto the roof of the building and ran, jumping off of the side and rolling onto another, not looking back to see if whoever the hell this was had even started chasing her. She doubted he would, she was just a small-time criminal… but she had just shot at him, so that might have made him a wee bit more mad than he had been. She decided that if she had to fight him, she most definitely could do so without a problem at all.

Robert Walker

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : South Carolina
Job : Musician/Writer
Humor : Controversial
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto) Empty Re: Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto)

Post by Riccto July 9th 2013, 11:30 pm

Campeon just had a gut feeling that this would not end well, dealing with a rough and tumble young lady from the burning hulk formerly known at New York City. He knew he was going to be in for something because he thought to himself Back then, if it were me for her right now what what would I do… But Campeon never really needed to ask himself this question. If some guy stopped Lil Tyke Campeon he would totally slug the guy and scaddable, make off for a part of the Barrio that he knew like the back of his hand. But if she were to run, atleast he had the advantage of knowledge. Kinda. Campeon still discovers new places each time he goes on patrol. But atleast he has a general idea.
But Campeon was quite literally shocked with what had occurred next, Sure Campeon was expecting some degree of strength and some quickness to go along with it, she did break a lock and all that, but electricity? That quite literally shocked him into position, but not really. Thanks to his superhuman physique he was protected from the harm, the sensation was a little more than being shocked hard when you rub your feet on the carpet for awhile and touch a doorknob. But just the nature of the attack and the fleeing. But Campeon was only a few moments to recover. He had seen where she had gone to so Campeon squats…then LEAPS to the roof in a single bound, beginning to make chase with the juvenile metahuman thief

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto) Empty Re: Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto)

Post by Noodle July 14th 2013, 9:36 am

Shizuka really didn’t stop to see if the man was chasing her, but instead kept running, bouncing here and there on pipes and things hanging from buildings and trying to get to a higher point on the buildings so she could get to her home. Shizuka was worried that if this guy followed her, he might prove to be tougher than she could handle, and she really didn’t want to fight anyone at the moment. Shizuka already regretted shooting the ball of energy at him, but there was nothing she could do. She knew the energy hadn’t thrown him off of his feet, but it had been worth a try to get him off of her back. She really wasn’t used to being confronted like this, and when she was, it was usually by a normal human that fell to the ground from her shocks. Shizu hopped from a building and landed in the soft padding of trash in a street trashcan, climbing out fast and continuing her run, feeling herself grow tired fast.

Robert Walker

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : South Carolina
Job : Musician/Writer
Humor : Controversial
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto) Empty Re: Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto)

Post by Riccto July 16th 2013, 1:06 am

Campeon was hardly the most nimble of pursuers. In fact his dramatic leap was kinda ruined by his foot catching the upper ledge of one of the windowsills, he nearly just went and fell back down onto the pavement if it werent for his sharp reflexes allowing himself to catch onto the lower stone windowsill, only slightly distrupting the potted plants nestled there. From a pullup position he slingshots him self onto the rooftop. His dramatic ascention would of been only more exciting with doves (or if he stuck the landing, he nearly stumbled through a old school integrated brick chimmney) But then Campeon caught onto his stride. If anything, Campeon wasn't slow, but he wasn't fast either in comparison with many other metahuman's. But he did have conditioning, so he was like a train chasing after the girl, not really gaining on her but keeping a respectable distance, only starting to gain on her when she started to slow. and then....he lost her. She just dropped off and he was once roof hop behind, But Campeon had a good assumption so he hopped as well, although a bit too wide as he impacts the the building that made the opposite side of the alleyway, but atleast he had eyes on his target still Hold up..Tranquilerse, All I want to do is help.

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto) Empty Re: Shizuka and Campeon (Closed to Riccto)

Post by Noodle August 7th 2013, 5:11 am

Shizuka looked back and smirked, “Fine,” she said, “If you want to help me, leave me the hell alone. I was getting food. Just… go away and let me go.” Her eyes darted about quickly as she looked for a quick escape from the hero currently chasing her. Her ratty hair got into her eyes again and she blew it away lazily. She was completely alert and ready for anything the man did to try and trick her. She didn’t want to go to jail, and she’d always been told that she would if she committed crime. Stealing was a crime, and Shizuka really didn’t feel like sitting in a jail cell for the rest of her life for a few things of ice cream. That wasn’t very becoming of a young hero. Shizuka was a hero… at least she thought she was. But did heroes steal and then attack other heroes? What if she was a villain? She realized that her train of thought had changed and looked up before quickly starting to run again.

Robert Walker

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : South Carolina
Job : Musician/Writer
Humor : Controversial
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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