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Shizuka's Night Out (Closed to Artemis)

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Shizuka's Night Out (Closed to Artemis) Empty Shizuka's Night Out (Closed to Artemis)

Post by Noodle April 14th 2013, 11:28 pm

Shizuka had waited an entire year for this... an entire year of training and concentration for one night out of the house. She planned on making it a good night; one of the most amazing nights in the world, in fact. She had gotten her blonde bodyguard, Stevenson, to tag along and be a driver for her, but knew that he was only there for show, that she could pretty much handle anything the city threw at her. Shizuka got into the back of a black limousine and waiting on Stevenson, who got in and began driving. She was dressed in purple shorts and a matching t-shirt, wearing Converse high-tops that were laced with purple laces. To top it off, she had pink socks that went up to her knees and a tutu that matched those. She had obviously dressed herself, but she really didn't care what others thought of her, so it was fine. Shizuka had grown up quite a bit since the days when Chelle had picked her up; now she was educated, and well-mannered due to the fact that she was a child to a rich person, and couldn't be viewed as some dirty hobo that had just gotten picked up off of the streets of Manhattan.

Shizuka waiting a good thirty or forty minutes before hopping out of the now stopped limo and waiting on Stevenson, who helped her around to a McDonald's line so she could get some food.

"I want an ice-cream sundae on top of a chicken sandwich," she said to the cashier, who looked to be in her late teens and had terrible skin problems.

"I'm sorry," said the cashier in a sweet voice, "we really aren't allowed to make things like that, but I'm sure if you bought a--

"You trying to make me buy more than I need to?" Shizuka asked, her eyes narrowing.

"O-Of course not," the cashier replied, looking helplessly to an embarrassed-looking Stevenson, who was still holding the money.

"Then give me my food, lady!" Shizuka yelled, making the entire store turn and look at them. Stevenson's face turned thirty different shades of red, but Shizuka was oblivious to that. The cashier took the money and fumbled around a bit, and Shizuka had to wait a good ten minutes before the cashier gave her her food.

As she was leaving, Shizuka heard the one word that she despised most: "Brat."

Shizuka turned on the woman and threw her ice-cream sandwich to the ground, "What... did you just call me?" Shizuka asked, her voice calm, but her face betraying how she really felt about this situation.

The woman didn't answer, and Shizuka was soon on top of the counter, her eyes glowing and all of the electronics in the room shorting out as she got even angrier. The woman shook and Stevenson was face-palming, dialing a number on his cell phone.

The woman's screams could have been heard from around the block as Shizuka jumped on her, screaming at her and throwing things about, not touching the woman because she knew she could easily break her.

Robert Walker

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : South Carolina
Job : Musician/Writer
Humor : Controversial
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Shizuka's Night Out (Closed to Artemis) Empty Re: Shizuka's Night Out (Closed to Artemis)

Post by Artemis April 17th 2013, 9:53 pm

Ariana had a second chance at New york, but in different area. Her new caretaker seemed a lot nice then the old one but She wouldn't tell Ariana her name. It was no big deal but this time it took her a whole 30 minutes before she accidentally got lost. She wonder around the city by her else. She looked the same as before. Tanned skin and red hair. She walked timidly through the city, getting bumped around. She heard a screaming a curiously walked towards it. It took her a few blocks but she go closer and eventually saw the place it was coming from. A food place called McDonalds. She began to walk towards the store when she bumped into someone hard enough to fall to the ground.

"S-sorry." said Ariana.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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Shizuka's Night Out (Closed to Artemis) Empty Re: Shizuka's Night Out (Closed to Artemis)

Post by Noodle April 17th 2013, 11:55 pm

Steven looked at the girl that had bumped into him and nodded, not acknowledging her anymore. Since Shizuka had jumped the cashier, Steven had dragged her off and was about to lead her away to a different store. Shizuka had other plans for this girl, though, and soon made them known to the entire world. "Watch where you're going!" yelled the brattiest Shizuka known to man. Her eyes sparked up a little bit and she smiled, not caring at all that the girl had said sorry. Shizuka sensed something different about her, but couldn't place it, so she shocked Steven until he fell and started jumping around the girl, screaming for icecream.

Shizuka had officially began to start trouble, and she didn't plan on ending the trouble until she had gotten what she wanted.

Robert Walker

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : South Carolina
Job : Musician/Writer
Humor : Controversial
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Shizuka's Night Out (Closed to Artemis) Empty Re: Shizuka's Night Out (Closed to Artemis)

Post by Artemis July 2nd 2013, 12:14 pm

Ariana shrunk back a bit more. "S-sorry." repeated Ariana. She began to shuffle off, feeling depressed. Today wasn't her day, first she lost her caretaker and now she pissed someone off. Ariana began to wonder if she should just find her way back to the airport. That is until she saw a big flashing sign. The sign was for a theater house, some thin similar to what she wanted to go to last time. Ariana's eyes widened but then she sigh when she realized she had no money. Well... It would hurt anyone if I sneak in right? she wondered to herself. She went to the alley way behind the theater and turned into a puddle of metal liquid before sneaking in through the back. Once inside she reconstituted herself and found a seat. Finally she could watch a play in person.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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