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Unfortunate research expeditions (Ariana, Granitoid)

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Unfortunate research expeditions (Ariana, Granitoid) - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfortunate research expeditions (Ariana, Granitoid)

Post by Epsilon July 1st 2013, 9:46 pm

Granitoid missed the flying creature by a hairs width. "Drat!" he managed to mutter before hitting the ground. The construct pulled itself up, watching as the girl darted into the forest. "Find somewhere to hide!" i shouted after her. "And for crying out loud, RUN FASTER!" Granitoid turned back to face the three abominations that had been on its heals. 'I'll never catch her or that flying thing,' Granitoid convinced itself, 'But I can take these three creatures out so they don't follow her!' The construct planted its feet, waiting for the three creatures to get to him.

It didn't have to wait long. Assuming that the things would try and attack him immediately, Granitoid ducked under where the construct expected their attack to be, crawling through one of the creature's legs and coming up on the other side. Granitoid wound up a fist, sending it towards the rear of the creature he'd crawled under, if indeed it was still there. Not waiting to see if the construct had hit or not, Granitoid turned to face another of the creatures, attempting to kick the legs out from under that one. This of course, would leave the construct open to attack from the third creature that it had unfortunately ignored. 'Just gotta keep stalling 'em!' Granitoid grunted mentally to itself.


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Unfortunate research expeditions (Ariana, Granitoid) - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfortunate research expeditions (Ariana, Granitoid)

Post by Forceaus July 3rd 2013, 11:01 pm

Doctor Xelek watched while torn between amusement and anxiety as his three Geiras lunged forward at the being made of solid stone. He stood there hoping they would succeed in doing away with the intruder. Sure, he could attempt to capture it, but a dissection was much easier to perform than a vivisection. He doubted he would need it alive to get all the important and necessary information out of its remains. Because of this he let the creatures strike with the intent to kill. The creatures struck, but did not fare as well as it seemed they should. One jumped right over it somehow and wound up knocked away and to the ground. Not a good start for them at all. The second one immediately started grappling with it. The golem was clearly stronger, but the geira had managed to catch it off stance enough to not be overpowered instantly. Then, the third came in and attempted to slam right into it.

Meanwhile, Annihliatorah was still in hot pursuit of the girl. It saw her running along the ground below her and attempted to swoop down upon her once again. The vegetation prevented that, and the robotic girl dove deeper into it. Annihliatorah came to a complete stop in midair and opened its maw. It fired a stream of energy vapor to burn through the canopy of the trees in front of it. As the smoke cleared the beast looked through the damage. It could see the ground again, but the girl had gotten away. The monstrosity landed and continued its pursuit on foot. It could not find her, but it was sure to keep her from escaping.

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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Unfortunate research expeditions (Ariana, Granitoid) - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfortunate research expeditions (Ariana, Granitoid)

Post by Artemis July 5th 2013, 12:48 am

Ariana kept her head down. She heard the beast outside the cave. It sounded like it was destroying everything in it's path to try and find her. Ariana couldn't stay here, it wasn't safe but at the time she was to afraid to move. It look all her will power to force her self up and begin to walk to the back, but then an idea hit her. She walked back up to where she was and stood in the open. She turned into a puddle then she reformed her self in the shape of a rock. Hiding in plain site was a thing, so why couldn't she do it herself.
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Unfortunate research expeditions (Ariana, Granitoid) - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfortunate research expeditions (Ariana, Granitoid)

Post by Epsilon July 5th 2013, 1:37 pm

Granitoid was too busy struggling against the creature that it was locked in a grapple with to be happy that it'd managed to knock one of them to the ground. "That's right ya overgrown..." The opportunity for the construct to finish its sentence never came, as the third creature slammed square into Granitoid's back, sending the construct flying if the creature it'd been grappling with decided to let go. Disoriented, Granitoid struggled back to its feet, tail pushing the ground to maintain balance. The construct spit out a wad of grass and dirt that had been shoveled into its mouth. 'Gotta keep their attention!'

The small stone construct lowered its head, practically throwing itself forward in an attempt to plow into one of the two remaining creatures. Granitoid had no idea if the one creature it'd knocked down was out for the count, but for the moment the construct had the other two to worry about. However the headbutt charge was stopped, being it hitting something or sailing past both creatures, Granitoid would aim for the creature it'd been grappling with earlier and attempt to tackle it to the ground, and then proceeding to punch it until the construct could tell that it was unconscious, or something else demanded Granitoid's attention.


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Number of posts : 29
Humor : Where is your Gollum now?
Registration date : 2013-06-17

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Unfortunate research expeditions (Ariana, Granitoid) - Page 2 Empty Re: Unfortunate research expeditions (Ariana, Granitoid)

Post by Forceaus July 10th 2013, 9:14 pm

The geiras attempted and attempted even more to slaughter the earth construct. Some say you can't get blood from a stone. Whatever it was that this creature was really made of was sure to be known to them all if they were successful. Unfortunately for them their efforts were lending little to no results. It was simply too strong for them. These creatures were not fully equipped to deal with either metahumans or other beings of unusual natures. Not in such small numbers. They were usually sent in much larger groups to make up for the tendency to be completely outmatched. Because of this they were unable to take down this creature as easily as their creator might hope.

Doctor Xelek grew frustrated as he saw the rock creature manage to plow through his own pets on its way towards Annihliatorah. That said creature was still looking for the robot girl. It had somehow lost her in the trees. It did not matter though. She was still nearby. The sinister looking monstrosity could practically smell her. It was completely focused on finding her. Because of this it did not notice the stone being coming towards it until the last second. It quickly turned upon realizing what was approaching it and fired its energy blast again. Mere seconds after it did they collided into each other. Annihliatorah was knocked to the ground where it landed right next to the puddle that was the robot it was looking for. As it started to get back to its feet the Geiras came back in and one of them immediately pounced at the rock creature.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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