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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White May 24th 2013, 11:23 pm

What was Isak doing in Miami? He was doing some errands for Elena. For what purpose? That he didn't knew about. And again, why was he going at a beach party? Because he felt like he could use some loud music and drinks, and girls, to live something different for once. Of course, Isak was dressed for the occasion, with a nice clean jean, a t-shirt and a vest. Versatile dress for such an event. Isak went to the counter and ordered a drink.

The party was only beginning.

[OOC: sorry for cheap ass post, I'll do better ><]

Last edited by Isak Zielinski-White on May 26th 2013, 9:57 am; edited 3 times in total

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Saileyra May 25th 2013, 10:42 pm

"Shots, Shots, Shots~! Everybodyy~!" - LMFAO
The club was one of the few in Miami that was dark, but Sai wasn't sure exactly how to interact among the crowd. Clubs were in her own time, but they were nothing like this. People may have danced but they were mostly immune to the drugs. Drinks were supernatural, laced with other things, aliens common among the crowd. Half animal like people, bacteria based life forms. It was very futuristic too, the platforms raised and fell.. here it was simple but beautiful in some ways. People were congregating in the large line to get in and the bouncer had always been readily deciding if those whom had been dressed appropriately would be allowed in.

Once her turn in line, the bouncer actually stared at her, laughed. Directed her to a clothing store, she had arrived early. With a lot of time and frustration there was a young clerk whom helped her get an appropriate outfit according to her tastes. Well, she wasn't good at the dress up thing considering she had been from the future let alone a time where war was common. Every person alive had gone to war and there was nothing but survival. Utilizing military strategy, none of this, parties only occured very rarely. The only times she ever went to these places was to get high off the music. Yet, it sounded different, dull..but catchy, she did not understand. Albeit, she did see the waves of the sound, how it streamed. Xeno-perception remained, but her hearing wasn't as articulate. "Fucking limitations." She uttered as she found herself at the front of the line. "Going to let me in now?" She grumbled to the bouncer.

He only nodded with a grin satisfied at the change of dress. Considering the woman hadn't known what to wear or how to dress appropriately for these places. Sai's form had been in a black corset, simple, fitted strapless albeit it suited her curves but without much showing for her shoulders had a leather jacket keeping some modesty from the revealing the back which exposed her spine with strining zig-zags. Leather jean, accompanied by doc-martins, her form slipped through the front door. Her eyes glancing about at the large club, fog, strobe lights, drugs. Drinks were going was a busy night here..striving away from the crowd she made her way towards the bar.

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Zell May 25th 2013, 11:17 pm

Zell had just gotten out of a meeting with some hot-shot promotions guy in Miami Florida. The man constantly tried to play 'hard to get' on allowing Gene-tech the rights to advertise in the far south state. Zell never needed to worry though, Gene-tech was the world's leader in Genetic research and genetic engineering, the question rather was 'how long do I gotta sit here with this pompus rich guy in order to get him to just give me the pen?'
Zell sat in the limo, looking out at the streets until he saw something that looked interesting. It was a club, a pretty dark one too. Zell tapped on the dark tinted window that seperated him from his driver. The window dropped down and the aged man pulled the limo to the side. He looked back to Zell attentivly. Zell took off his suit coat and began unbuttoning his fancy shirt.
"Hey, Can you pop the trunk for me, I need my normal cloths." Zell asked the man. The man nodded and in a second you could her the trunk unlocking.
"I shall get them for you sir." The older man said.
"No please, I can do it, Thank you, but I 've got it." Zell protested as he stepped out of the car. He shed his suit pants revealing his ripped black jeans and he kicked off his suit shoes to replace them with sneakers. He punt on his white wife-beater and put on his black leather jacket on over it. He placed his clothing in the limo, folded nicely. He did that because he knew if he didn't then someone would, He hated being forced to be recognized as 'The Boss' and even more so when people kept worshiping him. He just wanted to be a normal kid, and with a past (and a dual life) like his then the had rare chances to do it. Tonight looked like one of those nights that he'd finally get to be a kid.
Zell walked up and waited in line like the rest of people, finally getting up to the bouncer, who glared at him. Zell rolled his eyes and handed over his license. Where normally in red it would say UNDER 21 until : Insert date here, it said in blue [Dr.Approved.] and on the back was an explanation of Zell's 'situation' which permitted him into places like this.
Once inside he picked up quickly on the smoke, considering it was like walking into a wall of humididty. The bass was crazy, it was almost like the booming pulsed through his body and messed with his heart beat. Those things aside though, he was happy enough to look around and find that the dancing and strobe lights were flashing on and off, slightly distorting his reaction time. the drinks were being passed around like no tomorrow. Zell didn't break the law often, but when he was to drink. The only question left for Zell was...
"Dancing, or drinking...hhhmmmm?" he hummed to himself soothingly. He smiled at the fact that had he not felt the vibration of his voice box, he'd have no idea if he had actually made any words. [Color=Chartreuse] "Seal first, Dance second."

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

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Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Thorgron May 26th 2013, 2:15 am

Thorgron hated traveling. Even more so he hated flying and as he clung to the rails of the Gene-Tech helicopter he could barely stifle back the vomit. Heights freaked him out, the same as water. At least with heights though he would survive, the fall would just suck. If he fell into deep water though, he would sink, dropping like a lead balloon to a watery grave. The thought sickened him and he had to lean out the side of the copter for some fresh air. It leaned slightly to the side as Thorgron's weight shifted inside of it. This was one of the disadvantages of weighing almost a ton. He could no longer ride in conventional vehicles. Though he felt the copter was a little unnecessary, probably Zell's way of getting back at him for trashing his room.

Suddenly the large flying machine stopped moving forward and started to drop. THorgron grabbed to one of the hand rails and closed his eyes. He was afraid that they were gonna crash. But as it gently drifted down he realized that Zell's limo had simply stopped and they were going to drop down and see why. People in the street dashed away as the wind from the helicopter blades swept across the street below. It made him laugh, to see all those people scatter like little ants. He then decided to frighten them a little more and when the copter was about 30 feet from the ground Thorgron closed his eyes and jumped. He heard the pilot yell at him as he dropped through the sky. Not that he cared, there wasn't much the guy could do now.

When he hit, a small crater formed around his feet and the sheep scattered. He nearly doubled over laughing. As much as he hated what had been done to him, Thorgron couldn't help but enjoy what he could do because of it. As he rose from the ground he lightly brushed off his clothes of the dust and rubble. A tight grey t-shirt clung to his rigid muscles. On his legs he wore a pair of tattered jeans held to his waist by a leather belt. And his feet were clad in a pair of boots made specially to support his immense weight. Once he had cleared as much of the dust as he saw appropriate Thorgron made his way to the club which Zell had entered. After his little stunt, the bouncer practically fell over himself to let Thorgron in. Shooting the man a look that said "just try and stop me" he entered the bouncing club. The music from the place beat in his metal veins and he could feel the vibrations coming through the floor. This place was awesome and he intended to take full advantage of it. Instantly he approached the bar and summoned up a waitress. He was only 19 but with his appearance he was rarely carted. "Hey, you wanna get me a couple shots of Seal?" he smirked at the woman. He was looking to get wasted tonight and with his unique biology that would take a LOT of alcohol. The only thing he'd ever even come across that could do it was Seal, a drink that was rumored to have been the favorite of a long forgotten country. Supposedly the King and his Champion would pound the stuff to the wee hours of the morning until they could barely see straight. And if it worked for them it certainly would work for him. "You know what, hell make it four, my friends payin" he remarked at the waitress as he nodded towards Zell.

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Pbucket
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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White May 27th 2013, 8:04 pm

Isak saw that said beach was part of a club which owned the beach, and that in order to get to the beach you had to get passed the bouncer. Isak walked towards him, having no idea what to do. He simply showed the card he was given back at H.Q. and the man looked at it and asked him for identification, which he showed. He was allowed in.

People seemed to have the time of their life inside even though this place looked.... not as in movies. Maybe Isak watched too many movies. In fact, it was the first time he ever went into a club such as this. Never before. One time, in college, or cegep as it was called in Quebec, he had a psychology project with a girl where they had to go in bars to test people's reactions when they had their personnal space invaded. According to the girl, it was a lot of fun since she hooked up a couple of guys inside while Isak was not even allowed in despite the fact he was over eighteen. They had a decent mark he recalled.

That being said, Isak headed to the bar and asked for a beer, which arrived quickly and was as quickly paid. Isak looked at the other people at the bar and wondered if it was okay to start a conversation. After all, you were there to have fun, not being depressing and alone, right? Isak looked around and saw a woman, a nice looking one, that was coming at the bar. He got aside so she could have a place where to sit while she orders something. Isak was somewhat of a gentleman. He waited for her to arrive, he was not in a hurry anyway. He had all night, or part of it at the very least.

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Saileyra May 27th 2013, 10:56 pm

Your Not Going Anywhere Without Me. The vibration, it oozed up her spine, did he really follow her?! She glanced over her shoulder, noticing Xeonix following behind her. The male had took away the armor, shedded it into his most vulnerable state. Yet, he looked related to her without a doubt, both of their x-cells connected vibrating as they spoke through their biological connection. I guess not, huh? She said to her genetic cousin and best friend. Her arms crossing as the taller male of six four approached her. Her eyes staring at him, magenta swirls staring into his as she had nodded in his direction. Meeting her half way he smirked, the man was tall, he had an odd eye color. Red, they seemed to glow almost in the darkness, like hers did. If anything, one could tell they were related somehow. Both their eyes were cat-shaped, his jaw was more square and he was muscular. Large, bulky pectorials bredth to the curves of abs within the confines of a tank and leather jacket. Jeans with a studded belt, "I brought you something." He said, his voice simple, deep.

Sai could only tilt her head, wondering what? Within the crowd, he slipped her a desert eagle, his hand pulling her through the crowd to the exchange could be done unnoticed. You never know. She could only smirk as it was tucked into the confines of her leather jacket both of them approaching the bar. It was simple enough, the two bronzed skinned fools of war stat at the bar. Saileyra did not say much, nor did she give glance to the other men. She was next to Isak about four chairs away her right side having Xeonix whilst he was on her left. Looking to the bartender, she listened to the music. It sounded so wasn't going to make her high like it did at home. What about alcohol here? Would she be immune to it's effects? Quite curious, "Give me a sex on the beach." She said flatly, her fingers soon enough wrapping around the glass. Xeonix on the other hand, did not order anything he merely leaned back his eyes scanning looking into the darkness being able to see. He would shape shift when he needed but it would take time..he had skin at the moment. Pain in the ass thing to do..

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Zell May 28th 2013, 12:34 am

Zell sat, enjoying himself for the most part. He cursed the fact that the ethereal energy in his blood made him more difficult to intoxicate, but there were many times that he was better off for it. Mostly he just acted drunk, and he was damn good at it. Yeah he might get a nice buzz, but when it came down to it he could operate fully and functionally. Zell looked to his left at the bar and saw a beautiful woman sitting there, ordering something from the bartender. Zell smirked as he observed her. When one is intelligent, one becomes far more perceptive, and it pays off when interacting with others.
She wore a tactful leather jacket; the vibe given off was dangerous and beautiful. Her jeans didn’t help matters at all either. She was definitely a person of interest here. Her eyes had a beautiful reddish hue that captured your attention but said ‘deadly bitch’. Zell couldn’t tell from where he was at if they were contacts or not, but in a crayon box they’d be labeled ‘Magnetic Magenta’. He smirked and turned his head as someone cut of his sight to her. Thorgron had up and moved around to the other side. ’son of a –‘ He thought to himself. He began looking around for an excuse to get up and get a closer look at that woman. There was more reason for Zell going to meet her than simply she was hot (despite the fact that her being hot was a great bonus), Zell took a bit of a professional curiosity. He’d never known of a gene that turned one’s eyes that color. Such a rare ‘mutation’ may prove valuable and could serve to make her a very, VERY wealthy woman. He noticed the bar tender sliding Thorgron a shot of Seal (the strongest stuff legal), and he turned around to make another drink. Vodka, peach schnapps, and cranberry juice is what the man grabbed, Zell assumed it was a fruity drink, which women seemed to like a bit more. The tender was almost done, if he timed it right, he’d be able to pull this off without a problem.
” Thor, I gotta bolt for a minute. In ten seconds I want you to hit the table LIGHTLY, and sent a little vibration to the left. Starting…” Zell began as he stood up and walked away, he looked back and mouthed the words ‘Now’ to his friend. Zell went behind a bit and came up like he was straight from the door. He began to approach the bar and the bartender tried to slide a ‘Sex on the Beach’ to the beautiful woman. Thorgron’s ‘little’ vibration on the bar made perfect timing, and the drink was about to splash all over her. Zell had already taken off his jacket and he dashed forward to catch the glass in his jacket and keep the drink from spilling on the woman. He looked at her and in a split second he knew that this woman may not have appreciated his save. He looked away sheepishly as if he hadn’t meant to do it, and cleared his throat. ”Sorry, I know you probably wouldda got it but it’s reflexes.” Zell said. This way he would likely make the woman think he’d just acted in reflex and not thought of what he’d done. That would leave a little leeway if she would have misconstrued his actions. He cleared his throat and sat nearby and cleared his throat. Zell could fool nearly ANYBODY, and hopefully it wouldn’t fail him now. He looked at the bartender. “Bartender, can you get her another. I messed up, I’ll take the charge. My mistake, least I can do.” He said. He didn’t know if his face would give him away, being Gene-Tech’s poster child and all, but hopefully he could simply get a decent conversation if nothing else form her. She seemed far more intelligent than most anyway.
Zell noted a little look from the woman, although he wasn’t sure if it was his paranoia, or real…but it looked like she caught on to his plan. Either way it hopefully didn’t make her suspicious of him.

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

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Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Thorgron May 31st 2013, 4:26 am

LIGHTLY. Sounded simple enough and it was no issue. Zell was already paying for his shots, all four already gone, why not give him some help picking up the girl across the bar. Watching for Zell's cue Thorgron slammed his fist on the bar, sending a shock wave deep into the foundation and momentarily shaking the bar. FOr a moment the lights and sound cut out then rebooted. And when he looked back down to where his fist had collided with the bar, he found large cracks shooting off from a crater slight crater created from the force. He had hit the bar "LIGHTLY" evidently just no lightly enough. People throughout the club had now turned and were staring at him, he could feel it. He was fine in a crowd but all that attention made him uncomfortable. Angry eyes burnt holes in his back. They were everywhere, staring, judging. Thorgron started to feel dizzy, hazy. Flashes from his past in the labs strobed across his vision. Quickly he raised a hand and once again hailed one of the bar tenders. "6 shots of Seal please, hurry." This last bit he barked out. His voice booming at the woman. he didn't mean any harm to her or any of the people in the club for that matter. All he had wanted was to relax and forget about the hell that his life was. Hopefully a few more shots of Seal would pound out the suffering in his head.

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Pbucket
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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White June 1st 2013, 9:05 am

Gone. She had dissapeared. All because of one moment when Isak was not looking. He sighted. What could he do now? Sit at the bar and randomly talk to people? He would look so awkward and alone. Or he could simply walk around and find some sympathetic people to sit with and enjoy the night. That would probably be better than sitting at the bar counter doing nothing. And so, he got up and tried to find so nice people. The young man was walking near the tables where visitors and customers where sitting at, trying to see if one had an empty seat he could ask for. It was somewhat difficult since people where not coming at bars to usually sit at some other people's table and join them, unless of course they knew each other beforehand. But it was still worth the try and Isak had nothing to lose doing that. Except some respect maybe.

But luckily for him he saw a table with two guys at it. Well, from where he was he only saw two guys. He decided to head there. As he thougth earlier, he had nothing to lose and he could gain a seat at a table with some other guys and have a nice evening that way. About a minute after spotting the table, he managed to get through the crowd and was in front it. Two guys, friends probably, with different clothing styles it seems were there. The young man approached them and tried to smile and look invitable.

-Hey guys, mind if I join in?

He was being natural and casual, hoping that would make the trick for earning him a seat. He'd see soon enough. Since one of them got up and left almost immediately, Isak felt a bit uncomfortable but stayed composed.

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Saileyra June 2nd 2013, 6:31 pm

She was always scouting her surroundings, she may have been here to have a good damn time but she knew she was the leader of an organization and she was valuable. The last thing she need was some flighty risk on her life for her wanting to have a good time. Always glancing casually about, she seemed only to be observing the crowd when she took notice to small sharp objects above her the simple scene was nothing too extreme but thankfully she had Xeonix and a weapon. Even if it wasn't her sword, it was something good enough. Feeling the thick weapon against her breast within the leather jacket she hoped she didn't have to use it. Despite the lack of remorse she had for killing someone it didn't mean she wanted to do it..lets hope most of these fuckers were human and could take a shot to the knee rather than the stomach.

Pondering in her mind frame, yet she listened hearing someone approach her. Fuck, she couldn't make out the words but the way his body language was. The eye contact to the man next to her, something was going down. Was she going to be a rapists victim tonight? That was not likely going to happen these two behavior patterns were quite sketchy. Yet, the only way to get a good shot on the guy if he wanted to nab her was going to have to be point blanc range. Of course she didn't have to hope it didn't come to that; brushing her hair off her shoulder casually the long thick wavy locks brushed off her shoulder as she stared across the distance. Survival, it was all that mattered, she didn't belong in this world. Not at all, part of her was homesick, part of her wasn't. Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed a man, a little to well dress begin to approach. It was the same guy with the sketchy behavior he was getting closer~!

Noticing a small detail, the man was raising his hand, the other was closing. Her drink was half way prepared and that tender was the type to slide the glass. The noticed that earlier on in the night, they were going to make it tip over. At least she wasn't going to get captured and shit tonight, hopefully. Placing her elbow on the bar, she waited for it all to play out. It was something she could play off get the guy closer learn his intentions. No one usually bothered with her in her own world. Here? She felt like the center of attention sometimes and it was making her feel sort of claustrophobic. In a few minutes, the obvious flash of glass an crunching occured as she had noticed the jacket, the man in front of her. Simply, out of her own reflexes she stood a few seconds out of his own way from near her so the were in conversational distance.

She knew psychology, she knew he meant it, but she didn't play it as she did: "Thank you." She said simply, her grin churning brightly. Two can play it this game. She could bring it quite harder, she was the one that had her friend near her. Xeonix himself turned, his red eyes staring at the other man as he growled. "What the fuck?" He yelled over to Thorgron, of course, he knew the scheme. He and Sai had a biological connection, cousins, together they can telepathically sync. These guys are idiots.. The deep voice vibrated, hit her spine, only made her stand upright as her x-cells vibrated in sync with Xeonix's. It was a nice feeling to have some family around..even if it wasn't an actual sibling.. "I appreciate the offer." She said, sitting on another stool that wasn't so threateningly wet on the other side of Xeonix who now faced Gene. Of course, she had seen him before, but she did not know who he was or his in this world. She was a fucking alien after all..

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Zell June 4th 2013, 11:51 pm

"I wouldn't do that..." Zell said to the strange man with red eyes. Well this was a fuckin feild day for him. Two people with reddish hue's to their eyes. The man glared at him. Zell smirked, if the idiot really intended to start a fight here it would be pointless. "He's kill you before you could cry wolf." Zell added very matter of factly. He looked at the beautiful woman and smiled cheerily. He figured he might want to tell her not to try anything with the desert eagle he spotted. At this time he was thankful to God he had such a keen mind. "That gun in your jacket isn't as well concealed as you think, try filling up your pockets with other 'accessories' it'll keep the layout even a bit more. Couldn't even scratch him though. Zell added. He smirked and shook his head.
'don;' get yerself tah end up deahd' Niall chided.
' shut up and analyze her biosig. I don't want any shit to go down tonight. If I end up with a gangsta bitch from the bar the media will be on it like vultures.' He nodded and watched as the bartender came back with another sex on the beach for the lady. Zell looked at the guy and then to the bartender.
"Hey, grab a GLASS of the Seal mix for him and I." Zell said motioning at the man with red eyes. Zell had a double reason for this. One the drink seal was some of the strongest stuff around, and one shot could knock a hardcore drinker down on his ass. He figured he'd get the dead-weight wasted so he could have a civil conversation with the pretty lady without big brother's stare. He looked to them both as the Bartender returened with the two glasses. "Name's Zell." he said as he extended his hand to the woman. He didn't want to risk over-doing it in the club setting, bit if he could gt a hand shake Naill could analyze her biosignature and match it with criminal records. So long as she isn't wanted for an 'unneeded' murder, she'd be alright in his book

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Thorgron June 22nd 2013, 1:50 am

Oh come on! All Thorgron wanted to do was drink. Was that such a crime? Well, technically it was but who cared! As long as the bar tender didn't ask he'd be fine. But of course this red eyed idiot had to go bothering him after he broke the bar. He was not in the mood, not at all and if this guy wanted to start a fight Thorgron was gonna pound his suffering out in his face instead of in shots. "Leave it be dude, you really don't want to mess with me tonight" he grunted over at the antagonizing man. He never looked over at him though. His eyes were fixated on the shots which were coming his direction. Sweet Seal, he thought to himself as the shots were placed in front of him. One, two , three were downed within a few seconds. Still nothing, barely even a buzz. Man maybe they were watering this stuff down because it was just NOT working tonight. Deciding that maybe getting the blood flowing would help, Thorgron stood from the bar and approached the red eyed man. On his way over, he bumped solidly into a man in a vest. Turning to the man he raised an eyebrow angrily then continued towards his target. Downing the last shot about a foot from the man he spoke. "You wanna go bud? I could go for a little brawl." He was grinning from ear to ear now as he cracked his knuckles. A good old fashioned bar fight, THAT should help liven tonight up!

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Pbucket
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Mega Poster!

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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Saileyra June 23rd 2013, 2:24 am

Clubs, they were pounding the music filled her ears but it didn't give her that same euphoria. Her drunken stupor? Not so existent, being ruined by the 'poster child' in front of her. Those magenta optics scanned his hand as she opted to be much more simple with a curt nod in the direction of the man patting his shoulder. She did not accept hand shakes so readily, there could be risks involved with even grabbing ones hand. She was skeptic, her gun? She didn't care for it, it was just there for protection. Raising an eyebrow, she growled now, why would someone bother with.."I will shoot your ass for talking to him like that." She snapped, her voice sharp rather straight to the point. Part of her hating to be primed and proper, her figure was adorned in a corset, leather jacket; tight jeans. Part of her felt like she had a fucking monkey suit on. 

He was an odd man, without a doubt, the other was ordering Seal out of the ass. Xeonix on the other hand stood next to her dragging her away before she could even touch him. Grasping her by the shoulder her pulled her away. "With the way he and his friend are acting I think we should get going.." He whispered to her, Saileyra's eyes darting to the red-eyed cousin of hers as he let go of her shoulder. She crossed her arms, staring at Zell, of course. Xeonix would not force her to do what she had not wanted to do but in the long run it would be her final desicion in which case she had decided to stay, "What do you want? I know it was all a planned scheme. Can we get to the point?" She said, her eyes staring at him boring almost tearing into his soul.

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2013-04-18

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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White June 24th 2013, 12:39 am

Isak was bumped by some guy on his way to the table. After that, the people at the table rejected his offer and told him very politely to ''get the fuck away''. He walked away, disappointed. In movies, it always worked to use such a tactic but real life proved to be something else. The boy then noticed the guy who bumped into him earlier. He was at a bar with three other people, one being a girl he noticed earlier that evening. Curious, he decided to approach them. As he got closer, he heard glimpses of conversation. A fight? Maybe. Maybe not. The young mage decided to try to defuse the whole thing by popping in. He grabbed the guy who bumped him by the shoulder and got closer.

-Hey you could at least say you're sorry when bumping into somebody you know. If you're looking for trouble there are drunkards outside waiting for that.

He looked quite determined. He wanted to do something out of his comfort zone and if it meant to brawl with a guy who was a complete stranger to him, then so be it. He was ready for it, but not in here. Too much people. Isak was surprising himself by thinking like that.

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Empty Re: Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron]

Post by Zell June 26th 2013, 1:59 am

"THORGRON!" Zell snapped as he looked over his shoulder back at his friend. He looked back to Sai and began to rub the bridge of his nose. "Look, th ebottom line is that I can tell by the way you're observing your surroundings and the sheer fact that you managed to figure any of this out proves that you are brighter than your average bear. I don't exactly fit in with most normal people, so I find people, or whatever you are in this case, and I try to actually have a decent conversation. Now as far as the 'Why' go through this, because very rarely are women both smart and pretty. I'm not flirting, it's just an observation." Zell said, obviously feeling stressed from the seemingly unavoidble fight between the two. Suddenly Zell let out a groan. "Oh-NO!" Zell whined quietly. Seconds later a three foot black feathered friend walked in through the crowd. No one really seemed to notice the bird as it walked up, strutting it's stuff. The three and a half foot tall raven flapped its wings and stood up on the bar. It looked to Zell and blinked.
"Raaaeh. Area. Safe." Lourishna said to Zell. The bartended almost pissed himself on the spot seeing a three and a half foot talking Raven. Zell noddeed at him and smiled nervously at Sai. This was only going to make things worse. Lourishna then began nuzzling up against Zell and began looking around at those seated at the bar.
"Uh, Polly want a cracker?" The bar tender asked, almsot as if he had nothing else to saw. Lourishna hopped to face the barkeep and tiled it's head like a psycopath and swiftly reached out and swiped the glass from the barkeeps hand. Lourishna set it down and let out it's little crow call.
"Polly want to kick your ass." Lourishna said. Zell rolled his eyes, The only time He could get Lourishna to speak a full sentence was when he was angry. He really needed new friends as it seemed all of his current ones wanted to fight. "Port wine. Red." The raven demanded. The barkeep didn't hesitate. Zell looked back at Sailerya and sighed.
"I love a good fight as much as the next guy, but now do you see why i'm so desperate to have a half intelligent conversation?" Zell askked her wiht a small smirk. Lourishna took the wine bottle in hand dropped on his back and began chugging ther entire bottle. He only broke his drinking after he heard Zell say that, and he looked at him.
"What's. that mean. Punk?" he crowed.

Beach Party in Miami ! [Closed to Isak, Saileyra, Zell and Thorgron] Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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