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Alistair de Payens

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Alistair de Payens Empty Alistair de Payens

Post by Master Teemo April 30th 2013, 6:49 am

Real Name: Alistair de Payens
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Chevalier
Title: Templier, Templar,
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 182 lbs.
Blood type: A+


Alistair is a complex personality. A man who believes in doing good no matter the cost. Alistair holds a strict code of conduct, an honor code of sorts that he would rather die than stray from. As such, he holds himself in a high, and in a way, regal esteem, coming off sometimes as sarcastic and arrogant towards people. However, the man can also be charming, and has been known to some as a lady killer who prizes his ability to woo women. This does not mean he is a user by any means, nor does it mean he disrespects women. Quite the opposite is true, as he tends to hold women in high regard, and believes firmly in a sort of chivalrous behavior. Alistair is considered a cocky rich kid who was gifted everything in life, but has proven time and again that he has worked hard for what he has. Alistair believes himself to be a modern day knight, and acts as such often. Friendly to virtually all he meets, yet stern and even threatening when he has reason to be, Alistair is seen as a puzzling case to many who try to understand him. Alistair himself often says he doesn't know just who he is, and has yet been able to accurately describe himself from one day to the next.

Alistair attempts to keep things on happy notes, and prefers to keep things as stress free as possible. Ever the sarcastic type, he also jests with people often, makes witty cracks and one-liners, and even is known to tell the occasional dirty joke. Alistair tries to always do the right thing, even if it occasionally means doing a few wrong things. Alistair often has an incredibly difficult time organizing his thoughts, and tends to ramble when he speaks, leading many to think him unintelligent. While some see him this way, it is another misleading trait of his. Academically, technically, and strategically, Alistair is quite intelligent, able to elaborately speak, act in a sophisticated manner, and plan many steps ahead of an outcome when he has need to. Many belief his strange behavior is simply some sort of act to make himself appear foolish, allowing him to swoop in at a later time to reveal how he truly is. Many in the business world either love or hate Alistair, considering him either a friend or foe. Alistair keeps his Templar training a secret from everyone, and occasionally uses the suit to bust some heads as a means of doing good and letting off steam.

Alistair was born in the United States, more accurately, New York City. His father was a well known business tycoon who immigrated from France has a young boy, whom worked his entire life to become a success. It took him the better part of 30 years, but he made something important of himself. Francois, or Francis as most of his associates called him, was a billionaire who dealt in various wares and forms of research, most of which involved historical research and items. Francis was particularly interested in his family's legacy, as he discovered as a child that he was a direct descendant of one of the founders of the Knights Templar, and a knight at that. This fascination led him into antiquities, which led him into archeology and various other fields of history. As the years passed, he branched further and further until eventually, he scored the mother-load, having found hundreds of thousands of relics from various periods of history, including the reign of the Knights Templar.

Alistair himself continued such pursuits, being an avid fan of historical events from the same period himself, while also intensely studying business and economics. As a boy, Alistair was especially fascinated with the knighthood of the Templars, their martial prowess being historically legendary. Training himself daily, both body and mind, Alistair honed his skills to become a great swordsman, archer, cavalryman, and aristocrat. Alistair always did well in his studies, and received the best education money could buy. Many could claim that Alistair was a spoiled child, but it would be far from the case. While he was given what he needed, he always worked hard for what he wanted. Francois never coddled his son, and always told him of the hardships of life, working hard to ensure that he wouldn't be just some fat cat American.

As Alistair grew older, his studies advanced further, he himself going on archeological expeditions to various locations, including the famous "Holy Land." While many of his expeditions there were frowned upon by the locals, he made it a personal goal to uncover as much as possible about the legacy of the Templars. While attending University, Alistair uncovered a suit of armor, a shield, and a sword, all believed to have been preserved from the time of the Templars. The blade was still sharp, and the armor appeared to be in fantastic working condition. Keeping these for himself, Alistair desired to become like the Knights Templar himself even more than before, and would often don the armor and wield the weapons himself when training, often for hours on end. This began to breed goals within the young man's mind, a desire to eventually recreate the Knights Templar in a new image, the Templars of the modern day. It would undoubtedly takes years of effort, and a nearly countless amount of money to do it, but Alistair shared his father's determination, and nothing would stop him from accomplishing any of his goals, let alone this one.

When Alistair was 24, his father died unexpectedly, the cause was never completely discovered. Alistair then inherited a large portion of his father's wealth, while much of it was left to the Widow de Payens. This woman wasn't his mother, just the latest of his father's many wives, and there was no real attachment to the two of them. Alistair himself was always under the impression that she only wanted his father's wealth. Alistair worked hard with the money he was given, and that he had earned, continuing his father's work, as well as funding his own private research. This research has been entirely private, kept from even his closest of clients and associates, and has led Alistair to become a bit of a recluse as of late. However, he still attends virtually every social function he is invited to or decides to host in his home in New York. His primary building, a tower in the city had been destroyed, and has been in the process of being rebuilt. Alistair decided that it was best to be a good Samaritan, a trait that his father had possessed as well. Francois had always taught Alistair that much of the point of their existence was to help those in need, as many as they could. This led both of them to give a great deal to charities.

In this spirit, Alistair began donating a great amount of money to the efforts to rebuild the destroyed parts of the city, as well as giving funds to aid those who were injured or rendered homeless. Continuing to give to charity as he believed was his duty, Alistair began to fall on rough times. This began a rather dark chapter in his history, a time in which his good intentions became misused, and his trust of his associates destroyed. During the next couple years, members of the board of his company, which had been called Alpayn Industries, were working behind his back in order to thicken their wallets. Alistair had hired a manager to keep better track of his funds to give him more time to work, a plan that was supposed to earn him more money to keep the company afloat. At first it seemed to be working, until Alistair discovered that the reason their revenue had increased as much as it had, was because his people had ceased giving to charity entirely. The members of the board considered it a waste of money, but Alistair stuck hard to his morals, and immediately fired the lot.

Working fast, Alistair began working a lead in the Holy Land that claimed they were getting close to an item of great historical relevance, an item that was believed to possess magical powers. It was often referred to as the "Holy Grail". While many believed it was merely a symbol of some sort, Alistair did not. Of course, Alistair was also the type who believed in the existence of magic, otherwise, the world was just too dull. Although his reasons were deemed childish, it was a goal he wasn't willing to give up on. After about a year of searching, his search didn't recover any artifacts, but he did uncover clues as to more potential whereabouts, as well as the possibility that someone already possessed it. Still, Alistair managed to publish several findings, including many of those from the days of the Knights Templar, and even discovered the remains of one of his ancestors, the one his family was named after no less. Recovering a great deal of his fortune, while continuing other business practices, Alistair managed to regain complete control of his company, and continue accumulating a greater fortune.

Unfortunately, Alistair still finds himself trapped in some shady dealings, most of which involve weaponry and modern machinery. Alistair has a decent understanding of modern tech, but not enough to make his living from it. However, many of his employees do, and opened up a research laboratory in his name. This research is done almost strictly off the books, as the majority of the research involves illegal things, but many of which are quite valuable. The others of the more legal variety involve medicine, clean energy, automobiles, and various other things. In time, citizens won't be able to enter any sort of shop without seeing his name or his face. Alistair's desires have not faded in the slightest, and he still strives to re-create the Knights Templar, but finds himself only a little closer to accomplishing this. Realizing that greater steps must be taken, he has prepared to enter another phase of his plan, one that would involve seeking the aid of others to get the Order on it's feet. Because of this, Alistair has become much of a public figure, seeking to make new friendships and alliances within the business and political word. Alistair himself is no stranger to the camera, nor to live appearances, and is often considered a charming and charismatic individual. In light of this, there is a part of him that he realizes is selfish, bitter, and angry. Though he does his best to hide this, and to tell himself that it doesn't exist, it shows itself in many small ways. The darker dealings of his business, his more deadly combat training, his more recent interest in technology. Alistair has, as of late, began wondering he is becoming too much like the people of his past. The ancestor's that used good as a cover up to do terrible things. Pushing these thoughts aside, Alistair continued pressing his goals, focusing on the smaller more able goals. Firstly, building his company, and rebuilding his home.

Power(s): None

Intelligence: 1
Occult: 6
Strength: 4
Speed: 4
Durability: 4
Ability: 0
Fighting Skills: 7
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 0
Wealth: 5

Last edited by Master Teemo on April 30th 2013, 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
Master Teemo
Master Teemo

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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2013-04-30

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Alistair de Payens Empty Re: Alistair de Payens

Post by The Ranger April 30th 2013, 11:56 am

Hey Alistair, nice lookin app think maybe he'd be interested in [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] group? Also you don't need both int and occult. But if you plan on keeping it lemme know and ill approve this app.

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The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 26
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Alistair de Payens Empty Re: Alistair de Payens

Post by Arcana April 30th 2013, 6:32 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2480
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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