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The Blaze Knight Armory

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The Blaze Knight Armory Empty The Blaze Knight Armory

Post by hazard5259 March 18th 2013, 1:55 am

Name: Blaze Sword, Phoenix Blade

-Elemental Channeling: The blade is unaffected negatively by the intense heat created by the Flame Projection power utilized by the Blaze Knights. Instead actually the blade is sharpened by the flame, and raises the temperature of the blade to height where it can cut through most things with ease.

-Soulbond: The blade is bound to the user through a magical link. This link is known as soulbond and produces several different powers. The first is that the blade can be summoned from anywhere at any time how it arrive is different depending on how far away the blade is from the user. If the blade is within sight of its user it simply flies to their hand. If the distance is further then that then the blade will teleport to the user appearing in flame when it does. In order to be summoned, the user must be unrestrained and be able to speak the words “Blaze Baningu Bado.”

While the blade can be broken it can never truly be destroyed while the person who it is bound to is alive. If it is damaged or broken in anyway it begins to repair or reconstitute itself taking no more than a week to repair itself into its original condition. The sword changes upon binding with a new user based off their personality and preferred fighting style. When Jakes Father was bound to the sword it took the shape of a long sword, and his father a Greatsword. For Jake it has taken the form of a kattana.

-History: The Phoenix blade was said to be made in the heat of an activate volcano and infused with magic during its creation and inscribed with mystic runes. While the true history of its creation is lost in time, it is known that it was created for the purpose of giving the blaze family a way of identifying itself as head of the Blaze Knights and has since been passed on from generation to generation.
Occ Allocation: 6

Name: Phoenix Gauntlet

-Fire Bolts: Utilizing their Wielder natural ability to project flame, this gauntlet turn that flame into a ball of fire which is shot out from the top of the Gauntlet (the phoenix Head). To fire these bolts it takes a charging period, the longer the period the stronger and fast the blast as well as the longer the blast goes before burning itself out.

-Elemental Weapon Creation; Fire: This grants the wielder the ability to create weapons from fire. The problem is that the user has to concentrate harder and uses more of their power in order to form the weapons and thus becomes exhausted faster. These weapons are usually used as a last resort, for instance The Phoenix blade is broken, or can’t be summoned, or is being prevented from returning to their hand.

-Shapeshifting: When not in use these bracers take the form of leather bracelet’s on the owners arms.
Description: These bracers are made of metal colored red and black and appear to have the face of a Phoenix on top of them.

-History: While their creation is unknown, the Blaze family record book shows these we acquire during battle and added to the Blaze family armory shortly after discovering they had no evil magic embedded in them. Many Blaze Knights go through life without ever accessing the power to create fire weapons not having the need for it.

OCC Allocation: 4

Name: Phoenix Dagger

-Elemental Channeling: The blade is unaffected negatively by the intense heat created by the Flame Projection power utilized by the Blaze Knights. Instead actually the blade is sharpened by the flame, and raises the temperature of the blade to height where it can cut through most things with ease.

-Soulbond: The blade is bound to the user through a magical link. This link is known as soulbond and produces several different powers. The first is that the blade can be summoned from anywhere at any time how it arrive is different depending on how far away the blade is from the user. If the blade is within sight of its user it simply flies to their hand. If the distance is further then that then the blade will teleport to the user appearing in flame when it does in a sheath on the user’s belt. In order to be summoned through teleportation, the user must be unrestrained and be able to speak the words “Blaze Baningu Bado.”

While the blade can be broken it can never truly be destroyed while the person who it is bound to is alive. If it is damaged or broken in anyway it begins to repair or reconstitute itself taking no more than a week to repair itself into its original condition. The sword changes upon binding with a new user based off their personality and preferred fighting style. When Jakes Father was bound to the sword it took the shape of a short sword, and his father a Sword breaker. For Jake it has taken the form of a wakazashi.
Description: Made as the Companion Blade to the Phoenix Blade.

Occ Allocation: 5

Name: Blaze Armor

-Shape shifting: The armor can take the shape of an article clothing of the wearer’s choice when not in use. For Jake it is used as a Leather riding Jacket. When Active it takes the form of a traditional knights armor.

-Enchanted Metal: The armor was enchanted to be light weight in order to make it unencumber some to the wielder and able to move as quickly as they could without it on.

-Elemental Wing Creation: Utilizing the users natural affinity to fire, the armor channels that power to create for him a set of Wings to fly.
Description: This traditional armor was enchanted for the first Blaze knight to take the Phoniex mark. When the blaze knights had a need to fit in the modern world, their traditional armor was enchanted to allow them to hide in plain sight.

Occ Allocation: 4

Name: Shield Gauntlet
-Shape shifting: The gauntlet when not in use takes the form of a leather bracelet with a flame motif.

-Shield Creation: At will the metal expands and creates a Shield for the user.

-Elemental Absorption; Flame: The shield can absorb flame attacks and turn them into energy for the wielder to use with his other abilities and weapons.

-Fire Bullets: While the other Gauntlet can produce bolts this one produces bullets which don’t require charging and fire fast, but in exchange for weaker blasts.

- Orb Shield: Utilizing flame in conjunction with his other equipment abilities’ creates a spherical shield that surrounds the user and up to two others around him, but it leave the user weakened for a few moments. It also requires the other pieces of his armor to be active to use.
Description: This shield was created in conjunction with the armor, and has been passed from generation to generation like the rest of the blaze knight armory.

INT Allocation: 5

Last edited by hazard5259 on March 19th 2013, 12:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2013-03-01

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The Blaze Knight Armory Empty Re: The Blaze Knight Armory

Post by Forceaus March 18th 2013, 3:44 pm

You can only have 1 item at your highest INT allocation of 6.

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Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Blaze Knight Armory Empty Re: The Blaze Knight Armory

Post by hazard5259 March 19th 2013, 12:01 am

Alright Updated with corrections

The Blaze Knight Armory Hazardsmall

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2013-03-01

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The Blaze Knight Armory Empty Re: The Blaze Knight Armory

Post by Forceaus March 19th 2013, 12:34 am

Approved until stated otherwise

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

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Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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