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The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!)

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The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!) Empty The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!)

Post by Tman1Q May 16th 2012, 10:49 am

Real Name: Travis Clark

Super Hero Name: Crimson Spider

Title: The Crimson Crawler, Spiderfreak, Bugboy, C.S

Alignment: Hero

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Humanoid Spider Mutant(Human)

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Dark Brown

Height: 5'7

Weight: 126

Costume Description/Image:

Personality: I'd be lying if I said that he was the perfect, upstanding abider of the law that effortlessly swung into action every time duty called. Travis himself is very undisciplined in terms of manners, a delinquent and rarely has any morals. His personality is very complex for a boy his age. He has the qualities that would make him a very good villain, but somehow managed to become a hero nonetheless. He's a troubled youth who struggles to do right, but usually ends up doing the wrong thing because of his past mistakes. Despite all this, he's well known for being an idealist. He sees things for what they can or should be rather then what they are. This very aspect of his personality is probably what keeps him on the side of good. He knows that the world is bad and that it will probably never change, but he also knows that it will get better as long as he fights for the good side. He may be a dreamer, but he's got a realistic side. He knows when and how to take risks and isn't afraid to take them if necessary. He has a tendency of making bad decisions, but he usually makes the right choices in the end. All in all, he's an idealist rebel that choices to be on the side of good and, though confused at times, tries to be a great hero and role model to those around him.


The Past-There are many ways you can try to piece together the reason behind Travis's delinquent attitude, but if you asked him, he'd say it all began with his parents divorce. Travis was born to an adventurer/archealogist father and a worried mother who loved him very much. They argued frequently, but they tried to argue secretly in fear of a young, innocent Travis Clark overhearing their squabble. Mr.Clark wanted nothing more then to see the world with his beloved wife and son while Mrs.Clark merely wanted a nice, peaceful life with her husband and son. They argued over this on many occasions with Travis overhearing them in secret. He tried to play it off as if it were nothing, but he knew that the argueing would get more and more heated as time went on. Eventually, they were fed up with eachother and decided to file for a divorce. Travis cried for many days when he heard the news from his mother. His parents both tried to assure Travis that is wasn't his fault, but he had already convinced himself that it was. He constantly brought up every bad thing he had done and made that another reason for his parents argueing and divorce. After the case was closed, Travis was sent to live with his mother. His father moved out. Travis grew up without a father for many years untill Mr. and Mrs.Clark decided to agree on the fact that they both needed to be there for Travis. They made an agreement that he would live with his mother on the weekdays and stay with his father on the weekends. Travis loved his mother and father equally, exicited that he'd be able to be with both of them throughout his life. On the weekdays, He was just a kid who went to school in his area. He didn't have many friends and was the scorn of the teacher and faculties of his school because of his delinquent attitude. On the weekends, however, he visited many different countries and went on what the average person would consider 'dangerous' adventures.

The Spider-They brought back many artifacts and soveniers from the adventures that they went on together. When he turned 16, for his birthday, his father took him to the Great Pyramid of Khufu, one of the more mysterious and unexplored pyramids in Egypt. They were in search of of jewel said to hold a mysterious power. After much searching(and running), they found the jewel. It was the jewel of the Spider-God Arachne. His father propped it up carefully and placed it in his bag. It had been a long afternoon, so his father had decided to rest. He warned Travis not to touch the jewel and went into his room to rest, leaving the jewel on the top of the desk. Travis's curiosity got the better of him, as it always had. He turned to the Spider-shaped jewel and slowly walked towards it. He picked it up and held it in his hand for a minute as if waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. Tired of waiting, he began to play with it as if it were a toy. Suddenly, the golden spider-shaped jewel began to speak into the boys mind. It spoke the word "Arachne." Startled, he dropped the jewel near his leg. The jewel seemed to come to life as it crawled on top of Travis. The golden glow of the jewel seemed to sink into Travis, causing him to glow a brilliant golden color. As this happened, the spider slowly turned to dust. Travis fell unconcious out of shock. As he woke up, the spider jewel was gone. All that was left was a small pile of ash where the spider-shaped jewel had been. His father came out the room and asked Travis where the jewel was. He stuttered and blundered over his words as he tried to explain the story, but Mr. Clark wouldn't have it. He muttered something about it being his mothers fault and drove him back to the airport, seeing him off as the plane took off into the air. After a taxi ride and a small walk down the block, he was back home. The only excuse he could give his mother as to why he was home earlier then expected was "I messed up.".

The Discovery- As usual, school was nothing but boring, or rather, WAS boring. The crazy stuff began in 3rd period Geometry. He was sitting in the back of the class, twirling the pencil in between in index finger and thumb before he was accidentally bumped into by one of the larger students. In reaction to the bump, his pencil carved sharply into his arm, cutting the flesh before he pulled the pencil back up and slammed it on his desk. Two things happened at that moment, but Travis only noticed one. After giving a scornful look at the guy who bumped him, he turned back to observe the cut on his skin. Surprisingly, the cut had already healed. There were no traces of any marks left behind either. This had never happened before, or atleast not in his sight, and he held his jaw open in surprise. The SECOND thing that happened that he hadn't noticed was that his pencil, as well as the desk, were cracked wide open and on the ground. He ran out in disbelief, wondering what was happening to him. He had forgotten about what the jewel had done to him, so he didn't consider that at all. He ran out of the school and into the street. He ran beside a car and looked at it strangely. The car seeemed to be going very slow, but it didn't take long for him to realize that he was merely going faster then the car himself. His fear was slowly turning into exicitment untill he lfelt a strange tingling sensation and turned to his front, finding himself speeding towards a large tree. Instinctively, he jumped into the air knowing full-well that he'd still be hit. By his surprise(again), he saw that he jumped higher then the tree itself. A building placed behind the tree, he smacked into it. He didn't exactly fall down, but instead stuck to the wall like glue. Everything began to feel so strange and unexpected untill he remembered the Spider-shaped Jewel. "It must have given me some sort of blessing or somethin'" He said, not knowing how else to describe it. People could have easily seen him sticking to the building, but for some reason they passed by as if it were normal. He looked down at himself only to see...nothing. At first he thought he was invisible, but after jumping down to the ground, he was normal again. "So now I'm a freaky spider monster?" He asked himself outloud, briefly wondering if he'd turn into some type of man eating spider. It didn't take long for the rest of his latent abilities to manifest. He decided to keep it a secret, fearing that he would be poked at and opened up by some secret government agency.

The Promise-Since he was used to skipping school by now, he made his way home. It occured to him that he should use his powers to show the school that he was the boss now. He went to school, ready to use his powers to take over and get what he wanted. Coincidentally, he saw the larger boy who bumped him earlier that day bullying some kid by his locker. He wanted to turn and walk away, but he knew he couldn't. "Darn it. Why did God make morals?!" He thought to himself, and relunctantly walked back to the large boy. Without warning, he cocked back his fist and punched the boy in his stomach. The boy's eyes opened wide as he flew across the long hallway and smacked into the locker. He screamed with pain, causing Travis to step back a bit. The other boy who he had been trying to help now seemed scared of Travis too. The ambulance was called and thwe large boy was sent to the emergency room. Travis quickly ran back out and jumped through the window of his bedroom. He seemed distraught. He had only wanted to use his power to help someone else, but ended up hurting someone more then he had intended too. He knew now that he had to learn to control his powers or else he'd become worse then he already was. He drew up a tacky costume and went to the halloween costume store with a jar full of change. Not bothering to count it, the manager took the drawing and told Travis to come back in two days time. After the time had passed ,he went back and was presented an expensive looking costume(the one shown in the spoiler). The manager eyed the teen and asked "Aren't you a little to old for trick or treating?". Travis had no reply and walked out. He knew now that even though he had never tried it before and frankly didn't want to, he had to use his powers wisely and to help others. He knew it would take some getting used too, but he promised that he'd try his best before giving up. "Atleast for a little while" he thought. Finally, he had to pick a name for his new "freaky spider monster guy" hero. He wrote down and tried many names, but none of them clicked for him. "The Crimson Spider." He finally tried. It was no better then the others, but it atleast sounded less-lame. He had finally become a hero, but decided for now he'd need a good nights sleep.

  • Superhuman Strength-Travis can lift much more then the average human can achieve, being able to lift 2-20 tons. He can break through walls and use the strength in his legs to leap over building and other tall objects. Naturally, his attacks also deal more damage then normally.

  • Superhuman Speed-Travis has the ability to run very fast, being able to outrun cars and other motor vehicles. He can reach speeds spanning from 60 to 80 miles per hour.

  • Superhuman Agility/Reflexes-He has heightened agility and reflexes. His enhanced agility gives him the ability to perform more acrobatic techniques and have Equilibrium on just about any object he lands on. His enhanced reflexes let him dodge attacks in a much more smooth manner, being able to dodge bullets and some attacks.

  • [Item]Wall Crawling Costume-Travis can crawl on walls and ceilings. The ability is instinctive and automatically activates one Travis makes contact with any surface with his hands of his feet. It works through his costume but can't work on slippery surfaces such as ice or on fragile objects. Like many of his natural powers, the power doesn't extend through his costume so he was able to place his costume with the same adhesive properties as his hands and feet. This gives him many of the same abilities as his natural wall crawling ability.

  • Superhuman durability-Travis is very durable, being able to get back up after being smashed through a wall or two. The average attack won't phase him very much, and he can take attacks by superpowered opponents more effectively.

  • [Item]Active Camouflage-Travis has the ability to meld into his environment to successfully sneak up on his foes or flee from bad situations. The ability is activated manually when Travis chooses, only needing to think of the ability to use it. The ability isn't intangable, and if his opponent finds him, he can still be hit by regular attacks. The camouflage doesn't extend to his clothes, so he had to create a way for his suit to Camouflage on his own. After successfully figuring out how to input this idea into his costume, he grew accustomed to using this way rather then his original one.

  • Regeneration-This ability is one of the more useful abilites that Travis has in his arsenal. He can regenerate lost or broken tissue, meaning he can heal himself internally of externally. This can span from a paper cut to a broken bone, the latter being healed in 3 days rather then weeks.

  • Master Observer-He is able to observe many things, large and small, in his environment. He can figure out a number of things about many people and places that others might not see

  • [Item]Bio-webbing(Webshooters)-Travis can release organic web-like fluid from his wrist, having spinnerts in his forearms. They are active in his pores once Travis presses his middle finger to his palm, the pore ejects the webfluid towards whatever he is aiming at. Since the webbing takes his nutrients to use, he found it harder and harder to use because of the constant need for good health and specific Nutrients. He invented Small Web shooter devices in order to take this disadvantages away. He created a weblike fluid to use instead of his own, putting them in cartridges that can be placed inside the Web Shooter device. The webs have incredible tensile strength and can disable many stronger opponents with ease.

  • Threat Perception- This ability alerts him to personal danger in proportion to the severity of that danger. For example, a small tingling sensation in his head will occur if he's in danger of a small-scale sneak attack while a large, occasionally painful, sensation in his head will occur if he needs to perform immediate evasive action.

Weaknesses: He is also an inexperienced hero and doesn't know how to control his strength or other aspects of his abilties as well as some more experienced heroes.

Power Grid:

STR: 4

SPD: 4

END: 3

INT: 4

EP: 2 (Regeneration)

FS: 5

Power Grid colours: Red and Black

Character Image/Description:

Roleplay Sample:

"MY PURSE!!" The women screamed as a poorly dressed thug with a black skimask ran off in the opposite direction. He breathed heavily as he narrowly avoided running into a cop car and turned sharply to the right. The police trailed him, but they could not keep up with him and had to stay back to call for backup. The thug ran into a nearby alley, watching cleverly as the police passed by without noticing him. He let out a sigh of relief, took off his skimask and unzipped the purse. He looked for anything valuable, scavenging through the miscellaneous objects that the women had stored in the purse. He pulled out a pearl necklace, staring at it gleefully. It was quite valuable and would give the thug a very nice pay-off. As the thug got ready to go back to his hideout, a voice spoke from beside him. "If your going to snatch a purse, ATLEAST do it at night. Trust me, I've been there." the voice said. The thug looked in the direction of the voice, but saw nothing. He frantically spun around to look in every direction but couldn't find out which direction the voice was coming from. Frightened, the thug began to run before a figured appeared in front of him, causing him to stop in his tracks. He took out a pocket knife and stabbed at the mysterious figure, but the figure casually snatched the knife away and crushed it in his hand. "Sorry, that voice wasn't your concious." He said before cocking back his fist, thrusting it forward to send the thug hurtling into the wall, smacking into it with his back. The punch was enough to knock him unconcious for a little. "Not bad for your badguy take-down." He said to himself. He retrieved the pearl necklace and the purse, sprinting back towards the still-fearful women. "Here's your--" Travis couldn't even finish his sentence before having to cover his ears at the womens scream. "Freak!!" The women yelled before snatching the purse away from the costumed Travis and running the opposite direction as fast as her heels could carry her. "--purse. Job well done. Yeah right." He muttered to himself before leaping ontop of a small building, leaping from one building to another away from the scene.

Last edited by Tman1Q on May 21st 2012, 4:31 pm; edited 13 times in total

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The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!) Empty Re: The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!)

Post by Tman1Q May 17th 2012, 3:24 pm

Finally finished my character. It's my first one and sorry if it's too spiderman like, I tried to make the personality original. I am a fan of the powers however. Anyway, hope it's approved soon.

Last edited by Tman1Q on May 17th 2012, 8:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!) Empty Re: The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!)

Post by Super Cutie May 17th 2012, 4:40 pm

Hey, it's all cool. I'm a huge spidey fan myself. Spidey

Unfortunately you've got a few too many powers there for 3 ep to cover alone.

Active Camouflage will probably cost you about 2 on its own, Bio-Webbing will also cost you upwards of 2 depending on how strong you want it to be. I consider Threat Perception more of a high fs thing, but as a power that would also cost you a point.

Let me know when you decide what you want to do about those.


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The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!) Empty Re: The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!)

Post by Tman1Q May 17th 2012, 8:33 pm

So I have 3 extra points. I could add 2 more to FS for Threat Perception and give the one to EP making it 2 for Active Camouflage and 2 for Bio-webbing. Would that work out?

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The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!) Empty Re: The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!)

Post by Ace May 19th 2012, 8:24 pm

Ok, from what I can see here you need some points for the wall crawling (2) and regeneration (atleast 2), you might want to up his inteligence and make some of his powers into items.(like a wall crawling glove or you know, web shooters)

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The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!) Empty Re: The Crimson Spider(My first character. FINISHED!!)

Post by Sparrow May 21st 2012, 4:33 pm


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