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Samael Empty Samael

Post by Samael May 6th 2012, 5:50 am

Real Name: Gabriel Weinstein
Renegade Name: Samael
Title: Angel of Death, The Omen
Alignment: Renegade
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: Russian
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 190lbs.


Costume Image:


Character Image:



Personality: Gabriel is incredibly flippant, mouthing off to even the most powerful of enemies, and he generally enjoys rubbing people the wrong way. He is seemingly unflappable, not showing fear whether he's being attacked in his very own office or being greatly outnumbered on the battlefield. Gabriel rarely shows any seriousness, but he can be serious when the situation calls for it. Even still, he maintains a fairly laid-back demeanor during such situations and is never without a witty taunt or comeback. Gabriel can seem at times to be uncaring or even callous, but he actually has a very strong sense of justice and prefers to fight fairly. He has a fondness for jellybeans, and while he prefers the green ones, he always ends up with every other color in his packets.

History: Born in 1975, Gabriel was raised during the second half of the Cold War in Saint Petersburg, USSR. His mother, Heidi Weinstein, was killed in a house fire, when he was just three years old. His father, Alexi Weinstein, pulled Gabriel out of the burning home, finding out later that the cause of the fire was a gas leak in the kitchen. Alexi knew this was no accident, so he fled into the woods, where he raised Gabriel in a private cabin that only he knew the whereabouts to. Throughout Gabriel's childhood, Alexi would teach him to shoot guns and hunt. He knew they weren't safe with his background involving the Spetsnaz, and he also knew that whoever killed his wife was going to finish the job. Everyday, until Gabriel became a teenager, Alexi would teach him everything he knew from basic education to combat techniques and tactics. Gabriel's unusually high level of intelligence helped him pick up the material with ease, even surpassing the knowledge his father contained by studying numerous books lying around the cabin; his father would go out to the city every now and then for necessary supplies, and he would occasionally bring back literature that ranged from small children's books to works published by well-known physicists. As Gabriel grew into his early adult years, Alexi knew it was only a matter of time before the Spetsnaz would discover their location. So, he told Gabriel everything about what happened to his mother, why they were isolated in the woods, and why he was teaching him to become a weapon. Gabriel handled the truth surprisingly well.

One day, while Gabriel was hunting in the woods for food, he heard gunfire coming from the direction of his cabin. He turned back and approached silently to see five men around his age surrounding a body lying on the floor. After a few minutes of scouring the area, they left. Gabriel ran towards his father's body and found a note in one of his coat pockets. It was riddled with bullet holes and blood, but Gabriel's intelligent mind was able to piece it together. He gave his father a proper burial far from the cabin, covering the trail of blood that his father's corpse was leaking out. Afterwards, he rummaged through their cabin for the items listed on the note. He acquired a bank account that his father had kept hidden in case of an emergency, weapon storehouses located throughout parts of Russia, and a book of contacts that his father wrote down for certain measures. With vengeance in his eyes, he cleaned out every weapons storehouse that his father had encrypted in militaristic coordinates and reached one of the contacts listed and forged a passport to fly to America. Right around the time the Cold War was ending in 1991, Gabriel bought himself a fairly luxurious home and built himself a secret room underneath his house. In it, it stored all of his weapons and armor, a laboratory for experimentation, his garage of self-invented vehicles, a virtual training room, and a large supercomputer comparable to that housed by the C.I.A. in only a more condensed format. After getting settled in, he ordered shipments in bulk and in random orders and dates, making it seem almost untraceable, to forge his weapons and armor of choice.

All of his knowledge, effort, and time went into producing his arsenal and creating a name for himself in the black market. He bought and dealt average arms to trusted dealers to keep his funds flowing, and he even took up contracts to assassinate and kill targets that seemed too difficult or suicidal for any average mercenary. He honed his skills and eventually learned something interesting about himself. Most people would have died from some of the blows he took, but further study of his blood and DNA showed signs of alteration on a molecular level. After retracing his steps in his mind, he concluded that his exposure to the radioactivity of Pripyat, when he was scavenging one of his father's weapon caches, was the source of these mutations. Experiments concluded that his tissues were slightly thicker than the average human being and his nerve cells were a lot more reactive, giving him a faster reaction time to avoid incoming attacks. He was pleased with the results, but also concluded that further exposure to the radioactive isotopes that gave him these blessings would lead to certain death. Beyond all of these discoveries, Gabriel's heart was still filled with vengeance and the first place to start would be hunting down the five men who murdered his father in cold blood. This is where he is today.


Powers: Gabriel holds one of the highest levels of intellect, which allows him to invent a wide range of sophisticated devices, specializing in advanced weapons and armor. Also, his intelligence aids him in formulating near full-proof plans for missions that he embarks on. He is quite the tactician and is very meticulous when it comes to his calculations. During his missions, Gabriel's intelligence enables him to think on his feet and keeps him keen to his surroundings, searching for possible hidden entrances, clues, or leads. His cells have developed tougher plasma membranes and stronger interactions with one another to increase his resistance towards projectiles and melee weapons. Although he may not be completely bullet-proof, his tissues still provide adequate additional protection for vital organs and mortally dangerous attacks. Gabriel is stronger and faster than the average male, and his fighting techniques and abilities are near unmatched. Only a few can rival his prowess in hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship. Genetically, he is gifted with heightened senses and reflexes that allow him to read and memorize movement patterns during combat. Combined with his high level of intelligence, Gabriel is able to predict his enemies' next moves with an eighty percent success rate. With this, he is able to dodge incoming attacks or land much more effective hits.

Name: Mark III Reaper Suit
Abilities: Maintains homeostasis; provides an independent air supply; filters out toxins and chemicals that are harmful to Gabriel; micro-frame for running a suite of battle management software and other miscellaneous activities, such as e-mailing and so on; provides protection, with adequate mobility; channels body heat to the feet and into the ground to prevent detection thermally
Description: His armor of choice includes the Mark III Reaper Suit, which is entirely composed of thin, yet sturdy, microfibers that are tightly woven to increase the spread of the impact of projectiles. The microfibers are more than just threads for clothing; each microfiber acts as a pathway of information that collects data from Gabriel and his surroundings. There are two layers to form his entire body suit, and in between both layers are lots of tiny half-inch ceramic discs overlapping each other to form a scale-like protection. This kind of defense provides additional protection to the microfiber suit, while still providing a good range of motion. The center for control of his suit lies in his helmet, which is made of tinted bullet-proof glass and a metal alloy made by combining palladium, silver, and a mixture of other metalloids. It can be voice-activated or controlled by his thoughts. The way his suit reads his thoughts is by assessing the location of the brain that is activated the most through the reading of electrical impulses. The Reaper Suit will act accordingly. All of this was made by him; for him. There was never a Mark I or Mark II. He just chose three as his number of choice because it is generally a number most people want to avoid in most cultures.

Name: Michael & Raphael
Abilities: Maintains an above average clip size; has the ability to be outfitted with different types of ammo, which includes anti-armor, shredder, cryogenic, explosive, incendiary, toxic, electrical, and sub-sonic rounds
Description: Michael & Raphael, his weapons of choice, are two black matte pistols that resemble modern-day M9s. Each pistol is inked with a picture of their respective archangels and engraved with their respective names on the slides. Michael is typically described as a fighter of heresies, and Raphael is typically described as the healer of God. Each pistol can hold up to 18 rounds, and each round maintains different effects. The anti-armor round is specially made to pierce any type of armor known to man, depending on how thick the armor is. Shredder rounds are meant to burst open and shatter once the bullet has entered the target, producing optimal damage for organic, unarmored targets. Cryogenic rounds burst open once making impact, releasing a light dose of liquid nitrogen and freezing up a small radius around the area of impact. Explosive rounds are self-explanatory; they explode upon impact. Incendiary rounds release small amounts of napalm that self-ignite upon impact with a lighting mechanism tucked in the core of the bullet. Toxic rounds release harmful poisons and chemicals into the target after entering the body. Electrical bullets instantly deal out 50V of electricity upon impact. Lastly, sub-sonic rounds are fitted with a specially made head that cuts through the air, silencing the shot. Both pistols are enhanced versions of two M9s that Gabriel bought long ago.

Name: Silent Night
Abilities: Injects the target with anesthesia; unbreakable
Description: Silent Night is Gabriel’s melee weapon of choice. It is a katana forged by the best sword-smith of his time. Upon acceptance of this gift from an old friend, Gabriel installed a small vat for anesthesia into the handle of the sword. Veins run from the handle throughout the blade to inject the victims with light doses of anesthesia, which slowly put them to sleep after multiple hits. Depending on the severity of the hit, location, and how quickly the blood is flowing throughout his victims will determine how long it takes to incapacitate the opponent. Generally, it takes nine poorly placed hits to bring down a normal human being.

Name: Others
Abilities: General
Description: This is just to describe other miscellaneous devices that Gabriel carries on top of his main arsenal. “Others” includes smoke grenades, flash grenades, and a small, sharp hunting knife. Also, this includes random little vehicles that he owns from his generic cars and motorcycles to his little underwater propelling devices.

Name: X-21 Striker
Abilities: Maintain weapons, armor, ammo, and medical supplies; A.L.I.E. (Artificially Learned Intelligent Entity) System; navigation system; tracker system; sensors, such as thermal, visual, and signal; stealth system
Description: The X-21 Striker was developed and produced by Gabriel himself to get around when he goes on his missions. On it, he installed numerous systems and compartments, such as weapons slots and the A.L.I.E. System, which he devised himself. A.L.I.E., pronounced Al-ee, is an artificial intelligence that manifests itself into the voice of a female. She has her own personality and is centrally stored on Gabriel's computer in his underground facilities. A.L.I.E. can access databanks on secured and encrypted sources, act as a navigation and tracker system, and can provide sensory data ranging from thermal to signal information. She is outfitted with all of Gabriel's main armament and can utilize a stealth system, which reroutes all power sources towards silencing the vehicle, emitting disruptor signals for enemy sensors, and activating a camouflage that senses its surroundings and changes paint accordingly.



Power Grid:
STR: 2
SPD: 3
END: 4
INT: 5
EP: 1
FS: 6

(1 point towards Gabriel's funds. It's to aid him in keeping up with the technology and repairing his current gear when need be.)

Power Grid Colors: Blue and Black


Roleplay Sample: "We shouldn't be meeting in a large group like this." Four Russian men turned their heads to see their fifth slowly walk out of the shadows. Grins...all of them. The fifth member completed their circle and each man gave the other a nod. Every man pulled out a necklace from under their shirts, except one man who had two. Light shone on the bronze plated charm that dangled at the bend of the thread that kept it hanging. One of them reached into his pocket and pulled out a U.S.B., gesturing it to each and every man in the circle.

"This...this is what my men dug up after their comrades were killed at one of my facilities..."

He handed it to the man who showed up late. Inspecting it carefully, he nodded in approval. "Any suspects?" Everyone eyed each other, thinking that someone in the group was a mole, until one man spoke up. "Samael..." Everyone froze. One man spoke up and shouted, "Fairy-tales, Andrei! Stories I tell my men at night to keep them in line!" Everyone started to laugh. Andrei's lips quivered as he looked around into the shadows. "But you KNOW he exists! You're the one with the footage, Demitri!"

"Yes...I have seen him on the film, but there must be another explanation! Don't tell me you believe that it's the ghost of Alexi!" shouted Demitri commandingly. Andrei flinched at his associates loud voice. "What about you, Grigori? Ivan? Nikolai?" Each man shook their heads. Ivan held up one of his two necklaces. His face being overcome with serious grief. "Alexi was more than just a comrade...he was my best friend..." As he tucked the necklaces under his shirt, he patted his chest for good measure. "Don't tell me that my best friend is some ghost haunting us for what we did. It was a direct order from Kosygin, and Alexi would have done the same...Best friend or not..." The circle filled with silence. Ivan stuffed the U.S.B. into one of his pockets and walked away. "Samael or yourselves...I would like to keep my black suit in the closet, where it belongs..."

Grigori, Demitri, Nikolai, and Andrei all nodded at each other and dispersed out of the abandoned warehouse. Everything was quiet, until a light thud broke the silence and out of the shadows came Samael. He replayed the entire recording in his helmet and looked around for anything they might have left behind. As he walked towards the area where the five men had met, he saw something gleaming on the snow-ridden ground. Slowly, he brushed away the frost and found the U.S.B. sticking out of the ground. Picking it up, he tucked it into one of his pouches and opened another one. His helmet slid open, popping a jellybean into his mouth. "I never get the green ones..." He sighed disappointingly and pondered why the U.S.B. was left behind. Was it dropped on purpose? Samael's helmet resealed as he disappeared into the night.

Last edited by Samael on May 6th 2012, 11:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

Samael LMS___GABRIEL___UNLOADED_by_adonihs

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2
Location : Davis, CA
Age : 30
Job : Freshman at U.C. Davis
Humor : Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Registration date : 2012-05-05

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Samael Empty Re: Samael

Post by Samael May 6th 2012, 11:12 pm

Is there anything I should fix or work on? My application is pretty much finished for the most part. I'll just leave it open to touch-ups and whatnot. If it looks good, then may I get my approval?

Samael LMS___GABRIEL___UNLOADED_by_adonihs

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2
Location : Davis, CA
Age : 30
Job : Freshman at U.C. Davis
Humor : Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Registration date : 2012-05-05

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Samael Empty Re: Samael

Post by Super Cutie May 7th 2012, 4:38 am

Ok, this might throw a small wrench into your character's history, but the current year on the site is actually 2028.


Samael Tumblr_mh2dgmzN7L1qiz3j8o1_500
Super Cutie
Super Cutie
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : idk.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 920
Location : yes
Age : 32
Job : yes
Humor : yes
Registration date : 2011-02-18

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Samael Empty Re: Samael

Post by Ace May 7th 2012, 4:55 am

Your Items seem a little powerful, you'll need to put them in an app here
And then allocate Int to them, otherwise all your stuff has stats of 3, You wont need the other, just say you have them and then they'll all have 3 stats.

Also, Sidenote: Your guns are named like ninja turtles.

I used to have a signature
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : no

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 380
Location : Space Australia
Age : 26
Job : Your Local
Registration date : 2011-04-27

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Samael Empty Re: Samael

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