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Breaking and Entering (Closed)

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Breaking and Entering (Closed) Empty Breaking and Entering (Closed)

Post by Mockingbird December 23rd 2011, 5:30 pm

Andree spent the chilly day attempting to put together a plan to break the spell that witch put on her. If I get my hands on her, I'll kill her. Well, not actually but I'll have no problem beating her up and tossing her in GUN Prison. Wouldn't toss her in any other prison seeing as she would break out easily. She thought to herself, spinning in circles in the black office chair. Leaning back in the office chair she continued to think how she may be able to get Elena Marie to break the spell. Hold on a second, she's a witch, she has to get her spells from some where. A book or something. But how would I get my hands on it? Andree asked herself, continuing to spin her in the chair. She had not bothered to get out of what she had slept in the previous night, a white tank top and black yoga pants. They were well worn and comfortable so they made the ideal choice for her to wear that night. Maybe i should call Mom, she may be able to help out with this. Moving along the stacks of papers she found exactly what she was looking for, her Mom's number. The stacks of paper and clutter would seem messy to most people but to her it was just another form of organization, one that she preferred. Dialing the number into her slim touch screen cell phone she waited for the voice on the other end of the line. "Hello?" She asked, hoping she had grabbed the correct number.

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Breaking and Entering (Closed) Empty Re: Breaking and Entering (Closed)

Post by Sparrow December 23rd 2011, 5:43 pm

Theresa balanced the blade in her palm as she watched over the city of Chicago. This wasn't her city, but it was sure to be full of less savory individuals. It had been a few weeks since she had made the choice to give up her vocation of assassination. Though she was making sure to keep an eye on her daughter, and possibly on her future husband. Which brought up the question why did she even marry him? Though that would have to be answered at another time. As her phone sounded off, the voice of her daughter Andree greeting her."Andree thank god its you. Are you okay? I saw the broadcast." She asked, jumping to conclusions before she even knew the situation. Thought hat was just how she worked when family was involved. Sweeping a few strands of brown hair from her face she waited for her daughter to explain what was happening. It could be nothing at all, or the worst ever. Most likely it was the second, but she was an optimist.

Breaking and Entering (Closed) 0M6YA
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Breaking and Entering (Closed) Empty Re: Breaking and Entering (Closed)

Post by Mockingbird December 23rd 2011, 6:03 pm

"I'm fine. Kind of. Not really. But that's beside the point, I need some help from you. Any chance you would be able to help me steal something that I desperately need?" Andree asked pleadingly. Tucking some stray strands of blonde and brown hair back into place she thought about her mother watching that broadcast. Her parents seeing that broadcast was her worst nightmare, besides that broadcast actually happening. "I think you may know the person I need to steal a certain book from, Elena Marie. She did something to me and I need to get my hands on a book or whatever she uses to keep her spells on." She spat out, hoping it would be fairly easy. Well, nothing that was easy was ever worth it but she could hope.

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Breaking and Entering (Closed) Empty Re: Breaking and Entering (Closed)

Post by Sparrow December 23rd 2011, 6:11 pm

Theresa guessed her daughter wouldn't be well after such a predicament but she could hope. Though now she had to listen, tucking a strand of hair behind her right ear. Taking in a very deep breath as she prepared for whatever was asked of her. Though in reality it was not as bad as she thought it was, until a certain book was mentioned."If this is the book I assume you are speaking about. This will not be easy in the least. In fact it may be near impossible if i'm correct. What you look for is something called a book of shadows. Its a very important artifact to a witch, and will be heavily guarded if i'm correct. What did she do to you that requires the book?" Curiosity permeated her voice. If this was a subjugation spell, she would have more problems than she thought.

Breaking and Entering (Closed) 0M6YA
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Breaking and Entering (Closed) Empty Re: Breaking and Entering (Closed)

Post by Mockingbird December 23rd 2011, 6:20 pm

"Honestly, I don't know the name for it. All I know was she put her finger on my forehead and said some words that didn't make any sense in English. Then I couldn't say no. I didn't like it and if I have to live with it I will not be pleased." Andree told her on the phone while she continued to spin around in her chair. "Look, why don't you come over to my apartment and we can talk face to face? The door will be unlocked so you can just walk right in." Book of Shadows, that doesn't sound good. Coupled with heavily guarded and nearly impossible to get, definitely not good. But, did I really think that this job would be easy? She thought to herself, tapping her bare foot on the hardwood floor. "I'll see you when you come over." She said, putting down the phone. Running to her room, she got changed into her usual attire. A black tank top, red plaid shirt with the buttons undone and a pair of jeans. Sitting back down in her chair, she waited for her Mom to come through her front door.

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Breaking and Entering (Closed) Empty Re: Breaking and Entering (Closed)

Post by Sparrow December 23rd 2011, 9:17 pm

"I'll be over in a sec dear." Theresa promised hanging up her phone, and placing it in its correct position. Without any hesitation she ran to the approximated location of her daughters apartment. Leaping along the rooftops with her white costume flowing in the breeze. Eyes taking in all the sights and nostrils taking in all the smells. It was a good night, but her daughter needed her. That was all that mattered to her. It took only a few minutes and she was at the door. Rapping on it lightly with her knuckles as she waited for an answer."This is not good at all. If she has done what I think she did, I may have a really hard time now." Theresa muttered lowly to herself.

Breaking and Entering (Closed) 0M6YA
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Breaking and Entering (Closed) Empty Re: Breaking and Entering (Closed)

Post by Mockingbird December 23rd 2011, 9:39 pm

Walking over to the white door, Andree opened it up since she was expecting her Mother. If she wasn't expecting her Mom, she would have checked through the peephole. "Hey Mom, I told you it was open. You didn't have to knock. Take a seat." She said, motioning to the other black office chair that sat next to the other one by the desks that were covered in papers. "Nice outfit." Andree sat down in the black chair and spun around once after saying this before continuing, "So, do you have any idea where she lives?"

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Breaking and Entering (Closed) Empty Re: Breaking and Entering (Closed)

Post by Sparrow December 23rd 2011, 11:19 pm

She smiled briefly, acknowledging her mistake."I thought it would be rude to simply walk in on you." She answered walking into the apartment of her future daughter. Theresa in the back of her mind actually wanted to have Andree, one day. So if Ranger proved himself, maybe she could stand him. If only for the sake of Andree."Thank you, I mad it myself." She had never been complimented on her costumes before. It felt good to have someone do it. Taking herself a seat ,Theresa cleared her throat."She lives in New York, in the Thiels mansion. Her maiden name is Thiels if i'm correct. From what i've heard, she took over her family, who hate her guts." She placed down her pda, showing an Arial view map. With the mansion a red dot on it.

Breaking and Entering (Closed) 0M6YA
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Breaking and Entering (Closed) Empty Re: Breaking and Entering (Closed)

Post by Mockingbird December 24th 2011, 9:36 pm

"Hmm." Was the sound that escaped Andree's lips as she was deep in thought."New York." No shit that's where she is, you should have thought of that earlier. Why else would she make you have an apartment there? Her fingers drummed the armrest of the black chair as she made small quarter circles, back and forth, back and forth in the spinning chair. "Well, would you like to go for trip to New York?" She hoped that her mother would say yes and help her there. This was important to her and if she could get out of this and get that book, it may also provide the knowledge that the Phantoms need to fight Elena's magic.

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Breaking and Entering (Closed) Empty Re: Breaking and Entering (Closed)

Post by Sparrow December 25th 2011, 6:09 pm

"Of course i'm ready to go to New York. Was planning to do so anyway, so this is a perfect time." Theresa smirked as she mentally patted her back. It was time to make Elena pay for dropping her off like a piece of garbage. She quickly tapped keys on her cellphone, getting an old informant. Texting for seats on the next flight to New York. It was an old favor, but she had the right to call it, as the things were quickly arrange for her. The deadly ex assassin, Though to most she still was a hired killer. With a sigh she stood up, rolling the kinks in her shoulders."Well we have to go, I booked a plane for us to New York now. It leaves in half an hour." With that she paced to the door, expecting for Andree to follow.

Breaking and Entering (Closed) 0M6YA
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Breaking and Entering (Closed) Empty Re: Breaking and Entering (Closed)

Post by Mockingbird December 26th 2011, 12:11 am

"Well, isn't that convenient timing then." Andree said before watching her mother speak to someone on the other end of the phone. She didn't know who she was talking to but all that was important was that she ended up getting the pair of them a flight to New York City. "Well, there's no time to waste then, is there?" She asked, getting up and grabbing her equipment. Bo staff slung over her back and costume and other equipment in a bag by her side, she followed her mother to the plane. She would change into her costume when they arrived to infiltrate Elena's mansion. This was going to be satisfying.

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