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hunger strike

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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 10th 2011, 12:03 am

It has been a very long fight and Derek was beginning to tire out he had to think of something quick or risk getting very injured. So many things were rushing through his head at this point and no matter how they started it they always ended with lots and lots of pain. As the thoughts came to a sudden hault Blood Wraith put his feet into action storming towards the nearest ext.

Just as he reacheds the border lines of the crime scene the police shot him with multiple tazers and he dropped cold and hard to the ground. His muscles tensing beyond the point of what an average human could take infact the volts of electricity had stopped his heart. Blood Wraith eyes rolled back so that only the whites showed it was a living nightmare, but that was the least of his problems he also had a 7 foot destroyer after him and he was helpess. The cops threw a pair of cuffs around his wrists and feet to ensure he wasn't about to escape. The world around him had come to a screeching hault and it was all his fault for his lack of an respect for the cities law enforcement.

Today had ended in such a horrid way, he must have really done something wrong because this was a once in a life time experience for him. As he laid in shame before the men in blue, he watched out of the corner of his eyes as things progressively got a lot worse. Although the surges of electricity shooting through his body had stopped and everything healed to perfection he was still cuffed and unable to move. which meant he was free game for what ever the beast known as Gwharr wanted to do to him. In his weakest moment the thoughts rushed back through his head which in return brought back even worse thoughts of the secret wars on Russian soil. The experiments on his body, the scars on his psyche it was almost as if he was living it all over again cuffs and all. This all lead up to one giant scream of pain, but not the physical type the kind that is all in your head and makes you want to scream, it was a dark day in the city of Chicago, and no one seemed to notice but Derek.

Blood Wraith
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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 10th 2011, 11:51 pm

Gwharr panted heavily, as his eyes focused on the man running away from him right now, anb boy was he fast on his feet when he wanted to. He seemed to be rather focused on getting the frak away from the ruins of the castle of the king of burgers, but he was stopped by them little "blue boys" that showed up now and then and told him he could not do this or that, usually trying to shoot him with their silly little death-sticks. He really wasn't scared of them, but he was scared of the tank, or as he called it, "the rather large doom-box with the giant deathboomer on top" However, there was just one here. He could probably take on one of them, if they got rowdy. Gwharr could not help but to be rather surprised that the guy he had been fighting let himself be brought down so easily, especially since he was a healer, just like our heroic caveman himself. He had expected better of him.

However, the man was down, the law of the jungle and all that. He was not in any position not to utilize this moment to put the little man out of everyones misery. Several survivors from the wreckage of the burger-king restaurant where cheerfully cheering him on, telling him to get him good, enthusiasticly whistling at him, whilst the police kept them from rushing off to finishing off the hated terrorist themselves. However, nobody tried to rush into Gwharrs path.

The gargantuan was literally shaking with rage, as his skin flowed over the still exposed tendons and musculature of his face, somewhat akin to the way water flowed over a sinking boat, muting it's bright red colour with a dull brownish yellow. He was back at hundred percent uninjured as he as he opened and closing the jaw to see that it was properly reattatched, his (freshly grown) tounge lipping his lips and the tip of his nose to see that everything else had grown back they way it was supposed to, and as usual he was very happy with the results. Nobody could ever suspect his face had litterally been blown off by a little moron with somse severe hate of burgerchains and salt.Gwharr bent his head side to side, seeing if his neck worked slowly walked towards the downed Mr.Silver

The police where quiet, all of them aimed their guns, straight at the giants, unsure of wether or not to shoot. Even the big cannon of the tank was aimed straight at him, but it didn't shoot either, seemingly waiting for orders, unsure of what to do with the caveman, presumably since he had not been much of a problem thus for, although many looked rather nervous as they presumably imagined the damage a creature of his strength and temperament could cause.

As he slowly paced towards the downed hero, snarling viciously as he did so, one cop lost his nerve, firing his gun wildly at the caveman before one of the others stopped him. However, the bullets just bounced on the caveman, earning the guilty, now terrified cop a sideways glance before continuing towards his target. In Gwharrs way an old friend of his happened to be lying. The twisted hunk of metal that had once been a van. He picked it up in both hands, hoisted it over his head, and brought it down on the downed sivler-man, trying to hit him over and over and over, untill the van would completely fall apart in his hands, and it was obvious he would continue to do so someone did stop him. . .
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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 12th 2011, 2:18 pm

Derek felt the full force of the van over his entire body over and over again, he was awake for it all even the breaking of the cuffs around his wrists and feet. Blood Wraith attempted to roll out of his path into the crowd of blue men giving himself the chance to rejuvinate, as he lied there half alive his bones began finding they're way back into the position in which they belonged, his skin began crawling back across muscles and almost melting back into place as if there were no van being thrusted into his body. Slowly he rose and took on the giant once more, grabbing and gripping both his katana as if they were about to disapear. He then ran straight for the tank trying to get its aim dead on with Gwharr, it was a success the tank blasted a large shell straight for Blood Wraith and Gwharr but at the last second Derek side stepped. Hopefully this would take his attention off Derek for long enough so that he may make a come back.

It was amazing what he had went through to get back to this world, at one point in time he could of swore he seen the reaper aka death. He was a rather large man, but not as people stereotyped him to be he really wasn't a skeleton, but a tall pale white older man with boyishly white and grey hair. You could tell very well that he has been around the block for millenia especially due to his wrinkles and you could almost read it in his hazel green eye's. Death had let Derek back through the door of the living and this was astonishing and mind blowing for Blood Wraith.

As things seemed to unfold before Dereks eye's he realized that this could be his last day upon this earth, perhaps Death had allowed him to live just long enough to know his life could end just as easily as it was given back to him. Then at last the ground seemed to explode under his feet as the shell from the Tank colided and blew up. Blood Wraith was shot into the air like roman candle flames and all. As he landed he quickly turned to examine the damage to Gwharr.

hunger strike - Page 2 Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 13th 2011, 7:45 pm

Gwharr was enjoying himself as he repeatedly smashed the large, several ton heavy lump of metal and plastics, that was now just vaugly recognizable as something that may or may not have been a van. The humongous caveman was a regenerator himself and knew that even though someone may look dead, it wasn't all that easy to kill a regenerator, their bones just molded back together, their muslcles melting back into place and their injuries sealing up, just like a crack in the ice on a cold day. That is why he would not give his opponent any chance to escape untill he hadliterally been turned into a wet spot on the ground or dust or something equally amorphous. Gwharr wouldn't really be considered an evil man, and definately not a literall sadist, as he did not take much pleasure from the pain of another creature. One thing he was though, was prone to violence. He preffered to punch things that annoyed him untill they stopped doing what had annoyed him in the first place. In some cases it could be talking, and in others it could be shooting at him, but in this particurlar case it was the fact that "silver pants" was still being able to move that bothered him!

However, Gwharr must have let his guard down between the blows somewhere, since the little guy suddenly rolled out from under the van, like a cockroach you thought you had squashed thuroughly but who turned up alive and well to everyones great annoyance! As the silvery little man's hobbling turned into running, Gwharr roared in rage, leaping after him, with the van held high over his head! He could still catch him if he was quick enough! The silver-guy was not yet running at his full speed, He was probably injured! His bones probably ground to dust! He could still. . .


What was that sound? Gwharr was just about to realize when suddenly his world was covered in fire in smoke and his ears heard nothing but a large boom. Gwharrs leap was interrupted mid-air and he was sent flying backwards, untill he collided with the wall of a nearby office-building. The remains of the van he had held over his crashing into him only half a second later. Gwharr started to make sense of things now. It had been the tank. It must have been the tank, since it just felt like it did back in that time. The time when they had taken him to their little prison and prodded him with science-things.

Gwharrs roared! Rose to his feet, and hurled the van towardsthe tank. Of course, the already smashed-up car did nothing but break apart against its hard, reinforced armor-plating. Gwharr was all but uninjured, the only sign of injury being a slightly burnt laceration on his chest, wich was already rapidly healing. The gargantuan brute made his way towards the van, employing series of small leaps a zig-zag pattern to his movement, to make it harder for it to lock onto him, and it seemed that the tactic worked just fine since they shot once, but narrowly missed him. As he reached the van, he punched it, hard, and to the great surprised of the police and onlookers, the fist left a very noticable, rather nasty-looking dent in the tanks armour as well as causing a loud sound somewhat akin to a mix between a church-bell and a car-compactor. However, what really surprised them was that the punch was powerfull enough to actually knock the tank an inch or so off the ground, causing it to be pushed back for only a slight bit. Gwharr punched it again, with the same result, causing the tank to move even further back. And so it turned out, as the caveman advanced towards the veichle, and it did not take more of than a few seconds for the entire front of the tank to be entirely deformed, looking somewhat like aknuckled-up soda.can. The painfull mechanical groan of an engine could be heard as the veichle tried to back up, but was unsuccessfull due to parts of the tank blocking its wheels.

Gwharr thel leapt up on the tank, and grabbed ahold of the canno-tower, and with some straining, he managed to pull it out with a massive sound, and in the now gaping hole in the roof of the moving metal fortress, he could see the crew of the tank, looking up at him, seemingly scared to death. And so they should be. But he was not going to kill them. No, they had learned their lesson. Now even the police where pulling back, apprantly figuring that this threat was out of their league, although Gwharr had no doubt that bigger guns where on their way. . . But untill they came, he would have another go at monsieur silver-pants.

He quickly located the man, and rushed towars him, swinging the cannon-tower of the tank like an over-sized club above his head. . . Now it was time for round two!
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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Elena Vexus December 14th 2011, 10:34 pm

Elena Vexus was contacted some hours ago about an event happening out in Chicago. She had sources out there that were to inform her or anything that may 'interest' her. According to her intell, the conflict started when a Burger King restaurant was blown up and there were only two survivors. Following the blast, the two engaged in combat. One of the individuals was massive, nearly seven feet tall and extremely wide. The other paled in comparison, but what he lacking in height he made up for in his fighting skill. The conflict raged on for some time and the authorities even got involved. They were able to bound the small one with handcuffs, this gave note that he was not nearly as strong as his attacker. Though it was clear that the abilities of the two were similar which was the biggest interest to Vexus. Her source had captured a little bit of footage of the two and their rapid regeneration, as if it wasn't obvious. The brute had been smashing the man in the silver outfit with a truck for him only to get up and continue fighting. He sent the clip and the rest of the information that he had gathered to Vexus as soon as he had what he needed. She had her own version of regeneration that was explained by science, but these individuals bodies repaired just as fast as hers and they were both human, or at least seemed to be. Such phenomenon deserved to be investigated. Elena booked the next flight out to Chicago along with a suite to stay in while she wrangled up these two individuals... However, before she left she concocted a few things in order to capture the two with much more ease. She predicted that the larger one would be more difficult to take down then the small one... The conflict might be over by the time that she got there, but that was no problem for her. These two could not possibly too hard to track down, especially with her intentions remaining confidential. Even so, if they did run they wouldn't get very far...

Ms. Elena Vexus
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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 14th 2011, 10:57 pm

The area in which the war between the two gladiators fought was completely destroyed there were barely any cars left in tact let alone any sidewalks or streets. Although his uniform was tattered his body was still fully in tact there were hardly any cuts or bruises due to his healling factor, really the only scars Derek had were all mental. With the monster of a man facing off against the Tank Derek took it to his advantage he drops to one knee resting his head on it and taking deep breaths. Sweat rolled down his mask and his veins swelled he was beat and ready to call it a day but this bahemeth wasn't even breathing hard.

Just as Blood Wraith was getting comfortable he heard, no felt large feet crash against the pavement shaking the ground below him.

"Uh Oh...WHY THE HELL CANT HE JUST STAY DOWN!!!.....because then this wouldn't be any call this fun...uh yeah totally...your right this is a blast....well looks like we have about 600lbs of stranger danger headed our way better brace our selves."

Blood Wraith pulled two rather large pistols from two holsters on his left and right thighs, he then aimed straight for the mans eyes firing without letting up. Derek then rush's straight at the man and launchs himself in the air and flips straight over what appeared to be Tarzan with roid rage. Blood Wraith didn't miss a beat he never let up and ounce firing at what appeared to be the weaker spots of the man, his eyes, ears, ect. As Derek landed crouched down he skidded backwards and prepared for a second attack.

hunger strike - Page 2 Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 15th 2011, 1:58 am

Gwharr snarled as the little man noticed him comming in to resume their earlier battle after dealing with the 'slight' diversion that had formerly been a tank. However, it had not been for naught. The Gun-tower would probably be quite an efficient club, due to its weight and durability. After all, things like this where made to endure, not to mention the several-ton weight made it a devastatingly heavy 'club' but at the same time it was not heavy enough to cause him any trouble whilst swinging it around. To him it was as easy as a normal man would have to swish around with a thin stick.

Gwharrs snarl grew into a roar when the man started talking. Why did he have to talk like that, and who was he talking to!? Why was he so bloody weird and pointless! It disturbed him! Gwharr was fairly proficient in the language used by the thinling, but this jibberjabber made about as much sense as an anteater with a mowhawk wearing a speedo. Something about him being a lightweight. (600 pounds!? Who did he take him for?) Apart of from the bit where the man asked why oh why the big caveman wouldn't stay down after being knocked down of course.

Gwharr roared in rage and frustration as the little man drew his weapons and started to shoot bullets at him again. Did that little pile of trash never learn!? Did he not understand that Gwharrs impenetrable hide and iron-hard flesh was far beyond the likes of pathetic little weapons! Was he so desperate? after all his last successfull attack managed to almost separate Gwharrs lower jaw from his body with the help of his horrible exploding mud of pain and horror? THAT attack had done damage, so why was he shooting him with what was basically pea-shooter? He then felt a dull ache hit his right eye and he groaned, closing said eyes, as he ran. Of course! Distractions. Gwharr squinted as he ran, minimizing the risk of gettingmore of those nasty little metal pellets hitting home yet again.

However, his rage made him smash down with the gun-tower at the fellow in the silver-pants slightly prematurely, missing the man with barely an inch as he leapt over him, landing at the other side
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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 17th 2011, 6:09 pm

This fight was taking far to long and Derek needed a quick distraction something to really stop this monster in his tracks. Then atlast an idea strikes him square between his eyes that idea his arm, this could quite possibly be an idea that could work. Blood Wraith takes his Katana and lobbs his arm of blood quickly drains from the open wound but stops soon after once the healing process starts. Derek chucks his old arm at the large man hopefully hitting him and taking his attention off him

Now was his chance to run away although it was kind of akward and un balanced almost a waddle but not quite Just as he began to run his arm began to grow back it was one of the most painful experiences he has ever felt and all he could do is just grit his teeth and cary on.

"I'LL GET YOU MY PRETTY AND YOUR LITTLE DOG TOO!!...dude what the hell was that...I have no clue I'm just spouting out know something just hit me what would mama monster look like if this guy is this hideous....right I gotcha"

Derek lept onto a car behind the caveman and then up onto a steel fire escape ladder he then proceeded to run up the side of the building.

"Watch this....uhhh watch what Derek dont try anything stupid were almost out of this situation....HEY YOUR MAMMA SO FAT AND UGLY THAT WHEN SHE WAS BORN HER MOTHER SAID OH WHAT A TREASURE AND YOUR DAD SAID I KNOW LETS BURRY IT....BAHAHA!!! good one dude..totally"

At last Blood Wraith had reached the top of the building where he stood and watched over the beast below with a smirk. This fight may have to continue a diffrent day if Derek isn't followed.

hunger strike - Page 2 Bloodp
Blood Wraith
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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 18th 2011, 12:38 am

Gwharr roared viciously as he lumbered forward like a great big steamroller, smashing aside anything in his path to not lose momentum. His opponent needed to leap over hindrances and whatnot, and normally he would scale them in the same way, but right now he was annoyed. Adrenaline was surging throughout his veins, and he needed to let off some steam before he caught up to the little man. Sure the other guy might be alot faster, but he had one advantage. The other man would get tired eventually, since apparantly the thinlings bodies where not meant to endure the same level of excertion that his own body could withstand. He could not help but to grin at the thought. He had managed to chase mammoths down by simply hounding them untill they literally collapsed from overexertion. And if he could do that to a mammoth, then what chance did a pathetic little noisy thinling like this stand?

He was somewhat surprised when the man decided that two arms apprantly was one arm too many and seemingly chopped it off without even the slightest bit of hesitation. Gwharr would have lied if he said he was not impressed by the man's complete lack of hesitation and remorse. Most people had a certain mental restraint against hurting themselves seriously, but apparantly this man could overcome it just like that.

He was caught somewhat by surprised by this sudden change of tactics, but it did not faze him overtly much. After all, the man was obviously unbalanced, so maybe he actually thought that having one less limb than your opponent might turn the tide of battle in his favour somehow. Ghwarr was rather certain that it would not affect the battle favourably. He had seen the way limbless people fared against those with a superior number of limbs. However, Gwhar was once again suprprised when the man chucked his discarded limb at him. At first the caveman was quite baffled by this weird tactic. If he had thrown horrible exploding bombs, knives and fired bullets at him without much of an effect, what would a bloody slab of meat like his arm possibly do against him? However, that was when it hit him. The arm wasn't meant as an attack, it was an 'offering' of sorts. Apparantly the man was similar to some of the lizards that he had encountered back when he took traveled the world. Some lizards had the ability to 'drop' the tip their tails to confuse predators whilst they ran away, without the tail, but still alive. Gwharr thought this was so mething similar. Maybe he had underestimated the man due to his seemingly insane demeaneor.

Gwharr caught the arm as it flew towards him, and shoved it straight into his oversized mouth without even stopping. He chewed it violently, swallowing portions of it at a time, seemingly trying not to choke on it. a disgusting sound of cracking bone and crunching gristle could be heard when he chewed and a slight trail of blood was running down his chin. The offering had been accepted, but it was not enough! He would still kill the man, although he might do it quickly and 'kindly' rather than smashing him into a pulp.

As the climbed up the building Gwharr snorted, He really thought he would gain more distance between them by climbing? Please. The caveman cackled in a disturbingly bloodthirsty manner as he grabbed ahold of the car before leaping after the man, his legs shooting him upwards with such force, the aslphalt beneath him cracked. , As he flew up wards like a rather hairy cannonball, Gwharr saw the little man finally reach the rooftop, shouting some more of his patented gibberish. As he landed on the rooftop, he quickly leapt towards the silvery man, seemingly trying to smash mr.silverpants into a bloody smear with his newfound weapon. Time to teach the kid a lesson in proper manners
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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 18th 2011, 6:35 pm

Derek drops to his knee's in dispair he couldn't believe this monster had followed him. Infact at this point he believed his only option would be to disapear for a short amount of time untill he could plan out how to put an end to this bahemuth. It seemed as though this fight had been going on for day and he was beginning to tire down,but Blood Wraith wasn't the kind of person to give up so easily so he gritted his teeth closed his eyes and stood back up taking a deep breath.

Derek bolts at the man once more this time with two flash bombs in hand unpinned and ready to blow as soon as he releases the levers. As he approachs the man he drops them instantly closing his eye's and feeling his surroundings by memory. He then began to run towards the edge of the building diving off the edge and down into a dumpster. He quickly makes and exit of the dumpster and finds a manhole in wich he removes the lid and climbs down. Blood Wraith slows his pulse and lightens his breathing patterns if anything down in these sewage lines this was his terf and a new game, but being low on ammo and weaponry he wasn't sure how he would make it out of this with his dignity.

As for now its time for a game plan what was this mans weakness if he had any at all and how would our merc exploit them. He was all about smash smash smash, but wait when Derek threw his arm at the man he ate it perhaps this was a long shot but it was a last resort. Derek looked through his utility belt he remembered he had left a vile of something he needed for a previous job in here. It was a type of poison that caused severe pain of the lungs, Drowziness, and vomiting although it was non lethal it could be exactly what he needed to end this fight.

Blood Wraith smirked as he looked at his freshly grown limb as though it was once again going to be dinner for this horrid creature, but he couldn't cut it of right yet it wasn't fully grown back he still had a good 15 minutes left before it was time to lob it off and inject it with the poison. How could he stall for time untill then or could he possibly hide down here untill the monster left? would that make him a coward if he didn't face his enemy even though he had come up with a new plan?

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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 20th 2011, 2:45 pm

Gwharr snorted angrily as the man avoided the car, seemingly with the same grace as earlier. This was frustrating enough in its own right, but what was really making our Perpetually Pissed off Primordial Priimates day was the fact that the car he used as his current main weapon smashed to bits against the roof. This was the much-rumored drop that caused our Carnage-Causing Caveman to once more lose his temper. He roared loudly, banging his fists against his massive chest, to show his power, scaring the weaker male into submission. He would not be toyed with like this! He would show him! He would show them ALL!

However, Gwharr did not waste enough time on his traditional showcasing on his primal rage to let Bloodrage escape again, and he was just about to lunge after him once again, trying to grab ahold of him. If he managed to get a good grip on him he knew he would win. His opponent was not very strong, not was he all that tough. True, he was a regenerator, so all the damage done to him tended not to take, but if he was grabbed Gwharr could eat him, limb after limb, bone after bone. He couldn't grow back if he was chewed into pasted and digested in his belly. He wondered if the rest of the man would be as tasty as his arm had been. The sweetness of the meat, and tenderness might be because of the regeneration, or it might be for a different reason altogether, but it could not be denied that he tasted somewhat like chicken.

However, as the caveman lunged at his prey, he threw something. Gwhar quickly moved to cover his eyes, since he knew that most of the silver-pants-mans tricks revovled around trying to blind him and running away, but even though the caveman showed an uncharacteristic forethought, he was not fast enough. He was nearly fast enough, but not enough. However, the flashes did not blind him entirely this time, but they did give the man a couple of seconds to escape, and the man used them well, diving into a dumpster whilst Gwharr was furiously rubbing his eyes, trying to get the tears out of them.

However, his vision was completely recovered when he saw the man running into the sewers, seemingly trying to escape! Hah! How stupid of him! The "World Of Lights" was the domain of Silver-pants, he was at an advantage here. Lots of space to run around in, but the tunnels was Gwharrs place. He could probably manage to trap him in a dead end sooner or later if he followed him. Gwharr laughed triumphantly as he leapt from the rooftop. He knew he was far too big to fit through the manhole. It would be a waste of time anyways. That was when he aimed for the manhole when he leapt from the roof.

It was a rare street to see a half-a-ton heavy man do a cannon-ball jump in the middle of town. It was even more rare to seem him cannonball straight through the street, unharmed, but that was what happened. Gwharr smashed through the asphalt in a shower of dust, pieces of asphalt and miscalenous bits that broke as the caveman smashed his way through. He landed only a few feet behinded Wraith and quickly threw another punch, trying to catch the annoyingly persistant regenerator off guard!
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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 29th 2011, 2:34 pm

Blood Wraith had been caught by the enormous fist of the rather large cave man the pure force behind the mans hand sent him skidding down the tunnel. As Derek liked there half awake he managed to find his sense, but he had to act quickly. Stunned at what had just happened Derek had no choice but to lob his arm off again and inject the poison into it. Blood Wraith slams the needle into the center of the removed arm and injects it full of the clear substance in the small vile. He shutters in pain then looks back up at the monster standing before him smirking he throws the arm at the man eater hoping his plan works.

If this would indeed work all he would have to do is stall for time then make his exit in a quick secretive manner. So much had happened in such a short matter of time Blood Wraith had to resort to thinking things through 12 steps ahead. His next step tricking the fiend into collapsing the tunnel on his own head then climbing through the rubble into sweet sweet victory,or atleast so he hoped thats how things would go down.

hunger strike - Page 2 Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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hunger strike - Page 2 Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 29th 2011, 3:29 pm

POW!! The massive caveman could feel the blow connect, and he was fairly certain he had managed to crack a few bones with that punch! Calloo callay! Finally this battle was going his way again! No electric cables or other dirty tricks to use down here! Just one warrior versus another warrior! And as far as warriors went, he was clearly the superior one.

Gwharr cackled in a chilling, bloodthirsty way as he felt his fist connect to his opponent, sending him skidding, bounding and bouncing down the tunnel like an oversized football. Our Carnivorous Caveman felt a wave of triumph as he rushed towards the man, once again certain that he was once again the one dominating the battle. The fact that the little thinling seemed to have trouble getting up meant that he probably wouldn't have enough energy to keep going for much longer, not to mention that he was far too tired to be able to replicate his earlier feats of speed. And without his exploding clay, guns and equipment he did not actually have anything powerfull enough to even make the caveman itch slightly.

"To think you'se on you'ses last ounce of strength, youngling" Gwharr said, his harhs, booming and inhumanly deep voice echoing through the tunnel in an eerie fashion. despite the fact that his voice was calm and matter-of-factly, bereft of any malice, there was a rather cruel smile playing on his face.
"To think you have no weapons left, To think it be too cramped down here for you to do any fancy running." He continued, as he watched Exhausted, Eccentric Enemy slowly squirm on the ground, trying to get back upon his feet. Yes, this was almost over.
"To think you'se been good fighter. Brave, unyeilding warrior. To tell you it futile. To know you'se not able to beat me." He said as he was raising his fist, to pummel the little shrimp into oblivion.

However, the little man seemingly wanted to delay the inevitable. Yet another of Silverpants arms was hurled in his general direction. A small, fleshy, raw-looking extremity, seemingly vestigal, not nearly fully grown yet. It seemed that not enough time had passed to allow the limb enough time to regenerate fully since he had cut it off last time. Gwharr quickly caught the limb in a massive hand before it had time to collide against him, licked his lips greedily and shoved it into his fat mouth, chewing it in a matter that would embarrass even the most gluttonous gourmand, causing a slight trickle of blood to pour down his chin as he raised both of his massive fists once more and brought them down like a hammer, hoping to squash the annoying regenerator into paste.
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