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hunger strike

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hunger strike Empty hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 7th 2011, 4:37 pm

[align=center]It is mid day in the windy city and that means its time for the street lamps to kick on. Today has been a long and vigorous day of video games which means Derek Dawn is starving and willing to turn the city upside down for a bite to eat so he puts his uniform on to hide his scarred body throws his AK on his back and heads out. You never can be too safe in this city especially when your name is Blood Wraith. we find our anti-hero hanging out just outside of an old abandonded shack, or atleast soon to be abandoned for now its called Burger King. The AK he's been packing around all day has given him a major blister on the top of his left butt cheek. He proceeds to rub it as he makes his way inside off the dusty old stree corner. the people behind the counter give him an akward stare and yet its almost as though they fear him. Wraith shakes it off and aproaches to order, he clears his through staring up at the menu.

" May I get forty whoppers and eight large cokes with twelve large fries and please go easy on the salt I just lost a tooth and it hasn't fully grown back yet."

The lady behind the counter slowly shakes her head as Wraith lays down three one hundred dollar bills. Long story short the lady shorts him on his change which kinda annoyed him then when he took the first bite of his fries they were drenched in salt if there was one thing he couldnt stand it was poor service

"NO MORE!!! This is absolutely rediculouse I asked for light salt how hard is that lady now I'm gonna have to blow this hell hole up which means unemployment now does that sound fun...I didnt think so.

Blood Wraith walks around to the four corners of the resteraunt and places 3 sticks of C4 on each wall, he then skips out side smiling as he does so. It was time to make this place go boom in 5, 4 , 3 ,2...Just when he was about to push the button something caught his was a hot dog cart. Derek drops the button walks through tons of traffic getting hit four or five times maybe more he lost count and approaches the hot dog cart only to find out there are no more hot dogs. Derek blows a fuse storms back across the street picks his button up then begins to count down for the whole city to hear.[/align]

hunger strike Bloodp
Blood Wraith
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 7th 2011, 9:22 pm

Gwharr had been out hunting this night, like many other nights like it. Unfortunately, there had been very few dogs to devour tonight, and therefore he was going to to have to expand his diet a little bit. Althought, there was no question about the fact that dogs where his favourite prey in this horrible, "city of lights" and the abundance of dogs where pretty much the only good thing about this so called "modern age". However, apart from Dogs, there was three other relatively common breeds of animal in the city that would make good for a decent eating. The first alternative was Rat, wich was in ghwarrs mind a horrible dietary supplement, since there was barely any meat on them and as an added bonus they tasted horrible and where covered in filth. The second item on the menu was Pidgeon wich was, if possible even worse than the previously mentioned rats. First of all, pidgeons flew, wich made them exceptionally difficult to catch, and even if you caught one, they tasted just as bad as rats and had even less meat on them, underneath all them feathers. So, only one animal was left on the menu, and Gwharr really hoped it would prove worthy. . .

Cats: Cats where not all that big, but they where rather tasty. They where quick but tired easily aswell, and even though Gwharr found them rather likeable he had no choice. His stomach was a-rumblin' and the stomach was the boss. The Brain might have a big ego and THINK it was in charge, but when push came to shove it was clear to one and all that it was the brain only ruled as long as the stomach approved of it, and that when it wanted it, the stomach was the one that called the shots.

It had not taken him long to find one of the little furballs, all curled up in a tree. It did not take long for Gwharr to leap onto the tree and grab ahold of the kitten, and devour it, but then he heard a voice, thanking him for saving her precious little precious. This caused our hero's primitive caveman brain some trouble at first, but he soon deduced that the kitten was named precious, and that the name was apt, since it was, apprantly pecious. The source of this voice was a rather homely lady between her late thirties and early fourties, and the woman, seemingly unafraid of our somewhat baffled cavemans gargantuan stature, proceeded to hug our hero and say many nice thing about how brave and nice he was. Gwharr couldn't help but to blush slightly and grin moronically as the woman went on. At first he wondered if the reason for her admirationg might be his new coat, but he was still not certain. He was not used to people thanking him fo kidnapping their pets, although then it dawned on him. . .

She had believed him to have intentionally saved the little kitten, rather than preparing to devour it! This realization made our heroes brow furrow. He liked the way the lady was all pleased with him, but at the same time, he was very hungry at the moment, and the kitty looked awfully tasty. However, he could not simply bring himself to dissapoint the poor woman so with a slight whimper he handed the claw-wielding little savate over to her. . . After that she had offered Gwharr a favour of his choice, and Gwharr had stated his desire for food. The woman had given him a few of the green paper-bills and pointed him in the direction of a rather brightly lit house wich smelled like food. . .

. . . And after a few minutes of walking, some alteractions with the lady behind the counter he was here in a stone-hut apparantly belonging to the mysterious "burger-king" eating several whoppers without having a clue what they where. still, they wher rather tasty, and unlike dogs they did not run away. However, he didn't quite like how they where so. . softish. Not to mention that he still hadn't come to terms exactly what had happened earlier today with the cat and its owner. Our hero had been intelligent enough to sit himself in a rather dark corner, so that he wouldn't be all too noticable. A rather futile gesture, but still, and he had been sitting there for quite some time. He had wondered if he might be allowed to meet this "burger king" and request an alliance with him. He had not seen him thus far, but he figured he might be out hunting more of the strange animals that they turned into these weird tasty thingamajiggers.

However, all his diplomatic thoughts was washed away when someone about to devour a rather ample amount of the strange but tasty thingamajiggers suddenly threw a tantrum, started smearing mud on the wall of the house and head to the door. This worked rather well with Gwharr, since the myriad of burgers at his table where free for grabs, now that he had exited the restaurant. It did not take Gwharr to rush to the table, quickly unwrapping burgers and literally shoving them into his mouth, so that he could devour them all before rival burger-eaters would arrive. . .
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 7th 2011, 10:49 pm

It was now Blood Wraiths time to shine and show Burger King that it wasn't nice to mess his order up the button was pressed...Click...he held his ears awaiting an enormous explosion, but, click, click.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN!!!" Oh wait wrong button just a second....

Blood Wraith digs through his tool belt searching for the right button when atlast he bumped it with his thumb blowing the entire button sky high without even realizing he did so untill specs of rubble smack him in the face.
Dereks jaw drops as he stares into the destruction the fire was so amazing and dazzling. The smoke wafted into the sky calling any and all law inforcement along with the local fire department into the area.

"Oh shit what did I do now...I can never seem to catch a break ya know....such an idiot this must be why we cant have nice thing ya know.

Blood Wraith begins to sneak away from the scene of the crime whistling as he walks.

hunger strike Bloodp
Blood Wraith
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 7th 2011, 11:17 pm

Gwharr was in a rather happy mood right now, he had plenty of burgers to shove into his mouth, and he also had quite a bit of the red sort of creamy thing that sorta looked a little bit like blood but tasted much better. He also had a few cups of the strange liquid that tasted like jumping sweetness as well as the little, w arm plant-thing with mashed potatoes inside of them for some reason. All in all this was far better than our hero had dared to hope for, even if those little crispy things with mashed potatoes inside where more than a bit salty for his taste. Nevertheless, it could not be helped! If he could speak french, he would say "bon apetite", but since he couldn't he was fairly pleased to just shove a couple of the little salty things into his mouth to celebrate this fortous happenstance, following up with some of the sweet red, creamy stuff for celebration! After that an culinary orgy of immense proportions would have followed if not for one thing. . .

A rather peculiar beeping, comming from a little thingamajigger stuck in the mud that the silly man had smeared on the wall before he decided to take his leave. It was probably angry at him for eating the burgers or something, but Gwharr, the king of the caves below the "world of light" would not care for the opinions of small devices that spent their time enjoying mudbaths! He was way above that sort of thing! He was a high roller, a champion of men, and no beeping little device could tell him what to do! Our hero guffawed happily and was once again about to shove a handfull of the little yellow thingamajiggers into his gaping maw, when suddenly the world exploded. . .

Gwharr was unaware of what was going on, and looked around. It was a small comfort to notice that he was not the only one of the individuals inside that was surprised by this turn of events, since their face showed an equal amount of bewilderment to Gwharr. He might be stuck in an exploding building, but at least he knew that he wasn't making a fool of himself by being surprised by said fact.

The floor fell over him, crashing against his body, tearing up his new fancy coat that may aor may not have earned him his invitation and dinner at the court of the mighty burger king in the first place. What a shame. However, what upset him even more was that all of his precious foodstuffs had been destroyed by the rather peculiar event that had unfolded here without as much as a peep of warning. However, what upset him most was the red hot burning realization that everytime something seemingly good happening to him something always went horribly horribly wrong or exploded or something like that. He was sick of it.

After the explosion he was lying unharmed beneath a pile of rubble, although his coat was in rather bad shape. Luckily his pants and shirt had survived the event with no tears or scorch-marks just this once. However, he was still in a fairly bad mood, and he knew just who to take it out on.

He rose from the rubble in the way a submarine rises from the sea, wreckage, dust and pieces of the counter spilling off of him as he gazed into the distance, hoping to see the man who had smeared dangerous clay of noise and pain on the wall when he had been eating. It did not take long for him to see the man, since he was wearing a ridiculously tight silvery outfit that in Gwharrs eyes looked down-right silly. The man was standing on his own, most of the people seemingly moving away from the area due to the explotson. This suited our primtiive hero just fine. The barefoot brute then proceeded to walk calmly onto the parking-lot, grab ahold of a rather large van and chuck it at the silvery little fellow, wich he had decided was responsible for this whole situation in particurlar, and his current stroke of misfortune in general.
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 7th 2011, 11:32 pm

Blood Wraith was taken by suprise and smashed by the large van, he felt the carnage of his flesh ripping from bone as the van rolled over him. As everything calmed he laid silently his muscles slowly latching them selves back in place, as well as his bones moving back to theyre original location of origin. ten minutes had passed and Derek finally arose and knowing exactly to exert himself against. His next move had a slim chance in harming the bahemeth but it was more of an attention getter. The demon of the dark removed three shuriken from his belt tossing each at the monster as hard as he could. He then jolted towards the rather large man unstrapping two combat knives from his belt. It was now the time to get serious and smart, although it would be fun to throw a few words around.

"So did your mama knit you that loing cloth because she gave me one just like that.

As Blood Wraith was quickly approaching the monster he shifted his position and headed towards the alley ways he would have a size and light advantage.

hunger strike Bloodp
Blood Wraith
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 7th 2011, 11:52 pm

Gwharr snickered a bit as the van collided with the man in a rather noisy, over the top manner, seemingly grinding him to a small, smelly pulp of mashed organs and blood and other fluids to vile to mention here, all smeared against the asphlalt. The thought made Gwharr feel rather happy again, and the meaty crunch of the collision made him feel even more-so happy. He had avenged his host, the illustrious burger-king by destroying his rather rude attacker in an honorary manner. He roared triumphantly, beating his chest to show any and all onlookers that he was indeed the most alpha of alpha-males and to invite any poor sodwho thought he was rude enough come up and have a go at him, proving to Gwharr that he had the minerals to best him in single combat. As usual, no challenger appeared, the crowd was quiet. This made Gwhar feel even more pleased! Even though, he did not have time to finnish off all the burgers, he had still had enough food to render him full for tonight, so he might as well start to head home. He had to get that painting done some day, didn't he?

However, he suddenly felt something tap against his back, nothing big or painfull, but rather like as if someone had thrown a small nut at him to get his attention. He turned around, one of his eye-brows quizzically raised and his massive lower jaw hanging slackly in an expression of surprised and baffledment, he noticed that the man he had thought he had crushed by throwing a van at him was once again alive and seemingly uninjured. But it was no doubt about it being him. He had the same suit, the same movement, and more than enough bloodstains on his clothes to prove he had had a van dropped on his head. Apparantly this guy wasn't as easy to get rid of as he had thought.

as the silvery fellow shouted at him, Gwharr raised his eyebrow looking down at his loincloth, hanging loosely over his pants. It WAS a good loincloth, but Gwharrs mother had not made it. She had been dead for several millenia. This fact further angered our already annoyed caveman, and prompted him to accept the challenge wrought by the man with the silly little knives that was currently rushing towards him.

The caveman swiftly grabbed two cars by the rear bumper, and slammed them together just as the hero aproached him, trying crush the man between them, hopefully getting rid of him for good! Or at least incapacitating him for long enough to devour.
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 8th 2011, 12:19 am

Just as the cars were about to colide with Wraiths head he dropped to his knee's sliding under the beast wielding them. Blood Wraith the recooperated and lifting himself back to his feet as he sped past the giant. He then removed some smoke pelets rolling them back under the cave mans feet once they blow he disapears into the balcony of a near by building waiting for his moment to strike. The situation has gotten out of hand this was his first encounter with a strength type fiend. He had no choice but to try and outsmart the man and cause him to strike himself but how exactly.

"how are we going to beat someone who appears to be The Hulks twin brother? Perhaps we could attack at the knee's something has to support that weight. This could possibly be a weak spot"

Derek dives back into the action as the smoke clears he reveals a katana made purely of kevlar, this was his new lady friend he recently picked up he called her Ivory.

"Warning, Warning Tarzan has escaped and is now on a rampage through the city be on alert for a fairly large hideous man.

Blood Wraith Bolts for the knee's of his caveman counter part hoping to strike him down or atleast weaken him, but just as he approaches him an idea strikes him he drops two flash bangs off his belt and bounces back behind a car, BOOM, CRACK, POP!! they go off hopefully stunning his victim enough for him to attack from behind his knee's in the weak fleshy part. It was time to pounce Derek runs as fast as he can at colosal man.

hunger strike Bloodp
Blood Wraith
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 8th 2011, 12:41 am

Gwharr snarled angrilly has the two cars collided with a loud bang, causing the two veicles to creak and groan as they twisted around like a lovers embracing. In truth, the earlier description is not really apt, due to the horrid twisted screch of the metal as it was distorted and the loud crash of the windows as they exploded into fragments. Gwharr looked down, seeing the man glide past him, far too past for our heroic caveman to catch. Nevertheless he tries, dropping the now-entwined cars and stumbling after him, like a clumsy bear trying to grab ahold of a fish, of course missing. He was just about to give chase when suddenly a billowing cloud of chemical-smelling smoke burst out from underneath him! Gwharr immediately dismissed Geysers or a sudden fog blowing in from. . . under the asphalt, and instead decided that it was a work of the silly, bloody silver-man! However, he was not exactly helpless against smoke. He had been in many smoky situations before, and he had a little trick to help him. Gwharr was about to roar in anger, but the smoke made turned it into nothing but a rather irate-sounding series of coughs.

the caveman doubled back and slammed his fists together with enough power to cause a shockwave strong enough to make some of the smaller pebbles leap away from him, as well as a few nearby carwindows to spontaneously shatter. However, the main objective of this excersize was to disperse the smoke, something that our hero succeeded in dooing. The smoke blew away from him, blowing it away from him, causing it to mix with the air and all but disperse. Gwharr cackled evilly as he once again locked eyes with the silvery menace, once again heading straight for him. He wouldn't get away as easy this time.

"To think Silver man COWARD! To rip head off and eat it! To crush his silly silver pants!" He roared, his inhumanly deep voice filled with bloodlust and joy of battle! following it with a triumphant bellow, raising his fists to punch the man. However, the man had time to smash his knee with the sword, however, it did not hurt. It felt mostly like the reflex-checking procedure doctors might expose you too whilst you take your physical. Uncomfortable, but in the end harmless. Gwharr decided to answer the attack with pair of massive punches, aiming for the torso of the man.

However, just after his attacks he is distractted by a sudden light, so bright it causes his eyes to water! Accursed trickery!
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 8th 2011, 1:17 pm

This was Dereks chance he plunges at the man at full speed this time with a semtex grenade.(aka sticky grenaded)Blood Wraiths goal was to stick his explosive friend to the telephone pole near by. Hopefully by doing this he could get some hot electrical wire and wrap the large mass of a man in it. If this was a failure his next plan would be to turn tail and hide untill he kind find some better weapons. Wraith throws some more smoke bombs around the giant, he then followed up by throwing five semtex on the surrounding telephone poles.

I see we haven't won any accedemic awards as of late now have we. So how about some small talk while you try to squish my head.

Night begins to fall which means the shadows have grown deeper and have given Blood Wraith another advantage or he hopes. Derek takes cover on a near by balcony plotting his next move, but while he does this it gives this fiend a chance to recooperate and thats never a good thing.

"perhaps we act on the electrical cord....but duuuude thats not gonna feel good, wait your afraid of electrical shock do you remember how dying feels its damn right creepy feeling....your right we'll just have to go pick the cord up then."

Derek sighs as he leaves the shadows moping out into plain sight examining his new terain, sides of buildings were crushed,smoke was billowing out the side of the newley exploded burger king and there wasn't a single car intact, not to mention the local law enforcement was sizing them both up trying to figure out the best way to end this. Derek began to circle the man watching his movements when out of the corner of his eye he noticed a tank. He palms his face and takes a deep breath to watch what may unfold next.

hunger strike Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 8th 2011, 7:16 pm

Gwharr was busy rubbing his eyes, trying to get rid of the little dancing lights that was bothering since that rather awful explosion of lights had cruelly temporarily blinded him. He tried to fix his gaze on the annoying little man running about that had previously been running about throwing his little doodats in all directions. He wasn't really sure if the guy was a threat or not. In actuality he seemed a bit pointless, kind of like a mosquito or a leech. Bloody well annoying, but hardly in the vicinity of "dangerous". He snorted as his eyes finally seemed to recover enough to see what the man was doing. It seemed he was mucking about as usual, throwing things around, presumably to annoy his fellow (cave-) man even more in some utterly innefectual manner before he finally decided to give up and call it a day.

He rasied an eyebrow quizzically as the man rushed down the street, threwing more of the "little strange rocks that stiicks to things and then went boom" around him, presumably trying to acomplish some rather strange effect. However, as annoying as that could prove to be, what annoyed Gwharr right now was the fact that the man threw more of the little smokey-things at him. He did not approve of that. He had already established that they did not work on him quite clearly in his previous attempt to smokeify him. Gwharr doubled back, stretching out his arms as the smoke billowed up around up around him, enveloping him and obscuring him, and once again clapped his hands together with so much force that yet another shockwave formed, causing small pebbles to leap away from him and the few windows in his vicinity that remained whole to crack and fall to pieces. But the main object of this little trick was getting rid of the smoke, and it managed that quite easily. In fact the shockwave was powerfull enough to disperse it almost completely He grinned triumphantly.

However, as the man once again runs away to take cover for a bit, Gwharr casually ambles away from the telephone-poles, putting some distance between them and himself. Apprantly the little guy had some trick prepared wich utilized them, because why elese would he throw explosive mud at them? Gwharr was far too busy focusing on the little man to notice the police and various other organizations aproaching the place to apprehend the pair of nigh-unkillable hooligans, however, even if he had noticed them it would have made little to no difference.

Asthe little guy once again appears, Gwharr decided to take action once more, and with a certain lazyness of movement he grabbed ahold off a twisted, mangled wreck of a car, his fingers boring into the hood of the car, immediately swinging it wildly at the man as if it was a club. Luckily enough for Gwharr, his great strength and size made it so that despite the cas weight and shape he could literally swing it around with the same eas he would swing around a fork.
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 8th 2011, 7:57 pm

The car connects with the skull of Blood Wraith sending him skidding across the pavement into and electrical line. This in return put major voltage through his body and gave him and effect he was not expecting, this would leave him super charged with electrical energy which means what ever he touched would feel some of the same effects as he did, but untill his body started to heal its self from a near death experience all he could do is lye in same spot like a pile of skin, bones and moosh.

Dereks eyes still open, he was still concious and writhing in pain this was a nightmare everything that led up to today had not prepared him for this kind of battle. Nothing could his only hope was to use the electricity in the lines to his advantage and give this monster a taste of what he had just felt. Suddenly his heart began pounding again, his crushed skull now began reconstructing itself and all the scrapes, cuts and bruises began to clear from his skin.

Blood Wraith pulls himself to his feet determined to put the hurt on this monster he grabs two electrical lines one for each hand. The electricity shoots through his body putting him through more pain then a measily car could ever do. His muscles tensed up as he forced a step into a jog, a jog into a run and finally a run into a sprint. This demon had never met anything like the Demon of the Dark and he never will again. Wraith screams past the cave man once then double's back leaping into the air and raising the electrical wire into the air ready to plunge it into the back of the one known as Gwharr.

hunger strike Bloodp
Blood Wraith
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 8th 2011, 9:47 pm

Gwharr cackled bloodthirstily and triumphantly as he felt the car connect, hearing the satisfying "ClaAaAang" wich usually was the sound that Gwharr usually associated with something getting a good solid hit with something else that was big, nasty and made of metal. His deep and almost inhuman voice increased in volume as he could see the little man being torn apart as he skidded and bounced on the pavement like a rag-doll someone thrown away by a child that did no longer want it. Gwharrs cackle turned into a full-blown, cruel derisive laughter as the man crashed into the electrical-line, and was basically electrocuted. However, the Laughter finally evolved into triumphant roar of joy and shaudenfraude as the man collapsed into a sorry, bloody pile of broken bones and pain, seemingly dead. That should teach him to blow up the abode of a King! Especially a king who was a potential ally to King Gwharr, lord of the caves beneath the "World Of Lights"

Gwharr slowly walked towards his man, using one of his arms to aid his rather peculiar, gorilla-style knuckle-walk whilst the other still held a firm brip on the twisted and mangled car wich he dragged behind him. The surrounding military and police now caught his attention, but not for long. They seemed to stay back, presumably to let the two battling "supers" fight this one out amongst themself. For once, he had no beef with them. For once he was on their side! He had stopped the evildooer, smashed him into a pulped, avenged the fallen king and taught a particurlarly mouthy merc that you did NOT get away with trying to blow up Gwharr whilst he was eating dinner! . . .

However, he was wrong about one thing. . . As his attention had been caught by the police, the man had gotten back on his feet, his broken, twisted limbs, seemingly twisting themself back into order. Gwharr rose his eyebrows quizzically. Was this man really that much like him? Could he also heal like Gwharr could? However, as he was contemplating this, the man rushed at him, at surprising speed, Gwharr once more raised his improvised car-club over his head, but it was too late. The man had jammed the strange "rope of pain and lightning" in his back, causing his body to stop obeying him somehow. He could feel himself shivering and shaking uncontrollably, but he couldn't do anything about him! He tried to roar in anger, to show his displeasure, but it did not come out sounding like a roar, it sounded more like a bubbling, elongated grunt! It did not exactly hurt like proper pain, but it was nonetheless very uncomfortable. Gwharr wanted to squash the tiny silver-man for causing this inconvenience, but he could not really move all that well anymore. His wildly shaking body clumsily turning to face the man in what was seeming like slow-motion, almost falling over several times in the attempt. . .

If he had been thinking straight he would have been aware that he had no chance of actually hurting the man, even if the man agreed to stay still and take it, he was simply far too muddled up to take any action. The car dropped from his widldly spastic hand lost its grip on it, and fell onto the ground with a heavy crash and the agonized screech of metal being bent out of its intended form. Gwharr tried to walk forward, but as his foot left the ground he fell down on his knees, unable to get up, glaring at the little man with hatefull eyes. his long, greasy hair stood on end, the occasional blue spark shooting through it, wich made him look like a gigantic, monstrous troll-doll.
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 8th 2011, 11:34 pm

Blood Wraith saw this as his chance he removed the last bit of C4 and semtex grenades that he had left which consisted of 1 block of C4 and 4 grenades. He molded them all together as quickly as he could then tied a long strand of cloth to the pins of the grenades. As this was being done he was sprinting as quickly as he could towards the man. Derek dives into the air shoving the C4 down the throat of the monster pulling on the cloth as he does so releasing the pins and setting off the grenades. The explosion its self shoots Blood Wraith a goood 1/4 of a mile down the street he lands with a good "CRUNCH breaking atleast 10 bones. Everyone comes to a standstill at the thought of this gutsy move.

Derek was shaking in pain but still atempting to get up and take in the damage he had caused this was bound to have killed the man....or if anything atleast maim him a little. The demon of the dark began walking towards Gwharr his body now completely healed. He couldnt help but to celebrate this was it the battle had finally ended as far as he knew and he could finally go home and crash.

"Please please no autograph's I know I'm amazing but thats besides the point....uh dude what if this guy isn''t dead won't that explosion really piss him off maybe we should run like hell while we've got the chance....don't worry about it if anything we can just hit him with a little more electricity and do this again then run like hell

Blood Wraith posed as heroicly as he could he felt like he was a champion gladiator at the moment and there was nothing that could take this away from him.

hunger strike Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Troglodyte December 9th 2011, 12:18 am

Gwharrs eyes focused on the man, as he approached him, carrying with him some sort of weird lump of clay with alot of the explodey things baked into it. . . It looked very much liked science! Very painfull, explody, hurty hatefull super-science! Or it could have been a failed attempt to bake a loaf of bread, as it was rather hard to focus due to the wild, uncontrollable spastic shaking of his head, due to the rather uncomfortable electric current shooting through his body. Gwharr once again roars in rage as the man aproaches his lump in hand! Was this a peace-offering of some sort? Bah! It was too late for that! Gwharr would not so easily forgive the presumed death of the King of a country that would possibly have considered alliance with him. Silly man. Gwharr gave a throaty sound that would have been various insults if it was not for the accursed electricity! Damn the man who came with it, and damn him to hell!

However, Gwharr felt a wave of chilly terror wash over him like a tidal-wave as he realized what his opponent was up to with that science. He whined and whimpred as the man moved closer, his eyes filled with fear and an almost pleading-look within them. He tried to clench his jaws shut, but the continual shocks would not allow him to do it. He was completely defenseless. Gwharr shut his eyes, as he felt the evil, hurty "science bread" shoved into his mouth, and whimpred once more, when he heard the footsteps of the man running in the opposite direction. He knew this would hurt. He knew this would bee exceedngly painfull, and he entirely sure that he would not enjoy it one single itty bitty second of it.

Suddenly he felt his tounge explode, as his jaw exploded in pain, he could feel ligaments and muscles being torn, he could hear the snaps of sinews being torn and the sizzle of his flesh being cooked like bacon on a tuesday. Due to the fire shooting out of his mouth he must have looked like he was part dragon or something, as the yet of flame propelled him backwards, into a massive, concrete-wall with such force hairline cracks spear along its entire length. Smoke and dust emnated from the fire within his mouth and the cracking wall behind him wich started to collapse over him. . . .

The first thing Gwharr noticed as the traumatic event was over was that his jaw didn't hurt so much, but that his throat and cheeks was in horrible pain. He tried to whimper, but all that came out was a moist, gurgling sound. . . But at least he was still alive, and in a little bit of time, he would be back in perfect shape, and this meant that the little silvery man would be punched into goop, and then punched some more untill he turned into mist! Gwharr slowly rose from the ashes, hesitantly and slowly at first, but soon his unquenched thirst for vengence propelled him towards truly depths. As he staggered to his feet, he hyperventilated as pain shot through is body. His appearance made people back away and clasps their mouth in shock. and even though he could not see it himself, Gwharr knew that it must be rahter disgusting. . .

His lips had been burnt away, and all of his teeth ahd been blown away. His gums had been iradiated, leaving his the area around his mouth nothing but gleaming white bone. His cheeks had been blown away by the explsion, thus rendering the lower part of his face all but fleshless. His lower jaw was was attatched to his head on by means of a few strands of sinew and muscle that had managed to survive the explosion. . . However, already new muscles was growing to replace the old ones, new skin was forming, reforming his cheeks, and new teeth where slowly sprouting out of the bone of his jaw. Sinews and weings climbed over the ruined portions of his face, reattatching his jaw properly to his face. . .and all the while this happened, the monstrositys eyes where fixed straight on the man who had done this to him, giving him a gaze, that told him that no matter how painfull this may or may not look, it was a vacation compared to what Gwharr had planned. . .
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hunger strike Empty Re: hunger strike

Post by Blood Wraith December 10th 2011, 12:03 am

It has been a very long fight and Derek was beginning to tire out he had to think of something quick or risk getting very injured. So many things were rushing through his head at this point and no matter how they started it they always ended with lots and lots of pain. As the thoughts came to a sudden hault Blood Wraith put his feet into action storming towards the nearest ext.

Just as he reacheds the border lines of the crime scene the police shot him with multiple tazers and he dropped cold and hard to the ground. His muscles tensing beyond the point of what an average human could take infact the volts of electricity had stopped his heart. Blood Wraith eyes rolled back so that only the whites showed it was a living nightmare, but that was the least of his problems he also had a 7 foot destroyer after him and he was helpess. The cops threw a pair of cuffs around his wrists and feet to ensure he wasn't about to escape. The world around him had come to a screeching hault and it was all his fault for his lack of an respect for the cities law enforcement.

Today had ended in such a horrid way, he must have really done something wrong because this was a once in a life time experience for him. As he laid in shame before the men in blue, he watched out of the corner of his eyes as things progressively got a lot worse. Although the surges of electricity shooting through his body had stopped and everything healed to perfection he was still cuffed and unable to move. which meant he was free game for what ever the beast known as Gwharr wanted to do to him. In his weakest moment the thoughts rushed back through his head which in return brought back even worse thoughts of the secret wars on Russian soil. The experiments on his body, the scars on his psyche it was almost as if he was living it all over again cuffs and all. This all lead up to one giant scream of pain, but not the physical type the kind that is all in your head and makes you want to scream, it was a dark day in the city of Chicago, and no one seemed to notice but Derek.

hunger strike Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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