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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich August 21st 2011, 3:35 pm

He stood there listening to the screams of bystandards weaken and looked and seen the over welming anger on the guys face. And suddenly THEY KISSED! What the fuck was this guy thinking. He seen the mortal get up and start running, but he decided that he was a smart guy so he did not kill him because he ran. He seemed smarter than the rest of the dumbasses here who decided to crouch in a corner in soak in tears until the fight stopped. He had decided to kill allof them in a couple of seconds so the hero would not have to hold back. If no one was around to crough and tear just to be in the way the hero could fight at max.

He raised both hands placing them just bellow his heart and right up above his diaphram. He started to pull asmuch air and material into a little ball. He was goiung to push it out as rapid as he could so the objects and the condensed air would completly sever an tear the people who did not decided to run into chunks of mean laying happily on the streets. He started the procedure when the only thing he heard was a big VROOM! sound from an engine. He looked over to his side seeing the bike in the air Being huruled at him. He used what little power pulled to him in the second to push the bike up enogh to send it right over him.

It had flown into a near window of a tall building. He was not worried much about the bike now he only wanted to see the person who through the bike at him. "NOW! This is a problem", He muttered to himself. He could probally hold his own aginst two people but not for a long period.

The Perfect Sandwich
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by XxRedxX August 21st 2011, 4:04 pm

The bike caught the villian of guard but he managed to deflect it before it made contact with him, sending it hurling into a near by building. "It didn't even get close to him..." Noahs' helmet took a picture of the man and sent the image to AIVAS to try to put a file together on the man. However, Blue didn't have time to wait and acted before AIVAS could get anything together.

Noah moved in for the attack quickly, taking aim and firing at the man as he came towards him. With Noahs' free hand he took hold of a smoke pellet ready for a counter attack to his charge. "Identity confirmed." AIVAS stated, pouring up a picture of the young man. "Cornel Liffy and..."

"Wait, if he was born then than why does he look so young?" Noah was close, and ready for the villian to counter. The other super human seemed to be trying to help the civilians in his own 'unique' way from what he was able to see earlier. Hopefully he would be more help than just kissing a random stranger.

Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) - Page 2 Picnikcollage
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Bolt August 21st 2011, 4:21 pm

John wiped his forearm across his cheek annoyed, a splot of blood having made its way onto his face. It seemed the newly arried hero had started up the fighting for him, but he was unsure how to react, as his eyes caught sight of what can only be described as some guys guts. Stomach turning, he could never get used to this one bit. t would always turn his stomach, especially this level of gore, and carnage. Though he would put this guy to justice, whether the hero agreed, or not. He had killed too many people, too many. Atleast he could save one, or more people from his killing grasp. Which made John smirked slightly, though it was not good enough. "This guy won't get away with this, not now." He didn't care who came to stop him, he would kill this guy. Even if it would most likely scar him, that didn't matter. With a thought he condensed the moisture int he air into a spear of dense ice, ready he reared his arm back. With a motion he flung the spear, propelled by his control at full force. Making sure it would miss Noah, but that it may hit Coronel, and with all the force he could give it.
The Bolt
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich August 21st 2011, 4:49 pm

What he seen was true a fight with two heros something he could not let happen but he thought how nice becsuse the guy to one of his sides just formed an ice sphere and through it at him but behind him there was other heros shooting at him. He pulled asmuch dense air to his side so the bullets would stop and not hit him but in the instance he also jumped into the air as high as he could. He pointed to the ice sphere still in the same path that he use to be at. "PUSH" He formed his power behind the ice sphere to speed it up hopping on hitting the guy on the other side shooting bullets at him. If it worked he could atleast try cripling the already attacked man or the new comers.

It also seemed before that the bike that was thrown at him was moving at a much faster rate then a normal bike of that calibure. he had to figure out the new comers powers and fast just to be able to counter his moves easier than what he was trying to dodge now.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only)

Post by XxRedxX August 22nd 2011, 11:59 am

The psychopath leapt into the air after stopping the bolts fired at him opening a path for an ice spear to pass by him and head directly towards Noah. It was bad enough it was already heading in his direction but the villian seemed to us a power similiar to Noahs' and pushed it at an excellerated rate towards him. With little time to react, Noah dodged the ice spear which grazed his shoulder slightly the resulting pain forcing him to drop the smoke pellets he had prepared in his hand.

However, despite taking some damage Noah would heal rather quickly considering his suit prevented the ice from penetrating his skin. Also, with the villian in mid-air it gave him the perfect opportunity get a good strike on him. Having not stopped his charge, he got close to the villian and used his push powers to launch the villian towards the other hero unaware of his intentions to kill the man. 'Hope the other guy is on top of things' Noah thought to himself as he cautiously waited for the result of his attack.

Can't I get a damn break?(Invite only) - Page 2 Picnikcollage
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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