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Ibis  Empty Ibis

Post by The Silence March 29th 2011, 10:05 pm


Ibis  Malphi10

Personal Information

Real Name: Ibis (Pronounced to sound like Abyss)
Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name: Abyss
Title: The Shard of Kaluoshen. Son of the Earth, Hell Incarnate
Alignment: Chaotic Evil (Formerly Chaotic Good)
Age: Unknown (His dimension never measured time, rock samples makes him possibly millions of years old)
Gender: Male (Assumed)
Race: Elemental
Hair: None
Eyes: Orange
Height: 15 feet tall
Weight: 20 tonnes

Known Family Members:


Physical Appearance:

Ibis is one creature that almost nobody can miss, how many glowing black rock monsters do you see everyday? Ibis towers over most things around him, being larger than even the tallest of elephants, a being of massive size and power. His massive body is composed of immense chunks of obsidian like rock, flowing with veined trails for lava through each of the cracks, showing off bits of his power source. His massive hulking body sports menacing protrusions and wicked fangs, ready to claw and rip apart any who would stand in his way. Even in the darkest of places, one could see Ibis' glowing orange eyes, eyes ready to kill.

In his attack form, Ibis takes the form of a massive rock scorpion, with immense pincers ready to grab and smash apart any who would get into range. The massive form also holds as a feint to hide how fast Ibis can move in this form, able to keep up with even the fastest of enemies. In this form, Ibis' veins glow blue instead of their regular orange, showing sign of change.

In his artillery and healing form, Ibis takes the form of a flying wraith, one that is composed of an intense green fire. With this form, small condensed bits of Ibis' form can be seen. This form is easy to differentiate from the other forms, as in these forms, Ibis also barely moves, watching as his opponents make their next move to a possible end.


Ibis is a simple soul with little self control and a very short fuse. He is stubborn and hard headed, natural for someone of his kind. He sticks to his ways of doing things. When it comes to discussion and argument, Ibis has a fairly simple ideology for it: "If you can't agree, smash them until they do". He is impatient and prone to anger, especially when it comes to the fact of his speed. When he is unable to hit his opponents, mainly those with higher reflexes and super speed, Ibis has a tendency to try as hard as he can to destroy them. He dislikes his slow movement, compared to most, and is rather snappy towards those who comment on it. He also likes to keep punctual, despite how he usually acts. Another form of irritation that Ibis suffers is his size. Being too big to fit in most normal buildings, Ibis has many frustrations trying to get into the buildings ultimately being unable to which he dislikes.

In battle, Ibis tends to charge head on into battle, attacking and thinking the battle on the fly rather than formulate a plan beforehand. This sometimes gets him into bad situations, especially to those who wish to have authority from him though they haven’t earned his respect. His respect is earned through battle, nothing more and nothing less, but it is easy to lose it when going against him. He is capable of holding grudges, long ones that last many years, as seen with the one that he bears against humanity.

Now upon his revival by his killer, Doctor Necrodium, Ibis has been altered in a way that has twisted his once kind and loyal mind into a chaotic siphon of destruction. Now, Ibis sees everything around him as an annoyance, something that causes him to become irritated and desire for its destruction. He cares no longer for human life, merely to cause obliteration of all organic life and leave nothing but smoldering ashes in his wake.


Ibis is an Elemental, a creature that takes the form of the element he controls. Ibis was one of the Enteldrazi, a group of especially powerful elementals that went as far as to be composed completely of the element they controlled. Ibis was exceptional amongst the Enteldrazi, one of the few that was actually able to control the element of Earth. In truth, Elementals did not originate from Earth, but from a magical realm that existed parallel to Earth, where Elementals thrived in many shapes and sizes. The world was originally a whole, a complete compliment of the elemental balance. Fire, Water, Air and Earth all made influence on this realm, and for a time it was peaceful. Until the events that would doom the magical realm began.

Warrior of Metal and Flesh came to the magical world, attacking and capturing members of the magical realm, studying them and executing them when they no longer proved to be useful. Ibis was one of the few who managed to not be captured and one of the few that the Warriors of Metal and Flesh could not defeat. But despite the powers that Ibis had, he himself could not defeat the Warriors alone, one by one his allies fell and Ibis took the full brunt of the assault on his own. Ibis was eventually defeated, taken down by the powers of their flying metal and fires, those that could even hurt him, explosions with the power of god blasts pounded on the powerful elemental, felling him and the remaining members of the Enteldrazi. But this was not the greatest of their worries.

The Warriors of Metal and Flesh, later Ibis learned to call them "humans" destroyed the links that kept the realm together and balanced, throwing the entire world into chaos. The shattering caused a Primeval beast to arise from the cracks of space and time, a creature whose influence could span the entire realm from every possible angle. It was the creature of the four elements, the darkest of beasts, the Prognarok, a creature that had the size to dwarf mountains, and enough power to overpower gods. The Prognarok was beyond anything that the humans could comprehend and control, its power wiped them off the face of the realm with little but a bat of an eyelash. With the humans gone, the Enteldrazi managed to free themselves, and prepare for the Prognarok to turn its attention upon them.

Ibis and the other Enteldrazi were able to hold off the Prognarok from destroying the shattered realm, but it held power that eventually tore them apart. Ibis was one of the few lucky ones that managed to breach the Prognarok's defenses and attempt to reconnect the pieces of the realm. Hard-pressed and weary, Ibis and the others worked to their fullest extent and managed to bridge the pieces back together, but with a slight mistake. The portals to which humans had entered remained open, causing the magic realm to meld and mix with the human realm. Ibis was thrown into the waters of Mars, which eventually froze over, leaving the elemental trapped within.

Humans eventually started their space operations of collecting the ice off Mars, and along the way they managed to pick up Ibis, encrusted deep within the ice and immobile for many eons. Humans studied the body of Ibis, deep within their underwater bases, taking notes as to how such a creature could have lived. But to their dismay, Ibis awoke. After many years of slumber, Ibis awoke, to see the creatures that had destroyed his realm. Ibis destroyed all of the facility that he was held in and escaped into the ocean floor, sinking to the very bottom. Ibis stayed under the water for many years, taking it upon himself to find out what sort of world he had been thrown into. Ibis comes up to the surface every now and again to search for answers, but it usually gets him into conflict with humanity.

While one of his surface trips, Ibis came face to face with the superhero group known as the Abnormals, who helped quell Ibis’ rampage throughout Los Angeles. After a few more meetings, Ibis eventually became a member of the team, and considered the rest of the magical misfits as some form of mishapen family. Since that day, Ibis found a new purpose in life, to protect his new family, and that conviction was the thing that ultimately ended in his demise.

For one day when Ibis was patrolling the beaches of Los Angeles with the Abnormal’s pet Saber Tooth, Leonidas, Ibis came across an unknown enemy. The enemy was John Vanko, also known as Doctor Necrodium or Dakota as he was at the time. After brief pleasantries, Dakota made his attack, attempting to obliterate the massive elemental with his advanced technology. However, the technology alone could not defeat Ibis’ power of the earth and his own natural durability, along with the fact that a single hit could crush the man. But the man had a simple strategy to counteract Ibis’ overwhelming power, he gentle heart.

With each exchange, Dakota continued to bombard Ibis is attack after attack, but also aiming towards Leonidas, causing Ibis to throw himself in the way and weakening his offensive patterns. It was not long before Ibis was crippled, leaving Leonidas at the mercy of the assailant. As a last ditch effort, Ibis threw Leonidas into the Ocean, saving his life as Ibis detonated his magical heart, releasing immense energy in every which direction, crippling his opponent beyond repair. Ibis sacrificed himself to save a single member of his family, being remembered as a gentle giant to those who knew him, and a lovable protector.

However, Ibis’ peace of death would not last long. For after a few months, Ibis’ killer, John Vanko, re-emerged as Doctor Necrodium, a malicious amalgam of magic and science, a scion of the dark crusade that was soon to come. Ibis’ mighty slayer aroused the mighty elemental from his slumber, twisting him into a monstrosity beyond imagination, using the hatred and power of his magical crystal to create a new “heart” for Ibis, one that would generate power beyond what the elemental could originally pull off. With his newfound strength, Ibis was replaced with Abyss, a bottomless siphon of death and hatred, ready to obliterate anything that would have the gall to remain standing in his mighty wake.

Powers and abilities


First Form (Original Form)

Superhuman Strength: Ibis wields incredible physical strength, capable of lifting over 100 tons with ease. With his immense strength, Ibis can cause massive craters, shatter large structures and create shockwaves of immense force with a clap of his hands. Ibis at the current rivals the strongest of all superhumans in this form.

Superhuman Durability: Ibis' rock hard body is capable of taking immense amounts of punishment. With his body, Ibis is able to charge head long into superhuman attacks, survive the crushing pressures of the deep sea, and trade blows with the toughest of superhumans.

Superhuman Stamina: With Ibis' stamina, he is capable of moving for over long periods of time without stopping, even when met with challenging obstacles, Ibis almost never tires.

Geo-Thermokinesis: Ibis is capable of channeling volcanic energy and creating fissures that open up for floods of lava to come to the surface. With his powers, he is capable of making lava move in whichever way he wishes, and even melt the earth itself to create more.

Second Form (Attack Form)

Superhuman Strength: In his attack form, though weaker, Ibis still retains incredible physical strength, capable of lifting up to 90 tons. He is still capable of creating massive shockwaves like before, only the strongest of enemies are capable of surviving his attacks.

Superhuman Speed: In his attack form, Ibis is capable of moving at incredible speeds, his top speed reaching about 250 mph, exceeding that of most cars. With this level of speed, Ibis is capable of catching most, if not all prey who attempts to obtain.

Superhuman Durability: Ibis' rock hard body is capable of taking immense amounts of punishment. With his body, Ibis is able to charge head long into superhuman attacks, survive the crushing pressures of the deep sea, and trade blows with the toughest of superhumans.

Superhuman Stamina: With Ibis' stamina, he is capable of moving for over long periods of time without stopping, even when met with challenging obstacles, Ibis almost never tires.

Elongation: Ibis' attack form is capable of elongating its limbs via the vines that hold it together. The range of stretching stops at about 50 meters, giving Ibis ample range.

Third Form (Artillery)

Superhuman Durability: Ibis' rock hard body is capable of taking immense amounts of punishment. With his body, Ibis is able to charge head long into superhuman attacks, survive the crushing pressures of the deep sea, and trade blows with the toughest of superhumans. Even though it is partially made of fire, Ibis' body is still capable of taking many hits.

Pyrokinesis: Ibis' artillery form is capable of using green fire to attack foes with scalding hot temperatures and blistering blazes. With the power of pyrokinesis, Ibis is capable of generating massive streams of fire, create powerful tornadoes of flame, and even rain down fireballs upon his enemies.

Geokinesis: Ibis' artillery form is capable of controlling the earth itself in order to attack and defend. With the power of Geokinesis, Ibis is capable of bombarding people with rockslides, create earthquakes to stagger his foes, and protect himself with walls of rock.

Levitation: Ibis' artillery form is lighter than air, capable of being aloft for long periods of time.

Fourth Form (Healing Form) (Used only once per fight)

Superhuman Durability: Ibis' rock hard body is capable of taking immense amounts of punishment. With his body, Ibis is able to charge head long into superhuman attacks, survive the crushing pressures of the deep sea, and trade blows with the toughest of superhumans.

Superhuman Healing Factor: The healing factor that Ibis possesses has incredible speed and efficiency, able to heal most of his wounds in a matter of seconds, the most grievous ones in a matter of minutes.


Intelligence: Ibis was never the sharpest tool in the shed, usually falling into traps and rushing headlong into enemy territory without thinking of the consequences first. Now upon his rebirth, Ibis has become nothing more than a mindless beast to his desire for the destruction of all living things.

Power Grid:

Ibis  Ibis10



Last edited by Ibis on December 18th 2011, 11:09 pm; edited 11 times in total
The Silence
The Silence

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Ibis  Empty Re: Ibis

Post by Bliss November 25th 2011, 1:26 am



Mitsy's Boutique


Ibis  D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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