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Dream Walker
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Dream Walker
Dream Walker
The Bio
Real Name:John Crats
Renegade Name:Dream Walker
The Looks
Human Form: While not using the power of the stone, John looks fairly mundane. With his short, well-kept brown hair and thin eyebrows, he would look like a man of culture if it wasn’t for his near-permanent stubble and sunken eyes. With slightly hunched shoulders one could assume he’s had a few sleepless nights or is enduring a hardship in some way. He isn’t particularly fit but isn’t fat either with only the beginnings of a pot belly forming. He tends to wear jeans and a cardigan jacket over a long-sleeved button-up.
Dream Walker Form: Projecting his consciousness outside of his body, John takes an otherworldly glow. Most will not see anymore more than a slight breeze in the air or feel a chill on their neck as Dream Walker passes by utterly invisible and intangible. Those with the gift of seeing spirits and apparitions will see a humanoid shape that is blurring at the edges, trailing off into a mist-like smoke. One can’t make out any real detail save for the soft blue glow and the vagueness of flowing clothing.
The Personality
Mild-mannered and reserved, John is seldom outspoken and outgoing, preferring to keep to himself and his writings than to be sociable. Not that he is annoyed with people or thinks himself too good for others. Rather, he just prefers the peace of his thoughts. He is driven by his success as a writer and has been working himself up to the idea of being a family man and providing for them. With his newfound ability to trespass into others’ minds, he finds himself unsure how to feel about the matter. Part of him believes he isn’t doing anything bad since he is not exposing heroes' and villains’ secrets while publicly pointing at them. The other part sees this as the gross violation of privacy that it is. Further adding to the moral issue is that not only can he pry the secrets from others, but he can nudge them into action or change how they think about something. He muses on how he could do a lot of good by helping others deal with their lingering nightmares and traumatic memories but…Could he justify essentially trying to mind-control people without their say? If he could help a hero deal with PTSD or a villain get past their urges for violence, wouldn’t that be a good thing? He remains unsure at the moment and stays with using their secrets as writing inspiration.
The Story
What would you do if no secret was safe from you? If every lie was brought to the light? If all shame, embarrassment, and desire were laid bare before you, always within reach and all you have to do is indulge. John didn’t always have this freedom. He wasn’t one of those specials or super people the world calls them. He was just a normal man struggling to meet writing deadlines for his next month’s rent. A somewhat well-known author with a popular book series about dynamic superheroes saving the day from relentless peril. It had been 2 years since he last wrote something more than a few fleeting pages of his next book. With the pressure of starting a family, the expectations of his fanbase, and the recent loss of his brother, he lost the muse to write something inspiring, something that the fans would want.
In an attempt to draw some inspiration and a bit of money on the side, John got a part-time job as a night guard at Heroic Historium, a well-known museum dedicated to the heroes of the past and their deeds of valor against vile villains. He had hoped that immersing himself in this celebration of heroes that it would reignite his passion, or at least give him more of an idea of what to write next.
They had told him most of the museum pieces were fake as no reasonable person would display items of any actual special powers but they must have gotten mixed up somewhere along the lines. During one of his hourly walks of the building, he was appraising the various pieces when he noticed one of the pieces, an amulet, seemed to have slipped from its stand. As soon as he grabbed it he felt the world around him split and stretch. When the world came back into view he was agasped to be looking at his own unconscious body lying on the floor. Panicking he tried to move his body but his hands phased through. Not knowing what else to do he tried lining up his spectral form with his physical body. Slowly like waking up from a dream his soul merged back into his body and he awoke.
The experience terrified him at first but he kept finding himself intrigued as to what he touched. The museum curator said that the amulet was the Stone of Dis, belonging to a superhero from the 1920s called Dis, The Unbound. Legend has it the hero was some sort of wizard with the ability to go anywhere unnoticed and could control dreams but any secrets as to his powers had been lost when he was killed while protecting the city.
It was weeks later before curiosity got the better of him and he swapped out the amulet with a fake one from the gift shop. He knew what he was doing would land him in jail if he got caught but he couldn’t shake the intrigue. There had to be a reason why he stumbled upon it now when everyone else who had handled it hadn’t so much as bat an eye over the magical properties. He’d like to think the weird artifact chose him but that was more wishful thinking of him being one of those specials that he used to write about.
For weeks he studied and experimented with the Stone of Dis as he gained more confidence in staying incorporeal for longer and longer until he spent every night wearing it as he slept leaving his slumbering body while he explored the world. It was a freedom he never knew he wished for as he floated throughout the city while no one was the wiser. He spied on others and explored restricted areas and not a single person even tried to stop him. While this was the ultimate freedom in his mind he wondered about what the curator had said. Dis, supposedly could control dreams but how? Turns out much like how he returned to his body if he tried to merge into a sleeping person he wouldn’t possess them like he would with his own body but rather would find himself in a fantastical setting that was that person’s inner mind. Just as unrestricted as the physical world was, dreams were an open book to him. He could walk from dreaming person to dreaming person and learn what they knew, see how they felt, and uncover their secrets.
This discovery was like a veil being lifted from his eyes. His writer’s block vanished as he explored the dreams of others and used their secrets as inspiration for his writings. He could take the hardships and the very real and raw feelings and make them manifest in his books and what better inspiration for his superhero stories than to use the dreams of superheroes as material?
The Weaknesses
Helpless: While dream walking, John is in a deep sleep and cannot be woken up until his spirit returns to his body. Needless to say, he is very vulnerable during this time.
Occult Superstition: The tried and true ways of stopping spirits work just as well against John when he is dream walking. Salt acts as a barrier, holy water harms him, and strangely enough, lit white candles cause his form to dissipate. Those with occult knowledge should have ways of acting against this dream specter.
The Mind Is A Dangerous Place: John needs to take special care with whom he dream walks into. While inside someone’s dreams, John is at the whim of the rules of that dream and has to play along, or else the dreamer’s subconscious will start to notice him. If he is noticed the subconscious will start trying to push him out by making the dream more and more dangerous. Those with an already unhinged and deranged mind are already a far more dangerous place to be.
Family Man: With a loving marriage and a kid on the way John has a lot to lose if someone is willing to go after his family.
Item Dependant: John has no powers or exceptional skills whatsoever. Instead, he uses a magical item called the Stone of Dis. If he were to lose this item he would be powerless.
The Items
Stone of Dis: A mystical sapphire amulet once belonging to the famous superhero, Dis, The Unbound. While wearing the amulet John can tap into the leftover magical power of Dis and project his consciousness from his body as a specter. Being a specter grants him a wide range of abilities…
-Ghostly Form: Incomporeal, invisible, and flight. The stone grants him all the aspects of a ghost.
-Dream Walk: With the stone, John can enter into the minds of those asleep and interact with their dreams. While dream walking, John can see all but the deepest secrets and memories of the dreamer and subtly nudge the dreamer’s mind toward an idea. There are limits to this as diving too deep to get the deepest of secrets will almost certainly make the dreamer subconsciously aware and the dreamer already has to be inclined towards the idea in the first place.
Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.
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Quote : "Ho Ho Ho"
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Registration date : 2019-11-08
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