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Solara Project: Quinn Sterling

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Solara Project: Quinn Sterling Empty Solara Project: Quinn Sterling

Post by Secret Santa December 28th 2023, 8:14 pm


"Insert Character Quote or Title here"

The Bio

Real Name:Quinn Sterling
Hero Name:Solara
Title:The Fire Drake
Gender:Quinn is nonbinary but the Solara is female
Height:5ft 6in

The Looks

Quinn appears very unassuming upon first glance. A plain face that gives away no trace of identifiable gender. They are not ugly, however not particularly attractive either. At first glance they are the epitome of normal. However one glance beneath the heavy hoodies and baggy clothes reveals they are so much more than ordinary.Snaking across almost every inch of available skin is a silvery sheen of what looks like wires embedded into the pattern of script, unfamiliar of any written language.

As Solara though, she is the opposite to Quinn in every way shape and form. She is curvy and exudes confidence like heat from a flame. Her dark hair is cropped short and her eyes burn bright orange like two simmering embers.It was as if she was crafted to be the perfect ideal of a super hero and an idol in one.

Source Dizikawa on Deviant Art

The Personality

Quinn, a reclusive hermit in a world teeming with superheroes, dwells in quiet seclusion. Social interactions are colored by anxiety, pushing them deeper into isolation. Their small, dingy apartment serves as both refuge and workshop, a chaotic testament to Quinn's prowess as an artificer. Blueprints, automata pieces, and arcane components cover every available surface, reflecting a life consumed by their work. Quinn holds a deep affection for two things: machines and the celebrity-like superheroes that grace their television screen. However, none of these idols mirror Quinn; all exude outgoing sociability and flashy fighting abilities that captivate audiences. Superheroes are rock stars in Quinn's eyes. Despite actively avoiding human connections, an undercurrent of desire for fame and recognition simmers beneath the surface, conflicting with the pervasive anxiety that hinders their superhero aspirations.
In the solitude of their cluttered abode, Quinn finds companionship in magic machines, creating a semblance of friendship that eases the ache for human connection. However, an unfulfilled yearning for the superhero spotlight lingers. The Solara Project, a creation that dominates their thoughts and time, becomes an outlet for this desire. It offers an opportunity for Quinn to step into the limelight without exposing themselves to the risks of physical battles or revealing their true identity. The project becomes a beacon, drawing Quinn into a world where they could just be someone else at any time they wish, someone spectacular with amazing abilities while returning to their solitary life as they please.
The Story

Quinn is a hermit and has been one for their entire adult life. They hole up in the same apartment for six years, only seen whenever they open the door for deliveries. Their life revolves around two things: building spectacular machines with both mechanical and magical properties and being glued to their phone, watching all the latest celebrity superhero news. In their years of isolation, they have managed to perfect the art of making almost fully sentient machines for specific tasks such as cleaning, organizing, or taking notes. However, as their admiration for those in the spotlight grew, the desire to join them pushed them to do the bravest thing they'd ever done – take two steps out of their front door. They hated every second of it and quickly retreated back to the safety of their couch. This was not going to work.
If there was anything Quinn knew how to do, it was quite literally going back to the drawing board. If they could not bear to go outside themselves, perhaps they could create someone who could do it for them – a persona they could still accomplish what they wish through but never leaving the safety of home. Quinn lovingly named this the Solara Project.
The goal for Solara was to build something magnificent, an absolute spectacle of a being that could kick some serious ass in their stead. Looking good in the media was a must; however, she still had to be tough enough to go toe to toe with the world's worst. Means of control also seemed to be a struggle. Quinn used a multitude of video game controllers, VR sets, even motion capture cameras, but the draconic body they built lagged so much that it could give away the non-organic status of Solara's existence and cause a fight to turn ugly. This problem was one they managed to solve with equal parts magic, coding, and ingenuity. If they could not build a suitable control, they would have to become Solara's controller. Just beneath the skin, silver wires were implanted in a script of Quinn's own intention, which functioned like coding on a computer. Each muscle group bound to groups of titanium chords that mimicked the muscles in Solara's body. For her wings and tail, Quinn bore holes into their shoulder blades and the base of their spine and implanted a port that hooked into a specialized chair in front of their many computer monitors. However, the most marvelous invention of all had to be the "C.R.O.W.N" or the Cerebral Remote Override Wireless Navigator. It looks like a small silver circlet that fits snugly around the back of the head. However, while wearing the CROWN, all bodily functions are swapped over to Solara, putting Quinn into a catatonic state while they control the automaton.
Life as Solara is exhilarating. She could fly, she could breathe fire, and most of all, she could go outside without the crushing feeling of anxiety growing and forcing her back inside. Suddenly, years of pain to get here were worth it.

The Powers

A Feat of Science and Magic- Solara’s body is made of solid titanium bones, titanium chords for muscle and life-like blend of silicon and polyurethane for skin. She is completely fireproof, immune to the cold and has major resistances to piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning damages. She is strong enough to lift a freight train over her head and can run at speeds of over 75 miles her hour. Her wings are powerful and can carry her through the air at similar speeds.

No dragon is complete without fiery breath- Solara is equal parts machine and magic. Her fiery breath is not just normal flame, it is arcane in nature and crackles with magic energy. It cuts through any fire resistance and will light even stone aflame and melt it. Not only can she breathe fire, but once something has been set alight she can then control the flames with a few movements of her fingertips.

Magical Snacks- Solara runs on an internal battery of sorts. A lithium core infused with arcane metals meaning she runs off both electricity and magic. She can consume both from external sources to run for longer. Hit her with a spell and she’s likely to just consume the magic instead. She is also perfectly capable of siphoning electricity from nearby wires or converters.

The Weaknesses

Home Base- Solara’s battery can last for 12 hours assuming she does not consume any magic or electricity which extends her battery life in varying capacities. Once her batteries start to dry she must return home to her docking port or it might leave her incapacitated. In addition to returning home to charge, this is also when maintenance to Solera is done.

Heavy is the Head that Wears the C.R.O.W.N- Quinn is completely immobilized and only basic bodily functions are taken care of while operating the CROWN system. She is incapable of removing the CROWN themselves. Solara must return home somewhat frequently to release Quinn from the controls so she can drink, eat and sleep. If she cannot return home to release Quinn for whatever reason there is a high likelihood of Quinn’s health deteriorating, or possibly dying as the CROWN system weakens Quinn’s constitution the longer it is used. This becomes a bigger problem as Solera’s batteries could run out.

Big Bad Off Switch- The battery is one of the only options to deal a death blow in a fight as it is the only system that has no fail safe measures. If her batteries are compromised, Solara can no longer fight.

Puppet Master- Quinn is both Solara’s greatest strength and weakness. If something happens to Quinn, Solara cannot exist. Managing to find Quinn and take them out is the easiest method to defeat the dragon.

Pretender- Solara will do anything to appear organic. She will never do anything that might allude that she isn’t a real flesh and blood being. Great lengths will also be taken to prevent the discovery of Quinn’s real identity as this defeats the entire purpose of Solara’s creation.

The Items

Solara carries a small emergency repair kit including a screwdriver, an amethyst crystal charged with enough energy to give her an extra 15 minutes of battery life if consumed, some extra titanium chords to repair muscle damage and some screw as well as staples and bandages to hide the damage from the public.

Quinn never leaves home so they have an entire arcane workshop at their disposal.
The Minions

Quinn employs a few quality of life robots such as a cleaner bot, a delivery drone to pick up things they cannot get delivered to the house and a small robotic cat named Mika for company.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Secret Santa
Secret Santa

Status :

Quote : "Ho Ho Ho"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 38
Location : North Pole
Job : Holiday organizer
Humor : Jolly
Registration date : 2019-11-08

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