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Yea sip them tead

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Yea sip them tead Empty Yea sip them tead

Post by FantasyBound September 30th 2023, 7:03 pm

Do I actually have an immense, immeasurable amount of appreciation for the animal? Not totally no, but I happen to use them as a major symbol with Baptiste and she was more the focus for my short story, Fen Jiao was a vessel from some small experimental RP that went very well, an empathy based character who interacted with spirits at a later point.

Polar Bears, as I have been informed twice by one of Nomadofthecoasts boys, have translucent hair.
That’s pretty cool if you ask me.
Nah but like imagine using one as a big sleeping mat if it was chill and all, I bet you would both feel like a boss AND it would be comfortable. I would assume not immeasurable softness but the coarseness has its own comforts.

Yeah, simple submissions to get people going.
I am stuck in this metal wagon and this is going on the internet where a lot of people can potentially see it, will they, likely not, but you never know anything can happen. So message to the hippies, anything you post can be found.
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