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Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by Lilbunnyblu January 18th 2023, 7:46 pm

She Giggled Setting down the creature and they all run off, she stands up and grabs Coronel by the hand guiding him through a maze of halls. Mirage seemed familiar with the ever changing scenes and they seem familiar with her. She paused at a Child's bedroom door. "I wont be able to come back if we cant find this door again. Not for 12 hours at least." She looks at Coronel, "But I'm okay with that cause you'll be there to protect me She grabs the gold door knob and she opens the door.

She hops through the doorway and pulls him through, They reemerge in the alleyway they had met. Mirage looks back at him and blinks making sure he's okay. She didn't want him to be just an arm or something. "Here we are, this place again." She looks around a bit curiously. The rain was pouring now, it just meant less people would be out now. Which was good lots of people made her nervous. "now you lead the way Mr. Coronel" Mirage let out a giggle thinking its a game. Seemingly unbothered by the fact she was almost soaked, she doesn't even shiver like most people would. No wonder she's in such a bad state.


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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by The Perfect Sandwich January 18th 2023, 8:17 pm

She proceeded to get up and move now that she has clarified that she wants to go out side. She grabbed his hand and they started walking. This place was interesting to say the least everything seemed bright and fluffy and left the impression that the walls might even reach out to give him a comforting hug. It felt kind of weird but also put him in a bit of a warmer mood being in the room. He let her lead him into a hallway as she passed a few doors stopping at one door in particular. On the outside it looked pretty squeamish and had a golden door knob. A very interesting door, but now she would explain.

What she revealed is she can only come in her a limited number of times in a day which started making Coronel feel bad if something might possibly happen while they are outside. She twisted the door knob opening way to the outside world. The pathway took them back to the alley where this all began. "Oh good" he though since it gave him a bit of comfort picking up where he left off. She expressed they were back and he took notice to the rain. It was still coming down and was already getting them wet.

As she gave way he took the lead and place an umbrella like figure above them to keep them dry. The figure he projected was completely see through except for when the rain collided with the top portion, but any one could tell what it was just by seeing the way the water made the effort to dodge both of them. He walked her out onto the street and followed down the side walk. She was really found of holding his hand so he allowed her to keep a grasp since it would also help him know if something happens or takes her interest.

While walking down the side walk he had remembered a place he flew over twice that had both clothing that they were seeking. "There should be a clothing store around the corner up there. I been here a few times and its a nice place." He described as the continued to walk. It seemed like there was little traffic and almost no people. They even walked by the place she had stolen the stuffed animal from and finally got to the corner where the clothing store was. He walked up to the push and pull door a pried it open letting himself and the girl inside. It was much quieter since the glass and walls acted as sound proof barriers from the rain.

"We are finally here. Go choose what ever you want to wear and hold onto them while i go find another shirt and hoody" he said as he walked further into the building leading her to the women's section.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Registration date : 2011-04-22

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by Lilbunnyblu January 18th 2023, 10:43 pm

They walked through the streets, she was surprised at how the rain was hitting the ground and puddles, the Water splashed up from snobbish drivers who wanted to make the life of any homeless person worse Bounced off the invisible wall Coronel put up. She watched in awe as the water splashed and ran down the shield like a muddy waterfall. her eyes wide and full of curiosity. She splashed in puddles every now and again splashing mud up her legs, this is making her giggle a little bit. She looks at the store owner in the window of the shop she stole from, she waved to him with a little smile and continued to walk.

Mirage stared at the options of clothes, she seems fond of the clothing that was black, coral or bright teal. Her eyes sparkle  when she finds a cute outfit. She found a black lacey dress, teal and Coral mismatched socks with grippes on the bottom and a few hair ties with bows that match the socks. "how about this?"  She looks at Coronel for his opinion. She also holds up a black crop top and biker shorts "or These?"

She has never really been shopping for her self, so she needed input. Her expression seeming hopeful as she looked at him. She seemed very stuck on the thigh high socks though. She most definitely wouldn't budge on them. She seemed happy with both outfits. She showed the joy most teen girls did when they went shopping for little materialistic things.

what am i doing now?

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Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by The Perfect Sandwich January 20th 2023, 5:25 am

As he waited around looking at clothes, she was off gathering multiple choices of difference she could find. She look set on specified colors and seem to only find clothes that came close to wheat colors she seemed interested in the most. As she sorted through the clothing she started picking a hand full of different out fits. Some matched but others were kind of strange as if she did not know how to envision her self wearing clothing. She come running up to Coronel asking him about set after set as she always seemed to find more clothing. She was really adamant on getting the knee high socks which was cute.

He looked over to her and grabbed the clothing. He discreetly looked at the clothing touching the material composition and seeing what the price was. The price was high which was good. As he felt the material it was made of good long lasting material so she could wear it for a while and could wash it many times. "I like them all and I think we should get everything you brought up here so far."

The sales clerk overheard this and her eyes lit up as if she was about to rake in all of Coronel's illegally earned money. She came almost skipping over in joy. "Allow me to grab that from you" She said with a little disdain. The girl looked to be in rags and the guy was also in shredded material. "Ill put these on the counter so you don't need to carry them" she said as she lifted all the current clothing. It would stop them from thieving and she could make sure to keep a eye on the money she was going to get.

Coronel who walking around with Mirrage made their way to the women's section and a few hoodies and t-shirts could be seen an turn toward them seeing a few things he could fit in as he pulled them off setting it up on their shoulder. "I got what I need so when ever you are ready."

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 30
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by Lilbunnyblu January 21st 2023, 12:22 am

Mirage looked around for a while longer, Ultimately pleased with the few items she had chose. "I'm ready!" she had found a Soft Panda plushie laying around "I also found Him, His name is Sir Franklin!" She Holds up the plushie with pride. She walks over and Grabs His hand. "are we gonna get food after this?" Her eyes looking hopeful.

She follows him and the store attendant getting distracted by toys and shiny things along the way. Its obvious she never been in a store this long. She Lets Coronel drag her along through the stores check out and and out of the store, not really trying to get away. She really is behaving like an awestruck child. Once out of the store they started to walk down the street, Mirage oblivious to her surroundings steps on a broken glass bottle slicing not only her sock open but also her foot.

what am i doing now?

Status :

Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by The Perfect Sandwich January 21st 2023, 8:12 pm

As everything was brought to the counter he grabbed a few things meant for him. Taking the shirt and hoodie he took the rest of his upper torso clothing off and proceeded to dress himself with his newer clothing. He held on to his old hoodie taking it to the changing room so he could exchange the materials in the pocket. After switching the pockets he soon found the tags and tore them off the clothing keeping them in hand. He walked out with both his torn shirt and old hoodie in hand and proceeded to throw them away in a larger trash can near the back emergency exit. He walked back towards the front counter.

"We will check out now" he said placing the tags from his new clothes on the counter. She scanned the tags and went through the mound of clothing. Beep, beep, beep ... "Alright your total is $428.98" said the cashier standing patiently. Coronel fetched into his new pockets and pulled out a large roll of money that was possibly only hundred dollar bills. He pried away 5 of the bills and handed it to the cashier.

Suddenly her eyes lit up seeing the young-ish looking man have so much money. He must be from a good back ground and she was about to ask for his number, but she was reminded of the person he came here with as she bagged the clothing. She thought to herself maybe it was just his sister. They seem close enough for siblings maybe. She handed back the change and Coronel gripped the handles of the bags. He lifted and headed for the door projecting another barrier of sorts for the rain. The woman seemed a little down since she was too scarred to get her feelings out.

As they started walking down the side walk suddenly Mirage stepped on some glass and cut her foot. "This is why we should put our shoes on before leaving. Come on lets go back. Those places should have a first aid kit." He turned around and went back inside the building placing the bags down. "Can you bring me your first aid box. She cut herself outside."

"Of course" The woman darted to the back of the building where the break room was at and brought back a white box full of bandages and gauss. "Sit down and let me see your foot" he said demandingly to Mirage. He knelt down patting his thigh showing where he wanted her to put her foot.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by Lilbunnyblu January 23rd 2023, 12:15 am

She Looks at her wounded foot, watching the blood leave it. "when did that happen? I'm leaking red again" She doesn't seem phased by the wound, She tilts her head confused on why Coronel. She Looked out the window at the Glass that cut her foot "Did you do this Mr. Glass?" she watches the sun bounce off the Glass from a distance for a bit and shrugs, her pink eye glows faintly and the Glass starts to levitate only to get thrown into a near by Dumpster. "Now Mr. Glass cant make any one else leak red." she stood quietly waiting for the first aid kit. Getting a few older men staring as she disassociates with the world around her.  She hums a small lullaby as blood pools around her injured foot.

She tuns back in to the world and hears Coronel command her to sit. She sits on his knee and holds up her foot and removes the now soaked and ruined sock. "Is leaking red a Bad Thing Mr. Coronel?" People seem shocked by Both the fact she unlike most others isn't the slightest bit phased by pain and the fact she seems so calm to loosing blood. She Blinks confused as to the commotion and the people staring at her. "am I supposed to be doing something that I'm not?"

what am i doing now?

Status :

Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by The Perfect Sandwich January 23rd 2023, 7:04 pm

He now understood a bit more of her abilities. She was closing in to being close to what Coronel had, but he wondered if she was as powerful. As they were in the store once again people gathered as they seen a guy and girl sit on the floor. People wondered how she got hurt or maybe it was an accident that was unavoidable. Grabbing her foot and leg he pulled it close to his view as to see the extent of the cut that was made. Looking into the cut he used a thin layer of telekinetic energy to force it to stop leaking out. He pulled out the alcohol and small towel and let the alcohol rush through her cut clearing it of all debris.

"Look, i understand your tolerance to pain, but its not often people get hurt and people take notice to these things. I myself have only been out for a few weeks and it feels like i might still be in there." He expressed his feeling of discomfort, but seeing the wound made him feel discomfort because he knew why she was having a hard time feeling pain. Almost an unfair rule to living is know you are alive by feeling pain here and there. Kind of a reminder that you exist. He got done wrapping her foot and helped her with the sock and shoes so she would not tear the gauss of her foot. "Stand up and lets swing in to your place so you can get out of these rags." He raised out a hand to offer assistance with standing.

With both of them on their feet he would again try to head back to the door she created so they could do something about their situation. "In a sort of context I don't need anything to survive. I believe I have a weird energy that provides me with energy to keep on moving. However once we get done lets finally get you something to eat. I bet its been a while." They walked down the side walk again and slipped into the alley way where the door was. He walked over to it grabbing the door handle and opening it up. "Ladies first" he said as he motioned her to go in.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by Lilbunnyblu February 22nd 2023, 10:59 pm

She Hopped through the doorway, giggling. She falls into the same room as before. A few of her creatures tackle her with hugs and she falls over onto the bed. They knew she got hurt and were now examining her every inch. The creature that finds her bandaged foot hugs it and starts to tear up. "Hey hey, its okay! I didn't even feel it and Mister Coronel made sure it will get better. You can hug and thank him when he gets here"

She picks up her plush rabbit and hugs it tight. She sat waiting For Coronel to join her. She laid down and yawned, she wouldn't admit she felt tired or hungry. her eyes closed being surrounded by soft plushies, pillows and blankets. She sighs and gets up to get dressed in a black lacey dress and mix matched socks. She twirls and smiles.

what am i doing now?

Status :

Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by The Perfect Sandwich March 23rd 2023, 8:28 pm

As they were in the alley he held open the door and allowed her to walk in first. She slipped in and was gone in seconds plunging into the void. Her existence was swept away as he stared off into the door. He heard a loud crash as he stood there. Someone had stumbled into the alley, but was drunk on cheap booze. His steps were sluggish and heavy. "Best to hide the door as I enter" he thought as he started walking in. With a wave of his hand items from the alley pulled their way to the door creating a barrier of material.

He plunged into darkness and immediately was flooded by the light of her room. It was very colorful and soon turned spacious. He walked in to see her being swarmed by her critter friends. It appeared they were very concerned about her injury even if she wasn't. He walked into the room and seen her sigh as she lifted herself and started to change. He immediately turned around and gave her ample time to get change before turning back. He looked back at her to see the beautiful, lace like dress. "It looks good, but please make sure to put on shoes as well."

He walked over and stood in front of her and her creatures. "Put what ever shoes on you want but leave your current bandage on until we get your foot taken care of. " She put the rest of her needed clothing on and they both proceeded towards the door where they dropped in from. They both reentered the alley as he pushed the items out of the way. It appeared the drunk guy had also fallen out after drinking too much. He decided to pick his body up and use telekinesis to walk him along side them. He snickered as it was sort of a funny joke to Coronel. "Come this way" he demanded as he lead the group to a small clinic.

They walked in and he walked up to the reception. "Hello there, I have my.. ugh daughter who recently cut her foot on some glass and I need it taken care of better than the ripped clothing." She smiled and greeted them as they walked to the back. She pointed at room 3 "please sit in here and someone will be with you soon."

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by Lilbunnyblu March 23rd 2023, 10:47 pm

She tenses seeing the place in which she's been lead to. The smell of sterile cleaners flood her nostrils and she Visibly shows sudden disgust. Her eyes darted to the receptionist and the few nurses around her. The men in woman in pristine scrubs and wearing medical equipment. she raises the collar of her new shirt to her mouth and starts to chew on the soft fabric. she sways on her feet alternating weight equally as if she hadn't been injured at all. "Miss you should sit down and relax your doctor will see you in a moment" The receptionist spoke again. The child hisses at the word doctor, her eyes viewing everything around her as a threat. A pen nearby floats over to her and she grabs it from the air. The mixture of rage in fear slightly calm in her eyes. She was still extremally tense however and the grip on the cheap pen was more like it was a weapon than it being a tool.

She clearly was on edge and people were starting to stare at her. Whispers start to arise "What's wrong with her?" "Does he have no control of that girl?" "She should be in a psych ward, she is clearly a possible threat!". She was used to hearing this but she shakes her head. She doesn't feel safe in the suffocating sterile atmosphere. The scent of Ammonium and Hypochlorite made her feel dizzy and overwhelmed. She quietly whispers "Want to go home please...." she slightly pulls on Coronels sleeve.

what am i doing now?

Status :

Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by The Perfect Sandwich April 13th 2023, 6:57 pm

He sat in a seat next to the bed she was on and waited for the doctors, but it seemed they were getting conversations about them from the hallways. The nurses glanced and was skeptical of how out of place her fear was as she squirmed around and her eye darted following the staff around. It was also baffling to him as he seen her in her uneasy composure. "Hey, I don't understand what you are terrified of, but trust me. I wont let them do anything that I wont approve of. All they are doing is bandaging your feet with better equipment." Coronel explained his and the staffs intentions trying to calm her down.

The staff come walking in with alcohol and bandages in hand. "Are you ready to start? We didn't mean to scare you." They sit everything on the table and start opening the bags of sterilized equipment.

"Take off you shoes and socks so they can see the cut. We can get this taken care of quick and go eat." He explain trying to sweat bribe her into a more reassuring conviction so she wont be so scared.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

Post by Lilbunnyblu April 17th 2023, 4:11 pm

She hesitantly removed the shoe and sock. She stares directly at the staff messing with the equipment. Her eyes narrowed much like a predatory animals eyes focusing on its prey. Its clear if the staff makes one wrong move things could go downhill quickly. She seemed ready to pounce on literally anything. The staff member slowly and carefully approached her and she moves away when they go to touch her foot, hissing at them slightly.

She doesn't like it or the doctors and she wasn't trying to hide it. The staff member tries to get to her foot again and her pink eye glows slightly. A pillow smacks the staff member on the head and she hops of the bed. She hides behind Coronel still hissing at the medical worker. Even after the time it takes for shock to wear off she stood on the wound without reaction. She's clearly avoiding the white coated persons touch. "I wanna go home." her voice is clear, its clear she doesn't want to be here at all. it seems almost life and death to her.

what am i doing now?

Status :

Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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INV ONLY Re: Theft turned to connections (Mirage and Coronel Liffy {PS i ki=now you're watching})

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