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Insert Pun about Watching (WhiteRaven)

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Insert Pun about Watching (WhiteRaven) Empty Insert Pun about Watching (WhiteRaven)

Post by Duo July 17th 2015, 2:38 am

His head nodded to the guitar in "Smells Like Teen Spirit". Shock was on his way to Los Angeles, where someone had answered his ad on Craigslist about the Watcher. It was an extremely vague response, just saying to head to a specific location in Los Angeles. After a quick google search, the purchase of various energy drinks, and a long road trip, Shock had found his way heading into the big city. As he drove by, he got some odd looks, most likely for his rusted van. He was going to replace it with something more new and expensive and flashy, however Shock knew that this vehicle was a piece of him, and the moment he replaced this was the moment he started to change himself, and most likely for the worse in that situation.

Shock continued on with his directions to the location he was given, and he found that they led to a parking spot right next to a black, dark alleyway. This was safe, and nothing could possibly go wrong. Shock closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then got ready to go out of his van. One shower and one meal later, he was ready to go out and meet this person, whoever they could have been. It took him a long, long time to get here, and he hoped that this recruit wasn't just some kid trying to be cool. He would only find out one way though.

Shock did something that was unlike him, and he left wearing his super attire. His hat on his head, and the mask over his face, Shock ventured out, leaving from the two back doors of the Van. He sighed, and knew exactly where this person expected to meet him at. Shock put one hand in his pocket, where he felt a pocket knife he carried around for protection, and he walked into the darkest pits of the alley, ready to face any challenges his may meet. Of course, going into the darkness was Shock's specialty, and he let loose a series of tiny shocks. The tiny amount of electricity surged through the area, getting a good feel of the area around him, with a few minor errors where he assumed windows made of glass were. Now, he just had to wait for this person. He just hoped that they were willing to take this thing seriously.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2014-08-31

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Insert Pun about Watching (WhiteRaven) Empty Re: Insert Pun about Watching (WhiteRaven)

Post by WhiteRaven03 July 17th 2015, 5:29 pm

Lynette watched as a van arrived at the location she chose for the meet-up with this "Shock" from her spot at the top of a rooftop. A man came out of the rusty van, wearing a mask and a hat, not a great disguise. As the man walked down the alleyway, electricity seemed to generate around him, then dissapear. His footsteps made enough sound to sense his location. The White Raven jumped off the roof and slowed down her fall with her telekinesis, a white barrier appearing below her and covering her feet.

She landed softly in the ground and made a small crater in the ground. Lynette looked at the man and examined him closely. The Raven cut to the chase. "I assume you're that Shock, I saw your add, I'm The White Raven, you can call me Lynette if you'd prefer" She looked at a double door at their right. "I need to see if you're capable in a fight, there's a small group of drug dealers in here, but they're certainly dangerous".

She walked towards the door and place her hand on one side, waiting for the man to respond.

Status :

Quote : "How dare you attack a lady like that! And ripping her favourite dress too! I think you naughty little angels deserve a good spanking from me!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Somewhere.
Job : Being stupid.
Humor : All kinds of dirty.
Registration date : 2015-04-26

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Insert Pun about Watching (WhiteRaven) Empty Re: Insert Pun about Watching (WhiteRaven)

Post by Duo July 19th 2015, 12:03 am

"You don't look like a Lynette."

He laughed a tiny bit. It wasn't really that funny now, wasn't it? Oh well. He nodded, and closed his eyes, releasing tiny bits of electricity into the ground. He tried sliding it under the door, and he got a basic visual of it, however he could sense a problem.

"Ah, shit. Tiny problem, but nothing major. I'm ready when you are."

However, Shock was extremely, extremely impatient and he pushed open the door. As soon as he did, he received many bad looks, however he wouldn't be able to see their faces soon. He focused a bit, his mind gazing into the electricity surging through the area, and soon all the lights one by one went out, from the nearest to him to the farthest away. The room was dark, and with his mapping of the area being a bit more clear, he could see where all the glass was, which was a problem. Other than that, he had a great visual and he moved to a table and flipped it onto its side, using it as protection. He was sure these guys had guns, which kinda hurt, so he was going to try avoiding those at all costs if at all it was possible.

Shock tried concentrating on anything else in the area he could use. His mind focused on the mapping, and he tried extending the area farther and farther, attempting to find something.


He thought to himself, as he found something which wouldn't hurt anyone, but throw a whole lot of confusion in. He couldn't naturally break through the glass coating around it, so he had to find a way to do that, which was pretty simple. He broke off a leg from the table he was using as cover and threw it across the room with great accuracy, and the sound of shattering glass followed. With a bit of concentration, the fire alarms went off, with the loud sound being able to (hopefully) confuse the gang, and the water would work as another distraction. Now, he would use his mapping to check up on his 'partner', whatever she or he or it or whatever was doing.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2014-08-31

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Insert Pun about Watching (WhiteRaven) Empty Re: Insert Pun about Watching (WhiteRaven)

Post by WhiteRaven03 July 28th 2015, 3:23 pm

Lynette sighed to the comment about her name, and to the sheer impatience that her patner showed. She wasn't any different, a small shockwave was all that was needed to blow the door of it's hinges, hit a man in the forehead, knock him down, suprise the gang, and giving his companion some time to act.

About, three of the seven men lunged at her, all of them hit by a white blast of her telekinesis. All of them went flying towards the wall as she ran towards cover, a wall.

She looked towards his companion, seeing him throw a... table leg, across the room. The glass shattered and soon after, the fire alarm sounded. That gave her time. She jumped out of her cover and took out her blade, she cut the guns of two gang members and hit one with her pommel.

Five out of seven. When the remaining gang members started shooting at her, she caught the flying bullets in the air with a barrier made with her telekinesis. And then the packages returned to the senders, one of them hitting one of them.

Instead of continuing, she ran back, giving Shock time to act.

Status :

Quote : "How dare you attack a lady like that! And ripping her favourite dress too! I think you naughty little angels deserve a good spanking from me!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Somewhere.
Job : Being stupid.
Humor : All kinds of dirty.
Registration date : 2015-04-26

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