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A High-Priced Heist

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A High-Priced Heist Empty A High-Priced Heist

Post by Nate6595 April 4th 2022, 2:17 am

There was a hop to her step as she made her way down the fairly well lit Central Park. Technically she wasn’t supposed to be there, but that had never stopped her before.

Maggie Quinn was in the rare occasion when something so tantalizing had been offered up on a silver platter to her. Not literally, of course, though that in itself is worth saying as it has happened at least twice before. No…three times. Either way the job was easy, and the payoff was triple that of her normal gig. This felt like a rarer occasion than something actually being delivered to her on a silver platter.

Four times, actually, thinking about a heist she pulled in Brazil…

Not important. She was letting her mind wander. Despite the ease of the job, she had to stay focused. Even the easiest job could go wrong if not given the proper care or if one went into it overconfident. That had been one the earliest rules she had learned, both in lesson and in experience. So, no…she wasn’t going to fly off the handled, despite her ability to, or get distracted and careless in her work. She was going to treat this like every other job she did, with care, patients, some planning, and maybe, if needed, some quick thinking.

She wasn’t quite there yet, though, so she didn’t mind some pre-game celebrations.

She headed west through the park and soon found herself at the iron fence that blocked her from the sidewalk, though soon she was perched above a stone divider in the middle of the fence, gaze fixed on the sight before her. Just across the way was her prize, the Museum of Natural History. She had been here twice before to steal an old relic or two, though never something as valuable as the Diamond of Al-Jerum. They had been valuable, a costume of an early and renown hero who had since retired and then a golden skull from some old tribe. But the estimated price on this beauty was more than the other combined.

She reached for her satchel and quickly dug through. There she found a map she had gotten earlier in the week and began to check over her notes. The diamond was on the bottom floor, easy enough to get into at least…and she had noted at least six cameras in the room. A previous night’s investigation she came to the conclusion that guards pass through the room at least three times in an hour, which gave her a few windows to snatch it away.

With a small nod and a hop off the fence, she began to quietly flap through the air, easily ascending up to the roof. Tomorrow, when they checked the security footage more carefully, they might just make her out from the dark corner she had first taken off from, but from there they’d lose sight of her until she had actually gotten into the museum. She had entered through the roof where she had tested the lock and alarm on the first night and made her way down. With quiet steps and clinging to the walls, she managed to avoid the immediate view of each camera.

She wasn’t there yet, but she was close…just one floor down and she’d be there and then…she’d be out, as quick as come, it would be over.
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Location : New York!
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Registration date : 2017-12-21

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A High-Priced Heist Empty Re: A High-Priced Heist

Post by InfiniteDoom April 4th 2022, 2:39 am

Oh of course she was going to bite, these types couldn't help it. Least of all when it was so clearly advertised. Though tonight, this avian thief had a big surprise waiting for her. From the moment she had entered Central Park in this case, her movements had been followed. Hell even if she got cold feet, or changed her mind halfway through, they had enough to arrest her for hald a dozen other charges.

Elaine wanted this one specifically because she didn't believe this woman needed the whole firing squad to so speak, she was a thief, sure, but she wasn't a killer. Elaine could respect that. That said, she couldn't abide her thievery. As such, she waited in the room with the diamond, letting her move deeper, and deeper into the trap.

The guards were directed to continue as they normally would, waiting for a signal to lock Elaine and the other in the large auditorium by themselves. Elaine on the other hand did not have a lethal loadout of weaponry today. Instead, she carried a simple taser, and a pistol modified to fire pepper-balls. Beyond that, an extendable night-stick with a tip that doubled as another taser. Clearly, she had no intent on killing the woman, but it couldn't continue on like this...

Still hiding behind the pillar, she would wait though, until the woman picked up the fake, before stepping out with all the lights cutting on. The door she used to enter the large auditorium already having gates on the windows meant the woman was locked in with her.

"Probably goes without saying... But you're under arrest..."

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Quote : "Private, you better un-eff yourself before I do it for you"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Humor : Dark, but be sensible
Registration date : 2022-03-29

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A High-Priced Heist Empty Re: A High-Priced Heist

Post by Nate6595 April 9th 2022, 1:08 pm

Despite the stealth she had carried herself with, there was a bit of a hop to Maggie's steps. She assumed that maybe, just maybe, she always felt inclined to do so because she had been part bird, at least with the wings and everything. She thankfully fought back the urge to whistle, something else she always felt inclined to do, as surely that would give away her spot. The whistling, now that she thought of it, might also be related to the bird thing...

She was getting distracted again, what was it about tonight and getting distracted?

As she continued onward, a thought occurred to her. It was a strange suspicion that this had been all too easy. Well, there had been some challenges to it, but it seemed more was doable? No, that wasn't the word for. She had the impression that it had been difficult, that this whole situation had the appearance of a challenging break in. And yet, usually her first solution to each problem seemed to land the desired results, as if every single thing had gone to plan. Usually, no matter how good the plan was, something snagged or something needed to be changed in the plan. In this case her first plan not only was going off without a hitch, but enacting it also came with no bumps or hurdles.

It was all too perfect.

It was then, when she entered the room and heard the voice from behind that it finally clicked for her. It had been pointless not to whistle, it didn't matter if she had or not...this was a trap. A bird cage made just for her. And with that, a coy smile came to her expression and she let out an impressed whistle, beginning to look around the room to truly appraise what she had just walked into. She hadn't even addressed the person who came into view, that all seemed like a second thought to her.

As she looked around she spoke in a loud enough voice to be heard, "Don't you have to read me my rights too?" She asked, finally looking at her trapper, still smiling with a surprising calmness. Not once had she actually seemed surprised. She was, but she knew better than to show that. "Do you have some cuffs to put me in or were you just gonna drag me out of here?" She asked, throwing her hands up, her wings still folded behind her back.
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Forum Moderator

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Quote : "Let me be your friend, you jerk!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 675
Location : New York!
Age : 29
Job : Student
Humor : Everything!
Registration date : 2017-12-21

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