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The Heist

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The Heist Empty The Heist

Post by Krayes July 29th 2012, 10:41 pm

It was another busy day in The Big Apple. The Ghost took up his post on the perch of one of the city's skyscrapers. He was listening to his police scanner. A traffic violation and a few other things that he didn't need to assist. He then heard a small boom noise from the south and immediately on the scanner they reported.

"We got a bombing at the West Manhattan Bank, possible heist. Over." In static.

He aimed his grappling hook and lowered down to his Ghost Bike. An extremely fast crotch rocket that was very stealthy. He sped to the bank. He weaved in and out of traffic on the way. When he arrived they were almost done loading the three Suburbans that looked ready war. He shot his hook at at street light and it launched him towards the truck of heavily armed assailants. They were not your ordinay bank jobbers. They seemed professional.

"The Ghost Of New York"

The Heist Brightwhitepowergrid

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Age : 28
Registration date : 2012-07-10

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The Heist Empty Re: The Heist

Post by Pascale July 30th 2012, 12:35 am

Pascale had traveled to New York, she had decided that she needed to expand past her home town and that a lot of heroes and villains were in this area, so might as well check them. She was walking down a street when she noticed a bunch of police cars in-front of a bank and a crowd forming behind the cops. Interested she walked up and pushed to the front of the crowd and watched for a bit while the police scurried about trying to figure out the hostage situation inside the bank. She slipped under the police tape and began to walk towards the bank. Her nails growing, becoming sharper and harder. She ignored all the police yelling at her to get back. She poked her head through the door "Can I come in?" asked Pascale before entering the building. The bank robbers just looked at her confused before snapping back and pointing there guns at her, telling her to get on the floor by the other hostage. One of robbers escorted her to the group of hostages. Her nails stopped growing, they still looked like normal nails. She decided that they were long enough and now she just waited or another distraction.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 20
Registration date : 2012-06-11

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The Heist Empty Re: The Heist

Post by Krayes July 31st 2012, 10:49 am

As he landed from his grappling hook closer to the bank. He saw two men escort a women... from outside. She seemed important, maybe she was the leader of these guys. Andrew saw the police up front and decided the only way in was through the bank vault opening the robbers made. They had the trucks parked by it. They were guarded by five guys, two were loading, and there were three drivers. Andrew thought it was better odds than getting around the police.

"tsk tsk, boys when will you learn to quit doing things like this in my city" Andrew said as he swooped down on one of the vehicles.

"What the fuck, kill this asshole and let's go!" One of the men said, they all opened fire.

Andrew leaped from the car and took cover behind it. He reached into his utility belt. Grabbing a timed smoke bomb and setting it to five.

"I'm going to count to five. Put down your weapons and get down to your knees if you want to save yourself trouble" He yelled sarcastically at them. He rolled the mini-grenade under the SUV to the other side were they all were.

"5" He said calmly to himself.

They quit firing on him. And saw a little object appear from under the SUV. A little red flash was coming from it.

"4" He said a little louder.

They all knew immediately it was going to blow. Not knowing it was only a smoke grenade. They dispersed. A few ran back into the bank while the others took cover outside.

"3" He counted.

The driver of the SUV he was behind finally noticed him through the passenger window. He grabbed a pistol and get in the passenger side.

"2" He counted again, in the mirror he noticed a man moving in the passenger seat of the vehicle. He prepared himself for the door to open.

The driver grabbed the handle took a breath a opened the door aiming the gun outwards.

"1" He yelled as the door opened. He grabbed the mans extended arm and threw him from the vehicle disarming him in the process. The smoke bomb clouded the small alleyway behind the bank.

He flipped over the car and turned on his night vision. He saw three more men coming from behind the dumpster waiting for the smoke to clear.Andrew hooked up his grappling hook to a nearby fire escape and suspended himself above the vehicles. The three men advanced with their assault rifles raised. Andrew stayed suspended. He grabbed his hook swords from their sheaths. He released the brake keeping him suspended and fell on the robbers. He used his hook swords to disarm the three men and then knocked them out quickly. He proceeded towards the bank vault. Hoping nothing went wrong from here.

"The Ghost Of New York"

The Heist Brightwhitepowergrid

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Age : 28
Registration date : 2012-07-10

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The Heist Empty Re: The Heist

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