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Factory Showdown

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INV ONLY Re: Factory Showdown

Post by Nate6595 November 8th 2020, 11:12 am

There was a moment of disbelief as the same data card was taken from him. There was also a lot of moments of pain that followed that as he was suddenly released from Dan's grip and sent flying back into a bunch of concrete sewer pipes. He had some resistance to damage but man that hurt like a kick to the head. Probably because that was a kick to the head. Her words were interesting, sassy, but...interesting. A villain willing to kill alongside a villain that didn't really seem to have the same motive? What would Dan think of her actions? It was honestly hard to tell, but slowly Sam managed to get back to his feet, shaking his head once.

"Ooooh, good..." He grunted out, managing to keep his balance despite the pain. He would look to where the girl had once stood, his brow furrowing, a deep frown on his face. Whether she was moving away now or if she was still in the same place, Sam would open up a portal around her leg, hopefully making her trip for a moment. Another portal would up besides her, not too big mind you, but soon his hand appeared from it, reaching for her hand, trying to make a grab for the card. He had a job to do and he wouldn't let it end so easily. Despite pain, he really couldn't let this go. What would Melody say? Probably scolding him or saying something along the lines of it being too important for him to have taken on alone. Maybe that he wasn't a match for them? Or maybe that was his own thinking. Maybe they did have him beat. But again, a hero's job isn't too be better than a villain, it's to stand up to them regardless of the difference of power.

Of course, while he worked he kept his gaze shifting between the two. While Dan didn't seem all that dangerous he was still a threat that shouldn't be taken lightly. Further, if the girl made a move to strike him or grab his arm he had to be ready to pull back. It would be awkward situation if he was suddenly grabbed as well...he'd have to come up with a plan on the fly if he was gonna get the data card and get out of here alive. Worst case scenario he could try to...maybe...

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INV ONLY Re: Factory Showdown

Post by Vorik November 16th 2020, 4:48 pm

Dusting himself off for what felt like the umpteenth time, Dan was annoyed. His "partner" clearly didn't value his safety, or really, didn't seem to value anything about him. To be fair he was probably the most suited to being ignored when it came to safety standards given the whole invulnerable schtick he had going on. However, 90s Girl didn't know about his supreme ability to laugh at any potential DANGER, so the idea of her tossing him into a brick wall with enough force to split a skull open was worrying. If she was willing to do that to him, he really hoped she wouldn't do worse to the hero, he was going to be a nemesis after all!

Standing back up from the rubble of bricks and mortar, he looked at the classic villain pose #113 (Where the villain holds the battered and helpless hero) whereupon 90s Girl roundhouse'd the hero into some sewer pipes...Awesome, no wait, not awesome, he might be dead. Wait...No he's moving, awesome.

Overall this was shaping up to be a good outcome for Dan. Hero didn't get too beat-up, Team DANGER got what they came for, and he was sure this would appear in the local news due to the property damage 90s Girl did when she ripped apart the sewers. Unfortunately, heroes never seem to quit as Dan watched Portal Guy try to pull a fast one on 90s Girl.

There wasn't much he could do at that moment to help besides shout out a warning to her.

"Watch out, he's going for the legs!"
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INV ONLY Re: Factory Showdown

Post by Cerek December 14th 2020, 3:29 pm

Aria was none too concerned about Sam at this point, though he proved to be quite slippery with his portals Aria now had her prize. Maybe she could leverage this against Cebra and force him to help her. She had turned around and already started to leave when Dan shouted out to her, she picked up the image of Sam reaching for her leg and reacted. Her turn was too slow as her leg was grabbed onto and she stumbled losing her footing . Unfortunately for Aria and Sam she held on tight to the USB, a little too tight as it would seem. As she fell back and held on to the USP it crushed in her hand shattering into fragments. She landed on her back smacking her skull against the ground rather hard. "You little fucking shit!" She growled out in frustration. Aria was livid now, she wasn't one to take a loss like this lightly.

Aria's pupils constrict and she focuses her gaze right on Sam. She's is about to incinerate Sam in a pyrokinetic blaze. It would give him a dramatically narrow window, less than two seconds before he was surrounded in flame. Escaping her kinesis wasn't impossible but doing it without feeling some of the oncoming burn would need Gods speed.
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INV ONLY Re: Factory Showdown

Post by Nate6595 December 29th 2020, 11:04 pm

Sam felt hope slip away from has the keycard wasn't pulled through. It was even further crushed as, well, the keycard was crushed. He could hear it break into small pieces and shatter. Was that a victory, he wondered? Could he consider this a win? On one hand, he had failed to keep it safe so that the information could be pulled from it. On the other, however, the villains didn't get it. There was important info in there and they had failed to successfully retrieve it. It was a hit to both sides, it would've been nice to win, but at least, well...he hoped this meant that less damage would be done.

It was at that moment that he saw the rage in Aria's eyes. That wasn't good. In the next moment, fire came hurtling towards him, threatening to surround him. A memory ran through his head of the circus and the times he spent jumping through the burning hoops. Though, this wasn't anything like that. This was a real danger, a real threat, that was just pretend. However, the memory did give him an idea. Forming behind him was a portal, the connecting one leading to the roof above and behind him of the factory. He could feel the fire begin to singe his body, but he kicked back into the portal. He went flying through, some of his clothes now catch fire, but as he landed on his side, he began to roll, doing what he could to snuff them out.

He wouldn't waste too much time rolling though, he was still burning and while inky blackness of his skin gave him some protection he would hop to his feet, darting forward and jumping off the other side of the roof into another portal. The portal connected to another that was right above the water where the shipyard would deeply the boats. He was plunged in the cold depths and part of him regretted it. His powers did work less efficiently in the water, but all that mattered for the moment was that would probably do the trick to snuff out the flames.

His body groaned out with pain and it took all of his mental ability to not scream out in the pain he was in. There were undoubtly some severe burns that would need time healing and the salty water probably didn't do them any good. He would have to get to a hospital after this, probably on the asap. But for now, he just waited, floating in the water, eyeing the docks and hoping that the villains wouldn't make themselves known.
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INV ONLY Re: Factory Showdown

Post by Vorik April 4th 2021, 3:36 pm

No!, Dan almost shouted as he saw his 'partner' set fire to his would-be nemesis. He felt his heart drop as the hero turned into a birthday candle before making a sudden dive through another portal. He really did hope the guy didn't just die and made it somewhere that could save him. If he was smart he'd probably go to the docks nearby. Dan wouldn't bring up the hopefully big possibility that the hero was at the docks since he didn't really see a point in hunting him down if 90s Girl already had the flash drive.

DANGER DAN! jogged up to 90s Girl immediately regretted his decision when he realized she was pissed, well more pissed than her default state of being a perpetual bitch-fit. He took a step back before remembering that he was indestructible and shrugged. If she decided to set him on fire it wouldn't be the worst thing that has happened to him...

"So...I take it we got another W for team villain? Good job getting the flash drive we are after. Honestly wasn't sure we would be able to catch that shadow guy..."

At this point, Dan noticed the broken fragments of plastic in her hand and on the ground.

"Oh... I see...Well, I'm sure you tried your best but you pretty much fucked us here. Good job."

DANGER DAN! began a slow clap. Was he being a dick by antagonizing her? Yeah, sure, but she has been nothing but a raging bitch towards him all day for no reason, so you can bet your ass he is going to rub in her failure. He wasn't nice, he was the most DANGEROUS of villains, being petty comes with the title.
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INV ONLY Re: Factory Showdown

Post by Cerek April 13th 2021, 11:22 pm

Well that was that, the little hero fuck was gone and her objective lost. This didn't bode well for her deal and furthermore put her behind Cebra as usual. As if the rage induced headache wasn't enough what should break through but the ear grating voice of Dan. Since Dan liked food so much Aria decided to give him the point of view of a pretzel. Her eyes constricted a moment as an invisible force enveloped Dan lifting him up into the air. "You can just fuck all the way off dude!"

With an implosion of psionic energy she contorts Dan's body into a perfect pretzel shape and interlocks his limbs ending with both feet in his mouth. She then yeets him with that same energy towards the river. The cost of which would lead her nose to bleed and her head to pound her relentlessly with pain bringing her to her knees. "F fucking, asshole."
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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INV ONLY Re: Factory Showdown

Post by Sponsored content

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