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Fun, friendship and crime.

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Arrowman August 27th 2019, 1:56 pm

Arrowman looks over towards Bumblebee, he was panicking on the inside but knew he had to distract Mike long enough for Bumblebee to find whatever she was looking for while Doctor Feelgood dispose of the bomb. He thought to himself so Doctor feel good could hear, "Some days you just can't get rid of the bomb." keeping within his jokey manner before thinking, "Okay Water! Toss it into a big sea of water, that's a good trick." He thought of this before he waved at Mike.

Yooohoo Mikey moo. His tone is silly, as he is trying to annoy mike.

What do you want, hero? His tone sinister in contrast to Arrowman, confused.

Your boring!

What? You do know your gonna die? Is more confused.

Your boring! He said again, holding onto the boring part longer.

I'm gonna enjoy killing you.

Arrowman moved his hands as he does a little dance in front of Mike. Come on! Dance off to save the city!

Mike is baffled, What are you doing! He stood there watching Arrowman dance.

I'm distracting you, you big dummy. He said, hopping for this to have bought them time.

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Troggy August 27th 2019, 6:20 pm

Bob felt  great joy when Arrow sent his message! Water! Of course! So obvious! Why hadn't he thought of that? "Water, check! If this goes well, I'll be back in a jiffy. If it doesn't. . . Well. . . It's been nice knowing you" he sent back, before he started desperately started looking for a suitable body of water to dump this thing in. His eyes scanned the city for just a few mere seconds before he noticed the only body of water big enough to be noticable from his position! The Delaware River! Perfect! Now he only had to get down there and. . .

Here Bob could feel a chill along his spine. The package had stopped beeping. Instead it was making a continuos noise, a bit like tinnitus or the flatline-noise the "is this guy alive-machine" made in Bob's favourite drama-show on TV "Fast times at Bellevue hospital" At first Bob thought about speeding down into the river, but he quickly decided against it, what if it exploded before he had time to get down there and killed a bunch of innocents. He desperately looked around. The clouds! Clouds were water! But not enough. . . besides, he had passed through the clouds on his way up here, and it had done nothing for him.

Suddenly a smile spread on our heroes lips, and if this had been a comic-book there would be a bright lightbulb of ingenuity over his head right now. Up! That was it! Bob threw the box into the air, and focused on it, making a telkinetic 'current' to continously push it upwards! Up here he was alone, there was no reason to hold back anymore. The box flew further up into the sky at astonishing speeds. He smiled brightly! He was actually doing this! He was winning! If this went well, he would go down and take care of Mike, and then everything would be okay! The day would be saved, the people would be. .  . .


Bob came to in a daze, with a head that was ringing like crazy. It was like the worst hangover he had had in months. The wind was howling around him, when he started to wonder where he was and how he had gotten here. Not only that, but he was feeling really off  kilter. What the hell had happened? He opened his eyes and saw the night sky, Illuminated by a big red cloud somewhere far, far up there. Then he simultaneously realised how he had ended up where he was, and the fact that he was plummeting back towards the ground like a sack of potatoes. He quickly got a grip and used his telekinesis to slow his falll to a halt. He then assumed his meditation-pose and started to fly back to his companions, Homing in on their minds. The bomb may have been dealt with, but there was still the problem of Mike. He wasn't generally a violent or angry man, he believed in forgiveness, compromise and tolerance, but then and there, he wanted to rip Mike Harper and paint the town red with his blood, guts and gore.

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Hiddenmage August 28th 2019, 2:11 am

He was stalling for time. Bumblebee realized as Arrowman started busting out dance moves to distract Mike. Where was Doctor Feelgood?

Bumblebee took as shallow breaths as she dared, leaning back against the wall. She couldn't see her hearing aide anywhere. But she didn't need it to use her powers.

Okay, you got this. Just give him an opening. Bumblebee gritted her teeth against the pain in her side and face, reaching out with her telekinetic field to try and find some way to trip Mike up. But her area of effect was too weak to be able to do much more than shift his clothes a little. I don't think giving him a wedgie is really gonna help here Bumblebee started to chuckle at the idea but it turned into a wince instead as she coughed up more blood.

Then, just beyond his feet, she spotted it: her earpiece. Bumblebee reached her field out towards it, a half baked idea forming in her mind. She lifted the earpiece higher off the ground, trying to keep her breathing from getting too quick. It hurt too much when she breathed. She didn't need that distraction right now.

The earpiece finally floated up right behind Mike's head. She couldn't see it anymore but Bumblebee could feel it hanging there. She took as big a breath as she dared and focused all her energy on the small tiny object halfway across the garage.

Half of her field was tugging on the aide, pulling it to her. The other half of her field pushed the aide away. If I can recreate what that wall did for the arrow... The opposing forces of the field continued strengthening, her hand raising subconsciously to focus the energy.

Almost there... Her teeth grinded together. Her lungs burned from lack of breath. The energies conflicted on the small earpiece, clashing into each other at the peak of the energy she could muster.

Then at the last second, she gave the earpiece one last tug with her mind, simultaneously letting go of the field pushing to keep the hearing aide away.

It snapped forward like a rubber-band.

Mike shouted in alarm as the piece of hard plastic clipped his ear like a bullet. Flesh tore, and blood started pouring from the dime sized hole at the top of ear. He grabbed it in alarm, spinning around to look for the new assaulter.

The aide shot into Bumblebee's outstretched hand, stinging as it slowed to impact.

She took a huge breath, unaware she had been holding her breath at all. The movement of her lungs jarred her broken rib, sending a new more terrible wave of pain shooting through her body again.

Bumblebee teetered to the side, catching herself with her elbow to keep from landing on her wounded side. Her vision started fading in and out, beginning to black out from the pain.

Hopefully that had given Arrowman enough of an opening! She didn't think she had another one of those in her.

Buzz out!

Status :

Quote : "There's no day bad enough that a stick of bumble-gum and a nap won't fix" - Bumblebee

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Humor : Sarcastic or just weird
Registration date : 2019-08-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Arrowman August 28th 2019, 9:41 am

Arrowman kept dancing with mike getting more and more frustrated but as soon as he realised that this was a distraction, he quickly tried to pull out his his revolver but he dropped it as he shouted in alarm as Bumblebee's earpiece clipped his ear, ripping off flesh with blood pouring from the dime sized hole at the top of hid ear. He grabbed it in alarm, spinning around and stared at Bumblebee.

Arrowman noticed a stray taser Arrow, it must've been one of the Arrow that feel out of his quiver. He dived and roll towards it, grabbing it with one hand before loading it into his bow with the other, ready to fire.

Hey Mikey moo! Arrowman called out towards, his gaze was met by mike as he turned to stare back at him with murderous intent. I would make a cat pun but. I want you to buzz off He thought to himself, nailed it as he let of the arrow, firing it towards mike. Tasering him.

Arrowman rolled over towards Bumblebee to make she was okay.
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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Troggy August 28th 2019, 5:49 pm

Bob finally reached the field of battle, arriving to find Mike twitching on the ground. His ears were still ringing, even though he had been on the very edge of the concussive wave of the explosion, it had still been enough to crack one of the lenses in his sunglasses as well as given him a slight nosebleed.

At first he couldn't help but to feel a bit dissapointed that Mike had already been taken out of the equation, since he wanted to take his frustrations out on him but at the same time he was very grateful that he wouldn't have the oppurtunity to go far. He was fairly certain that he wouldn't have hurt him more than what was needed to subdue him, but all in all, he was rather happy that he hadn't needed to see if 'fairly certain' was certain enough, because if it wasn't he would have to live his whole life with that on his conscience

As he calmed down a bit, he felt a tinge of pride for his companions deeds. After all, despite their youth they had performed above and beyond his expectations! With a smile he turned to the two youngsters and said Great job, kids! Really, really great job!

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Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2019-04-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Hiddenmage August 28th 2019, 9:31 pm

Bumblebee felt a wave of relief as Mike sank to the ground from Arrowman's taser.

She slowly eased herself to the ground, trying to take slow breaths to minimize the pain. Maybe after just like... a quick nap? That would help.

The hearing aide was cracked. From the fall or being used as a small highspeed projectile, it was hard to tell. Bumblebee put it back in her ear half heartedly letting her arm fall back to the ground tiredly.

Arrowman rolled over to Bumblebee. "You got him!" She spoke quietly, trying to grin around her swollen jaw. It was probably bruising pretty badly. "Good job Arrow dude..."

She raised her other hand to give him a fist bump, coughing a little as she did so. At the edges of her vision which still faded in and out, she saw Doctor Feelgood land over by Mike.

"You guys don't have some ice on you... or anything... asprin?" Her words had trouble forming around the blood in her mouth and her pained jaw.

Buzz out!

Status :

Quote : "There's no day bad enough that a stick of bumble-gum and a nap won't fix" - Bumblebee

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Humor : Sarcastic or just weird
Registration date : 2019-08-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Arrowman August 29th 2019, 4:53 pm

Arrowman knelled down to check on Bumblebee to make sure she was okay. He shakes his head in reply to her question, Nope, sorry and if I had ice cubes, then it would've melted. He said with a small smile under his mask as he gives her a fist bump.

He sat next to her just as Doctor Feelgood landed close to them, Arrowman was mostly okay aside from a small bruise that would surly grow to become bigger tomorrow as he looked around the room, trying to find all of his arrows. Ha, thanks but this wasn't really hard compared to moat threats but we did well despite the odds. He said as he goes to pick up all of his arrows around the place.

He came back to the group with most of his arrows back in his quiver as he pulls out his notebook and scribble out Mike's name on his list before he sits back next to Bumblebee, he didn't know what he could do to help her.
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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Troggy August 30th 2019, 5:18 am

Due to all of the turbulence in his mind he hadn't really noticed just how beaten up Bumblebee had gotten. It seemed like she had taken quite a few nasty hits in his absence. He felt a pang of guilt. He was partly to blame for her condition. True, she was a hero, and this was the risks that heroing entailed, but then again, she was also a little girl who had presumably just started working with her power, whilst he and to a lesser degree arrow were far more experienced. He did not think it was coincidence that the two of them had made it out without any serious injuries whilst she hadn't. If they worked together next time, he would have to do a better job looking out for her.

"Aw, man! How bad is it, Bumbles? Anyways, don't worry, I got'cha" Bob said with a nod, giving bumblebee a thumbs up. Then he focused his telepathy and took a deep breath and did his best to soothe her pain. He wasn't a healer by any stretch of the word, but he could deal work wonder with emotion and feelings. The pain would not subside entirely but he would decrease it into a slight, dull ache along with a general feeling of being comfortable.
"Now, try not to move. You might be like, feeling better and stuff, but it's all in here, y'know" Bob explained with a slight smile as he tapped his forehead.
"By the way, you did good. Really good. I'm sure you'll be one of the greats in no time" he added with a nod. He barely knew the young girl but he still felt proud of her accomplishments in this battle. Especially since his telepathy had let him knew how much she had

He then chuckled a bit at Arrows comment "Woah, Dude! Not too bad!? I almost got blown up! This is like, in my top three scariest heroing-things, y'know" he said, before his chuckle turned into fullblown laughter. Partly out of the absurbdity of the situation and partly because of the relief that the worst of it was over.

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Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2019-04-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Hiddenmage August 30th 2019, 8:02 am

The pain started subsiding to an ache, much to Bumblebee's relief. She started to get up until Doctor Feelgood told her not to, so she eased herself back down again, just grateful to not have that feeling anymore. She could hear vaugely what they were saying through her partly broken hearing aide. It was staticy and kept fading in and out but she could pick out a few words.

"Thanks that's really helpful." She said earnestly. "I don't suppose either of you know how to magically... or scientifically mend a broken rib do you?" She looked at them, trying not to get her hopes up. "Its just that I have to Babysit tomorrow? And if my gran finds out about this she'll like... literally ground me for the rest of my life."

The thought of her Gran's reaction sent shivers down Bumblebee's spine. Not that she was much looking forward to dealing with younger siblings climbing all over her when she got home. But she had to get back sometime right.

"There wouldn't happen to be some sort of super secret hero hospital that's free where they don't reveal your identity is there?" That would be way too convenient.

Buzz out!

Status :

Quote : "There's no day bad enough that a stick of bumble-gum and a nap won't fix" - Bumblebee

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Humor : Sarcastic or just weird
Registration date : 2019-08-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Arrowman September 1st 2019, 9:22 pm

Arrowman tilts his head at Bumblebee's questions, also super curious if anything like this exist. I have no idea, maybe the cool kids have stuff like that but for me, I've never saw anything like that, though it would super cool. He said, looking down before staring around at the surroundings.

He looked over at Doctor Feelgood, chuckling at his comment, Well compared to everything else in the world. He replied. Arrowman knew in his head that he wouldn't have been able to stop the group all by himself so he was glad that the others were there to help him out. He turned a page in his notebook and started doing a little doodle of the events that just happened.

He took in his surroundings before looking back at Bumblebee. Hey maybe we I could take you to a hospital and say you got into a really  big fight or fell........ Out of a tree. He said with a smile, trying to help out his new friend. Or you could snap it back into position some how but I dunno. He said while shrugging his shoulders.
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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Troggy September 3rd 2019, 4:50 pm

Bob scratched his bald spot as he tried to recall anything about secret hospitals for superheroes that protected secret identities. He had heard of such places, but it was only rumors and hearsay, and even if one of said rumors turned out to be true, then he wasn't sure they qualified. After all, even if these rumors were true they were subdivisions of those huge super-hero group-things that seemed more like military organisations than anything else, usually funded by some bored billionaire or somesuch. No, the C- and D-listers like them had to stitch up themselves somehow.
"I've like, actually heard rumors about such places, y'know. But they're for the A-listers. Like, exclusive to GUN-members and the like. If they even exist, that is."He said with a somewhat pessimistic shrug of his shoulders

He took off his sunglasses and inspected the damage, sighed a bit as he noticed the crack in them. Oh, well. He had several spare pairs at home. After all, he knew that the wear and tear of the costume was something that he would have to deal with every now and then in the heroing-business. for a while he considered just throwing them away then and there, but he ultimately decided against it and put them back on. Even if the sunglasses were cracked and that it was the middle of the night, he still had to uphold his principles.

"Bummer, man. That secret identity-thing must, like, really be a hassle. Unfortunately my telepathy isn't the sort of telepathy that makes people forget stuff or do things." He said, trying to make some light conversation whilst figuring out what their next course of action should be. Technically the day was saved, and he could hear the police-sirens wailing in the background, no doubt alerted by the bomb going off in the air. His ears were still ringing just enough for him to vince ever so slightly at the memory.

"You know, I could probably pay for a doctor, if money's the issue." He said thoughtfully. He usually didn't want to bring up money. being well off always made him feel a tad guilty for some reason, as it reminded him that he did not follow his own lessons all that well when it came to resisting the lure of materialism.

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Registration date : 2019-04-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Hiddenmage September 5th 2019, 5:36 pm

Bumblebee looked between the two heroes, weighing her options. One the one side, with their help she could get hospital aide paid for. But that would mean they would also learn her secret identity. And the hospital would ask questions. And there would be a million forms probably.

She put a hand to where the pain had been strongest moments ago, trying to remind herself that even though she felt better, the damage was still very much there.

Taking a calming breath, Bumblebee moved to stand, but something moved incorrectly and she immediately stopped trying. Pain or not, she was in bad shape. This wasn't the time for her to be uptight about her identity.

These two were superheroes. She could trust them... I hope. She thought to herself.

"Well... I guess I'm in your guys hands?" Bumblebee said, hesitantly removing her mask. "I'm not entirely sure where the nearest hospital is. But we could just say I got mugged or something... The bright yellow costume might be a little inconspicuous though." She looked around, seeing if she could steal any of the unconscious baddies' jackets.

Buzz out!

Status :

Quote : "There's no day bad enough that a stick of bumble-gum and a nap won't fix" - Bumblebee

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Humor : Sarcastic or just weird
Registration date : 2019-08-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Arrowman September 13th 2019, 2:26 pm

Arrowman looked over to Doctor Fellgood as he talked about the potential of secret hero hospitals, he nods before looking over at Bumblebee, Okay, okay! So If we go in, we would be in costume and you will be out, we take you to the hospital and say you got injured, so bing boom you pay for the thing. He points over to Doctor Feelgood again. And we get checked in and fixed up for tomorrow. He said with a big smile and a thumbs up at Bumblebee, What do you say Bee?
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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Troggy September 15th 2019, 8:33 am

As Bob noticed what Bumblebee was up to, he quickly moved to pick up one o the least damaged jackets from one of the out-cold bad-guys, handing it over to Bumblebee. It wasn't much, but it was as good as it was going to get. Sometimes he wondered why people bothered with things like secret identities. Sure, there were advantages and usually it was a rather good thing to have, since villains didn't attack you when you were off-duty, but at the same time it was a very tricky facade to maintain. Due to his stint as a talk-show host it had never been an option for him, though. Especially since he had showed off quite a bit of his power on TV, save the more destructive aspects of his Telekinesis.
"Sounds like a plan, man. I think my mind-mojo can get 'em to like, not ask too many questions about the suit and the like, but I'm not a hundred it'll work, since, you know, No mindcntroll. It'll be very finikity." the old man explained as he handed the jacket to Bumblebee. She probably shouldn't move around too much in her state anyhow.

He then got an idea and hurriedly turned to Arrowman with a hopefull expression on his face, though the cracked-lens sunglasses and bloody nose probably made it look a bit frightening "Do you got any of your civilian-clothes on you, or stashed nearby or something? Cuz you look a bit like you're roughly the same size" he asked hopefully. It would definately be a pretty easy solution to a bothersome problem if it worked.

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Hiddenmage September 15th 2019, 12:09 pm

Bumblebee took the jacket from Doctor Feelgood, suddenly feeling self conscious without her mask on. "Sounds like a plan." She nodded, answering Arrowman's question. I really need to get better at fighting Naomi thought shrugging on the jacket and pulling her hair out of its ponytail. Without any sort of enhanced healing factor or anything, I'm gonna end up out of commission more often than actually being able to help anyone.

She started fiddling with her remaining hearing aide, trying to fix it enough to hear the other two heroes better. The audio coming in through the hearing aide cut in and out as the other two talked.

The audio spiked for a moment, causing Naomi to jump. Are those sirens? She fiddled with the aide a bit longer trying to get it to spike again. There was no mistaking it, those were police sirens. "Uhhh... guys we might want to clear out before we get arrested or something." She turned to the other two.

Buzz out!

Status :

Quote : "There's no day bad enough that a stick of bumble-gum and a nap won't fix" - Bumblebee

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Humor : Sarcastic or just weird
Registration date : 2019-08-17

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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

Post by Arrowman September 22nd 2019, 7:43 pm

Arrowman continued to watch Doctor Feelgood help out Bumblebee before he was caught of guard from Doctor Feelgood question, W-what? He said slightly nervous, he was never nervous around fighting crime but when it comes to interacting with people, he was a complete nervous wreck. Well, I got some stuff in my bag, but they are my clothes for when I've done this. He continued.

He looked back over at Bumblebee, So we need to go and get my back that is..... Back on the rooftop that we just jumped from. He said while staring up at the rooftop they all jumped from, though the hole he made to get inside.

Arrowman started to listen, he could hear faint noises, he glanced over at Bumblebee who mentioned them being sirens and he turned around and stared at Doctor Feelgood, wanting to know what they will do.
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OPEN Re: Fun, friendship and crime.

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