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Rolled Nat 1 for Friendship

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INV ONLY Rolled Nat 1 for Friendship

Post by Nate6595 June 5th 2018, 4:33 pm

It was, much to Sam's relief, a quiet day in the city. There had been a few minor crimes in the morning, petty thefts like purse snatchers and pick pockets and then there was the car jacker, but it was nothing that required too much effort. This was not something Sam was always happy about, he liked to keep busy and for there to be things to do and different ways of earning profit, however, the night before he had a restless night of sleep, some night terrors, and found himself rather exhausted today. His power being one that drained him of his energy and made him exhausted, it was nice to not have to use it extensively. He was doing fine now, still had plenty of energy to go, but if he got into anything serious that took a lengthy amount of time, he'd probably go down. He did have his sword if things got dicey, but he still disliked using it. He looked down to his side where the blade lay next to him, still seethed. The fact that he wasn't sure how it came to be still bothered him to no end. The same goes for the fact that he didn't even really know how he came to have his power. He knew when it happened, but not how.

It was around noon now and Sam found himself in Central Park on top of a small rocky hill. There was a street fair going on a few blocks away, some sort of market or something. Sam didn't much care for those, nor did he have the money to gain an interest in it. He could probably barter with them, a lot of the selling techniques done at street markets were similar techniques to what they did in the circus. Still, it was good at bringing in a crowd. Regardless, it had made the park quieter, there were still plenty of people, but noticeably less. The general area around the hill had been pretty quiet as well and it made the view of The Lake pretty pleasant as well. There were always too many people around it, street performers drawing the attention away from it. It was just so nice to have a day where things were quiet. Well, minus the sounds of the city, but quiet in terms of activity. The city still bustled with life and children playing, and drivers swearing at each other for cutting the other off in the road, and all the other sounds that came along with the city.

He had been laying down, cloud watching, when he thought he had heard something weird. He sat up and looked around the general area searching for whatever that sound could be, but he found nothing. The few people that he could see in the area didn't looked bothered either. They just went about their day as usual. It must've been his imagination. He let out a breath and reached over to his backpack and pulled out a sandwich he had prepared earlier in the day, unwrapped it, and took a bite. He brought his knees closer to himself and let out another sigh. Despite enjoying the pleasant quietness of the day, it would've been nice to have company. Someone to share the day with or to have lunch with. He could try finding Nicole and having lunch with her, but she was probably busy with work. There was also Poro, but he hadn't seen her in weeks. Maybe someone at ECLIPSE? Nah...they were probably busy too. There had to be someone out there he could spend some time with, some way to fight away these feelings of loneliness! He fell back onto the stone behind him, sandwich still in hand, and looked up. What he wouldn't give for some form of company, he didn't care who it was. All he wanted right now was a friend. If only one could just fall from the sky...
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INV ONLY Re: Rolled Nat 1 for Friendship

Post by The Swolefather June 5th 2018, 4:57 pm

"Don't you da-"

Khali flew backwards through the rift behind her, as her vision was engulfed with the twisting colors of purple and blue. She floated through the nether, before another hole opened up before her...except it seemed that she would be falling out, rather than stepping out, and with a short gasp, the barbarian channeled her energy to protect her from the fall. As her body passed through, gravity took over once again. The sight of the stone roads filled her sight as she grew ever closer to it, before being struck by a..horseless...steel wagon? It came to a screeching halt as she seemed to skip across the stone like a pebble across water. Khali's body slid to a stop, and she began to ease herself back to her feet. "Look where you're going asshat." She croaked, before charging towards the wagon, with rage in her eyes. Khali grasped the front of the vehicle, causing the steel to bend inwards, allowing her to grip it with ease..and with a quick yank, the wagon came off the ground, and was tossed to the side, causing it to roll a few times, before slamming to a stop on the side of a building.

"Don't move, freak!" A man's voice...his accent was foreign to her, and the weapon he held was like nothing she had ever seen. Her eyes drifted from him, to the large towers that stood before her. Khali's heart sank "We're not in Audiron anymore.." Her attention slid back to the man, whose face was twisted with hate at the sight of her. She simply slid her hand back to the handle of her blade, and began to draw it.


A sharp pain radiated from her chest, as her neon blood began to drip from her heart. Two mismatched eyes locked with the officer's before she began to charge, the blade now drawn and emanating flames. She drew the greatsword to the sky, her muscles tightening as she began to reverse the direction downwards towards the man.

This had all started because of the asshole enchanter had taken offense to her belching in his home...the least he could have done is send her somewhere less...foreign
The Swolefather
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INV ONLY Re: Rolled Nat 1 for Friendship

Post by Nate6595 June 6th 2018, 2:47 am

Sam was about to take another bite of his sandwich when he heard the telltale sound of a car being thrown and gunshots. It was time to get back to work unfortunately. It sounded serious too, hopefully it wouldn't be anything that required too much of Sam's energy, in a prolonged fight he'd be in trouble. He packed his sandwich away into his bag, threw that over his shoulders and grabbed his sword, clipping it to his belt. With a heavy sigh, he started towards the sound of the kerfuffle. He didn't use his portals yet, though, he needed to save that energy. When he finally arrived at the edge of the scene, he was relieved he didn't use his portals. It looked like he was gonna need them. The woman was rather tall, though not much taller than Sam, maybe even a tiny bit shorter? Her muscles way outdid Sam's though and that look of ferocity in her eyes sent a shiver down his spine. If she's the one threw that car then she was much more than she looked, and that was saying something.

With a small "Hup!" Sam hopped over the stone divider and waved at the woman. Despite the slightly terrifying demeanor of the women she still looked...pretty freaking rad. He couldn't help but have an excited grin on his face from seeing such a cool looking woman! She looked like a character out of a medieval movie! She had the cool sword, the cool looks! His smile would grow at the thought of befriending this woman! However, the smile would soon fade as soon as he released she had been shot and there was a cop pointing a gun at her...and she was coming down on him with a sword. First off. This was really really rad from a technical stand point. Second of all! He couldn't allow this scene to commence any further. As cool as it was, he didn't want anyone to get hurt any further and he'd have to act accordingly.

"Not so fast!" He called out towards the woman. "Please stop!" Quickly, he opened a large portal over the cop, hoping that the woman would fall through it. The connecting point to the portal was behind Sam on the sidewalk where there were luckily no people. The first move was to get her away from the people, the second was to convince her to relax so he could figure out what triggered her into this state of being. He had a feeling in his gut, however, that this wouldn't be an easy task. Regardless of whether the woman fell through the portal or not, Sam would call out to the cop. "Get out of here! I'm a hero! I can handle this! Focus on getting civilians out of here!" He wouldn't wait for the police to react, instead, he'd turn his attention to the woman, wherever she was. He'd give another small wave to her, wherever she was and smiled. "Hello! My name is Samuel Grayson! I want to help you however I can!"
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INV ONLY Re: Rolled Nat 1 for Friendship

Post by The Swolefather June 9th 2018, 8:12 pm

The sword swung down with devastating force as Khali fell through another portal....ANOTHER PORTAL!? Her anger flared up once again, it was these damn portals that got her into this mess, and they're still giving her trouble... The blade slammed into the earth with a crunch, as the ground around it seemed to crack. With a yank of the handle, she pulled it from the earth and turned to the boy who began to speak to her...This Samuel Grayson was quite the nuisance already. With a raspy roar, she swung the sword towards his way in a horizontal motion, the blade humming with energy as flames began to sprout from it. "Tell me the name of this realm!" She swung again in the opposite direction "Or so the gods help me, I will level" The woman kicked out her foot towards the boys chest with a heavy grunt as she continued to advance her barrage of swings.

Amongst the fighting, Khali caught quick glimpses of the world around her...large wagons in the sky with spinning blades, men in odd uniforms pointing weapons at her and the boy...weird rectangles being held by the onlookers...maybe it's not only WHERE is she...but possibly WHEN as well.. Her heart sank a bit as her attacks faltered slightly due to the dread in her heart, and her eyes began to well up with tears. One dripped down her cheek as she let out a bellowing shriek, swinging recklessly at the boy "SEND ME HOME YOU IMPOTENT CHILD"
The Swolefather
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INV ONLY Re: Rolled Nat 1 for Friendship

Post by Nate6595 June 11th 2018, 1:12 am

Sam couldn't help but have a huge grin on his face as this large, terrifying, brute of a woman swung her blade towards him! It was just so cool, he could hardly keep the excitement down. Speaking of down, he quickly ducked downward, just narrowly dodging the first swing of the blade. The flames of the blade still singed him which caused him to quickly take a few steps back, but as the blade came back his way, he had to open another portal beneath himself, dropping him out of the way of the blade. The connecting point was to a few feet behind where he was. He didn't even have a moment to reply before the woman began to swing her blade wildly, to which he had to back-step to dodge, only narrowly missing each swing, though a few had managed to just land, putting a nice gash on his chest and on his arms.

He winced a bit as he took another step back. He wouldn't be able to dodge much longer, but with the direction he was sidestepping he managed to bring her a bit further into the park, which was good considering he didn't want anymore damage to the city or the people here. Though, he was in a bit of trouble himself. All this dodging and the few portals he was opening...if he kept this up he'd be down in thirty minutes? Maybe an hour if he was smart with it. He could use his sword still, but he'd still hold off on it for now. He had to be smart for now. Not his strong point, but worth a shot!

Quickly, he made one last duck down, then in the same motion, he opened a portal beneath and if she fell through he'd reduce the diameter of it, trying to catch her and keep her still. Even if she did fall through, she probably could brute force her way out, stretch the diameter herself and escape. While he attempted the restrain her he'd also open a portal beneath himself and get a further distance behind her, only a few feet, but at least out of range of her sword. It was the perfect time to actually address her questions and try and calm her down.

He let out one tired breath and then began to speak. "Hey there, pal. This is...uh, well, we call the planet Earth. I think that's what you mean? I hope. I don't know what a realm is in terms of what ya mean, but yeah. This is the planet earth home to humans and animals and superheroes. We are currently in New York City! It's one of the bigger cities that are part of this country." He tilted his head at the woman, hoping this would satisfy her first question. "As for sending you home where do you live? My portals don't really work as world-or realm wide things. They are mainly to what I can visualize within a short range. My portals aren't that strong." He managed to keep his happy-go-lucky smile going for this conversation. "Can I get your name, ma'am? And where are ya from? Maybe I can help out! I am actually a hero in this place, it's my job to help people, especially people who are lost!" He nodded once confidently and waited for her reply, hoping that it wouldn't include hitting him with her sword.
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INV ONLY Re: Rolled Nat 1 for Friendship

Post by The Swolefather June 19th 2018, 12:28 pm

Khali's body went weightless as the ground beneath her seemed to open up..and...restrain her? She began to struggle, roaring with rage as the boy disappeared from her sight, her head twisting around to find him. His voice began to chime from behind her, and she took a deep breath "So i'm in some different realm, with odd wagons...with a boy who can create useless portals? Fun." With a grunt, Khali produced her free hand from the portal, and lifted herself out of it, bringing the blade up behind her. "Very seems like you're not associated with the sodding buffoon who sent me here." With a quick motion, she embedded the blade into the stone around her, turning towards the boy.

She walked slowly towards him, and outstretched her hand in his almost seemed like it wanted to drift towards his throat at first due to the rage that still flowed through her veins. "Call me Khali." Her eyes peered over towards the uniformed men with their annoying miniature cannons "Seems I'm wanted by the guards. What's the price to pay them off here? 3 gold? Or simply a night in the dungeon? Banishment from the city?" The woman let out a small chuckle and motioned towards them "Calm yourselves, I am done. You can go on your way, nothing is damaged beyond repair." A loud snap followed her speech, as she peered at her hand, which was now adorned with a small, bloody hole. "Your guards are quite accurate...annoyingly accurate..and if they don't stand down in the next few seconds, I may just dispose of them."
The Swolefather
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INV ONLY Re: Rolled Nat 1 for Friendship

Post by Nate6595 June 29th 2018, 12:15 am

Sam blinked as the woman listed of strange punishments and means of repayment to the cops. She really wasn't from here, but that only made Sam more interested! She was so cool! What kind of world did she come from? She reminded him of a hero from one of those old fantasy stories or games! There were so many questions and ideas running through Sam's head, he needed to get a hold of it all, calm down, and tackle them one at a time. The first thing he needed to deal with was the cops and getting her to safety.

He turned to their direction and gave a small wave of his hand. He then opened a portal to his right and poked his head through, the connecting point was to the left of the cops. "Hey! She's fine, she's not from here and she was just confused! I can pay for her damages, just make sure everyone is alright and I'll finish dealing with them." He smiled brightly at the cops to which they both nodded slightly. Most cops knew Sam, at least here in the city, he did do a lot of work for them and helped them out on cases for a small fee. He did know expenses would be a bit much, but he didn't want this woman to get wrongly attacked or fined. It was an accident, nothing more, and it could've been avoided if he actually had stayed on patrol. He still had a long way to go for him to actually be considered a hero.

He pulled his head back through the portal and smiled at the woman. "There! All taken care of, Khali! Sorry about the co-the guards!" He rubbed the back of his head a bit sheepishly, then recomposed himself, blinking at Khali. "Though, we still have a few matters to go over! Like how you got here, telling ya about this world, figuring out what we're gonna do for you in the short term, and what the plan is for the long term. You could rush in and tackle the problem-" Which he said mainly thinking that was something she did often, "-but that would probably end up with you getting shot by the-uh-guards again." He laughed a bit nervously. "So! Let's find a place to sit and we'll talk. Do you see anywhere nearby you like?"
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INV ONLY Re: Rolled Nat 1 for Friendship

Post by The Swolefather August 21st 2018, 12:54 pm

Khali looked towards the boy as he spoke to the guards, as if he had authority over them. "Tell me, are you the lord of these parts? You seem to command the guards as if they must obey." She pulled the blade from the ground, and holstered it on her back, before peering around "How I got that's quite the story, I must admit...but as for what looks like a proper place to...sit and talk as you put it..I haven't the faintest idea." Her eyes drifted across the bright lights and odd shapes, before a familiar one caught her attention. "If that tavern has a decent tea..then I suppose that will do." She began to march in that direction, paying to mind to the citizens who looked at her with fear in their eyes "Make way, I shan't cause anymore destruction, do not worry." She nudged the door to the building with her foot, and made her way inside "Your finest Yerba Mate, sir-...madame." She placed a small coin of gold onto the counter, and sat on the oddly padded bench.

"Educate me, Samuel Grayson...are all of your kind such babies about sitting on bare wood?" She snorted, peering over at the server, who seemed to be taking her sweet time with the tea. "Okay...explain to me...where is THIS."
The Swolefather
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INV ONLY Re: Rolled Nat 1 for Friendship

Post by Nate6595 August 31st 2018, 4:39 pm

Sam chuckled at her first question as they walked towards the tavern. He should his head, still smiling brightly at her, though keeping a watchful eye on her. "No no! I'm not a lord or anything, I am just a hero! I do a lot of work with the police here and some of them really trust me! Those two I have worked with before, I helped them solve an assault case a few weeks ago. They owed me one anyway." He nodded at her and was sure to hold the door open for her as they entered the bar. It was a bit early for drinking and Sam never actually partook, never often at least. He just had gotten a water as they ordered. He was also sure to pay the bartender in cash, taking the gold coin back and sliding it back to Khali.

Sitting down he was hit with two questions that were...rather odd. He wasn't sure as to how to reply to them at first. After a moment he shook his head. "I don't know about us being babies, but-uh-I think people just want to be comfortable? I guess? I don't really mind myself, my sleep conditions aren't very good so I am not a good judge of this sort of thing." He rubbed his chin, trying to think on how to reply. "I suppose...I mean, wouldn't you prefer sleeping on a bed compared to sleeping on a flat board? You can be fine with both, but if you have the option I am guessing most people would prefer the bed." He shrugged his shoulders, hoping that his answer would suit her.

The second question was slightly odder, he was sure he had explained it slightly before, but he could go into some more detail. "Right now? We're in New York City. It's a major city in America, which is a country? This country is part of Norther America which is a continent. Bigger than that, our entire planet is called earth." He rubbed the back his head, looking a bit confused at her. "I'm not really sure what you're asking, I hope that this...good enough? I can help ya with whatever you need, I just need some specifics."
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