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Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos

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Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos Empty Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos

Post by Guest November 14th 2012, 4:04 pm

It started out as an ordinary day for people at the Bronx, with a bank robbery. Six bank robbers, wearing the stereotypical bank-robbing outfits, sped away in a modified van, modified in a way that it's top speed, acceleration and handling were way beyond the norm. They laughed to themselves as the six robbers were practically swimming in money, with the high amount they robbed. With New York having been ravaged and the Bronx being the only district of New York City that was still relatively untouched by the great destruction that ravaged it, it was also a haven for criminals and other unsavory elements alike. Bank robbery was extremely common, though they tended to end in failure. Kind of like the current one that was going on now. As they continued to drive at unsafe speeds through the city, their van came to a sudden stop as it impacted against something. That something was soon revealed as the van was lifted up, the van held high in a vertical position with the grill itself in the hand of a large, winged humanoid.

The humanoid itself was tall, extremely tall. 6 foot, 6 inches tall to be exact, with an extremely muscular frame that would remind people of Pain. Skin tanned to such an extent it would almost be considered perfect. Long silver hair that looked to be made of silk and gave off a healthy shine, the front giving off an emohawk like style that covered it's right eye while the cascaded down behind him like a waterfall. It's eyes gave off a rather interesting violet shade, the being's eyes almost being hypnotic. It's fingernails were really long, almost six inches in length and were black as night, extremely sharp and perhaps even lethal. It had two ram-like horns extending out of the back of his head to end in a circular point at the front of his head, with a third additional horn at the top of his head. It had a small, pointed nose, the bone structure of an aristocrat and an average-sized mouth with pink lips. It had two horns extending backwards out of the top of his shoulders, two black, avian-like wings with talons at the of them. Aside from the obvious inhuman features, some go so far as to say the creature was a model-esque being.

It wore a black choker complete with a slot for a leash. It was completely shirtless to show off it's bulging, tight muscles and abs, but it wore knee-high leather boots and a pair of skin-tight, leather shorts. The creature gave off an aura of raw, primal, sexual attraction, and this creature was a complete unknown to the people of Earth. With apparent ease, the demon male ripped the van completely in half vertical-wise and tore the bank robbers out of the van with little effort. He threw them to the ground with little effort and then smirked down at the terrified robbers. He ripped up part of the street and wrapped it around the thugs, trapping them in place and preventing them from fleeing.

The demonic humanoid tsk'ed at them with his tongue before mocking them. "My, my, you three have been naughty little boys. It's just a shame I don't find you all to be interesting enough to have me teach you a lesson about the fine arts of being a criminal. I think your humiliation will suffice as a good enough feeding source" he said to them in a silky tone of voice as he grabbed them by the back of their heads and leaned in close to them. He then proceeded to start feeding on bits of their soul essence, a pleasurable shudder going down his spine as he fed on their humiliation.

Last edited by Vengeance on November 14th 2012, 4:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos Empty Re: Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos

Post by Valkyrie November 14th 2012, 4:22 pm

Nina leaped down the ruined streets like a platinum blonde streak, trying her best to deftly avoid the urban carnage that littered the blacktop. It was considerably harder to stop crimes now that the majority of the city lay in ruin and filth; police scanners were a thing of the past, you were lucky if your cell phone worked in the clogged airways of your service carrier, walky talkies suddenly weren't so passe anymore ( if you had the batteries for them ), causing the young heroine to rely almost entirely on listening for screams or gunfire. This particular day, she was drawn to the scene of a bank robbery, but even she had trouble keeping up with the speedy automotive, watching it careen out of sight as soon as she landed in front of the bank. ''Fuck...'' she muttered, taking a deep breath before launching herself back into motion with one swift and powerful push of her legs.

The vehicle was about two blocks away now, and she was closing in fast. A smirk pulled at her lips, one that died almost as suddenly as it came forth when, out of nowhere, a demonic looking being snatched and destroyed the criminal's van. Nina came to a silent, sudden halt, the heels of her combat boots digging into the concrete. If being in the metahuman's world had taught her anything, it was that if it looked like it could kick your ass, chances are, it could. She backed up a step or two, watching in thinly veiled horror as the beast began to feast upon the robbers. A pang of pity shot through her, and she cleared her throat while rolling the sleeves of her red button-up shirt. They were committing crimes, but being eaten by some sort of hellbeast wasn't exactly a punishment befitting of the transgression.

''Hey ugly, might want to put down the chow.'' she called out, striding over slowly. Something about him seemed familiar to her, but she couldn't quite place it. In lieu of waiting until it came to her, she plowed on. ''Or I'll have to teach you some table manners.''

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Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos Empty Re: Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos

Post by Guest November 14th 2012, 4:34 pm

The creature had it's fill of their soul essence and let them fall asleep. He didn't feed on their entire souls, just enough that he could have his fill without killing them. He didn't consume too much of their souls as because if he ate too much of them, they wouldn't regenerate the missing pieces and would go insane. All of a sudden, a female voice called out to him, making a rather amusing pun about eating. The wordplay caused an amused smirk to slither it's way on the creature's tanned face as it turn towards the woman. 20 years old, 5 foot 6, bleached blonde hair, looked like an ordinary human to her. However, he could sense that there was something more to her, something that made her different from the rest of the humans he had interacted with so far. His wings spread out around him as he stood to his full height and looked across at the woman. "My, my, my, how delectable. I see with my hypnotic eyes, a tasty and delicious superhuman in front of me. You look good enough to eat my dear" he said to her with his violet eyes alight with curiosity. His tone of voice emphasized the words having to do with food as he spoke to her in what could be a seductive purr as he shot his own food-related wordplay right back at her in a casual manner. The Grandson of the Devil narrowed his eyes, however, when he detected a bit of Pain's soul essence of the girl, causing him to narrow his eyes in suspicion. He wouldn't comment until he heard from her own mouth exactly who she was though.

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Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos Empty Re: Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos

Post by Valkyrie November 14th 2012, 4:42 pm

She scrunched her nose up in repulsion. ''Yeah... no.'' she said softly, giving her head a barely noticeable shake. The thought of being consumed was pretty nasty, especially if it centered around this... pretty boy. His hair is longer than mine she mused, lifting an eyebrow in judgement. ''I don't know who had to kill a goat to bring you up here, but I think it's about time you skipped back downstairs, don't you?'' Nina's voice was acidic and mocking, her arms folding around her chest as she took up her usual cocky pose. ''Or am I going to have to put you down myself?'' Another, much more confident stride forward. She tried her best to do what Pain had taught her, to be imposing and sure of one's self, look like the bigger threat. Her head leaned to the side as a wicked smile cracked at her face, another foot between them diminishing as she proceeded closer.

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Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos Empty Re: Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos

Post by Guest November 14th 2012, 4:50 pm

Her comment about killing a goat made him raise an eyebrow in amusement, though he was a little angry as well. He was not some little weakling of a demon, a newbie. He was much higher on the food-chain compared to the worthless imps such rituals usually summoned. He would normally be enraged at such a slight but he was far too amused with this girl's attempt at intimidating him. He believed it was time this girl learned for herself that he wasn't just some ordinary demon, he was something much greater than she thought. He shook his head at her in a disappointed manner at her comment and spoke up in a casual manner, showing enough calmness to let her know that he wasn't intimidated by her. "Killing a goat? You really have no idea who, or more accurately WHAT, I am, do you? Let me clarify for you my dear. I am an Incubus, AKA Sex Demon, Mutant Hybrid. My mother was a Succubus that was the daughter of the Devil, obviously making me the Grandson of the Devil, and my Father, was a creature I believe someone associated with Pain should know. His name was Chaos, a mutant created by the hands of humanity that has tried to kill Pain, but was also his rival. If you think you can intimidate the Prince of Darkness, you are sadly mistaken my sweet, Superhuman Princess" he said to her with a sly chuckle as he cracked his knuckles, getting ready to start his attack in the event she made a threatening gesture towards his person.

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Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos Empty Re: Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos

Post by Valkyrie November 14th 2012, 5:05 pm

Nina blinked, blind sighted by the sudden soliloquy. She had heard of Chaos many times, Pain had mentioned him in conversation, as well as the supposed son that he was keeping somewhere. Now, here in the flesh, was the very being that she had joked about pummeling over a few brewskis with the big guy. After an introduction like that, she didn't really know where to begin.

''Uh, well... My name is Nina, I'm a human, my dad was a military man and my mom was a good Jewish woman.'' She rolled her neck to ease out the kinks before she gave each leg a shake. She knew where this was going, that much was obvious. This much peacocking between two people was going to end in a fight. ''I'm pretty sure my grandfather was a postal worker, but I hear he was damn good at his job.'' Any amusement on her face melted away into pure, steely aggression. She opened her legs in a wide stance, put up her fists, made sure to guard her upper and lower half...

''Pain is my mentor, so if your jacked up family tree tries to even make a single move on me or my sensei, I will punch you so hard your face shoots out your ass!'' Her visage distorted into a bitter snarl at the thought of Chaos killing Pain, making a fire stoke deep in her being that would help get her through this fight. ''This isn't the Eukanuba Dog Show, man. I don't need a pedigree just to kick the shit out of you!''

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Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos Empty Re: Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos

Post by Guest November 14th 2012, 5:12 pm

His elegant, perfectly curved silver eyebrows rose up into his hairline in surprise. However, that surprise turned into another emotion, one that he doubted Nina would expect. Instead of becoming angry, he was amused, interested, curious and, if she were to look deeper, sexually attracted. He then smiled a toothy smile, revealing pearly white teeth as he looked unconcerned at her sudden aggressiveness. "My, I had no idea such a goodie girl was so passionate and fiery. Consider me interested my dear. That kind of passion could be used for great pleasure my sweet" he said to her as his voice took on a more seductive purr. However, that didn't mean he wasn't prepared for a fight to take place between the two of them. If anything, he was ready for this confrontation, a confrontation that he was sure would provide him with great amusement.

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Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos Empty Re: Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos

Post by Valkyrie November 14th 2012, 5:20 pm

She was taken aback by his comment, so much so that she stood for a moment, dumbfounded. Her face drooped into one of disgusted shock as she took a step back. ''Dude that is nasty.'' she muttered. ''I would really rather just get into a serious punch up and call it a day, a-thank-you.'' she said flatly, suddenly aware that the top button of her shirt was undone, and perhaps her jeans were a bit tighter than she would have liked them to be in this situation. Going up against an incubus would be a new experience for her, one that made her a bit apprehensive the more she mulled it over. After glancing at him for a minute, her posture straightened and she put up her hands in a non-violent sort of gesture.

''Ok be honest with me here bro, you're not going to, like... rape me, are you?'' she said, the last few words kind of quiet. ''Cuz I have no issue sticking my boot so far up your butt you can taste the gum I stepped in.''

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Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos Empty Re: Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos

Post by Guest November 14th 2012, 5:26 pm

He merely chuckled at her response to his flirting and was about to lunge at her, right up until she held her hands up in a gesture that was clearly non-violent and proceeded to ask him a question. The question she asked him bewildered him for a moment, right up until his brain absorbed the question in his mind, causing him to let out a melodious laugh, a rather smooth, angelic laugh despite the origin of said sound being demonic in origin. The question deeply amused the third Prince of Darkness that it actually made him laugh in an uproarious manner. After laughing for what seemed like a long time, he calmed himself down to mere chuckling. "Perhaps I will. That depends, do you find that kinky my dear? Does the though of someone dominating you turn you on? If so, I'd be more than happy to play along" he said with a lustful smirk.

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Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos Empty Re: Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos

Post by Valkyrie November 19th 2012, 3:59 pm

His laughter weirded her out a bit, causing her to cringe and scrunch up a bit. This guy made her nervous, and she could see why Pain would be so eager to stop guys like this out. Every moment she spent with this guy made her skin crawl and her nerves scream. ''Kinky?!'' she squealed, ''Look, I think you have the wrong girl, alright?'' She started breathing a bit hard from the stress of the situation, her head shaking back and forth. All at once, she clapped her hands together and tried to give an earnest smile, looking at the demon with pleading eyes.

''Ok, dude... all I wanted to do was catch the bad guys, and you did that for me, so... y'know... thanks and all that.'' Nina gave him a thumbs up before continuing. ''Good on ya, but I don't think eating them or whatever is the most logical solution, that's it!'' she said, gesturing wildly as she went along. ''Conflicting opinions are bound to happen, I get that, that's cool, just... maybe not eat dudes in the street, yeah?'' she pleaded softly. ''If you have bad guys as much as I do, then we have no issue. I'll just walk away.''

In truth, she sincerely hoped that he was just a particularly gung-ho good guy, albeit one with weird eating habits. She wanted nothing more than to just leave this situation behind her and pretend it never happened. She wasn't even sure if she would tell Pain at this point, but that was a decision for later. The current objective was to just get home unscathed and wash away the fear that was creeping under her skin like a parasite.

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Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos Empty Re: Rebirth of a Rivalry or the Start of a Friendship? Apprentice of Pain and Son of Chaos

Post by Guest November 19th 2012, 4:09 pm

He listened to the bleach-blonde girl as she tried to convince him to walk away. Her pleading had only amused Vengeance by a rather large amount. Her attempting to convince him to let her bring in the criminals had made him curious, considering that if she were like Pain or some of the other villains, they would have just attacked him outright for attempting to eat the souls of these fools. She was obviously very different, different enough to warrant observation. Although he enjoyed a good fight, like any other demon, he was not opposed to deal-making and agreements. She wanted him to let her bring the two-bit crooks in to face justice, so he was going to see what he could get out of her. "Hm, I don't know. You see, their souls are rather delicious, as are the souls of anyone that commits a sin and most demons would blow off anyone who tried to get in their way of meal time. What do I get out of this little agreement, hm?" he asked her as he playfully stroked his chin, practically purring at her in his silky tone of voice. His expression was caught into a thoughtful one as his black clawed left index finger started to tap his slightly pointed chin.

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