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League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test

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League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test Empty League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test

Post by Row April 6th 2018, 8:41 am

Arcana, the shortest man in the group and most... mysterious. She did not read the applications for any of the new applicants but judging by his name alone, she could only assume he was magical in origin. Did magic really exist though. Maybe he was just a meta that dubbed his abilities magic. It was the only logical explanation, though it did not explain what she was walking into.

"Yes... It seems that way," she responded though not thoroughly to fighting such an unknown element.

She turned around waving him to follow as they moved to their section of the room. While she did demonstrate her abilities, she did not think such a performance truly shown her abilities. After all, she was train to be a combatant. While she could try and trick the applicant like she did with Pinnacle, she was not trying to prove something nor get the boy killed. So she ultimately decided to play it safe. She would not play with a handicap.

With a snap of her fingers, walls blocked the two off from the rest of the room. Then the lights flickered before turning red under a filter. The visibility in the room was clear despite everything being tinted red.
"If the color bothers you, I can have the techs adjust the color."
Then she closed her parasol and attached it to a hook on her back. Walking to the center of the room, she inspected the area, ensuring everything was ready.
"As I said earlier, these rooms are made to handle the attacks from more destructive metas so do not be afraid of damaging them. Agent Pinnacle will cover the expensive of you do break something."
Everything was set, all she needed was for Arcana to accept the requirements.
"As a reminder, this is not a test of who's stronger. We only wish to identify your abilities and potential in a combat scenario. Do not be afraid to go all out. My test are special compare to Pinnacle though. As time progresses, the room will slowly become darker. This will simulate a battle wear your opponent will win if you stall for too long. My weapons are specially made so that they will not cut, but if deem I made a wining blow, then the match will end. Like in the field, you only get one chance. Any questions?"

((Level of darkness 50%; Required level of darkness for Cira to use her abilities unrestrained 20%))

Poring Flan
League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 296
Registration date : 2017-07-29

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League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test Empty Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test

Post by Arcana April 6th 2018, 9:23 am

Sean followed the strange woman, the person he was supposed to be sparring with in their little test. Walls blocked them off from the rest of the applicants, Sean burying his hands in his pockets and considering the things he was being explained. ”Color looks fine to me.” He said with a casual shrug, letting everything sink in further while he tried to do the whole tactical thing. Considering even the most minute of details about his opponent that could be made use of. A battle where wasting time was an interesting one really, but Sean was more than aware of his own ability to end combat. ”One question. What would be considered passing the test here?” He paced around the test area, considering the encroaching darkness that threatened to take over. He had a feeling this test would be an interesting one ”I suppose i’ll just have to assume it’s when I make a winning blow.”

He made a small smirk, standing what could be assumed to be twenty feet away from each other. It looked like the perfect distance really, enough time to set up a proper battle and  maybe even an interesting one. ”Either way, I accept your terms. Sounds like this might be a little fun.” He drew a hand from his pocket, letting sky blue flames lick around his upraised fingers. Using his weakest element first would be a stress test for the girl. To see if she would need anything more than that. Not to say that his fire magic was weak by any means, but it was his weakest among them.

”I hope you don’t mind me making the first move.” Flames coalesced into a fireball and he unleashed it at her, conjuring a few more and letting them fly as well.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test Empty Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test

Post by Row April 6th 2018, 9:51 am

Cira smiled when when the man stated he would be making the first move. In her eyes, the first move was the best one, and could very well be the last. That would be one point in her book. However, the man's first move was one that posed somewhat of a threat, fire. She saw the flame and immediately darted to the left. She had not experienced battle with a Pyromancer type of meta. Though judging by the speed of the flames, it would not be a problem if the fight dragged own. However, now a new problems persist. The man was a range combatant and it was not dark enough for Lunetta to compete. Thus she had one option, Get close.

"Winning doesn't equate to victory. We are testing your capabilities and your potential. Sorry but this test is a little more complex than that."

She pulled out her pistol and inserted some of her rubber bullets. She also held the weapon in the shadow as too also stock it with dark bullets, alternating between the ammo line up to be rubber, dark rubber. Then she shot at the man's hand with a rubber bullet hoping to delay the spark of anymore flames while moving closer as she circled around him. The man seemed to have confidences in her abilities despite truly seeing what she can and cannot do. So she debated how she could abuse that.

Poring Flan
League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 296
Registration date : 2017-07-29

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League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test Empty Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test

Post by Arcana April 7th 2018, 6:25 am

As soon as the fire formed she was on the run, trying to avoid the cruel flames that lashed out in small bolts. Nothing that couldn’t be avoided, granted he was sure injuries could be healed should he so desire it. ”Winning is victory. Shouldn’t throw words around you don’t understand.” Sean quipped, noting she was removing a weapon, it looked like a pistol. Either he had pissed the woman off or things were just getting serious. Luckily there were a few things on his side, such as the ability to know how to read the direction of a gun and react accordingly. Maybe she would learn he was a little more than he let on. It would take a little more speed than she was showing to actually confuse him, and he had to show off somewhat.

His body moved along, following her and stepping to the side as the bullets would whiz past. Impacting walls but doing nothing more than ping off of them. Fluid and like the wind he moved, almost difficult to grasp in the truth of his motions. ”A gun? Are we really falling down to that level.” With no warning he fell to the ground, palms splayed and twirled his body around rapidly. Powerful currents of wind whipped from his feet, following that motion and going outwards with the intent of  knock feet out from under her. It was a simple strategy really, mixed with rudimentary combat skills. Just a show that he was more than just some one trick pony that could burn things.

Springing back to his feet, he inhaled deeply and unleashed a large gust of wind from his mouth. Like a hurricane had been unleashed within the small room and one that would not be so kind to his opponent.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test Empty Re: League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test

Post by Row April 14th 2018, 12:39 pm

The man reacted accord to opening attack. It was rare to find a hero really weak to guns. Most people could see the attack coming, block them, or were just too fast. However her goal was not to hurt the man. Also since he avoided the attack, it only meant he was not strong when it came to defenses. An interesting concept to say the least. The man also stopped his fire attacks which was a relief. That was until he did some weird movement and shot a current of air at her feet.

This was not a pleasing observation as that meant the guy had an unknown variety of attacks at his disposal. For all she knew he could suddenly fire lighting from his fingers so she had to be prepared for anything and close the distance. Hopefully he would be unable to truly release such powerful attacks when the treat was in his face. Also, he would be less keen to her true potential.

"Have you ever heard the saying, win the battle but lost the war?"

In her line of work, it was the end objective that mattered, not the method of choice. Still the man was formidable. She could not tell if he was going all out or messing around but he was truly a nuisance. That was until he opened his mouth and his first taunt flew out. Was this his goal, anger her and bait her into an attack, or was he trying to guilt trip her into not using an effective tool for the situation. Either way, it was a bold thing to say and not something she promoted. Sure the plan would work on a prideful opponent like say Kubi, but such a trick would not phase her.

She hopped over the wind current, just enough to minimize her time in the air, dispelled the dark bullets in her gun so the rubber pellets would be the only ammunition left and fired 2 more shots. The first would go for his hand the the other would go for his foot, with the aim of suppressing his meta powers while closing the distance between them. With the possibility of having an wide arsenal of powers, she could not rely on a feint until he returned to the defense.

If nothing else went wrong, she would only have a few more meters before she was up and personal with the man.

Poring Flan
League of Extraordinary Applicants: Arcana's Test Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 296
Registration date : 2017-07-29

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