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Game Masters

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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ January 31st 2018, 7:51 pm

"Well, the thing is for the past year we've mostly been traveling around the world, seeing the sights, getting to know other empowered individuals and rescuing members of Aurora's race who are here on Earth for some reason," Alan explained as he used his telekinesis to grab a sandwich of his own from the same fridge, "Only now our days of globe-trotting may need to be put on hold since we got a bunch of her people living on a island somewhere now and they need someone to guide and protect them,"

"That's one of the main reasons we're here today. To enjoy one last bit of actual freedom before we buckle down and start our new long-term job," Alan took a moment to bite into his sandwich, chew, and swallow before continuing, "So yeah, we appreciate the offer but we got things we got to do and we don't want you to feel burdened either."

"Hey, if you want, we can talk to the folks in charge here and see if they'll let you use this trailer once we leave," Aurora offered as she guzzled her soda, "I mean, it's not much but it would be nice to have a roof over your head for a couple of nights."

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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 January 31st 2018, 8:34 pm

Sam sits on the mini-fridge, listening curiously as Alan went on. A few questions popped into his head, but he decided to hold them to the end. "So traveled, saving aliens who landed here for some reason, and plopped them onto an island where they await leadership and protection? Cool, yeah that makes sense." He nods, seeming to actually gst it. "That's pretty cool, like something out of a sci-fi novel. I'm guessing you'll be the protector since you went ahead as rounded them up." He hums in thought a bit. "I'm glad you are taking some time to relax, all work and no play is boring. Don't rightly why they can't protect themselves. Before empowered beings like us, humans protected themselves, can't they do the same? Or am I missing something?" He tilts his head at Alan, but then looks towards Aurora.

He waves his hand at the offer. "Bah, no need. I don't mind small handouts, but I don't need something like that, I'll figure it out. I have a place in staying, my secret hideout if you will." He snickers a bit. "Nothing fancy and I can move it around if I want or just make a new one if I want to go to a different city."

He scratches the back of his head as he starts for the door. "To be honest...I think you should protect them, but not at the risk of losing your freedom. You'll lose your will to fight and not be able to protect them as well." He looks back at him. "You're basically a slave at that point. A slave of your own free will, but a slave. Can't leave the island, can't enjoy a carnival, it's not a way to live. Only living for a single duty." He places his hand on the door handle. "But what do I know? I'm just some kid."
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ January 31st 2018, 9:31 pm

Both Alan and Aurora were caught off-guard by Sam's words especially since they found themselves unable to respond, only to sit there and contemplate in science for a bit, " I feel like a jerk about what I said earlier." Aurora mentally commented to her friend.

"Yeah, he's a bit on the...eccentric side for sure, but his heart is definitely in the right place," Alan looked over to Aurora who nodded in turn. He floated over to Sam's side, "You know something? You're absolutely right. We've had way too many good times together to just let them end simply because we got new responsibilities. There's more to living than devoting one's self to a single duty. Thanks...I think we both needed to hear that,"

After a few seconds, Alan smiled and went to put a hand on Sam's shoulder, "Hey, why don't you stay here with us for a bit? It'll be nice to have some company. We got food, a warm bed for you to sleep in, and we can teach you what we've learned about being a hero. Stuff that could really help you. Sorta like what a mentor may do."
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 February 1st 2018, 10:38 am

Sam blinked at Alan. He nodded once, smiled confidently, and gave the two of them a thumbs up. "Yeah, anytime. I didn't think I said anything amazing or special, but if it helped somehow I'm glad." He turned back around to face them. "My mom always said I had a way with words, so I got into the habit of just saying what's on my mind."

At their offer, Sam had to stop and think for a moment. "Huh...that's quite am offer. Never really thought of getting a mentor...I've always learned as I go. Though, I'm not against the idea. I'm sure it would be fun to actually work with someone else for once. I've mainly been on my own, occasionally working with another, but as soon as a job is done they usually just leave." He makes a small gasp. "Oh wait! I'm not sure if I can tonight." He laughs nervously. "You see, back at my secret base I-uh-found a stray dog. He's expecting me back tonight, could I bring him back here? I'm sure he'd love the company as well. He could also sleep outside, he usually does anyways. He likes the cold."

Sam smiled brightly at them. "Regardless, we should hang out like you said, whether that's spending the night or just spending breaks together. I still want to see more of your power, I'm sure I could learn a lot."
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ February 1st 2018, 10:59 am

Both aliens chuckled at how excitable their new friend was getting. It was nice to be in the company of others without having to worry about a conflict and stuff, "That's completely fine. You can bring your friend over, and while you're doing that, we'll get things set up here for you." Adam explained.

Assuming that Sam would leave to pick up his friend, the pair got to work making the trailer look presentable and unfolding a mattress for Sam to sleep on. After that, the pair turned back into their jester form and went out to set up some targets and other obstacles for their practice run.
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 February 1st 2018, 11:12 am

Sam left for about an hour, give or take. His secret hideout, the dumpster he cleaned, washed, and put a cover around, was quite the ways away. With no form of transportation he would have to walk it. Of course, he could use his portals to reduce the time, but he didn't feel like exhausting himself and, to be honest, he liked walking. It was a good chance to get to see the city, look out for crime, and just get a good feel for the area.

When he finally returned he came with a long wooden staff, a backpack carrying all of his belongings (which wasn't a lot), and white and black husky who looked to be just out of being a puppy. Sam gave a wave and looked around at all obstacles.

"What's all this?" Sam asked, walking up to an obstacle. "You planning on doing some training? Or is this part of the carnival?" He looked to the two of them and tilted his head. "I'm not gonna have to wear something like that too, am I? I was never into the whole costume thing." That much was true, his "costume" only composed of jeans, a black and grey jacket with a black fur lining, and a dark grey t-shirt. If anything, he just looked like a civilian. The only thing that stood out about him was the staff. There was nothing special about it, just not something your run of the mill person would carry around casually.
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ February 1st 2018, 12:17 pm

"Hi there, cute, fluffy doggy!!" The jester bent down to smile at the husky. At hearing Sam's question though, they stood up, "Oh, right..." They cleared their throat, "Well, if you're gonna be a proper hero, I felt it be best to learn what you can do and what you need improvement on. I've set up these targets for you to practice your powers on. They're not much but you work with what you got,"

The jester shrugged and went to lean against the trailer, "So, the stage is all yours now. Show me what you can do...also, no, you don't need to wear a suit like this exactly..." Alan could barely hide the smirk on their face, "But you're definitely gonna need something to hide your identity. For now though, focus on what's in front of you."
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 February 1st 2018, 1:13 pm

The nameless dog barks at the affectation she gets. She sits and looks affectionately up at the pair. "You've done it now." Sam snickers. "Ya gotta feed her now."

He looks at obstacles, a small grin coming to his face. He had done plenty of training in his day, but he never got to show off and try and impress people. He couldn't let this go to waste. "Alright...just gotta show off, give ya a performance." He nods. He readies his staff and looks at the four dummies. "I'm used to moving targets, I'm better at them, but I suppose I could try it on still targets."

He takes one step forward and then opens a gateway beneath him, the connecting point above the left-most dummy. He falls through the portal and brings down his staff onto it, hoping to smash through. He then goes to jab the dummy, but opens another smaller portal in front of the dummy, the connecting point to the dummy to the right, trying to jab it in the face. He then jumps back, opening another portal behind him. The other side of the portal leads to the back end of the right most dummy. This time he smashes it in its side, using the staff almost like a bat. The finish it all off he opens a gate on the neck of the only dummy he didn't attack, he connects the point to a few feet in front of Alan. He then closes the gate, trying to sever the dummy's head off.

Panting, Sam turns around and smiles at Alan. "Not bad...hah...hah...Right?" He shakes his head. "Don't worry, I would never...hah...hah...cut someone up actually, but I figured I should show you what it can do."
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ February 1st 2018, 1:23 pm

The jester actually whistled in approval and clapped for Sam, "I must say, that was quite impressive indeed. You definitely know your stuff, man. However, that was just the warm-up. But first," They snapped their fingers and out from the trailer came a bottle of water and another sandwich with meat and cheese on it, passing the water to Sam. He started tearing up the sandwich to feed the dog before the dummies that hadn't been destroyed started floating around.

"Let's try something a bit more complicated. See if you can hit these guys while they're moving about. Be careful though because this time, I may make it so they actually fight back. Also, try spacing out your usage of portals, see if you can get them to move with you or for you. It sounds a little tricky, I know, but it'll likely save you a lot of stamina rather than opening and closing them repeatedly." As if they had been given some telepathic command, the dummies went on the assault.
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 February 1st 2018, 2:13 pm

Sam made quick work of the sandwich, comic hole was exhausting to use. "Figured that that was just the beginning, dummies are pretty easy and can't really scale how well I can do." He blinks at his suggestion and shakes his head. "Sorry, for now that's a no go. Last time I tried to move a gateway I passed out for half the day, that's just too much strain on me." He shrugs, grinning. "Sorry bout that."

He watches the dummies sprang into action. He watched as they moved about it. He considered the best course of action then charged forward to be in the center of the of the four them. He liked being in the center of attention and could do the most from here. He awaited for them to make the first move, as usually did.
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ February 1st 2018, 3:09 pm

Alan winced at that explanation, "Sorry about that..." He nodded to the dummies which each began to spin around like tops before rotating in a circle above him, then each of them would begin their attack. Some descending one at a time like spinning tops while others attacked two at a time and a third would try and sneak in a strike.
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 February 1st 2018, 7:16 pm

He quickly glancing around trying to get the position of each and every dummy. He thought he got all of them, but seemed to miss the suprise third dummy. As they dove toward him he had to think of a plan, he could be efficient and productive...or...He could show off.

He decided on the first one, He wouldn't look good falling on his ass. He opened a gateway right in front of each of the two charging dummies, each gate connecting to the other, his hope was that they'd crash into each other and be disabled. He smiled a with pride as the two crashed and split into pieces.

However, as he opened the gateways, he'd be knocked forward by the surprise dummy. "Gah!" He shouted as he went flying. He fell on his face, rolled, then recovered. He turned around to see the dummy as sighed. "Darn, there's always a blind spot..." He shook his head and brushed himself off, getting ready for the continued assualt.

He opened up another pair of gates over the rubble of the broken dummies, one hovering over the other, causing them to fall without stop. He had an idea, but he had to be fast. He had messed this up lots of times, but if it worked it could be very effective.

He rolled to the right as the dummy went in for another attack, and then again as it went in for another dive. He cast a glance over to the two gateways he had opened, it was almost ready, but it needed a few more seconds. Sadly, with his attention on the portals he did not see the dummy move in for another attack. He was knocked back again, this time a bit harder.

He shook his head and stood up. Now it was ready. The rubble had built up enough speed to be effective as a projectile. He opened a second gateway in between the two gateways he had opened and connected it to another hate he opened point blank to the dummy. The rubble shot out and impaled the dummy. Sending it to the ground.

Sam panted heavily. He looked to Alan and grinned. "I know I know. I got distracted, missed the surprise dummy and got too distracted with my barrage attack. Still trying to get used to the barrage attack, I have a few ideas for it already." He gives him a thumbs up. "I'll do better next time!"
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ February 1st 2018, 8:12 pm

Alan watched the session going on before him. The lad was good, really good. A few rough spots here and there and he definitely needed to watch his blind spots more, but overall, not bad at all. Upon seeing him finish his barrage attack, Alan clapped in approval, "Bravo! I must say, that was very impressive indeed! Your usage of portals is definitely top-notch!"

He brought over some water for him, "It's good that you take notice of the areas you lack in. One way you can cover for it is learn to create a portal on your back. That way, any who try to launch a sneak attack will be in for a nasty surprise. Also, perhaps try using your gift to pick off targets from a distance before you move in. Less chance of getting harmed that way,"

All of a sudden, a loud rumbling noise shook the ground under their feet, "What the?!!!" Alan/Aurora rushed over to peek past the tents and paled at the sight of several armored trucks demolishing the booths and opening up to reveal a bunch of human figures donned in green and black swat-style armor with what looked to be a cybernetic motif such as visors in place of a face and carrying large rifles in their arms.

They fanned out and took aim around the area, "Spread out and find those mutants!! Bring them in dead or alive!!" One of them commanded as they fanned out.

"Looks like we got trouble..." Alan whispered.
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 February 2nd 2018, 4:24 am

He listened to their advice, nodding and breathing heavily. He wasn't at his limit yet, but he was tired from all of that. He took a long sip of the water before setting the bottle down by his feet. "I do have some other tricks that I have been meaning to try, but nothing ready yet. Next training session I'll do better."

At the rumbling Sam nearly lost his footing, needing to take a few steps back to catch himself. He had a feeling it went nothing good, but he could hope. He was already closer to his limit, not there, but still...a big problem wasn't what he needed right now. He'd most likely burn himself out at this rate. With another heavy breath and swig of his water he started to move.

He saw Alan and Aurora go over to the side of the tents and casually strolled over to meet them. He peaked around the corner and saw what they. He watched the trucks plow through and the humanoid looking people. His concerns were met, unfortunately. He looked to Alan/Aurora and gave them the best confident smile he could muster. "They're gonna be really bummed once they learn that we're sold out for the show." He sighed. "Looks like we're going back to work now."

He took a few steps back behind them, then, once he was out of their sight range he'd up open up a gateway and a connecting point to right in front of the mass of enemies. He knew it was a dumb idea, but he needed their attention off of civilians. He pulled up his good, covering his face as best he could and started to go forward.
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ February 2nd 2018, 11:35 am

"Well, a hero's work is never done. Anyways, let's devise a plan. You can use those rifts of yours to scout the area and figure out how many there are. Once that's done, we'll start picking them off one by-" However, Alan stopped himself at realizing his friend was no longer beside him, "Sam?" He glanced around him, only to see the portal user step through one of the rifts, "No! What does he think he's doing?!!"

If Sam's intent was to get the cyborgs' attention, it worked, as the mob that had stayed in the main area suddenly froze at the sight of him, before the one presumably in charge  motioned to the others and they raised their weapons, "Mr Samuel, was it? Put your hands in the air and surrender. If you agree to lead us to others of your kind, we will see to it that you're treated with the best possible care by our employers."

"Cyborg mercenaries...must be working for some sort of private military group..." Alan hypothesized. Seeing his chance, the jester floated into the air and shed his disguise for the familiar alien appearance that so many had come to know. Exerting their psychic power, they managed to lift one of the armored trucks into the air and as its shadow fell over them, the cyborgs looked up in time to see her drop it on top of them. Several of them were flattened instantly, while the rest began to scatter and take aim, letting off a spray of machine gun fire from all directions.

Siren's psychic field gave her the added protection to just stand there and take it. They then bullet-dived towards the ground and slammed into it hard enough to send several cyborgs flying before transforming her arm into a whip and start slashing away at the others.
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Game Masters - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 February 3rd 2018, 4:03 pm

Sam blinked at the cyborgs and then smirkrd. He looked up slightly and scratched his cheek. "Ah...well, it seems like you caught me." He slowly raised his hands, open palm, but then closed them in a fist. He knew it would exhaust him further avid shorten the time he had awake, but he had to be fast and make sure the innocents were safe.

He waited for they had their weapons raised to him and then opened several tiny getaways, maybe large enough to fit your arm through, all around the air in front of him, he then opened one semi large one in front of him as he fell to his knees. It had exhausted him too no end, after this he'd probably have trouble making further gateways.

Seeing him resist, the few cyborgs that weren't assaulted by Siren opened fire, shooting at Sam, however, instead of reaching him the entered the gateways. The exits to the gateways had been opened beneath them, under the docks and fired up at them, though seemingly none of bullets were lethal, all striking either their legs or arms. Sam was still a hero and didn't believe in killing.

His sight went blurry and when he thought he heard the bullets stop He closed all the gates as let out a loud wheeze. It had pushed him to his limits, but for the most part he had taken out a decent amount of them. He watched, his eyes half opened, as Siren slashed at the guards.

"Oh...yeah...that's right...they're here too...can't sit now." Clutching his staff he stood up and used the staff as a cane, moving back towards the fray. He was tired, but he wasn't out just yet. As her walked he kept an eye out for any civilians that hadn't managed to escape. For what he could tell, there was none. Thank God.
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