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Game Masters

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Game Masters Empty Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ January 30th 2018, 5:30 pm

As the sun began to set over the pier at the edge of New York, the lights came on and illuminated the carnival. Said lights coupled with how bright and colorful said place was made it an enticing prospect for those who wanted to have fun and didn't mind blowing a few hundred dollars for it.

The massive circus tent was featuring a full house tonight and although those in charge were missing several people, they did have a backup plan, and it came in the form of the cloaked figure standing on top of the pole. As the  clowns roved around on their unicycles while elephants stomped about, said figure seemed to be having a discussion with themselves.

"I don't get you sometimes, Alan. When it comes to being a girl,you tend to get all uppity and embarrassed, but when it comes to something like this where making a fool of yourself is pretty much in the job description, you jump at it." Aurora remarked.

"What can I say? I like carnivals. My Mom and I may not have had much money but she always had enough saved aside so we could take a day off and come here for a couple hours of fun," Adam mentally replied back, "Besides...we might not get too many more free nights like this so we may as well enjoy it while we can, right?"

"I suppose you're right.."
Aurora conceded before smiling, "Let's put on a good show for them."

With those words said, the figure tossed off their cloak, revealing a jester-like figure underneath...


The entity grabbed the handlebar and began to swing through the air while pulling off various flips and other stunts that one would normally see at these kinds of events. The things you could do with some well-placed telekinesis and shapechanging.

Last edited by GamerXZ on February 6th 2018, 6:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 January 30th 2018, 6:04 pm

When Sam had first heard that the carnival was in town he almost didn't believe it. It wasn't until he saw the flyers that he knew it was true and more over, they needed a few extra hands. For the last few months he had been working hard as a hero for profit, but he still longed for the days at the carnival. He could spare a few days working there, he'd make money, not as much, but at least it'd be good fun.

In the days to pass he managed to land the job, mainly due to his experience as a carni. He had wanted to be an acrobat, it was what he was good at and the sight of that big tent filled him auth nostalgia, but alas that spot had been filled. He was instead placed at the ring toss stand. It was a good chance to show off his promotion skills. By noon he managed to bring in a large crowd and keep it running.

After it finally slowed down he was given a lunch break. He checked the time and saw that there was five minutes before the next show in the tent. He had time! At least, that's what he told himself. Using his comic hole he managed to sneak by the guard and into the ready area where the performers would walk out into the wide space of the tent. He made his way to edge of the tunnel, walking with a sort of authority, acting like he belonged there so no one would stop him. At the edge he looked out into the open area and up at the bars where he saw a jester swinging and soaring through the air.

For a moment he smiled as he watched the jester seemingly perform with ease, but his smile faded as he watched. He blinked at the jester and let out a small, "Huh." There was something off about this jester, he couldn't place his finger on it.
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ January 30th 2018, 6:56 pm

Sam had every right to be suspicious as the "jester" was now pulling off feats that were approaching the realm of superhuman. This included managing to pull themselves up and rotate over the handle repeatedly, hanging by two feet while grabbing several rubber balls and juggling them, among others. The audience spent a good portion of their time just staring and holding their breath.

It even got to the point that the jester actually went and stood up on the handlebar and held onto the wire while swinging around them and shielding their eyes with the other hand as if they were on a ship keeping an eye out for land. The show was getting to the point that some people looked ready to faint on the spot, especially when a series of hoops began to move up and down attached to poles and were either on fire or generating electricity.

Despite this, the jester only kept on smiling as they oriented themselves just right and then launched forward like a missile, soaring through the rings and grabbing another handlebar before swinging forward and launching themselves onto the platform to give a bow.

It took a few seconds for the audience to catch their breath but they did and applauded loudly while cheering. Doing several more bows, the figure descended down the rope ladder and quickly dashed out before anyone could move.
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 January 30th 2018, 11:02 pm

Sam watched as the so called acrobat finish their finale. Unlike the others, Sam was not impressed, rather he was curious. That performer's movements, the way he flipped and soared in front of was unnatural. There was no way this man could move like that without some sort of aid.

The jester had to be using some sort of ability to do this. There was nothing wrong with that, Sam himself had used his gift for performances before, but Sam was personally curious about this one. He had never met another person who used abilities to enhance an act like this. Another performer who was a hero! He had to find out more.

He watched as that performer exited and did the only natural thing for him to do. Chase after him! Sam opened a gateway to where the man exited and jumped through. He looked around this side to try and spot the man. He started down the way, looking here and there for the man.

"Oi!" Sam called, still not able to see him. "Jester looking guy! Please! Come here, I got a question for ya." He smiled as he looked around, trying not to look hostile. "I wanted to ask about your performance. I noticed something interesting about it." He scratched the back of his head, he had a feeling he was about get to lost again.
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ January 31st 2018, 1:23 pm

The jester was perched on top of one of the booths set up around the carnival, a brown paper bag next to them as they reached in to retrieve an apple. They were about to take a bite when Aurora chimed in once again, "Seriously? You talked about wanting a night where we can just relax and have fun, and you're eating a flipping apple. We're at a carnival, for crying out loud! Let's go grab some nachos or cotton candy or ice cream!"

"Some of us are trying to watch our waistline, Aurora," Alan chided her as he took a bite out of the apple only to be alerted to the sound of someone calling out to them. They glanced over to see someone walking about while the people around them only stared as he created a commotion, "You seeing what I'm seeing?"

"Yep, some dork who thinks calling out to someone in a public place whose name he doesn't even know won't attract attention or get him kicked out of here." Aurora commented with a sigh.

"In all fairness, we kinda didn't really bother giving this form a name to go by," Alan pointed out, causing his partner to go quiet, "But you do have a point. Let's go get him before what you said actually happens."

With that said, the jester dropped down from the booth and leaned back against a wall while continuing to munch said apple, "Hey, you were looking for me? Also, mind keeping it down? People are starting to stare."
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 January 31st 2018, 2:16 pm

Sam grinned widely as the man answered. He turned to face the man and gave a big wave. He always knew the direct method was the best way to solve problems. "Hello, sir!" Sam said loudly, still ignorant to the crowd.

Sam walked towards the man, a casual stride. "Sir, I wanted to ask about your performance. I think I know how you did it, and I didn't anyone else with abilities would was into this business!" He nods over, grinning at the man. "So, what's your ability? Your power? Do you fight crime too?

He said all of this, still unaware of crowd of onlookers. At this time he said it with an inside voice, so fewer people could hear him. He stood there, smiling expectingly at the man. He carefully inspected him for anything that be of interest, clothing, weapons, so on and so forth.

"Whatever you did, there's no natural way you could've pulled off those moves!"
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ January 31st 2018, 2:31 pm

The jester actually winced at the way this guy was acting. Did he not know the meaning of the term secret identity? It was called "secret" for a reason! Needless to say, the pair knew they needed to act fast and thus they immediately shushed the easily excitable lad and hissed to him, "Keep your voice down! You have no idea who could be hearing you at any moment!" They lifted their head long enough to leer at the people surrounding them, and after a few seconds, said onlookers went about their business though some still threw confused glances in their direction.

Alan/Aurora massaged their temples and let out a deep sigh, "Ok, you need to follow me like...right now. We'll go somewhere that we'll actually have some privacy..." The jester would then proceed to lead the way out past the booths towards where a small trailer was set up for them to hide inside of.
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 January 31st 2018, 3:55 pm

Sam smiled innocently and, to be honest, a bit dumbly at the man. "Oh! Right!" He smacks his head. "I'm always forgetting that." He looks around as the crowd disperses. "Well, it looks like the problem solved itself." He looks back to the man, still smiling.

He decided it would be best to follow the man. "Oh! I'm Sam, by the way." He matches the man's pace they make there way to the trailer. Whether the man shook or not was up to him. "I can also do cool stuff! I have an ability too!"

He follows the man into the trailer, the thought of this being a trap has not even crossed Sam's mind. "So! Tell me about yourself, friend?" He stands near to the door as he watches the man.
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ January 31st 2018, 4:39 pm

"It's rather ironic that someone who looks to be about your age can behave like such a child." Aurora commented in their shared mindscape, to which Alan found he could not argue. He opened the door but to show he wasn't a threat, he didn't close it.

"Now, let me start off by saying you should consider yourself very fortunate at the moment, because you risked putting both of us in serious trouble," Alan hated having to scold someone who was clearly in his age group but he needed this man to understand the seriousness of their situation too, "Like I said before you have no idea who could've been listening back there,"

He sighed and took a seat, "People like us, with're only just starting to be a thing society has to deal with, and there are a lot of folks out there who would like to either profit from what we can do, or cut us up to see what makes us tick. That's why it's so important for us to stay undetected for the Sam, right? Can you promise me you'll try to be more careful in the future with pulling stunts like that?"
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 January 31st 2018, 4:59 pm

Sam seems to finally get the seriousness of the situation. He lets out a breath and waves his hand dismissively. "Right right. I got it." He chuckles a bit. "I understand the dangers of talking about it, but personally I've never really worried about it. I am aware someone could be listening, but at least that's a good way to draw them out. If they're a bad guy their attention should be on me and not on innocents, right? And if they want to study me: sure. I don't mind them trying to figure out how this works, to be honest I don't. If they try anything I don't like, I'll leave. I'm good at exiys." He shrugs. "At least, that's my policy on it."

He waves his hand again. "However! I know, you're probably trying to keep it on the down low. Sorry for risking your cover." He raises his hand for another shake. "Honestly, sorry, my friend. We good?"

Again, whether or not they shook was up to the man. "I promise I'll be more careful with you and other super powered people in the future. I won't purposely cause you anymore problems." He nods, his smile coming back. "Anyways, what's your name? And tell me about this ability! How long ya been using it to perform?" He raises a finger. "Which, thinking on it! Is a good way to get found out as well! You're putting yourself in the spotlight. That goes against everything you just told me." He chuckles again. "Make up your mind." He shakes his head. "Sorry, go on about yourself."
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ January 31st 2018, 5:22 pm

Alan took the offered hand and shook it, glad they at least had that out of the way. At hearing Sam explain the situation from his perspective though,  he found he had no real rebuttal, "You are correct, in a way. I still stand by what I said, but I suppose it was a tad hypocritical to get on your case considering my own actions. I then, how to explain my situation? It's probably best to show you,"

The jester suddenly glowed brightly and split back into the two aliens that made up the original, "Hey," Aurora waved before floating over to where a bag of cheddar popcorn lied open and used her telekinesis to lift a bunch of the stuff into the air before munching on it.

"Aurora?...Aurora!!" Alan called out to her but she seemed to be ignoring him to focus on her treat. As such, he sighed in defeat and looked to his guest, "Don't mind her. She's just a little miffed that I tried to have us eat something that wasn't loaded in sugar, salt, and calories for a change. Anyways, I'm Alan, and this is Aurora. You probably have a lot of questions but it's probably best I start at the beginning." He then proceeded to explain himself and what his and Aurora's deal was.
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 January 31st 2018, 6:17 pm

"No worries, bud! I'm glad we can see eye to eye!" After they shake Sam leans against the door, probably idea, but he liked to lean. He watches as the two split, but Sam doesn't offer much to surprise or fear, rather claps his hands together. "Oh! Well ain't that a fancy trick!" He waves back at Aurora. "Yo. Pass me some of that, I haven't eaten yet."

He looks back to Alan. "Good to meet you, Alan and Aurora. He listens intently to their tale, nodding here as there, adding "Uh huhs." And "I see!" And "Interesting!" As it was explained. At the end he gave Alan a small round of applause. "Nice nice! Though, I do have a few questions. Do you guys like...share a bathroom? How does privacy work? I imagine getting a date must be rough to say the least."

He lets out a heavy. "Though, honestly, I do have to ask. How did you cope with it? I'm still not comfortable with my abilities, I haven't been able to use them to their full potential, I don't think. How did you adapt to it all?" He thinks for a few moments. "More importantly! How long have you been performing? Your act needs some work. It was impressive, but using your abilities like that made it seem unnatural. For someone like me it was obvious you were doing something to guide yourself and propel yourself. If you're worried about getting caught you need to work on it." He scratched his head. "If you've been doing this for awhile I can imagine that you've probably been confronted before."

He looks around the trailer. "You are lucky though, you got an entire trailer. I was promised a sandwich I didn't even get yet."
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ January 31st 2018, 6:59 pm

"Whoa, whoa. Easy there on the questions, man," Alan exclaimed with raised hands at the sudden barrage of questions, "One at a time, ok? First off, you said you needed a sandwich, right?" The former human used his telekinesis to slide over the mini fridge, "There's sandwiches and drinks in there. Take what you wish. Also, this place isn't really ours. We were just allowed to borrow it until the carnival packs up and goes,"

He scratched his chin, "As for your other questions...well, we go to the bathroom like any other person though the one who doesn't need to go is nice enough to look the other way when the other person needs to. Don't ask me how to explain how that works because it just does. It was tricky at first adapting but having someone else sharing your head can have its benefits sometimes."

"To tell you the truth, we don't really work with these guys. We're just filling in for a couple of people who suddenly came down with a really bad case of the flu," Aurora chimed in before levitating the bag of popcorn over to Sam and fetching a can of soda pop that was sitting next to her, "Once this place packs up and leaves, we're gonna be on our way as we don't really stick around in one place too long."
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by Nate6595 January 31st 2018, 7:37 pm

Without hesitation, Sam rushes to the fridge and takes the first sandwich he sees. He looks over his shoulder and waves. "Thanks buddy. I didn't eat today or yesterday so I'm starving." He stands back up and brushes himself off. "Sorry for the mad dash." He looks back at the mini-fridge. "So that's your power, huh? Must be nice to be able to summon mini-fridges."

He catches the popcorn and holds it, not opening either. "Thanks again. Anyway I can repay ya for these?" He looks between the two. "What are you guys doing here anyways? You said you don't work for them, just a temp job." Another smile comes to his face. "Are you poor like me? We should team up and fight crime, it pays really well."
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Game Masters Empty Re: Game Masters

Post by GamerXZ January 31st 2018, 7:51 pm

"Well, the thing is for the past year we've mostly been traveling around the world, seeing the sights, getting to know other empowered individuals and rescuing members of Aurora's race who are here on Earth for some reason," Alan explained as he used his telekinesis to grab a sandwich of his own from the same fridge, "Only now our days of globe-trotting may need to be put on hold since we got a bunch of her people living on a island somewhere now and they need someone to guide and protect them,"

"That's one of the main reasons we're here today. To enjoy one last bit of actual freedom before we buckle down and start our new long-term job," Alan took a moment to bite into his sandwich, chew, and swallow before continuing, "So yeah, we appreciate the offer but we got things we got to do and we don't want you to feel burdened either."

"Hey, if you want, we can talk to the folks in charge here and see if they'll let you use this trailer once we leave," Aurora offered as she guzzled her soda, "I mean, it's not much but it would be nice to have a roof over your head for a couple of nights."
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