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Electric Patrol

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INV ONLY Re: Electric Patrol

Post by skullheadsoldiers December 14th 2017, 1:13 am

Tesla kept his eyes on the waiter for a good few seconds before turning his attention back to Ares and smiling just a tad sadly. "I'm so sorry about his behavior, I'm not sure what's gotten into him." After a moment he shook his head. "Oh no you don't, you keep that tray, I'll just wait for the new one." Sighing, he lifted a hand up to the locket that dangled for his neck and gripped it softly, his smile only looking more morose now.

"Maybe, maybe this is my fault?" Tearing his gaze away from Ares, he looked to where the waiter had disappeared off to. "I don't know why I'm about to tell you this, but the people that run this place are some close family friends of mine." Pausing, he shook his head and sighed. "No, that's a partial lie, they are more like a second family to me." Turning his gaze back over to Ares he continued in a soft voice, like someone recalling a happy memory long after it had become mired in sorrow. "You see, they're the family of someone close to me that I lost about a year ago. I blamed myself for what happened, and I still do somewhat even now. Yet they didn't, they said they knew it wasn't my fault and they gave me somewhere to morn in safety, away from everything."

Leaning back in his own chair, a small smile began to reform. "They are some of the most wonderful people I know." Frowning, he added, "But I guess there was some resentment buried in the extended members of their family. That waiter was his cousin, and he was actually one of the first to help me heal." Turning his gaze back towards where the waiter had gone he added in a sad tone, "But I guess he still has some things to work out."


Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2017-12-11

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INV ONLY Re: Electric Patrol

Post by Ares Rajani December 14th 2017, 1:44 am

It was at this moment Ares realized...he fucked up.

Ares smile seemed to fade a bit, as if he were getting wrapped up in the sad yet bittersweet tale. The more he listened the more life choices were regretted. This guy obviously wanted to be a hero for all the right reasons. But that wasn't what Ares was expecting. He let out a little sigh as he heard that the waiter, Jackson was it? This was a cousin. So the cousin of this guy's close friend was hating his guts. Oh, that was just wonderful. Ares was happy for Tesla that he got to relive these memories, but he had a feeling that this wasn't going to be okay.

"I-I'm sorry..." Ares said as he leaned back. It was nice that Tesla trusted him, but at the same respect he wasn't a miracle worker. Not anymore. Whomever Tesla lost, Ares knew that this person was precious to him, and the loss must have left a lot of scarring there as they were carved out of his life like a third-world surgery. Ares never did well at stuff like this, but he remembered the words of a wise man. He put his small smile back on his face and listened to everything Tesla wanted to tell him.

"I don't know who they were. But if they mean that much to you, they were lucky. But I think...if nothing else they'd want you to understand that you can't blame yourself for-" Ares didn't even notice that the waiter had returned and after setting a tray in front of Tesla, he turned to hand Ares the check walking closer as a sharp piece of metal slid from the man's sleeve and quickly jabbed through Ares' side. Ares let out a yelp as he grabbed the man's wrist, looking to the table. Jacksons' eyes were glazed over, and a scowl was plastered on his face, but his eyes were empty and his breathing was irregular.

Electric Patrol - Page 2 Ares10
Ares Rajani
Ares Rajani

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 32
Registration date : 2016-11-02

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INV ONLY Re: Electric Patrol

Post by skullheadsoldiers December 14th 2017, 11:10 pm

Tesla smiled at Ares as he spoke, giving the man a slow nod. "Yes I suppose you have a-" But just as he is about to speak he notices the waiter stab the blind man before him with almost no hesitation. With eyes wide, Tesla immediately leaps from his seat to tackle the man, all of his attention focused on getting the now apparently assailant away from his target. As he jumps he screams out, "What are you doing!?", electricity already building in his palms as he flies through the air of the short distance.

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Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2017-12-11

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INV ONLY Re: Electric Patrol

Post by Ares Rajani December 14th 2017, 11:45 pm

Oh Jesus, did he just hear an electrical jolt? Ares tensed up as he began to worry about the electricity. Was it lightning? He actually kept the knife in his side as he started to duck down and push himself under the table, as if somehow the tabled was going to provide shelter from lightning. Yes, Ares was just stabbed, he was bleeding profusely and even with the knife still sticking out of him he was more worried about the possibility of Lightning or electricity getting him. It was almost like Vietnam flashbacks to a war veteran. Ares began to worry as the warm, slick substance bled through is jacket and into his hand.

"I-I'm goin outside. S-so you can see if ya can calm him down." Ares whimpered a bit as he couldn't bring himself to smile. But he needed to put distance between him and the situation. He needed something done, now. Looking back to Tesla he started to crawl out from the table. Tesla was pretty tied up, so Ares just attempted to move himself away from the scenario a bit, gimping as he left a trail of blood towards the door. His hand patted the door rapidly as he pushed and exited the building, taking a sharp left and headed for an alleyway.

Electric Patrol - Page 2 Ares10
Ares Rajani
Ares Rajani

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 32
Registration date : 2016-11-02

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INV ONLY Re: Electric Patrol

Post by skullheadsoldiers December 15th 2017, 5:40 pm

Tesla couldn't see much beyond the tangle of limbs that he and the waiter had become. Tumbling forward several feet, Tesla found himself on top of the waiter. Wasting little time he placed a palm on the man's chest, sending a shock through their body comparable to a strong taser. The waiter's body immediately began to seize up from the current traveling through his body, giving Tesla enough time to flip him over and pin him on the ground. "Georgia! I need you now! Vick just stabbed a man!"

As he waited for the woman he called out to he pulled out a zip tie and restrained Vick's hands behind his back. Having a moment to take a breath he looked over the waiter's face, just to decipher something from it. It was then he noticed the glazed look in his eyes. Frowning he looked around for the blind man, only being mildly surprised at how quickly he disappeared. He had said he was going outside. "Oh my god, what happened?" Looking up, Tesla realized Georgia had finally made it. Lifting Vick to his feet, he sat him down in a chair, the man having finally passed out from the voltage that had gone through him.

Sighing, he looked over to Georgia with a sad look in his eyes. "I'm not sure Georgia, just call 911 and keep an eye on him. Just in case, get some rope and time him to the chair. I don't know if whatever is effecting him will pass when he wakes up." The woman simply nodded, before calling out for someone to get a rope and then pulling out her phone. Looking towards the entrance, Tesla made his way outside. "Where are you going?" Turning his head to look at Georgia, his lips formed a deep frown. "To check on the victim, and see if he knows why Vick stabbed him. Something doesn't feel right about this."

Without another word he made his way outside. Taking a moment to look around he noticed blood on the door and then some droplets on the ground. Following the trail, he turned into a nearby alleyway, where he found Ares. "Ares!" Rushing over to him, he would begin to reach towards the area where he had been stabbed, but stopped half way. "How badly are you hurt?"

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2017-12-11

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INV ONLY Re: Electric Patrol

Post by Ares Rajani December 19th 2017, 1:39 am

Ares was leaning against a wall in the alleyway before sliding down and sitting there. He needed some good news right about now, because this wasn't an ideal way to die. IF he had to die, he wanted it to be from something fun. Like super-Cancer or some metahuman genius' neurax worm or something. Not from a knife wound. His mind began to wander. W-what if there IS a Hell for people like me? Then his mind jolted to a higher level of alertness as he realized the gravity of his situation.

"Aw hell no. I am NOT goin' to hell for gettin' shanked by a waiter. I'll have zero cred down there..." He muttered to himself as he finally began to feel around for a lighter he normally kept in his pocket. He wasn't having much luck with that. He heard Tesla call for him now, actually it caused Ares to panic a bit as he approached. Tesla asked how bad he was hurt, to which Ares just chuckled, trying to keep his spirits high. "I've had worse..." He said as he moved his hand to reveal a rather deep, dark blooded gash oozing.

"I know he's your friend n' all...but I think I'm only gonna leave him 10% heh." He said jokingly before still shifting around his pockets in one hand. "Lighter...Lighter, where's my lighter?" He mused, realizing his mind was starting to feel a bit unfocused.

Electric Patrol - Page 2 Ares10
Ares Rajani
Ares Rajani

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 32
Registration date : 2016-11-02

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INV ONLY Re: Electric Patrol

Post by skullheadsoldiers December 20th 2017, 5:28 am

Tesla frowned at the wound heavily, not entirely sure what to do. He wasn't a doctor after all. Thinking quickly, he ripped some cloth from his pants and pressed it into the wound to staunch the bleeding. "Shut up, your lighter isn't important right now. No, wait, I guess focus on that. Just, don't go to sleep okay?"

Keeping one hand pressed into the wound, he used his free hand to reach into his pocket and pull out his phone. Turning it on with a flick of his finger, and a small surge of electricity to make sure it was charged, he pulled it up and began to type in 911. As he waited for the call to go through, he turned his attention back to Ares. "Just, hold on okay? I'm calling 911 now."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2017-12-11

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INV ONLY Re: Electric Patrol

Post by Ares Rajani December 21st 2017, 12:56 am

Ares just laughed as the man said that his lighter wasn't important, but seemed to suddenly shift opinion when he managed to think about keeping consciousness. Ares started to mumble something under his breath, something he had probably learned in some foreign language class. Ares growled a little then cleared his throat as he withdrew the lighter form his pocket, trying to open it. What he was up to, only time would tell.

"Okay, this is not gonna be pretty...look. Any chance that the name Tesla has to do with...electricity?" He said, a wincing sensation on his face, his primal fear of lightning starting to cause him great anxiety. He tried to keep himself steady, but he was starting to fade fast. "I-It's not working...They'll take too long and I'm gonna bleed out. P-place your hand here and gimmie a concentrated shock. As precise as possible INTO the cut." He said as his breathing started to go a little shallow, his mind was beginning to haze. He couldn't even remember what the process was called. There was a chance that the shock would stop his heart as well, but hopefully the hero realized that what stops the heart can also restart theory.

Electric Patrol - Page 2 Ares10
Ares Rajani
Ares Rajani

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 32
Registration date : 2016-11-02

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INV ONLY Re: Electric Patrol

Post by skullheadsoldiers December 29th 2017, 12:04 pm

Tesla's eyes widened at the suggestion, his mouth opening in closing in stunned confusion. "You...want me to do what to you? Are you crazy!?" Shaking his head, a put more pressure on the wound, doing his best to staunch the wound. "No no no, we just have to wait for an ambulance."

Frowning for a moment he takes a moment to look at the wound and shakes his head furiously. "I don't even know if that makes sense, let alone if it won't kill you." Looking at the wound once more, he slowly moves one of his hands towards the opening. Looking up at Ares for just a moment Tesla whispers "Just live alright?" And with those words said a small but power jolt of electricity flies into Ares' wound.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2017-12-11

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INV ONLY Re: Electric Patrol

Post by Ares Rajani January 10th 2018, 3:15 pm

Of all the ways Ares had believed he would die, this was not one of them. He had thought maybe he'd die because of someone hitting him with a bus. He'd thought of dying because maybe he bit off a little more than he could chew. Of all the ways to die, he was NOT going to stand at the gates of Hell and be ridiculed because he died from some guy randomly shanking him. He was better than this, and he was certainly better than what he was showing right now. His train of thought was derailed by the jolt of pain, muscles spasming in an uncontrolled fashion.

The pain was far from unbearable, however it did illicit a hiss as he began to shift and react. The Thought of lightning got his heart rate going faster than he'd like, especially considering his strange phobia. With a quick jolt he managed to shift as the smell of burning flesh seemed to give way, and his mind began to haze. He was desperate, and desperate times called for desperate measure. Especially when it came to the prospect of going through the dying process.

"Great...Great...Okay." He said with deep breathes as he began to think. "Uhm...Maybe you could go to the sidewalk and flag them down?" He asked, trying to set some distance between him and his electrified hero of the day. With some space, his theory would be put to the test.

Electric Patrol - Page 2 Ares10
Ares Rajani
Ares Rajani

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 32
Registration date : 2016-11-02

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INV ONLY Re: Electric Patrol

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