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Ares Rajani

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Ares Rajani Empty Ares Rajani

Post by Ares Rajani November 9th 2016, 7:33 pm

Ares Rajani
"Your everyday guy"

Basic Biography

Real Name: Ares Rajani
Renegade/Villain Name: Ares Rajani
Title: Totally your everyday guy...
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race:  Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Alters occasionally
Height: 5'6
Weight: 145 lbs.
Blood type:  B+

The Looks

Either include pictures in Spoilers, a smaller picture/s for the profile, or a very detailed description of your characters physical appearance and costume.

Alignment Justification

Chaotic Neutral is a free spirit whom does whatever they please, whenever they please. They can be classified as Hedonists, just doing whatever it takes to get a thrill out of the moment. Ares is exactly that. He does what he wants. If it lines up with the law then that's good. But it probably won't. He won't care if it doesn't. In fact he doesn't even understand what the cops are for. Morality is nothing more than another choice. Life is hard enough as it is, so why limit yourself even farther?

The Legacy

Ares is a rather complex individual. He is a person who seems to be nice the first moment, then mischievous and uncharacteristically cunning the next. He is rather intelligent, however seems to be naïve to the most simplistic things that most people would believe to be common sense. This goes as far as believing that fire hydrants were metal "pimples" in the side-walk that contained fire to use to blow up the area if a metahuman were to ever go crazy.
Ares is the type who is always smiling, always doing something to keep himself busy and always going out and trying to find new ways to experience life to its fullest. He's a thrill-seeking adrenaline junkie with what seems to be a one-track mind and at times a child-like mentality.

In truth:

Very little is actually known about Ares. He has no family, he has no past here nor does he seem to have any knowledge of the world around him. To talk to him makes it seem as if he had literally been born yesterday. With absolutely nothing to his name, Ares arrived from seemingly nowhere and just decided to integrate himself into the world around him. Immediately he began to find himself in small bouts of trouble or disagreements. Some problems were easily resolved others were worth their weight in scrapes and bruises.
 Ares history is known to him, and him alone. If you want to learn more about him; how about a game, Guest? Wink

The Truth of Ares:

The Powers

  Black and Blue: Ares possesses tied to 2 separate forms of primal magical essences called “mana”. Each type of mana is indicative of types of spells and personality traits of value with the attuned individual.
Black Spells:

Blue Spells:

Magic Detection: Ares has a distinct talent for analyzing magic and gaining a base comprehensive understanding of what overall level of magic that a magic user would be at. This gives him only a base insight as to what “mana” these casters would be affiliated with on his world, and a general power capacity. Also helpful for detecting the presence and appraising the powers possessed in artifacts.

The Weaknesses

Wolf in Sheep's clothing: There's an ever-present sense around Ares. Some people look at him and think he's much more than he seems to be. Others find it alluring or interesting, some even see him as a person to stay away from. This makes how people react to the character on the initial encounter very randomized and could prove problematic to the character and/or everyone around him, despite the character's attitude or behavior. Ares is often times very difficult to trust due to this.

Flesh and the power it holds: This is a very sarcastic one. The Flesh holds no true power. He is human. He can age, he requires food and drink as well as sleep. His physical form is nothing more than your geeky 24 year old with a partial work out regimen...which by partial workout regimen we mean "Goes to the gym and MAYBE does sit ups, and runs."

Gimmie Fuel, Gimmie Fire!: Ares magic is dependant upon his access to pool mana from ley lines and store them within himself. Casting spells outside of their leyline requires him to pull from his personal stored mana pool, which caused physical exhaustion.

Dark Heart: Ares revels in the plunge of pushing a “pure” user of magic over the edge, forcing them to battle and grapple with the black magic’s he weaves. He toys with those affiliated with “white” mana, and often times it causes a delay or a change in fate that can be detrimental to his plans.  

My Demon: Ares particular set of powers are perfectly tailored to his own personality. Though this is an incredibly good thing it also presents some "complications". Whenever Ares does anything that acts "out of character" or acts in a way that willingly subjugates himself to another's will; he is vulnerable to psychotic episodes, mental torment and sporadic and unreliable power until he begins to act of his own volition and has cut all ties to those he had subjugated himself to. If Ares is particularly stubborn and has finally found his "place" under another beings will, it will go to such extremes as his powers making a carbon copy black mana version of himself with his old mentality, that will continually spawn and attempt to kill and replace him.

The Eternal Wait: If Ares were to ever be rendered unconscious or "killed" he would slip into a state just before death called "The Eternal Wait". Ares can then only be awoken by an individual with a thirst for knowledge or a potential for greater potency in black mana than his own. Once awoken, his black mana binds to theirs, parasitically feeding upon it to restore his life force. While tethered such as this, Ares actions are subliminally influenced by whomever he is leaching upon.

Monstrous Clock: Anyone benefiting from an Enchantment, Intervention, Equipment or any form of Sorcery that Ares is casting is immediately given an injection of darkness. (This darkness does not inherently influence or affect the host in any way, shape or form save for the fact that it makes white-mana (light based attacks) more deadly and dampens any form of healing that isn't done through unsavory means. Ares is cognitive of this presence only after 3 marks and must then actively attempt to avoid drawing any more attention to himself if possible. Whenever this happens in a thread, there is a “Mark” made on Ares and after 7 marks the next weakness takes effect.

Stormghosts: The Stormghost is an almost ever present multiverse threat that is interwoven into the fabric of the multiverse itself. The Stormghost is a monstrous creature of unknown origin and even more mysterious ambitions.It was born from the destruction and decay of a world Ares once “collected” an artifact from. The Stormghost has chased Ares, and consistently hunts him. If too much darkness is spread by Ares it is likely he will be attacked by the Stormghost. Any time Ares has 7 marks, the Stormghost will appear in 5 posts. Any one may force the Stormghost to appear sooner and force Ares to the defensive.

Stormghosts: The Stormghost is an almost ever present multiverse threat that is interwoven into the fabric of the multiverse itself. The Stormghost is a monstrous creature of unknown origin and even more mysterious ambitions.It was born from the destruction and decay of a world Ares once “collected” an artifact from. The Stormghost has chased Ares, and consistently hunts him. If too much darkness is spread by Ares it is likely he will be attacked by the Stormghost. Any time Ares has 7 marks, the Stormghost will appear in 5 posts. Any one may force the Stormghost to appear sooner and force Ares to the defensive.

Carnival of Rust: Black mana is present in almost all things, and parasitic drawing or harmful injection to/from these things are part of the major manifestations of the spells. Rusted and silver weaponry hitting Ares causes his ability to pool mana to delay. All spells require 1 post preparation time. Stacks up to 3 times.

The Mechanics

Enigma: A lot of Ares is a secret that is meant to be found out.

The Spark: Ares’ very essence is sparked to life and ever adapting. No matter where Ares goes, no matter what he is subjected to, his spark will adapt his very quintessence and life-force to completely and entirely conform to the norms of that universe, making him impossible to pin-point that he is anything other than human.

The Arsenal

Nexus Collection A collecion of rare artifacts and magical items from across many unknown placed. There’s nothing but plot related things here, and they’ll only every be brought up for the sake of a plot with consent from everyone in the thread..

The Minions

Minions: Ares had several servants, maids, butlers chefs and hired help in his Nexus. Amongst his “help” are the created champions of his old allies and compatriots. Among them are ,Sher’Thal of the 1st, Slayerbane of 2nd,Thrystain of the 3rd, Incubon of the 4th, Lexa and Axel of 5th and 6th Voluptas Hedone of the 7th, and Belobog of the 8th. Plot based NPC’s that rarely ever leave the Nexus

Physical Priority
1 : Reaction : 1
2 : Agility : 2
3 : Endurance : 3
4 : Strength : 4

Character Trivia

Ares Rajani PKlLEOl Ares has a tattoo on his left Latissimi dorsi.
Ares Rajani PKlLEOl Ares was named after the God of War, a name picked by his father.
Ares Rajani PKlLEOl Ares seems to be allergic to coconuts and their related products.
Ares Rajani PKlLEOl Ares is a frequent attendant to most religious functions. Mostly because they tend to have food.
Ares Rajani PKlLEOl Ares is easily distracted by songs and music.
Ares Rajani PKlLEOl Ares hates lawyers. It's not really that surprising as most people do.
Ares Rajani PKlLEOl Ares suffers from a severe form of Astraphobia.
Ares Rajani PKlLEOl Ares' surname "Rajani" is Sanskrit and essentially means "The Dark One".
Ares Rajani PKlLEOl Ares loves pirates. He loves the idea of pirates, he loves the action of being a pirate and he loves absolutely everything pirate related.
Ares Rajani PKlLEOl Ares had a soft spot for animals, especially ones that share his "free" nature with a clever trickster's mentality.

RP Sample

Ares Rajani
Ares Rajani

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 32
Registration date : 2016-11-02

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Ares Rajani Empty Re: Ares Rajani

Post by The Bolt November 9th 2016, 8:31 pm

Approved until stated otherwise
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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