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It's raining somewhere

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It's raining somewhere  Empty It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion November 1st 2017, 5:12 pm

For some reason when humans died they became this big mass of flopping dead weight. Perhaps releasing all the tension they once had made them more difficult, gravity doing all the work that they once did to pull them down. Luckily children were far smaller and he had freakish super strength to some degree. The real issue was transporting a dead human child's body without being spotted, and man did people have an eye for dead children.

Of course Yancey was no help. All he did was say something bitter, make him do all the work, make him feel even an ounce of sympathy for him and then go off to likely plot his death. No one really ever helped, but then again he did not expect it. Anyone else might have messed this up, but luckily the trunks of cars existed for a reason beyond hauling annoying cargo...corpse aside. Okay now he had to think of an excuse for the dead child, luckily trash bags were a good cover up...except when they leaked.

He was going to need a lot of bleach for this.

If he had a weak stomach, well it was lucky Michael didn’t eat anything today...if that meant anything. Turning the small car into a garage, he turned the thing off and popped the trunk, looking down to the  trash bag, not actually full of trash of course and the fact he didn’t actually put him in the trash bag. Ugh, he was not making proper decisions these days. Looking down to the child, Michael sighed and threw them over his shoulder, grumbling about the blood stains on the suit.

With the lose arm held by one hand he walked into the home, wondering when was the last time he had been here. A month...maybe two? Time always seemed to blur when he lost track of it, or was hunting down mysterious red heads. Walking into what looked to be a living room, he looked around before calling out.

”Hey! Is anyone around here? I have a problem of the...kinda serious variety.” Would anyone answer? He wasn’t too sure, but then again hopefully it  wasn’t like Silus. Now that...would be further trauma he did not want to be the cause of.

Shael Atterrius
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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by The Hound November 1st 2017, 7:27 pm

Michael arrived at the house and walked in, like he owned the place. It was an irritating thing that he would vanish for so long, not call or write or anything of the like. Well, it was irritating for some people more than others. Jordan was over the fact Michael was never around, at this point he just added to his hoard while Michael was away. He figured whatever Michael was plotting next would require some funds. Of course Jordan had a bit more contact than some of the other residents of the house. Zell, on the other hand was home at the moment, and of course he had hardly heard anything from Michael. the last time he had an actual argument with Michael was in a bit of sparring, sparring that Zell tried to turn into training...which Michael didn't take to kindly too. Words were exchanged and...well truthfully Zell deserved the words. It didn't make it right, but for once Michael wasn't to fault.

His voice caused his ears to perk up as he walked down the stairs. The comment about a big problem prompted a chuckle and a smile. For once in is life, Zell wished he could just hear Michael say "I'm home", or "Hey Zell." or something like that. It almost seemed like every time Michael came around he was in trouble...but at least he was sharing it now. Better than secretly holding your problems in and causing collateral. "Is it Raziel?" He asked, he'd wait for a response as he was down the stairs, walking into the office and opening the globe. The secret alcohol container he hid from Silus steamed as the refrigerated holding device let out it's chilled air. "More grandchildren that will continue to act like I don't exist?"

"No? Oh... Is it The Abyss?" He asked, again he'd wait for a response, but after the claims were confirmed or denied, he'd arrive at the door with a curious look on his face. He finally saw the body lying in Michael's arms. Zell flushed with rage but he calmed himself down. He refused to believe Michael did this, he refused to accept that. He had more faith in Michael than that. But the site of this child....THIS child dead. That was something that infuriated him.

"Couldn't save him?" He asked as he looked to Michael, taking a sip and really hoping that Michael affirmed this. There was the sound of thunderous footsteps as there was the sound of a collision at the top of the stairs.

It's raining somewhere  Hounpu10
The Hound
The Hound

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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion November 1st 2017, 7:50 pm

”No, not this time.” Michael responded in hearing the shouted questions about Raziel, pleased it wasn’t the case. He looked over at the child, held in the epitome of care that he could give, aside of course from his own children. Things were never this heavy, at least in a metaphorical sense. ”No grandchildren either...that I know of.  Unless Jordan has something to tell me.” He muttered the last part but knowing the omniscient nature of Zell, well he likely heard that anyway. If something happened within this house, it was likely that he would know what that something was.

”No Abyss problems yet. ” Each question brought the male closer, until his father appeared with a small glass of what he assumed was the alcohol that Zell hid from Silus when he likely did not want his daddy drinking. It was hard to get a man to rid themselves of their poison of choice. The look that spread across his was one that suggested the thought that he did this as soon as the eyes fell on the boy within his arm.

Of course it was easy to assume he would kill a child.

Considering everything else that he did, this was just that next logical step. ”Something like that. Your damn dog decided to turn him into a chew toy. Samhain was there,  it was all one big massive fucking mess.” His voice sounded gruff, annoyed and even irritated. ”Brought the little bugger here because  I was told by Y...Samhain to find some Archon fellow and tell him to get off his ass. You seem like you know things normally, so have any clues there?” He arced a brow, looking up to where he heard the sound of something upstairs.

”Know what’s with all the sound up there?”

Shael Atterrius
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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by The Hound November 2nd 2017, 3:34 pm

Zell looked over the body, eyes fixated and entranced in the apparently deceased boy. Zell could identify a problem when he saw one, but he was much safter than others would give him credit for. Zell shook his head with a heavy heart and a rather mournful expression on his face as he reached out to place a hand on the boy's forehead. He was, for all practical purposes, dead. This condition had been seen before, very similar to Silus' incident with Lucius. This was becoming a pattern he did not like to see.

" I know, Michael." Zell said the moment he brought about a small stutter in hsi speech regarding Samhain, though starting his sentence with a y. Unless Samhain was no longer gaelic and somehow Sweedish or Swiss. He looked up to his son with a rather conflicted look on his face. He seemed wounded like a bleeding heart, but strong and convicted. Actually, that look was the look he gave Michael all the time, so it was one Michael knew best. "But this is Samhain. I don't know what's happened but this isn't Yancey, and we need to remember that. But I promise you, he will bear penance for this...just as you bore yours, and Jordan did his." He said. The loud thump from the upstairs came agian as it became a rumbling thunder shooting down the hallway. Michael asked Zell what was going on upstairs, which he used as an excuse to dip away from the whole Archon discussion as he looked to Michael and smiled.

"That sound? It's the welcoming committe." He said as from seemingly nowhere Silus and Jordan seemed to be laughing as they tried to apparently race each other down the stairs before rushing Michael, both of the combined pancaking his sorry ass to the floor. Zell took advantage of the chaos to step aside. "Sean, we need magical expertise...It'll break my mind if I try to reason it...Oh yeah, Mike's home." He almost whined, hoping Sean would hop up from whatever he was doing to come help their son.

"Hey, Welcome home!" Silus said as he tried to worm his way from the human sandwhich he'd become between his brothers. He popped up and noticed the kid on the table as he pointed it out. Jordan was still apparently keeping to his vow of silence as he looked up an then looked to Mike, cocking his head to the side in curiosity.

It's raining somewhere  Hounpu10
The Hound
The Hound

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 64
Age : 29
Registration date : 2016-08-13

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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion November 2nd 2017, 4:23 pm

His fathers face looked worried over the child, moreso than he would expect from dealing with a normal child. Could he have something to do with the child or was that heart of his bleeding more than usual? There was no knowing with him, so he just assumed something was the case. His eyes directed towards the child, serene within the sleep of death but sad all the same. Maybe he was just beginning to become a bleeding heart himself.

It was almost funny really.

One thing he did know apparently was that Samhain was, or was now claiming he was not him anymore. With what they were dealing with, well he could tell that Yancey still existed there. As much as the little yapper pissed him off, seeing him wallow much like he did was not coshier. Okay, perhaps he was becoming a little of a bleeding heart. Lovely.

Instead his thought redirected themselves towards the loud sound, quickly becoming apparent that it was two familiar faces. Silus and Jordan tackling to the floor with a hard thud, a low groan working from him with the combined weight. Not that a child weighed much, but the elder was another story entirely. Not to say that he was complaining too much on that end. The faint sound of someone running could be heard, Sean leaping over a couch not occupied by a dead child and plopping down.

”Yeah yeah, I hear ya.” He responded, tugging down on one of his sleeves and looking at the child with slightly widened eyes. ”Oh….okay, what’s with the kid? His voice sounded a little confused and even disgusted by the concept of the dead child before him.

”I...thank you Silus.” he sighed, patting his younger brother on the head an arcing a brow to the older male seemingly keeping to whatever silence thing he had going on. ”Really making me wish I went for the telepathy.” He dug into his back pocket, removing what looked to be a few shiny pieces of jewelry. Rings, necklaces and even what looked to be a few earrings, all made from real gold inlaid with some manner of gems.

”I know how much you like shiny things, and so I thought to myself not like these bloodsuckers need these anyway. He hooked one of the necklaces around Jordan’s neck. ”Luckily they weren’t silver, never liked that metal anyhow.” Michael pushed the dragon from him slightly and stood to his feet, dusting himself off and looking to Sean. ”So, what’s with the family meeting going on here?”

Shael Atterrius
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Zell November 3rd 2017, 4:31 pm

"Well that's the thing. Sean, we need magical expertise. We need to find this thing called an "Archon". If you don't know anything then maybe ask your mom to help you start some research." Zell said to Sean as he looked to the kid, cringing a little as Silus finally took note of the boy. He looked to his dynamic duo of dad's and then to the child, gulping as he shook a little, almost as if he were slightly scared. That wasn't anything new, but Silus looked to Michael and blinked, as if silently asking what happened. He knew Michael wasn't to blame, and if he was he must have genuinely been sorry to bring the kid here.

"He...He's alive." Silus said as he poked the boy, looking to Zell and then Michael. He was anticipating someone calling him out on his examination. Despite trying his greatest to give Michael the benefit of doubt, he half anticipated him to insult his intelligence, or treat him like an idiot. That wasn't because Michael was a natural dick though, but because he could identify that it would be a natural response of anyone. Zell looked at the boy, then to Silus and nodded before looking to Sean.

"Samhain's behind it again...keeping his life-force suspended. Like he did with S-omeone we know." Zell said, catching himself. Silus smiled thinking he was talking about him, but when he gave a sly little smile and opened his own mouth, Zell "revealed" who he was talking about. "Matthew. He took his life-essence and soul and suspended them, keeping him in a death-like state here, but because he couldn't die, the laws of our world didn't take effect and decompose him." Silus went to speak up but then silenced himself. He wasn't sure if Zell was simply witholding information from Sean and Michael, or if he was just sending Sean away on a wild goose chase to find the mysterious being that he could find right next to him most nights.

"Hey, we should probably make sure his body is able to live when he comes back..." Silus started. Jordan had already vanished, but that didn't stop Silus from looking into it. He looked and wondered who would work on that. "W-well maybe I should do research on Archon and Dad can work on repairing the body?" Silus asked Zell, then looked to Sean.

"This is Michael's operation. He calls the shots." Zell said, leaving everyone in shock, turning to Michael for instruction.

It's raining somewhere  Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion November 3rd 2017, 8:26 pm

”Archon...why does that sound familiar? I’ll have to look into it when I get the time,  maybe see what my mom knows. Can’t promise too much.” Sean muttered, stroking his chin and examining the body. It radiated nether, which typically meant death and that much made the two look to Silus curiously when he said something about him being alive. This lead to him examining the body for any manner of breath or even a faint heartbeat, which was not present like he would have wanted  it.

”No he’s not. Doesn’t have any of the signs of life, unless my understanding of human anatomy is totally flawed.” Michael said with a snort, rolling his eyes and letting his gaze settle on the floor. While he would have liked to have them alive, or at the very least not have been annoyed by the concept.  While it was easy to argue that he was a natural dick, but a part of him did care in that weird way he did. Even if it was masked by brusque behavior and less then pleasant responses.

Of course it had to be Samhain that was messing with things. Lately the bastard only did what he could to mess with him, the face behind the mask being the thing that explained everything. ”Oh, because of that asshole.” Michael grumbled, noting that Jordan had already made his leave from the room. Something about not speaking only made him seem more distant, as if he just simply was not around anymore. At least not in a way that felt meaningful. ”I wonder what his interest is in keeping either of them caught in a state like this is.”

Sean looked over the sections where flesh had been chewed away, brows furrowing in an almost dismayed fashion. Ignoring the statement that Michael would be making the decisions until perhaps a second after that was said. ”Woah, seems like hells beginning to freeze over already.” Sean muttered in usual humor as he waited for him to say something.

”Yeah, Silus you can look up whatever about this Archon person...but i’ll help you with that. Dad you fix up that body if he really is still alive.? He motioned for Sean to get to work, which did not need to be told twice. Diminutive male aligning the arm with what looked to be infinite care, revealing the matrix of oddly glowing tattoos along his left arm. Releasing  energy glowing in a similar fashion, attaching to the damaged tissue which seemed to close upon contact. Reattaching ligaments, undoing cracked bone and even torn flesh.

Michael looked down to Silus and shrugged.  ”So Silus, got any leads? I know a few people I can ask but that...requires a little digging.”

Shael Atterrius
Posting Master
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2011-05-24

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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Zell November 10th 2017, 8:09 pm

"It's not something he does intentionally. It happened to Matt because he normally reincarnates or just finds a new-" Silus had started to talk about it before he smiled a little, as if he realized something. He looked to Michael and then looked about for Zell or Sean. Zell had taken his leave, as had Sean. Silus settled his eyes back to Michael before finally saying what was clawing at him. "Well...we know that Samhain can't be affected by our world, right? But we've seen several cases of Samhain not being able to properly influence our world, or times when he can't resist the influence of our world. So...there's gotta be something there, right?" He asked, as if he were thinking of something. The way he phrased it it sounded like he'd might be onto something, though he may have just been sure of himself. He wasn't supposed to be on Samhain right now, e was on information about Archon.

Michael stated that he had his own people to ask, but it required digging. Silus smiled a little and looked to his older brother, nodding to him as if he understood the full gravity of what he was saying. Silus had his own resources to offer, though they were partially strained at the moment. One of those resources just so happened to be the Archon itself. The only other option he...wasn't on the best terms with. It was the one person that Silus knew had the same level of knowledge as Elena Marie. Someone that would know what to do or say to fix this little situation he found himself in.

"I know someone else who can help us...but that's gonna take some digging too. We should...probably start with yours." Silus said as he folded his arms into his hoodie pockets and stepping around the counter to grab Zell's keys out of the drawer closest to the drawer. "Do you even drive bro?" He asked as he tossed the keys to Michael, stepping towards the door to leave.

It's raining somewhere  Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion November 11th 2017, 2:35 pm

”Different vessel, same annoying potato.” He muttered under his breath, everyone else going about and doing their own part of things. They were hunting down information about this Archon person and yet he did not know what he was looking for. What exactly this person was and what they had to do with Samhain. Perhaps they knew something important about dealing with that wily little eldritch or maybe even was someone that could just do away with him. With a little persuasion at the most and out of the goodness of their heart at the least.

Not that anyone did anything because they were nice enough. Silus excluded of course.

”Samhain does seem bound by certain rules. What they are is a little vague but perhaps that could be taken advantage.” He mused, stroking his chin and letting possibilities come on their own. Granted he only knew that he was protective of that lantern of his, though for what reason he could not tell. What significance did it hold to Yancey or perhaps it was better to say Samhain? The last time they talked left him with more questions than answers, which did not feel all that nice. If Silus knew anyone, hopefully they could help.

That being when it was suggested they start with his leads, which summed up to only a few. ”Alright, we can start with those.” Without even turning in his direction, Michael caught the keys with a casual motion. ”And yes, I do in fact drive. Was a little slow for my taste but nothing quite like riding around in a metal husk that runs off of burning fossil fuels.” He spun the keys around his index finger, giving a little “follow me” gesture before walking off.

”Oh, that was a meme.” He muttered in a moment of sudden realization, blinking a couple times and shrugging. From there was settling into said vehicle and turning the thing on, and driving out. Where Silus sat was unimportant, though he assumed it was in the passengers seat as no one would believe a twelve year old had their drivers license. ”So, totally out of curiosity here but who do you know? Speaking the obvious here but you don’t look the type to know too many shady information broking types.”  of course he had his own shady friends, but then again they were shady for different reasons. Hopefully his normal stop was available, or still alive for that matter.

What happened with Samhain left things a little iffy.

Shael Atterrius
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 427
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Zell November 17th 2017, 9:24 pm

The drive wasn't as awkward as Silus thought it would have been. He'd done everything in his power to try and follow the advice of his better half, forgiving and truly trying to forget the pain. But of all the lessons he learned, he was still fighting, still struggling. It didn't matter what powers he had, or what fantastic feats he would fulfill, he was just as human as godfather at times. Dealing and handling things as they happened was an area that Silus didn't cope well with. He looked to Michael hesitantly as he was prodded about whom he might know that was of the "shady" type. Silus looked out to the window with a slight and ever subtle melancholy as he shrugged.

"It's not the healthy that need doctors, but the sick." He said slightly before clearing his throat and a normal, more jovial spirit came through. "I spend most of my time with shady people anymore...Lucius, Vexus, a Prince of Hell, Matty, Sin's host- Zakaria Aken or whatever, Ezra...Prometheus..." He said, the last one was a bit mumbled but he cleared his throat, as if he had something caught in it. He wasn't sure how well it was going to go over that he was actually aware of Prometheus' location. Anticipating Michael to be irate, or at least irritated, Silus formulated his defense. He took a deep breath in and shifted his back against the door.

"I-I couldn't help it! He was the only one who was gonna taking in that Ti'tian kid. you heard that one lady, she said she had no more use for him! They were both kinda just cast out, and Amir and Halim really wanted to have a family again! It's not like I hid them or anything, I just promised not to tell anyone unless we absolutely had to." He explained, not realizing that he was probably just digging his grave deeper. Metaphorically that is. Though Michael seemed to react rather well. There was minor irritation it would seem as he went to his phone and started to send off text messages. He was attempting to arrange a meeting of some of the other associates of a darker calling. But the one he sent out was a bit more complex than a simple text.

Now it was just a matter of finding themselves at Michael's associate's normal stomping grounds, or some conversation that sparked along the way. Silus was as ready as he could be for either of those, his foot tapping nervously against the car's mat covered floor.

It's raining somewhere  Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion November 17th 2017, 10:14 pm

The atmosphere of the drive had an unmistakable air of awkwardness. Throughout their life Michael had given Silus good enough reason to feel awkward, even fearful towards him. That was what made the two of them sitting in the car, so smoothly and so...casually a strange occurrence. Perhaps he expected his younger brother to leave at any moment, more than willing to do things on his own or with one of those friends of his.”You’ve spent time with Lucius? Like that guy who took over Belarus everyone on the internet is talking about?” Wow, that’s interesting. Michael seemed to muse over that fact, though didn’t really speak what the undercurrent was there. Not like he cared enough to go further into reasons.

That was what he wanted to tell himself anyhow.

Of course things went from there as Silus went into full explanation mode in the way that a child would. Michael was annoyed, irritated even but that wasn’t important now. They were supposed to be meeting with someone, not bullying one another. Not that he had the intention to do so when most of his life had already been wasted doing so. Putting away his cellphone after shooting a few texts he sighed. ”That’s fine. I’m sure you had your reasons and...well we’re looking for information about this Archon, not Prometheus.“ The car turned, bringing them to a small apartment complex. It looked a little mundane for finding someone like the Archon but Michael seemed rather sure of the choice.

”And here we are. Word of warning, but this contact is a little weird.” Which in simple terms for their family means that they could be very weird. Ascending to the second story, just expecting Silus to come along he knocked on the door. ”Hey! Open the damn door!” With a few seconds it would open, Michael stepping through to a room that looked far larger than the exterior would have suggested.

”What do you need now Hyperion? I told you I was busy doing...things." A female voice griped, messing around with what looked to be a monstrosity of gears and metal in the corner. She pushed a large section of crimson red hair, considering the two. ”Please tell me you didn’t kid nap this child."

”No, this is my little brother. Didn’t kidnap him. Michael added with a roll of the eyes.

Shael Atterrius
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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Silus December 20th 2017, 12:29 am

Silus saw the woman in front of him, and he saw some odd similarities. He couldn't quite put his finger on them, but he soon realized that the features reminded him of his grandmother, The Crimson Witch. He found himself looking to her with intrigue, though not even the slightest bit bashful as he turned his attention away from her and began to drag his finger across the ground, as if playing on the cement. Michael has choice words for the woman, and Silus just listened.

Michael had to first verify that he didn't kidnap Silus, and once he did, things seemed to be slightly normal. That is until Silus seemed to pull out a huge serpentine colored chain from seemingly nowhere. The first thing Silus did was examine the chain and began to walk over where an old rusted chain lingered upon the wall. Without hesitation, Silus lowered the chain and replaced it with the sturdy looking chain and cleared his throat.

"I'd like to be kidnapped again, actually. I sorta miss meeting new people. But no matter where I went the people that kidnapped me always felt bad and turned themselves in...but then they'd either get shanked in their cells or somehow return to their old ways for money or something stupid like that." Silus began to mumble to himself as he started to draw some larger cogs and gears on the ground, preparing for something...or possible helping her with something? Maybe he was trying to think ahead? Who knew, this little boy was just far too confusing sometimes.]

It's raining somewhere  Lucife10
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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion December 20th 2017, 2:26 am

”Very well, it’s nice to meet you...what is your name? I should ask that before anything else. I’m sorry, it’s been so long since i’ve properly spoken with anyone.” She waved her hand, completely ignoring the project entirely as she rose to her feet. ”My true name has no proper translation in this language but most have come to call me The Weaver. Defender and mender of the infinite realms Is my normal duty...even if it's a little self imposed.” She stated, seeming almost proud of the position name.

”Uh huh. Anyway, I came here hoping you would know something about an Archon. You seem to know a lot about things, so maybe you could give us that information.” Michael spoke up, hoping to cut through the social crap that was likely building up from idle conversation.

”I have not had the best experience with kidnapping. So I personally prefer not to be kidnapped but to each their own. Anyhow, what do you want with this Archon? The word itself has multiple used through the myriad realms so you might need to be more specific.” She stated, tapping her temple. ”Do you have any more information than that?” She questioned, motioning a hand as what looked to be a small tea set appeared in her hand, a few cups of steaming dark liquid contained.

”No? I mean...what is that?”

”Chai. No matter where I go, worlds that have this drink always end up being my favorite.” Offering a cup to both Silus and Michael, she picked out a seat and settled down before sipping. Each motion bearing a certain eclectic pattern to it.

Shael Atterrius
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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Silus December 21st 2017, 1:08 am

Silus watched as a woman introduced herself as a defender and mender of reality. Oh-not no but HELL no! Silus immediately swallowed as he tried to contain himself. He slowly began to walk, though his body seemed to remain in place. He managed to generate and spawn a doppelganger of himself to stand there while he meandered over and began drawing something on the wall. What this something was didn't matter, but it was something he blocked from sight with his body. Mike and the woman, this...Weaver. They continued to speak on Archon and then on Chai tea. The Chai tea comment was the most interesting thing she had to say.

"Chai is pretty great." the doppelganger affirmed. Meanwhile, Silus continued working in the dark corner, alone and unbothered for the moment. "But uh...Archon, yeah. He's supposedly supposed to get off his ass and do something. An Eldritch entity from beyond our world said that...seems to be afraid of him. Uh...I dunno much else." The doppelganger asked, though the Silus in the corner still wore a solemn face as he began the last stages of his plan. By the time anyone even noticed or came to interrupt him, it would be too late.

It's raining somewhere  Lucife10
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It's raining somewhere  Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion December 21st 2017, 2:34 am

Mike liked chai, that much was certain but he didn’t come here for a warm cup of tea. Despite how much he enjoyed the stuff. ”Archons and eldritch entities? Now that is  odd...and I thought my reason was odd” She contemplated something, sipping her chai and hmming considerately.  ”I’m sorry, I don’t know what or who this Archon is.” She said finally with a small sigh

”What do you mean you don’t know? Not even an inkling?” Michael questioned, sounding a little annoyed.

”Not anything an eldritch entity would fear, it’s usually the other way around. travels have not been too extensive and my experience with eldritch entities does not go too far beyond the one who calls herself The Good Sister.” She hummed, setting her cup aside before turning towards the wall. ”You know, it is a little rude to draw on a persons wall don’t you?” Whatever he was doing, well she did not know.

Shael Atterrius
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