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It's raining somewhere

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It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion November 4th 2019, 10:27 pm

Mike had to think of what he would say on the way back. Sure, he could have gone off on the man considering all the lying that was going on. Well, that was totally not a new thing he imagined but he also guessed that he wasn’t the only one who knew nothing about the matter.  Yet when they got there all he could do was partially focus on the conversation the two seemed to be having with one another, mostly about...apparently inferiority complexes and the like. Were the duo composed of anyone else he might have said something but he let them go. For now anyway. ”Well yeah, we already established your lacking parenting,” Mike responded with narrowed eyes, looking as if he thought enough glaring would somehow cause Zell to combust.

”No, your technicalities don’t help. In fact something tells me they do the opposite more often than. Like that time…oh…when we found out dad was killing you but guess who had to tell us that. The fucking potato dragon! Not you, his husband who apparently loves him or whatever but the dragon I’m pretty sure hates like 90% of us. Don’t know what that’s about and honestly don’t know if I care. Hell, I had to talk to an eldritch asshole that we both know a lot about that I’m also sure wants to kill me, but that’s fine, right technically not Archon at the moment? I won’t waste my breath yelling at you but if anyone in our family gets hurt because you like your secrets and can’t open your damn mouth for whatever reason…I promise you won’t have to worry about hating yourself for it. I’ll make sure you answer for it myself.“

He took a breath, a deep one as if to calm himself. ”Now if you’ll excuse me I have other things I’d rather be doing” He offered one last glare before walking off.

Sean however was standing with his two sons who were also not related to him whatsoever. Watching the once dead child now wrapped up in a blanket and watching television, or so he assumed that was what he was doing. ”High quality zombies can watch tv. Just not sure how quality this thing we’re working with is,’ Sean noted, furrowing his brows.

That was when he spoke up, saying something about tasting his magic which left him wondering how that even worked. ”So I guess he know’s me…somehow. Hi kid I don’t know,” Sean seemed to step out from the corner he had been and sitting down on the end of the couch. ”go ahead, watch whatever you want. Oh, um that’s Shael.”

”So why are we staring at a blood stained child?” Mike questioned walking up behind Shael and Jordan, considering Sean who seemed to be truing to talk to the unknown kid. He didn’t waste much time standing in place, walking up to the kid and settling beside him on the couch. ”so kid, looks like whatever they did works.” He seemed to prod him as if to make sure he wasn’t seeing anything. ”so how ya feelin? Not every day I see a kid get ripped apart by a demon dachshund,’

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It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Silus November 5th 2019, 4:21 pm

Lack of parenting? His eyes immediately flashed for the briefest of seconds as he felt a momentary slip of his emotions. With a deep breath in and then a small hissing through his nose, he simply took in everything Mike had to say. Even nodding to the little verbal lashing. He was a patient man. He was a kind man. He had provided a roof, he provided food and clothing. He not only accepted Michael for who he was, but attempted to get others to do so. For what? For him to fire off on these things. There were so many angles he could take this. But he and his "lacking parenting" were resolved to take the blow to his pride. Not because he didn't have any number of retorts that would utterly ruin this man's life... but because he loved them.

He was willing to give his life for his son. All of them, sadly. Though right now he truly wanted to laugh at Michael. Right now he was such a reminder of his younger self. He recalled telling the Emerald Archdragon something quite similar about making them answer for their secrets. He was so out of his depth. He could have been killed, like an ant for speaking to his father that way...and yet here was Michael, treading this same path. If that were to be true, then perhaps one day Michael would truly understand exactly what it means to need to keep secrets for the safety of others. Michael took his leave, abandoning the pace of worship with the three inside.

Silus looked to Zell with an almost remorseful expression. Zell smirked and gave a gesture with his head, causing Silus to pick up and follow after Michael. Likewise, his little friend placed his hands in his pockets as he tailed closely. The black haired boy made jokes to try and lighten the mood, but Silus only cracked a smirk as he tailed Mike, causing the walk home to be a rather quiet one, tension almost palpable. Eventually, Silus grabbed hold of Nihilus and produced two sets of wings, taking off and soaring through the sky at an impossible speed.

Pup waved at everyone as they were introduced, but then Mike showed up and he smiled widely and gave a thumbs up, as if happy to hear whatever they did had worked. He had absolutely no idea what that meant, but this guy was cool enough to share that with him so to was cool enough to respond to. Silus and Nihilus seemed to walk in from the other room, Nihilus handing a small sugar stick over to the smaller boy as they seemed to have a deep discussion on why purple sugar sticks mixed with blue was obviously the superior choice. They both suddenly stopped as they looked at Pup, the Mike, then Jordan and Sean.

"Uhm well. I know that I'll never say 'Eat me' ever again. Yeah time tends to heal all wounds I guess. Also uhm...Hi. Everyone I guess...I should introduce myself?" Pup gave a little wave to the two boys, whom seemed to wave back, before Silus' friend seemed to greet the child with the name. "Uh well. People call me Pup. I'm sort of a detective that specialized in the recognition of metahuman power and capacity through the use of my synesthesia. Nice to meet everyone."

"You were mauled by a dauschund?" The other boy asked as he sat next to Silus, whom sat next to pup.
"It was probably Lola..." Silus replied as he produced a small red sugar stick and offered it to Pup. The boy accepted gratefully before tearing the paper and downing the entirety of the sugar.
"Makes sense. Sounds like a Samhain thing."

"Right well. I guess I need to thank you." Pup said as he looked to Mike with a small smile. He lowered his head, nodding a bit as he started reaching for his pockets. His torn and battered clothes were cause of some concern, but he didn't seem off in the slightest. He grumbled something before sighing. "I know exactly how to make it up to you, but I don't have it on me. Remember the boy I was with, Jack? He has my- Oh dear God Jack was left alone with the vampires...." Pup said as he froze, his face almost petrified as he realized the implications of the poor human attempting to survive the night in the vampiric mansion. Then he shrugged after a moment and turned back to the television.

"Worst case scenario he's dead and I find a way to bring him back. Best case scenario he's a vampire now. I guess him getting out untouched and alive is also a good thing." He said as he observed the holocaust for a moment then turned the television off, looking down at his clothes.

Jordan sat in the doorway, still trying to figure out how Sean was physically peering over the doorway above him when the man was the reincarnation of a shrimp. Pup looked to Mike and Sean, he was practically awaiting any form of conversation or instruction as Silus and his friend seemed to whisper and have a rather intense conversation.

It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Lucife10
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It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion November 5th 2019, 5:28 pm

”Should probably introduce yourself,” Mike agreed looking to the others who decided to come join them in sitting. He gave his introduction, though Sean seemed more fascinated by the concept of identifying people by synesthesia.

”You can do that? Pretty neat actually,” Sean noted to himself before seeming to think of something and nodding to himself with a mischievous smirk.  ”I’ll be right back,’ Sean stood up and seemed to walk into the kitchen for whatever reason. Though he did stop by Jordan. ”Jordan, you gonna stand there and stare or do something?” Not that he was bothered by the dragon doing whatever he wanted, but he was sure the kid didn’t like being gawked at.

Mike however was not used to being thanked, especially when he was sure her was responsible for the kid dying in the first place.  ”First of all you don’t heal from dying and second you’re welcome.” Any kind of thanks was something he didn’t get often, even if it was from some kid he met at a vampire party. ”I’m sure your friend will be fine. Parties run by Osiris and he’s pretty particular about these sort of things or so I’ve heard,” Well, he had met the ancient vampire once or twice and he seemed pretty reasonable from the few times he did meet him. Human children being exploited, now that was not something he liked.

Sean returned with what looked like cake and something in a cup. ”You like cake right? Well, even if you don’t this is some pretty damn good cake. All moist and shit,” Sean stated offering said cake and what looked like chocolate milk to the likely hungry child. Mike was now glaring at him as if he knew exactly what his father was doing or maybe knew. He didn’t know what his father knew about the potato dragon and his annoying vessel.

”Gee thanks dad, really altruistic of you,” Mike said sarcastically, taking said mug and settling it onto a small table next to the couch they were sitting on. ”so don’t you have like a partner or something you usually roam with. Broody, trench coat and doesn’t seem to understand how to take care of children?”

Shael Atterrius
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It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Silus November 5th 2019, 6:04 pm

Immediately, Silus face turned to that of alarm. The boy next to him began coughing and gagging as Silus took the stick of sugar and started to pour it into the other boy’s mouth. The gagging boy shook his head and smacked his lips. Meanwhile, Pup looked to him and started laughing. Everyone was probably left in confusion a little before Pup clapped.

”So you got Synesthesia too huh? Lemmie guess it was the M word, right? I used to have a crush on someone who had the SAME thing going for them. It made the back of their throat taste like-”
A knicked deer stomach on a gutpile in the middle of summer.”
“Thank ya kindly.”
“Anytime.” Silus said, the comment about the partner caused Pup to smirk and nod before brushing at his torn pants and shirt. He looked to Jordan and waved, then making particular signs with his hands. Jordan seemed to smile brightly and nod before making a strange complex gesture, causing Pup to giggle.

“Uh-uhm. Yeah. Cake sounds nice. Thanks Mr.Collins. Uh well as far as my partner goes...he’s sorta investigating something that he didn’t want me to be part of I guess. He was investigating the vessel of a being known as ‘Sin’. Haven’t heard back from him so I figured if I got an Eldritch horror’s lantern it would trade me the lantern for helping my partner out.” He explained himself and why he was there a little bit better. Though it seemed almost to be an unrequired and excessive amount of danger to put ones self in. Silus nodded and then looked to the other boy, cocking his head a little. Pup began to devour the cake, but he stopped before getting to the chocolate milk and taking a small sip and setting it down, placing a napkin over it and bowing his head slightly.

“I’ll do it”
   “You don’t gotta do that every time. It’s implied.” The other boy said before smirking and giving Silus a little punch on the shoulder. He popped up from the couch and put his hands in the pocket of his peacoat. Silus furrowed his brow before looking back to the rest of the group and shrugging.

   “Jordan. FUCKING TALK! I get you’re doing this spirit quest thing but you need to talk! There is NOTHING worth being silent for over a year for!” Shael said, being quite exasperated by the silent dragon. The same silent dragon seemed to make a gesture at Pup, causing the child to laugh a little as he shook his head. Shael, feeling infuriated decided it was best to not risk harming anyone and departed from the living room.

   “So when do y’all shower around here? I’m kind of….Healded from dying.” Pup said as he motioned to his blood covered body, the unhygienic nature of tit finally just now sinking into him. He also called to the point where he was told one didn’t heal from dying and even accentuated it with the extra “ed” at the end. “Oh uh. Wait. Why were YOU after the lantern? I can’t remember if I asked you that or not. Death sorta rattles the brain I guess….”

It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Lucife10
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It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion November 5th 2019, 9:49 pm

It wasn’t this child named Pup that gagged when he said the word but Silus’ little friend that did it. Only stopped from vomiting by a quickly applied candy stick to his mouth by said Silus, who seemed to know what to do. Well it was pretty good to see him having a friend around his age, or so Sean thought when he saw that happen. He eyed the kid strangely when he heard something about him having a crush on someone with a similar tick and that sounded close enough to someone that he knew who had a similar problem. Not that he said anything about it.

That was when he heard Shael yell at Jordan, mostly about not talking which he had the feeling was also beginning to bother Mike too. Instead of responding, the mute dragon seemed to make more signs at the dark-haired child and causing them to life. Mike looked curiously at him but didn’t really ask any questions, because he had the feeling they were just speaking their own language. Might have been jokes at his own expense or someone elses, both of those possible considering he knew Jordan was not exactly known for being the most selfless.

”We shower whenever,’ Mike was the one to answer, standing up with the kid and considering his rather torn clothes. ”don’t think that’s a word. Anyway, Silus got any extra clothes you don’t mind the kid wearing? You two seem like you’re about the same size so I think that works,” He  lead the kid away, only turning to Jordan to offer him a small wave.  Where he lead Pup to was one of the bathrooms, the one he knew of anyway because he was sure the house had tons more somewhere.

”Shower up, get clean and whatever. There are plenty of towels and I’m sure Silus will get you some clothes, he’s good at that,’ Mike shrugged, closing the door and letting the kid get as clean as he needed to be.

Shael Atterrius
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It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Humanity November 6th 2019, 4:19 pm

“Fine. Keep your secrets then.” Pup said with a slight smirk as he had his hands behind his head, walking along until they reached the bathrooms. He’d respect the fact Mike didn’t wish to enlighten him as to why he wanted the lanter, but he couldn’t help but feel morbidly curious as to why and how this shower was supposed to work. It was a nice greenish marbling with gold trib and the shower head hanging over, little gold circles in the wall that glistened and distracted him a bit. He looked at the four knobs in the shower, looking bewildered and puzzled for a moment as Mike left. With a small whine he experimentally reached out and turned one knob, waiting to see what it did.

Silus had rushed to his room, realizing in that moment he had literally two outfits. Then he realized he was THAT person. He was the character in a video game that had only two dirt cheap skins that were released at the same time he was. It was pathetic. Well if you consider his default the oversized hoodie, then the black jacket and his Ethereal prince garb which was that indigo robe and stuff. That was the stuff he didn’t even wear anymore, he furrowed through the back of his closet and finally managed to grab the old uniform, walking out with a small smile on his face as the nostalgia hit him.

The good times in the Ethereal Isle. Flashes in his memory recounted the luminescent magical waters pouring through the city from the Black Castle with emerald colored flames. He recalled the distinct citizens that walked the town, he could swear he remembered them all. Chandler, Harvey, Kellin, Ophelia, Yurima, Joliene, the Gestal and Muraro families, the Imperfects, he knew their names too. Each and every citizen he remembered. Granted the more he recalled this place the more he remembered the other kids dragging him to the banks just outside the city and submerging him for two minutes, drowning him while he was powerless to do anything. They would pull him up and make him thank them for deciding not to kill him. Of course he truly believed if he said anything to his father, his man in charge would have laughed at him. Ouroboros had only valued power, and that was all Silus was for him, a source of new power.

“Yeah, no. This can go.” He said as he realized that the nostalgia of a beautiful and long passed home was actually tainted and blackened by the memories of what actually happened. Despite being the most beautiful area he had ever seen, he truly did not care that it was gone. The only remnants being a haunting memory of Mike killing Abra, and his desires manifesting as Devoid. A small knock on the door before Silus was told to enter. He looked to the child who was a little older than him by a few years as they sat in the tub, the shower was running and steaming up the entire room. He smiled and lifted up the clothes as if offering. Pup jumped up and bolted from the bath, looking over the clothing with interest and leaving Silus a bit stunned. “Gonna rinse of in the shower or...uhm?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, no. That’s...too many knobs. I mean I always say the more the merrier. The more knobs the more fun normally but like. This is a shower. You’re supposed to get clean and with all these knobs that just...isn’t happening. Like uh..what do I do with that one, on the top?” The boy asked as he walked over to the shower, pointing out the knob on the upper left. Silus lifted his head to the ceiling and simply seemed to observe the ceiling

“Bottom left is cold water, bottom right is hot water, Upper left is water pressure and upper right controls the wall streams.” He said explained as he tried to ensure some semblance of privacy for his guest, as well as avoid making any very much unwanted observation. He cleared his throat and held up the clothed.

“Oh? Thanks. Wow where did you get these? It’s not really my color but this is just like...home.” Pup said enthusiastically before looking over the robes and the vestment beneath. He chuckled a little as he actually came to notice a few holes in them, looking to Silus. He mused for a moment as Silus began to fear that Pup was somehow an Ethereal. “There’s a couple holes in it, but that’s fine. I guess the texture isn’t quite the same material. It’s also going to be a little small.” Silus looked as the young man held the clothes out in front of him, realizing that he must have grown the two years that the Ethereal Isle had been gone. He blinked rapidly before checking the surefire sign of an Ethereal. He took the clothes, staring at the young man down right in the eyes and nodding.

“Uhm, yeah. You now what? How about we just burn these instead?” Silus said as he drug his fingers across the counter, creating a small match and then drawing a small cane of gas. Turning the shower off, he dumped the gas upon the clothing and lit them on fire. He turned back to see that Pup had at least put a towel on and was smiling ear to ear, utterly amazed.

“Wait what!? How did you do that? That was too cool!” He seemed quite elated, and truthfully the power of creation seemed to set his senses off the hook in the right ways, as he seemed to be enthralled by such a power.

“What? That? Oh. Uhm...I can just...create things. Like uh...Here. I’ll make some clothes real quick. What do you normally wear?” He inquired before getting to work. By the end, Silus would be able to introduce Pup to the rest of the group in a white shirt with a black leather jacket, teal-color tinted shades and black jeans with a matching belt. Pup’s favorite part though was the fact that his new boots were black and latched up to the middle of his shins with buckles.

“Pup, the shameless. First of his name and hopefully the last of my embarrassment we can all pray.” Silus said as he walked over to the table and sat down, looking for the cake that was created. He didn’t want any for himself, but he was absolutely going to plant some into one of his sibling’s faces. Probably the one who wouldn’t be able to communicate and assign blame to him. Not that he would if he could talk, he’d probably just eat it off of his face.

“Yeah! That’s me. I mean, I was the first of my name, not sure about that last part but it’s probably going to be true.” He chuckled as he walked over to the table and sat down, waiting for Mike to pop in. “I need to get in contact with Jack and find my mentor. He’s been gone for too long for comfort and hasn’t checked in. Anybody know of good investigators that would help a guy out?”


It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Humani11
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It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion November 6th 2019, 6:00 pm

Mike watched the door shut behind the kid and walked away, letting him get clean or whatever. Maybe trade clothes with Silus who he was pretty sure had like one or two standard outfits. When waiting he found himself bumping into his father, the short one who was also snacking on a cake which tasted great. Because if there was one thing Zell could do besides lying it was bake very good.  He just happened to ignore his existence more often than not. ”Oh hey Mike, want shum cake?” His accent seemed more pronounced then, offering a second plate of cake. He considered it for a second before accepting the cake and steadily digging into it.

”Thanks dad,’ He said between mouthfuls of cake,.

”So what’s with the kid? I mean, I know dead kids is bad but …no offense but you don’t seem the type to care about that,” Okay, straight to the heart of the matter and that kinda hurt.

”I’m trying to do that…good thing I’m pretty sure Silus has been brow beating me about for like ever. Getting him turn into Lola’s chew toy was my bad anyway,” He muttered loud enough for Sean to hear.

”Huh, I’m actually proud of you. Don’t look at me like that, I’ve been in your corner for like ever. Just like to be kept up on things when they happen,” He paused eating cake to say that before shoving a rather generous chunk into his mouth. Eating this stuff in the living room didn’t change the experience.

”Well this…pep talk? Yes, that went well but I have a few things I need to do.’ He pushed off the plate with a few crumbs, leaving to check in on them and finding cake planted in his face. He had just enough time to close his eyes before it hit, grumbling something indecipherable and wiping the cake from his face. Glaring at his indigo eyed brother before stepping inside and shoving the smashed remains into his face.

”I know a good investigator. A little questionable but he gets the job done. How do you guys feel about demons? Well, half ones but close enough I guess,’ Mike had already dug his cellphone from his pocket and seemed to be typing something into the touchscreen. ”could probably contact Osiris too, since he probably caught up with him. Well that or his little boyfriend thing. Well, too late on opinions on the investigator but I’m sure you’ll like him.” He paused to consider the clothes Pup had on.

”Nice outfit. Looks very…um…cute?”
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It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Silus November 6th 2019, 6:56 pm

“Let them eat cake.” He said as he smirked at Mike, proceeding to look at Pup with a soft smile. Mike enjoyed his cake it would seem, about as much as one who wasn’t looking for cake could enjoy it. Then he found that there would be cake in his own face. Suddenly he seemed to fizzle and glitch crumbs and chunks of frosting would fall to the ground, as if gravity simply took them to the ground. Silus blinked and held his stomach a little and rubbed it through his hoodie. “I really don’t wanna know whose got floors tonight for chores.” He giggled as his brother seemed to move on to speak with the new child in the house. The concept of a half demon just made Silus shrug. He didn’t have any strong feelings either way. Then the comment about the “cute” outfit happened, though Mike seemed a bit unsure.

“Thanks. I’d say cool though. If you wanna see cute, I’d take the clothes off. He can vouch for me, can’t ya?” He said, throign shade in the direction of Silus. The small indigo eyes went wide as he looked up to the ceiling then forcing them closed as he tried to hide the color flushing to his face.

“I didn’t mean to! Who just stands up in the middle of a bath when someone walks in!?” Silus asked, though Pup’s response was both hilarious and a little bit concerning for Jordan as the boy walked up to their little brother and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“You’re welcome.” he said as he leaned over and kissed the stammering child on the cheek. The child dropped his head and pulled his hood up, covering his face and shielding himself like a turtle. Pup’s tongue stuck out as he bit it, trying to stifle some laughter as he clapped his hands. “Too easy. Alright so a half-demon detective? Sounds legit, especially since my mentor tends to have a supernatural aura about him...and the thing he was after was supernatural in...well...nature?” Pup asked, meanwhile Silus seemed to stand up, stumbling forward as he bumped into things, only to disappear. Jordan watched the small child leave as Pup arched an eyebrow and then looked to Mike, too amused by the poor kid’s reaction.

“Wait, how are you THAT well connected?” He asked after a moment, as if he didn't expect Michael to somehow know these types of individuals.

It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Lucife10
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It's raining somewhere  - Page 4 Empty Re: It's raining somewhere

Post by Hyperion November 6th 2019, 8:59 pm

”Okay, that is both bullshit and unfair,’ Mike responded to Silus somehow glitching like a cartoon character. However his own smirk revealed he was amused by it nonetheless, as if it were some kind of intentional joke.  Though he did frown when the kid suggested taking off his clothes and said something that sounded vaguely saucy to Silus. Kid now turning a deep scarlet, which was somehow adorable and curious all at once. ”nice as that sounds, not exactly the person I want to see without clothes,’ Mike responded with a faint chuckle, ruffling up the little pups hair.

Now he was seeing Pup kiss Silus’ cheek and rolled his eyes. ”Oh great he’s becoming like dad,” Mike muttered, considering Pup more intently. ”Half-demon detective named after an angel, really gets the job done though. ’ He explained turning to see Jordan also listening in on things. ”speaking of people I want to see without clothes, hi. I’ll be honest, not judging the whole silent thing but you’re like basically a ghost with how quiet you sometimes are. ’ He shrugged, giving a one-armed hug to the dragon before turning to the young detective in training.

”I meet a lot of people while doing…things. You’d be surprised how wide spanning the supernatural underworld can be if you know the right people. Know a vampire king and suddenly you know more important people,” He explained looking down at his phone which vibrated. ”well I got a meeting with the detective set up.  We got like half a day left before we meet up, so I guess relax. Watch tv or whatever. If you need me…I’ll be busy for the next…four hours. Come on Jordan,” He made it sound like an offer though he hooked an arm through the dragons and seemed to drag him away.

Shael Atterrius
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