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MetaHuman on the Loose

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by Arrowman October 11th 2017, 6:44 pm

Arrowman looked at him confused "Mate, you do know i am not from this universe, they have powers, I have no powers what do expect me to do, and also you are here for a reason right? trying to hurt one of them. I am trying to stop you and save them." Arrowman is ready for a fight, and he knew he had to protect the guy who Steelshade is hunting.

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Number of posts : 169
Registration date : 2017-08-04

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by BCAjax October 11th 2017, 7:14 pm

Steelshade frowns. "You speak of things you know nothing about" he growls lowly. "But.......if you insist."
Without warning the Penglai Devil springs into action, stooping low to pick up a handful of dirt and rubble leftover from the battle raging on without them and spinning like a top, attempting to scatter the dust in Arrowman's face while simultaneously lashing out with a sweeping low kick backed by ghostly force. "My power wanes quickly Fu-Han!" warns Kabali as his host begins to move. "Show this simpleton no mercy!" he urges shrilly, with more than a hint of excitement. "SHOW HIM THE POWER OF PENGLAI"

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Quote : Oof ba boof

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : Swoot
Job : Boot
Humor : Indaloot
Registration date : 2017-09-09

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by Arrowman October 11th 2017, 7:44 pm

Arrowman jumps and rolls past Steelshade and points one of his pistols at Steelshade, trying to take a few shots at him, aiming for his legs "You do realize that i wear a bloody hockey mask right? Dirt doesn't really effect me." Arrowman plan was falling into place, he knows what he was doing. The music started to pick up the pace as the battle heats up.
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Number of posts : 169
Registration date : 2017-08-04

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by BCAjax October 11th 2017, 8:14 pm

Steelshade lets his aura-soaked skin absorb the shots, wincing slightly at the still- bruising impact and dashes to close the distance with his opponent. When he approaches, he flicks a cobra-quick spear-hand for his throat, hoping to incapacitate Arrowman before he can bring his superior firepower to bear. Kabali is once again silent, riveted with attention to the contest of skill and bringing Steelshade an odd measure of peace as he battles. Free for just a few moments from the constant madness that has infested his mind.

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Quote : Oof ba boof

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : Swoot
Job : Boot
Humor : Indaloot
Registration date : 2017-09-09

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by Cerek October 16th 2017, 2:26 am

Cebra had the meta pinned down to the ground with his entire fist firmly lodged in its chest. The blood came spurting out in beats slowly dying into a steady stream. He stood up flinging the copious amount of blood off his drenched coat sleeve. Though his wounds were healing at a normal weight the pain still radiated throughout his body, indeed even his head was throbbing. What further exacerbated his condition was the sight of two highly powered beings fighting each other. For what reason they were doing so didn't concern Cebra, all he was thinking was whether or not to get involved.

As far as Cebra was concerned as long as nothing was destroyed and no one civilian was hurt. On the other hand the thought of taking a far away position and sniping the two of them was tempting and a quick way to end this mess of a scenario Cebra was dragged into. He decided for once in a long while to go another path, the path of diplomacy. Cebra already killed once today and the taste was too fresh and vile, he had no desire to take any more life. He walked towards the two combatants before he stood but twenty feet away.

"HEEEEEY!... You two wanna calm down? What the hell are you doing?"
Mega Poster!
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by Ultragal October 16th 2017, 12:43 pm

Medicine Woman rarely visited New York City.  She preferred the precious few open natural spaces near her home in the southwestern USA.  The only reason she didn't return the way she came was because some of her people---Native Americans---might be found here.

Her goal was to find all 400 AmerInds (i.e. American Indians) that were still left.  She had already found a couple of acres' worth of fertile land in the same southwestern area as her domicile.  All she needed was her people to hopefully agree to travel over there. Maybe they'd be willing to preserve the miniscule patch of nature that still thrived in that place.

Several loud noises she heard made her  curious.  Medicine Woman warily approached the source of the noises.  She saw three people, all male...and one very large being in the middle of a ruined building. It seemed immobile at the moment, so she focused on the three figures that were moving.

Two of the three men seemed to be fighting each other.  The third one (Cerek) was walking toward the fighting figures.  Medicine Woman couldn't determine the third guy's intention, but maybe she could try to break up the fight.

She notched an arrow into her bow. She released it above the fighters' heads, attempting a warning shot.  
If possible, the arrow might land in the sidewalk between the guy walking over and the other two trying to beat each other up.

Hopefully, the arrow's appearance might pause the brawl just long enough to find out what happened.  She'd offer to help, if the three men requested assistance.  The symbol of Medicine Woman's tribe, the Willow-Trees (because a willow bends but doesn't break, not even in extreme weather or other dangerous circumstances), was delicately and masterfully engraved on the arrow's shaft.  She engraved it herself.

Medicine Woman waited to see if her tactic worked or not...

Last edited by Ultragal on October 16th 2017, 12:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Changed some wording.)
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 263
Location : New York State
Age : 65
Job : Office work/clerical/occasional multitasking
Registration date : 2016-05-17

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by Arrowman October 16th 2017, 2:10 pm

Arrowman jumped and rolls out the way of but just before he was able to go in for an attack the arrow landed "Oh, shit, i am not the only one with arrows, great, thanks." Arrowman looked around and see the Medicine Woman and thought his arms in the air "Who and what the hell are you, this guy is trying to kill me and the good part of the songs was about to hit but no...... You have to shoot an arrow near us, and why an arrow anyway?" he ask out of nowhere in a middle of a fight.
Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 169
Registration date : 2017-08-04

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by Cerek October 16th 2017, 3:16 pm

Cebra spots an arrow flying through the air as he approached closer and stops a moment. He pauses and looks at it curiously before turning to see a woman holding a bow not too far away. The thought of someone using a bow in this day and age puzzled Cebra as it would. Cebra being the pinnacle of human weapons development kind of looked at the arrow as an ancestor. He snapped out of his deep thought back to the situation at hand.

"So now that there's a few moments for everyone to breath, why dont we all just calm down and have a little chat yeah?"

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 621
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by BCAjax October 16th 2017, 6:36 pm

Steelshade stayed in fighting stance, breathing heavily as the smoky blue tendrils of power flowed around his body in blasphemous patterns. He said nothing, his eyes flickering between the two men in the building and out into the street also. If the next arrow came for his head he wanted to be ready. "Pathetic"   spits Kabali in his mind. "Bested by an untrained worm." "You would have never stood a chance against the monk it seems." the spirit mocks spitefully.

Last edited by BCAjax on July 28th 2018, 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : Oof ba boof

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : Swoot
Job : Boot
Humor : Indaloot
Registration date : 2017-09-09

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by Arrowman October 16th 2017, 6:41 pm

Arrowman took the chance at the moment that everyone was stood in shock he points his arm out and shoots his grappling hook at Steelshade hands trying to tie them up, so he could start questioning him. "So, what ever your name is, why are you here and what do you want." He questioned while picking up the arrow and throwing it at a nearby wall.
Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 169
Registration date : 2017-08-04

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by Cerek October 16th 2017, 7:03 pm

Cebra turned to the woman who had shot the arrow sizing her up, the bow didn't look like anything special but he couldn't be too certain. After all Cebra had run into people with a normal appearance who have extraordinary powers or powerful tools. He was still unsure if she was hostile or not but it was a safe bet if she wanted to hit someone with that arrow she would have. At that moment one of he combatants fired a grappling hook at the other breaking the fragile moment of peace.

Cebra grew ever more frustrated at the combat but still would not engage himself. Frivolous combat such as this is how Cebra used to get innocents murdered. He approached the woman with the bow cautiously as to not alarm her or appear aggressive.

"Excuse me miss, you're the one who fired that arrow. Pretty good aim I should say."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 621
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by BCAjax October 16th 2017, 8:05 pm

Steelshade had anticipated the blue-clad man would try something, and when he fired the grappling hook he quickly tried leaped to the right side in an attempt to grab the rope as it flew by and pull it with all of his supernaturally magnified strength. His true opponent had escaped him, he had suffered humiliation at the hands of this Hero and Kabali's mocking within his thoughts had not improved his mood AT ALL.. He needed to end this before the strength of his mad ancestor left his limbs and things became much more complicated.
"Kill him young one, Kill him!" urged Kabali wordlessly. "Let his blood feed our might!"

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Quote : Oof ba boof

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Number of posts : 21
Location : Swoot
Job : Boot
Humor : Indaloot
Registration date : 2017-09-09

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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by Arrowman November 18th 2017, 4:52 pm

Arrowman jumped out the way and pulled his hook back in. "You thought i was this stupid dickhead?" He said. Arrowman knew he had to stop hi while looking above to see rope this holding a bit of steel above them from the battle, so he quickly pulls out his custom G36c and spray a bunch of bullets at the rope, snapping it. He was hoping for it incapacitate Steelshade, and take him out the fight.
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OPEN Re: MetaHuman on the Loose

Post by Sponsored content

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