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Behind the Mask

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Behind the Mask Empty Behind the Mask

Post by Spidress August 27th 2017, 5:55 pm

Another night, another tragedy. Luckily for her, Scarlet Web had her trusty spider-senses to rely on, which always warned her of would be dangers. Them going off again was exactly why she was hurrying through New York City, swinging from building to building with the use of her webbing.

Her eyes remained fixated upon her target: a floating aircraft high, high above in the nighttime sky. She'd been chasing after it for tens of minutes already, but there just wasn't any building high enough for her to get to where she could so much as scathe one of its wings.

That was when she got an idea. Using her webbing, she prepared some short to slingshot by sticking two strands of web to two different buildings, while standing between them in an alleyway. With a bit of a back pedal, she let herself go, launching herself into the sky.

She glided high and mighty for a long while by webbing between her arms and ribs. Once she was close enough, she fired off another strand of web that connected with the base of the aircraft, and using that propelled herself aboard. It was go time.

She stormed aboard anticipating the usual crowd of crooks. But boy was she surprised to see only one person at all there: the infamous supervillain, Emerald Mantis.

"I should've known it'd be you," she said to him, dawning her fighting stance.

"I've been awaiting you, filthy spider. In order to convert all of New York City into emerald, I knew I'd have to first get beyond you, sooner rather than later. So come, let us see which one between the two of us is the superior combatant!"

Big words for an old man. He was fearsome, a reputed villain. There was no way beyond that. But fighting wasn't exactly his forte. He wore a mechanized suit that he engineered himself, but it never did him much good. Science was his strength; it was a shame he had used his powers for evil.

And so she charged straight toward him, knowing through past experiences that she wasn't going to need to get too fancy with this at all. A single twirl, a simple duck, a sweeping kick, and down he went.

"Curses!" he exclaimed, falling on his back.

Scarlet Web left him there, anticipating his defeat. Calmly walking herself into the cockpit, she ran her hands over a large box shaped machine, which she assumed was the emerald generator: an invention that converted objects into emerald.
It was an invention that, if left unchecked, had the capability to ruin New York's economy all on its own. Sticking her hand inside, she pulled the power source out from it and carried it along with her as she came back into the room where Emerald Mantis lay.
"I'll be taking this. Without it, you won't be able to use that machine again for awhile."

"This isn't the end of it, you filthy spider!"

"Oh yeah, and I left this thing on auto pilot. I don't want you flying into any buildings or anything while you're down on your butt like that." She twinkled her fingers. "Bye."

With a leap of faith, she jumped out from the aircraft and pressed the folder-sized battery against her chest, using her webbing to latch onto a nearby building and safely lower herself onto the roof of another.

Last edited by Scarlet Web on August 27th 2017, 5:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Flick August 27th 2017, 5:56 pm

Flick had been hired by the Emerald Mantis only a few days before, to obtain some crucial and rare parts for his bizarre contraption. Unaware of what exactly the eccentric older man had in mind for his device, the Thief for Hire gladly accepted the handsome reward for his unique services.

The mercenary blinked as he exited the restroom, spotting his employer lying down and a red glimpse of Scarlet's costume as she rounded a corner. "Boss?!" He called, dashing over. The armoured mastermind gripped Flick's forearm and spat out a demand.

"Get her! She has the power source! I'll pay you treble if you get it back, NOW! There is no time!"

"That's Scarlet Web, boss... I don't think I'm going to-" Flick began, wary of tangling with a super hero of such renown.

"QUADRUPLE!" Screamed the Emerald Mantis, pushing Flick towards the door.

The Scottish Sneak grimaced, but realised he couldn't say no to such a task. He sprinted through a short corridor and spotted Scarlet preparing to take her death defying jump. Shrinking to the height of a grain of rice he dropped down and managed to latch on to the tiniest crease in her suit.

Flick winced as Scarlet took her leap of faith, closing his eyes. The irony of the Fly On The Wall chasing a Spider only dawned on him as the rushing wind did its best to pry him off of her.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Spidress August 27th 2017, 5:58 pm

As he latched onto her attire, Flick went entirely unnoticed. Perhaps he was too small to trigger Scarlet Web's spider-senses. She had no idea at all that he had infiltrated her supersuit.

Taking a moment to observe the battery, she tucked it away between her arm. It was much complex for her eyes; she'd try to see what she could do with it once she returned home.

With a running start, she leapt down and used the webbing along her sides to glide through the rest of town, until she reached a "nest" she had created earlier: a large web carrying her other supplies hanging high up between two buildings.

Pulling her trench coat over herself, she tightened her sash around her waist and peeled off her mask, shoving it into her pocket. She ran her hands through the luscious locks of her brown hair, straightening it out from the bun she had worked it into to fit inside the mask. The grumble of her stomach decided where she'd be going next.

Taking to the streets like an ordinary civilian, it took awhile longer to reach a Chinese restaurant for some carry out and even longer to get home by foot.

Climbing up the steps to her townhouse, she shoved her key into the door and waved to an onlooker as she allowed herself inside.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Flick August 27th 2017, 5:59 pm

Flick managed to hold on for the bumpier parts of the journey, negotiating his way to Scarlet's shoulder as she reached her nest and changed into more subtle garb. The mercenary grimaced as his world went black underneath the coat, crawling up a straind of loose hair to get a better vantage of his surroundings atop her head.

Flick spotted the power device under her arm and resolved to make an attempt on it once she had stored it somewhere. There was no need to take any risks - plus, maybe he'd learn who Scarlet Web really was!

As Scarlet climbed up the stairs leading to her home, Flick was bounced off of the top of her forehead and had to latch onto a strand of hair that was perilously close to her eyeline. He took a sigh of relief, hanging in suspension and staring at a Sapphire iris that had seemingly not seen him.

The mercenary's armour was designed to camoflauge, but it had rarely been tested to this extent.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Spidress August 27th 2017, 6:00 pm

Slipping off her shoes, she walked further up inside to set the battery down upon her desk, which was flustered with objects of all kind. From a copy of her driver's licence, entailing her identity as "Victoria Hoover" to day old cups of instant ramen, to say she wasn't the most organized women around would have been an understatement.

Taking off her coat sleeve by sleeve, she hung it on the door and walked toward the phone and with a click began checking for missed calls.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Flick August 27th 2017, 6:01 pm

Flick noted the location of the power source and her identity, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him. He attempted to pull himself back up the strand of hair, eyeing her phone screen for any more information. Did she know any other heroes? Their identities? How about some intel that might be useful for future work?

The mercenary drew his own tiny cellphone, switching it to its camera mode. He pointed it down, ready to take a snap of anything that might be useful to him.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Spidress August 27th 2017, 6:01 pm

The Caller ID was, for the most part, rather disappointing. For all it entailed were missed calls from telemarketers, and at best, a voice message from her mother reminding her how old she was and that a woman her age should have already given birth to a few kids. Typical.

Sighing in response to her mother's voice, Victoria allowed it to play in the background as she began to strip herself of her costume. Due to the nature of her powers, everything she wore was usually skintight, most nearly because everything that came into contact with her flesh got stuck. This was, of course, how she scaled entire scrapers and kept herself balanced as Scarlet Web.

Coincidentally, the suit had to be peeled off, like a piece of tape stuck to a wall, starting from her neck. Once she reached her collarbone, Victoria suckled the air and took in a deep breathe, preparing herself for the second of two incredible struggles when it came to removing her costume: working her way down her enormous, melon sized breasts.

This time around, thankfully the suit went down to her waist without little difficulty, leaving her at the brink of her next challenge: her plump arse. Like two bowling bowls shoved into place next to her, this was going to be far from any ordinary task; in hindsight, possibly more taxing than a fight with the Emerald Mantis.

Peeling the suit to her ankles and off, she left it laying in a pile on the floor, being in nothing more than her underwear: a tight fitted bra that seemed a few sizes two small for her chest, seeing as though it did not do the best job containing them, and an equally unimpressive thong which looked like it would be coming undone any moment, its thread snapping under the weight of her balloon-like rump.(edited)
She approached a mirror, where her figure was seen in its entirety. Being a superhero with superhman capabilities, Victoria possessed a physique to which even top models paled in comparison. She was incredibly, incredibly curvaceous, with ample hips and thick thighs, yet being slim and slender where it was most appreciated, such as around her waist and arms.

With an inspection of her face to ensure that she wasn't breaking out from sweating under that mask all day, Victoria swept her hand through her hair and made for the shower.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Flick August 27th 2017, 6:02 pm

Flick watched in shameful amazement at the unexpected scene, before a tang of guilt washed over him. He wasn't the type to intentionally spy on women changing - which, when you had a power such as his, was an ethical quandary that had been long since considered. As he put his phone away and prepared to leap off of Scarlet, he was suddenly swept up out of her hair by her errant hand and fell to the floor below, bouncing off of her foot.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Spidress August 27th 2017, 6:03 pm

She stopped dead in her tracks suddenly, back pedaling and damn near stepping over Flick with her feet as she did, missing the grain sized man by but a few measly centimeters. She was trying to be more organized, and so she reluctantly bent over to collect her costume from the ground, this time taking it to her room and hanging it up into her closet.

Whether he had the time to enjoy the scenery for what it was or not, it seemed that, based upon the slightest of movements, Victoria's large attributes began to sway tremendously. Her melon sized breasts bounced and clapped together, and the slabs of meaty flesh that comprised her arse wobbled and jiggled without end with each and every step that she took.

With nothing else holding her back, and along with the freedom of living by her lonesome, Victoria stepped foot into her bathroom and into her shower, keeping the door wide open. At the sound of the water turning on, her bra flew out from the door and just missed her bed, falling to the floor while her thong landed in a nearby pile of its own.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Flick August 27th 2017, 6:04 pm

Flick sighed with relief as Scarlet's foot passed over him, avoiding the pain of being stepped on. As she left for the shower he stole another shameful glance at her rear end, soon after cursing himself for audibly. "Back to the job," He reminded himself. The mercenary sped through the hall, back to the room with the power source. He peered at the shower door, wincing at the prospect of being caught.

With an adjustment of his power belt, the infiltrator grew to his six foot form. Swallowing, he quietly attempted to claim the power source from the table with both hands. He was very good at not being seen, but not being heard was another matter entirely.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Spidress August 27th 2017, 6:05 pm

As Flick morphed into a larger, more human-esque form, Victoria's spider-senses flipped back on. She nearly grunted in the shower at the sheer intensity of the tingling, like an alarm literally going off right inside of her head. The fact that Flick was within close vicinity within her while she was within the comfort of her own home, all the while being quite literally naked was an incredulous cause for concern. She couldn't remember her spider-senses ever being more antsy.

Rushing out of the shower, she reached for a towel on a nearby rack and fastened it around the bottom half of her breasts and just below her waist, enough to cover anything of significance. Storming out of the door as quickly as she could, she nearly slipped on the puddle her wet body was creating. Her eyes widened at the sight of an armored man standing in front of her desk. How the heck did he get inside?!

"W-w-what?" was the first thing that came to her mind, and she didn't keep herself from expressing herself. "Who are you?" Her eyes quickly ran over his figure and the battery that was held in his hands. Seeing a masculine figure inside of her home made her uneasy; she tightly clutched the fold of her towel with one of her hands, ensuring that it stayed on.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Flick August 27th 2017, 6:05 pm

"Uh... hey..." Flick remarked, his thick Glaswegian accent evident. He looked down at the power source, awkwardly. "I'm going to... go." He nodded, before he and the power source shrank to his base height of one and a half inches. He immediately made to run with surprising speed between Scarlet's dripping legs, hoping the shock of him 'disappearing' would be enough to distract her.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Spidress August 27th 2017, 6:07 pm

Her brow quirked as she witnessed the man seemingly vanish into thin air. But was that really what had happened? To untrained eyes, yes. But to the eyes of a trained arachnid, the movements appeared drastically slower than usual, thanks to her enhanced mental processing. And so she saw the man shrink into a smaller form with her own eyes, but admittedly lost track of him once he took off.

To make matters worse, as she disappeared from sight, so too did he from her spider-senses. It was like she had gone blind; she simply couldn't see where he was. But she knew that being that small had a price to carry along with it. It was going to be a long journey for him, even with his speed, to reach a crack in the wall or an open window or some sort. Time was on her side, but only in seconds. And ironically, the fact that she was practically naked was about to work to her favor.

One ability she had garnered since her exposure to an extraterrestrial spider went largely unnoticed, seeing as though even those whom had similar powers to her own did not possess it. Whether it was because she was female or some other spectacle, alongside her organic ability to spin webs was her ability to secrete a peculiar venom.

A venom that, depending on the frequency and amount of the dosage applied, had a different effect. This time around, she allowed the venom to ooze out of each and every one of her pores like a gas, that spread over the rest of the room at a quickened pace. Should it be inhaled by the enemy, then he would have caught a taste of her potent anesthetic gas and been rendered asleep in a matter of seconds.

But even so, there was no way for her to tell that it had worked. Would he revert to his normal size? How was she even supposed to tell that she had caught him, if she did? She didn't know. She simply stood in place, the venom trickling out of her body.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Flick August 27th 2017, 6:07 pm

Had Flick realised what was about to happen, he would have activated the rebreather built into his mask. His armoured suit was designed for underwater travel, but that functionality was a power drain and he rarely activated it. As he made for the door, and by default towards Scarlet, he went head first into the cloud of gaseous venom. Coughing and spluttering, the mercenary activated his rebreather and struggled to stay standing. By the time he could open his eyes again, he realised that he was literally leaning onto her big toe. Flick slowly looked up, the anaesthetic having slowed him down and on the off chance she hadn't spotted him.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

Post by Spidress August 27th 2017, 6:08 pm

Huh, there was a sudden tickle felt upon her toe. A look down at her feet was all the confirmation she needed; whether by design or miracle, she had managed to catch him!

Lifting the foot he had unfortunately gotten himself stuck onto up to be level with her face, she demonstrated a degree of balance and flexibility that was far beyond the application of any other human. Rather surprisingly, her eyes did not meet him with a hint of scrutiny; on the contrary, they were filled with curiosity, perhaps even a pinch of excitement.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just smash you against the floor right now?"

She clenched her eyes dismissively and puckered her lips. "...That wasn't the least bit convincing. Heck, you've even gone and seen my face now, and I've always been against taking lives... but really, sparing you wouldn't work at all in my favor."

Reaching for her toe, she went to pluck him off her toe with her fingers and instead adjust him into the palm of her hand, where the stickiness was at its highest level. Just to make certain, she would have pushed him onto his butt, so that both of his legs would have been completely glued down against her skin.

The gas dissipating around them, Victoria moved toward her bed and took a seat. Her large rear added several inches to her seated height, making her appear much taller than she actually was while sitting down, and at the point of impact, it almost looked as though the fold of the towel around her breasts was going to come undone.

"So like, why don't we start off how you got in here in the first place? I'm more interested in knowing that beyond anything else, honestly."

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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Behind the Mask Empty Re: Behind the Mask

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