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Lucifer's Katana & Mask

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Lucifer's Katana & Mask Empty Lucifer's Katana & Mask

Post by Morning Star December 21st 2011, 8:04 pm

Name: Phoenix

Abilities: This katana acts like an "extended limb" to Lucifer's fire manipulation, he can create slashes of fire from the sword. Also, when an object is stabbed with the katana, Lucifer has the ability to make the object combust (e.g. a book would combust in a fiery blaze; if stabbed in the hand, your hand would combust and therefore be destroyed). The final ability of Phoenix is where it gets it name from. If Phoenix is broken in anyway, it has the ability to mend itself. It turns to ashes and then is "reborn" in a fiery blaze in the hands of Lucifer.

Description: This katana is not carried around like other weapons, it is summoned when Lucifer says a special incantation. It is a magical sword that Lucifer inherited. He inherited it from his mother on his 18th birthday (though she died before then), it was the one of the last things she could give him. In place of his mother, his grandmother gave it to him instead. Lucifer is the product of natural birth and a Devil ritual, this katana was also included, but Lucifer never knew of this until many years later. The devil's face is seen on the blade of the katana, a sign of this being "blessed" by him.

Summon: "Let all hell break loose."
Reverse Summon: "May the phoenix rest."
Combustion: "Combust."
Ashes (Mending Stage): "Ashes to ashes."
Rebirth: "Let the phoenix rise once again."

*Note: Only Lucifer can use this katana, if in the hands of someone else, all Lucifer has to say is the "Ashes" incantation. The incantations don't work for anyone else because it is bound to his soul.

Lucifer's Katana & Mask Kill-bill08

Name: Adachi
Abilities: Lucifer can make a swiping motion across his face that allows the mask to be summoned onto his face in a fiery blaze. He can also use this swiping motion to reverse summon this mask. Just like his sword, it can't truly "break", but be repaired when it is reverse summoned.
Description: This mask was bound to Lucifer's soul when he obtained his powers, it was a part of the initial ritual. He only realized how to summon this mask a couple of years ago. It is just a ceramic mask made by his mother. It's used to protect his identity.

Lucifer's Katana & Mask Adachionna11

Last edited by Morning Star on March 23rd 2013, 3:43 pm; edited 3 times in total

Morning Star/Morning Star's Items
Lucifer's Katana & Mask Tumblr_nj46vgjBiX1qdd2r3o1_1280
Morning Star
Morning Star

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 27
Location : Florida
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-12-19

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Lucifer's Katana & Mask Empty Re: Lucifer's Katana & Mask

Post by Super Cutie December 23rd 2011, 12:06 am

just an ep weapon. this is fine.


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Super Cutie
Super Cutie
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Mega Poster!

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Number of posts : 920
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Humor : yes
Registration date : 2011-02-18

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Lucifer's Katana & Mask Empty Re: Lucifer's Katana & Mask

Post by CainVulsore March 23rd 2013, 3:14 pm

Re-approved and moved

Cain Vulsore
Lucifer's Katana & Mask Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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Registration date : 2011-08-21

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