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Katrina A. Russel

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Katrina A. Russel Empty Katrina A. Russel

Post by Katrina A. Russel June 25th 2017, 5:51 pm


"Justice is all well and good, but what about personal satisfaction?"

The Bio

Real Name: Katrina Anne Russell
Villain Name: Apophis
Titles: Lady Russell, Merchant of Death, Duchess of Cumberland
Alignment: True Neutral/Chaotic Evil
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Cyborg)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’4
Weight: 110 lbs
Blood type: O+

The Looks

A curiosity of the curse brought upon by the Amulet of Janus, Katrina looks change depending on the personality inhabiting her body, obviously to reflect the looks of said personality. The only consistency is the Amulet itself, and the color of her eyes and hair. The Amulet of the Four Humors is a gorgeous piece. A diamond-shaped trinket on a gold, silver, and platinum chain, the location of which varies depending on the personality. The trinket is set with four different precious gems; a sapphire, an emerald, a ruby, and a diamond, each as flawless and pure as possible. While this Amulet possesses no distinct abilities of its own, it is indefinitely beautiful and seems to glow with its own light.
Katrina; the Politician” Quite likely the most simple in terms of appearance and what is essentially the “default” personality, this version of her dresses simply. Most times caught in business suits, with a briefcase full of important files for her position as Head of the Russell family (and thus CEO of Osiris, Inc.). She wears little make-up, thought does paint her nails a soft blue or gold, depending on the situation and the mood. Despite her typically professional attire, she is never caught dead in heels. Her hair is kept down, the long, pin-straight strands going down to the small of her back.
”Anubis/Kitty-Kat; the Villain” An outfit unlike the others, perfectly fitting for this villainous alter ego. Roughly based off Egyptian lore and clothing, this ensemble is, at first, not what one would expect a feared supervillain to wear. A simple white dress, made of thick white cotton and lacking sleeves, is the main piece, ending about mid-thigh on the girl. The rest of the ensemble is a golden mask that covers only her eyes, with three curved “wings” on the right eye, and makeup, painting her lips red and eyes black. Her hair is curled and wavy, voluminous to the extreme, and is liberally streaked with various decorations, such as feathers and glitter. Perhaps most importantly, she doesn’t wear shoes, preferring the power of her magic to pieces of fabric between her and the ground.

The Personality

Just like appearance, there are two  core personalities, called Humours, that make up Katrina as a whole. Each Humour is consistently present as a Reflection, a supernatural spirit similar to a ghost but tied to the Amulet. Each Humour bears the appearance of their physical form; they are fully aware of their surroundings and even comment and communicate with the Humour in possession of the Amulet. Each Humour is based off the Greco-Roman concept of the Four Temperaments.
These humours are constantly at odds with one another, as any siblings as different as they are would be. Fighting for control of a single body is not pleasant, and save for perhaps Katey, none enjoy spending life as a spirit.
Katrina, the Choleric and the Politician - Katrina is the ‘normal’ girl of the bunch, or as normal as one can be when you possess the power to assassinate a tank and three different personalities within your soul. Cool, calculating, and with a sense of humor as sharp as any sword, Katrina has made a name for herself within high society. A master actress and as charming as they come, Katrina enjoys the finer things in life, from fine wine and drink to the office she currently resides in (she has her sights set on the position of Prime Minister and, who knows, maybe she’ll bring the Monarchy back?) To those she meets, they get the impression of an incredibly cold and uncaring woman, a shrewd businesswoman who cares only for making money and carving a bigger slice of the pie for her and her family. But those that know her know there’s a deeper side to her. She may be a noble, a politician, and a trained assassin, but Katrina possesses a soft spot for cute and fluffy things. Her room is adorned with pink things and stuffed animals, at 22 she still holds regular tea parties, and Katrina particularly enjoys wearing pink dresses and a tiara and pretending she’s a princess. This is a secret she keeps to herself, hidden deep within the recesses of the Russell Manor. She does not get along well with the other Humours and oft refuses to give up the body, regardless of the danger they’re in.
”Anubis/Kitty-Kat, the Sanguine and the Villain Hyperactive, violent, and psychotic, Kitty is ironically more the opposite of The Politician rather than The Hero. Kitty loves the limelight and attention on her and doesn’t care what she has to do to get it; bank robberies, murder, kidnapping, nothing is out of her books, anything for attention. She is a thrill-seeker, which typically manifests in combat by her taking risks, such as falling from large heights or climbing onto the back of a speedster. She doesn’t really care. Highly arrogant and confident in her own abilities, she is, ironically, also incredibly well-informed and knowledgeable, possessing a Ph. D. in Biology and Chemistry, which she uses to great affect when it comes to torturing people and designing new poisons. Despite her psychotic and thrill-seeking behavior, she is nonetheless a great ally to have, as she desperately seeks the attention groups can provide.

The Story

Birth is not the beginning of her story; no, the story of Katrina, and the Amulet, begins on a warm spring day, somewhere in her twenties in the fields of beautiful England, not in the hospital ward of Her Holy Matron Hospital in downtown Tynemouth. It focuses on archeology, the thrill of adventure, and her struggles with the curse that has brought great strife and amazing advantage to her life, not on the childhood of a gilded cage, with a father who wished for a boy and a mother who wishes for freedom. It’s a story of adventure and strife, with plenty of humor and action for all. A difficult tale to one, one that only be summarized in such a format.
It should be noted, each of the Humors that inhabit the Amulet lived a full life, with memories and records to show it, though with histories and backstories far too different to eloquently explain. However, each have lived a rich life, though vastly different, each with their own unique experiences and tales to tell. Perhaps a summary of each life would be sufficient.
Kitty was a troubled child. Every doll she got ended up with their heads torn off, adults would often yell in pain while she around to grab bloodied ankles while she ran off giggling, and would typically cause as much chaos and destruction as possible. By the time she was eight, she had been kicked out of every boarding school in England. By her 12th birthday, even reform schools didn’t want. Her 15th birthday rung in her first arrest, with her 16th celebrating her first pregnancy scare. Her parents, needless to say, weren’t having it. She was shipped off to the toughest reform school in America, which taught her to hide her crazy for fear of punishment. From there, she managed to land a scholarship to Boise State, where she would go on to become valedictorian and earn multiple doctorates. However, a life of peace was not destined for her. From her college years, she joined the army in a scientific capacity, working on powerful chemical and biological weapons. This she did for years until she was ripped, forced to live life as a pale reflection until the day she seizes control of the Amulet.
And finally, we get to Katrina. At the age of five, she, too, was taken by her Aunt, though more willingly by her father, and transformed into a killing machine. However, this is where the story differs; at the age of 16, she left, going back to the civilized world much to the chagrin of the Silver Hand (after all, what fanatical cult would let any valued member leave?) Putting her training and her enhancements to good use, she soon graduated summa cum laude from Dartmouth, earning several degrees and fostering a penchant for the past and, in particular, the gods of the ancient world. They fascinated her and she soon devoted her life, and vast fortune, to exploring more of the ancient world. Being an Amateur Archeologist wasn’t exactly lucrative, and even her vast funds wouldn’t last forever, so she expanded her family's company, Russel Incorporated, to form Osiris Labs, a private company using Katrina’s expertise, and the expertise of other scientists, to develop materials and devices for civilian and military consumption. With her fortunes secured, she began to delve deeper and deeper into the Grecian-populated areas of Egypt. It was there the Amulet of Janus was found. Something called to her, a long-lost friend hidden in secrets, perhaps, but she wore it, and the rest, as they say, is history.

The Priority

1. Agility
2. Reaction
4. Strength

The Powers

Silver Hand Training - Katrina is more than just an Agent of the Silver Hand; she is the Gilded Shadow, a terror upon the night, extensively trained in all forms of combat. Equally skilled and trained in modern day military weapons and tactics as she is in more outdated weaponry, Katrina is deadly at any range. Her training with guns and military tactics is equivalent to that of a career soldier; however, she is particularly skilled in hand to hand combat and the use of medieval weaponry, such as the sword and bow, and throwing weapons like the shuriken.

Cybernetic Enhancements - Katrina did not go through her training unscathed. As the niece of the Head, and a small woman, it was decided she needed an edge. Katrina was modified with advanced tech to enhance her physical capabilities. Though her body is still flesh, it had been bastardized with robotic parts. Her limbs have been modified with powerful alloys, her chest with mechanical parts, and her head and eyes with implants. The end result is superhuman. Her strength and endurance is peak human, capable of kicking a much larger man with enough force to send him flying. Her speed and reaction time, and by association her reflexes, have been enhanced to low superhuman levels. Katrina can run at 150 MPH with enough precision and agility to dodge bullet fire.

Stealth - A culmination of her training and her enhancements, Katrina is an incredibly stealthy individual. Even without the use of her powers, she can maneuver through a room of broken glass without making a sound. Her skills have been honed to peak proficiency; without supernatural help, she is a stealthy as it is possible to get.

Ruby Rings: The most basic combat Spell, Ruby Rings manifest as red inscriptions across the Humours arms and legs and circles, similar to bracelet, on the wrists, neck, and ankles. A rotating disc appears on both the palms and soles of the feet. If a weapon is used, an additional Ring appears on the weapon somewhere, including on projectiles, such as arrows or throwing knives, and remains until the Humour finishes her attack.
While in use, any attack made is increased by fifteen times. When an attack is made, another red ring appears on the surface of the object or person she uses it on. The red inscriptions on her body absorb the increased backlash of the attack. This same power will also protect weapons from shattering at the force of impact or projectiles from being adversely affected by the sheer energy it carries.

Golden Crown: An essential part of her Arsenal and the spell that makes most of her maneuvers possible, the Golden Crown takes the form of four circlets, one on each ankle and wrist, and a fifth around her head like a tiara. On the palms of her hands and the soles of her feet, inscriptions in the shape of a crown are etched into her skin.
The Golden Crown is perhaps the single most useful traversal spell in existence. To summarize a somewhat complex power, it allows the Humor to ignore the effects of gravity. More precisely, it allows her to change the way gravity works on their body and by extension, the equipment they carry. This allows Katrina to run along walls, cling upside down, even fall from impossibly large heights without taking a single scratch. While traversing, the object she is on is unaffected; this allows her to run along the edge of a blade or across a pillar of smoke without any problems. This also means there is hardly any sound when she moves.
An additional side effect of this ability is the connection forged between two rings. While using this surface, Katrina generates a lighter golden ring on the surfaces she traverses. While standing still, she is very solidly connected to this other ring, the magic fusing her to the surface until she chooses to let go. Her arms will rip out of the sockets before she is disconnected from a surface.

Onyx Mask: An overall insidious power, the Onyx Mask is one of two specialties of Anubis. Quite a bit more than the other spells, the Onyx mask forms over the face first. The thick goggles and pointed “nose” resemble the shape of an ancient plague doctor, and the black cloak that spreads downwards completes the look. This cloak acts physical, as in it moves and feels like silk, including parting around her shoulders, but provides no additional protection from physical attacks; it exists as a magical barrier between her and the effects of this spell.
While Onyx Mask is in use, the Humour possesses the ability of virulent infection. Specifically, they can alter bacteria and viruses to create deadly super-diseases or highly contagious illnesses. Doing this requires knowledge of the bacteria or virus in question, however, and as a result it is typically only Kitty that uses this ability. These diseases can be spread via touch or through a stream of black energy from her palms; additionally, her cloak always contains the virus currently being manipulated. Only one virus or bacteria can be manipulated at a time. Initially, the Onyx Mask can spread it’s plague up to 30 feet in any direction, but given enough time and concentration, the range can extend up to a mile.
The exact usage of this technique is precise and clinical, requiring the Humour to use a mix of knowledge and precision to modify the disease through magic. As previously mentioned, only one disease can be modified at a time, and in addition only one aspect of the disease can be modified through certain effort; that is to say, she cannot magically make a superbug that infects people by looking at them and kills in minutes. She has to manually adjust the virility, the lethality, or adjust or add a symptom. For example, she can increase the lethality of the common cold, or make it more contagious, but she cannot do both at first. Further manipulating the genome requires an hour of work, tweaking the DNA, purely dedicated to the task.
The Onyx Mask can infinitely spread  any disease the Humor has come into contact with. The Onyx Mask can also be used to inoculate herself or others from a disease.

The Weaknesses

Despite her enhancements, she is no more durable than a normal human. A hail of gunfire or even a particularly strong punch can take her out.
Her training is flawed, as it focuses on killing opponents as quickly and efficiently as possible, preferably from a place of advantage. If taken by surprise, she can quite easily be overpowered.
She can only use one ring at a time.
Her Ruby Rings does not work on firearms.
Her Ruby Rings only work on herself, and cannot be used to enhance an ally’s power.
Her Ruby Rings can be broken by an attack more than fifteen times powerful than her, or most magical attacks.
Her Golden Crown is very fragile to magic and can be destroyed by a single well placed spell.
Her Onyx Mask can be destroyed by proper application of force or vaccine.
If any Ring is destroyed, it takes 24 hours to be usable again.
Her Onyx Mask takes time to generate a significant portion of the disease; as a result, she must wait ten minutes to generate enough samples of the disease to infect a full 100-foot square area, and one hour to infect the square mile area.
If she used the Onyx Mask to inoculate herself against a disease, while the effect is permanent, Katrina can no longer utilize that disease.
If the Onyx Mask is broken, Katrina is immediately infected with the chosen disease.
Infecting any PC requires permission.
Creating a disease resistant to antibiotics or that can overpower a superpowered immune system takes up to 24 in-character hours to create.
If exposed to significant electrical energy, it can short out her cybernetic implants, lowering her to a normal level.

The Items

Amulet of the Four Humours - An ancient amulet, it’s creation long lost from history. The wielder of this amulet gains significant magical ability, but has their soul cast into four parts, based off the Greco-Roman concept of the Four Temperaments; Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, and Phlegmatic. In addition to granting magic, this Amulet halts aging in it’s wielder; however, should the Amulet ever be removed by foreign hands, it will instantly kill the user. To remove the Amulet requires magical power not commonly found in any mortal, as it binds itself to their very soul.

Apophis Armor of the Night: - A set of armor, customized from the traditional Silver Sword uniform. With the unique materials it is made from, it is capable of stopping a mid-range bullet, though does little against blunt force trauma. It’s main use is as a layer of increased protection from environmental hazards, such as sliding against asphalt, which is a frequent danger of her job. Additionally, several advantages, such as Shiko and Ashiko, are built into the gloves and boots to give her an advantage without her powers. In addition to the aforementioned functionality, the Armor of the Night is resistant to wear and tear and prevents chafing in difficult situations.
Murumasa and Masamune: Named after the katana of legend, this tanto/wakizashi pair is impeccably sharp and strong, capable of slicing through both horse and rider if necessary (even if it lacks the length to do so). The unique forging and custom alloys it’s made from create a blade that rarely needs sharpening and will never lose it’s timber. They are beautiful pieces of work, as well; as beautiful matched as a pair of cards, the golden tsuba in the form of a phoenix blends well into the light blue wrapping on the hilt. The pitch black scabbard matches the blade, as dark as night. Murumasa, the longer of the two, is based off the Tanto. Approximately 15 and a half inches long, it is worn on the right hip. Masumne, the shorter of the two, is based off the Wakizashi. Approximately 8 inches long, it is worn under Murumasa.
Yoichi A beautiful golden bow, the unique design allowing it to fold to a third of its size for easy transport, while being able to be fully extended with a flick of the wrist. The arrows work the same way, a unique locking mechanism allowing the arrows to fit snugly into a pocket until extended. A compound bow, it takes very little energy to fire, yet delivers an incredibly powerful punch, equivalent to a full size longbow.
Tsubasa no Kaze: A foldable fan made for battle, kept and stored on her utility belt. Gold and black and made of thin, pliable metal, edges adorn each fold, the reinforced lining allowing this fan, either folded or closed, to cut through skin and hide. However, it’s true strength lies in the reinforced slits along the fan blade. With proper timing and guidance, a blade can slip through and can easily be jerked out of the enemy’s hand with a single motion.
Surodoi Bakudan: Specialized Kunai, containing a microgram of Blazium inside. The action of the blade being thrown shatters the Gloomium explosive, separating the two components and allowing the Blazium to be free. Once the blade stops, the Blazium reacts, exploding with the force equivalent to a stick of TnT.
Elbow Holsters: A unique type of holster designed for easy and expeditious retrieval of different types of thrown weaponry, the Elbow Holsters, as the name, implies, lays across the inner arm with a variety of straps and sensors across the skin and elbow. Up to five of any normal variety of thrown weaponry, such as shuriken or kunai, can be inserted her. When the arm is straightened and flex, a specialized catch opens, sliding down leather guides into her hand. This device is pretty fragile, as the thin materials of its composition are easily broken or jammed. Any sufficient hit to the main mechanism can and will jam or break it.
Ninja Tools: In addition to her named weaponry, Katey carries a variety of equipment and other weapons, such as shuriken and kunai, a combat knife, senbon needles, rope, wire, caltrops, and various other tactical equipment, all conveniently stored in her handy-dandy Utility Belt.

Anubis Scythe of Giza The main weapon of Anubis, a powerful recurve bow about half the length of her body. This incredibly powerful bow has a range of over 100 meters easily, with a draw weight imposible for most grown men to hold, yet Kitty pulls it easily. Though not possessing any special or magical properties, the Scythe of Giza is made of the highest quality materials and represents Kitty’s vicious nature.
Spear of Nut: A long spear, carved from whitewood with the head of the spear shaped in a leaf-like pattern. Despite its seemingly simple construction, secrets hidden in the wood and metal let it act as a conduit for her magics, increasing her range.
Shaded Glory: A shield disguised as a ring, magics containing it within the emerald gem. When activated by the key phrase, it’s summoned to her hand. Other than being contained within a gem, it is otherwise a perfectly normal buckler.
Eternal Might: A sword disguised as a ring, magics containing it within the sapphire gem. When activated by a key phrase, it’s summoned to her hand. Other than being contained within a gem, it is otherwise a perfectly normal kophesh.
Mask of Illusions: The only true magical artifact in Kitty’s arsenal, the Mask of Illusions is ostensibly just a normal mask used to conceal her true identity from the world. However, ancient magics within disrupt electrical signals. While wearing this mask, she is nothing more than a white blob on camera. This effect applies to all media in which an accurate description of her can be drawn; upon completion, her image is instantly distorted, to the point where no information can be gleaned from it.

The Fluff

Each of the Humours has lived a different life and continue to keep up with their past lives. Katrina has a Masters in Engineering and a Ph D. in Poli-sci, as well as a degree in Archeology, Apophis holds patents for several poisons and unique weapon systems, as well as degrees in Chemistry and Biology.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Last edited by Katrina A. Russel on January 14th 2020, 8:10 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Katrina A. Russel Empty Re: Katrina A. Russel

Post by Chellizard June 26th 2017, 10:52 pm

As long as the red ring's only effect those that actually touch them, I see no issue with this.

Approved and moved.

Welcome to SHRP, and nice application, by the way.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Katrina A. Russel Empty Re: Katrina A. Russel

Post by Chellizard March 25th 2019, 12:15 am

Unapproved and moved for rehaul/power change/etc.

-My DeviantArt-
Katrina A. Russel JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Katrina A. Russel Empty Re: Katrina A. Russel

Post by Chellizard April 5th 2019, 5:44 pm

Approved and moved.

-My DeviantArt-
Katrina A. Russel JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Katrina A. Russel Empty Re: Katrina A. Russel

Post by Silus August 2nd 2019, 9:02 pm

   Moved for RP update of power change. Actual powers capacitiy/ability is not changing.

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