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Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie)

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Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie) Empty Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie)

Post by Orsy June 6th 2017, 3:08 pm

Jackson Park, Chicago…

It was a bright day of sun, not too hot yet the cusp of summer could be felt in the air. It was a great day for the people of Chicago to head to Jackson Park, whether it be to enjoy the park, take a boat out from the marina, or catch some sun at the beach. Either way the Park was a good place to be at in a warm day such as today. The birds were chirping and the sound of the excited barking of dogs flooded the warm, cloudless air.

Though the warm day shifted quite dramatically when the clear blue sky darkened with thick storm clouds. The sound of thunder drowning out the calm chirps of birds and the people who were trying to enjoy their day looked up at the sky in disappointment, believing it to be a simple summer squall. They would begin to worry when the thunder clouds flickered with lightning and began to swirl in what appeared to be a cyclone. Fearing a severe storm is about to come, citizens quickly pack up their stuff and rush back to their cars and homes.

It was fortunate that the citizens evacuated the immediate area as what came next was not natural. The maelstrom of clouds opened up in the center, reminiscent of a hurricane’s eye, and a sudden beam of blinding light shot straight down into the grass. The column was thick, its circumference large enough to fit ten people, and its appearance was consistently fluctuating with a kaleidoscope of color. After about a half minute of boring at the ground the beam of light disappeared, leaving behind a scorched patch of grass.

What was even more strange than the bright beam of light, was what it left behind. Kneeling down in the center of the scorched earth was a woman. She was about 5 foot, ten inches, covered up to her neck in what appeared to be viking armor, holding a short norse sword in her right hand, and a round shield in the other. But what was even stranger about her appearance, was the two large angelic wings sprouting from her back, about four thirds the span of her arms.

The woman slowly stood up, tossed her long blonde braid behind her shoulder, and opened her bright blue eyes. She’d look around herself for a moment and arched an eyebrow, staring confused at what she saw. This small patch of forest surrounded by tall castle towers, the air flooded by the sound of strange horns and sirens. The angelic woman clearly has not been to this world in a very long time, and is unsure of what she was currently seeing.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie) Empty Re: Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie)

Post by Quinn June 6th 2017, 11:46 pm

Maya was enjoying her day, drinking some of her specially made tea while she watched the kids play around with each other. Though their clear nonhuman appearance was making all the other parents keep their kids away from them, especially Willow. Though she looks mostly normal from the waist up, below that was a rather large spider body and she was still young. It was about then that her smile turned into a frown as she looked up to the sky, feeling the energy growing there.

Standing up and making all the items that she brought with her disappear, she yells out to the children, making sure to be loud enough that all of them could hear her. "Children! Get over here!" The seriousness in her voice was enough to clue them in that something was happening, since Maya was never one to yell even when they did something wrong. Once all of her children made there way over to her and she did a head count, Maya caused the shadows to spread out around them and form bars, getting ready for whatever was about to happen.

She didn't have to wait long, since a beam of light slammed into the ground, which just so happened to be right where her children happened to be playing at the time. Her eyes hardened a little at that, already planning on showing her displeasure to whoever might have harmed one of her children. Luckily, or well, unluckily depending on who you happen to be, the very being that caused this happened to have appeared out of the beam, standing up and looking around at the buildings.

Turning to the children she gives them a smile. "You kids need to stay here, I'll be right back." Once that was said, she turns back and walks right towards the woman, the smile still on her face. "Hey, you. Yeah you with the wings. What the hell were you thinking? Your little stunt could have hurt one of my kids and I don't appreciate that. You better have some way to make this right or I'll take it out of your hide."
Post Adept
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie) Empty Re: Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie)

Post by Orsy June 7th 2017, 11:22 am

Having had her fill of taking in the sights of the strange new world, Lydia stretched out her grand wings and was about to take flight when a certain angry woman came stomping over to her.  He folded her wings back up as she awaits the woman’s words.  Words which weren’t welcoming in the least, in fact they were quite threatening.  Lydia didn’t find merit in responding to such a threat, as she understood the uninformed worry over her children.  It would appear that the bifrost could have harmed them, which to Lydia is silly.

“Please, m’lady.  Your children were never in any danger.  Fore if they were, the keeper of the bifrost would not have chosen this spot.  He has the gift of foreknowledge after all..” She let out a chuckle at the woman’s expense, looking around at her environment again.  “Though Heimdallr failed to explain how different midgard had gotten since I was last here…  When I stood upon these lands last, there were naught but trees and savages, as the son of Erik left it when he discovered it.  I had no knowledge of such a castle..” She motioned to the city.  The woman was clearly out of time as she speaks of a time before civilization reached the new world.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie) Empty Re: Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie)

Post by Quinn June 9th 2017, 12:24 am

"Now wait a fucking second here. You're telling me that you believed some asshole that says he had foreknowledge? Oh my god." Maya begins to rub her temples, finding it hard to believe how stupid this woman was to just believe someone when they claim to have foreknowledge. "I just can't believe this. It sounds like this Heimdallr needs a punch in the face." While Maya was seriously considering just grabbing her children and getting out of there, the police finally showed up.

It was only two officers, the car that happened to be closest to the park when everything went down. They run up towards the winged woman, their hands resting on their weapons as they get ready to draw if she tries anything. They clearly have some idea of what happened since instead of asking about that they instead decided to try to bring the winged woman in. "Excuse me ma'am, but you'll have to come with us to answer some questions down at the station."

Maya sighs out loud, since she is now forced to stay here in case someone was to get violent. Can't let police officers die after all.
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie) Empty Re: Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie)

Post by Orsy June 12th 2017, 1:29 pm

The tall winged blonde woman just stood in the burned circle on the grass, staring down at the other woman who had confronted her so boldly.  Her blonde eyebrow arched upward in shock at what the woman commented on regarding Heimdallr, trying to hold back the urge to slap the woman across the face for insulting a dear friend.  But she remembered what Thor had told her before her departure. “..Ah.. My grandfather had warned me the people of this realm had forgotten of Asgard.  That they grew ignorant through cultural renaissance and ingenuity.  I will not hold it against you, woman.”  She nodded her head calmly at the other lady.

It was at this moment that the village guards arrived, holding the reins of such a strange wagon made of metal that had no horse to pull it.  Lydia slowly walked towards the vehicle, passing the cop without so much as a word of acknowledgement.  Once reaching the object, she’d place he free hand under the front bumper and seemingly effortlessly lifted it off its front wheels so that she can peer beneath it.  “Such a strange device… It has no horse, yet it is pulled along?”  She drops it and turns around to look at the police officer, “How does it do such a thing? Hmm?” She asked curiously, while possibly scaring the absolute hell out of the policeman.
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie) Empty Re: Touchdown in Midgard! (Maya + Valkyrie)

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