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How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)

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How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)  Empty How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)

Post by Dusker September 11th 2016, 2:11 pm

This next recruit was a very weird one. Tyler had been surfing the internet for potential people to recruit when he stumbled apon a strange news article. Apparently there had been sightings of a giant stone monster in a small city in Nevada, almost like that cities version of bigfoot. In the article it stated that to these people interacted with the stone golem and it was mostly friendly, drawing what it wanted to say in the dirt with a stick.

The conversation that ensued with Astrid was also weird.

"So explain to me again why you want to have a rock monster in our group?" Astrid said, still finding it hard to comprehend why he wanted it.

"Think of it like this, if we have a kick ass stone golem in our group then it could help us do things that most humans won't bother to do. Like lift up heavy things and rip things open with little effort." Tyler explained, gesturing with his hands as he spoke.

"Okay, I'll book the flight for tomorrow..." Astrid sighed as she shook her head, still not fully knowing understand why.


"If I was a stone golem then where would I be?" Tyler asked as he searched around the woods in hopes of finding the stone golem.

Astrid was on the other side of the forest and was not having a fun time. "Ugh, I hate this, why does Tyler even want this thing on the team!?" she scoffed as she trekked thru the mud around her

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How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)  Empty Re: How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)

Post by Thoracto September 11th 2016, 5:23 pm

Stone was lifting a large tree that had fallen over when he heard someone approaching. He considered trying to hide, but quickly dismissed the thought. He wasn't good at concealing himself in the forest and had little success when he tried. Instead he continued to push the tree back up while the person approached. The tree in question had fallen over in an unusually muddy area of the forest. The mud was making Stones task more difficult than it usually was. The tree was almost righted when Stone slipped in the mud and fell. The tree crashed on a boulder, splitting it in two with a loud crack. If Stone could sigh, he would.

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How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)  Empty Re: How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)

Post by Dusker September 11th 2016, 5:45 pm

Astrid had heard all of the commotion from far away and sighed. "That's just great, now I have to deal with this stone dude." she said as she trekked through the mud and up to the golem.

"Hey buddy, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" She asked as she approached, trying to act like the mud wasn't bothering her.

On the other side of the forrest Tyler had no such luck in finding the golem (Well duh, it's with Astrid.). He had heard the noise that the golem made but it was too quiet to determine what the noise was so he just brushed it off and deduced that it was some squirrel falling out of a tree.

"Phantom do you have any idea where this stone guy can be found?" he asked his copy, trying to think of someplace to go.

'I don't have any idea where it could be.' The phantom answered as it kept a lookout for the stone man.

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How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)  Empty Re: How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)

Post by Thoracto September 11th 2016, 8:55 pm

Stone was surprised. Normally when people saw him there was a lot of screaming and yelling. This girl didn't even pull out a camera. As Stone began to pick himself up, She asked if he could answer some questions. After he finished standing up, he looked at her quizzically. He then pointed to where his mouth would be if he had one and shrugged.

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How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)  Empty Re: How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)

Post by Dusker September 11th 2016, 8:59 pm

"Of course he can't you idiot it hasn't go a mouth..." Astrid sighed as she looked around for a stick. "One sec buddy." she said as she walked over to a nearby tree and picked up a branch that had fallen from the tree.

As she walked back to the stone golem she handed him the stick and asked him "Hey buddy, do you know how to read and write?" She talked to the golem as if it was some sort of child.

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How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)  Empty Re: How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)

Post by Thoracto September 13th 2016, 7:34 pm

Stone ignored the patronizing tone of voice, took the stick and nodded. He wondered why this person wasn't surprised or excited. Perhaps he had lost track of the world and the extraordinary had become normal again. He had been staying in this forest for a couple hundred years. But he was getting distracted. He turned his attention back to his visitor.

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How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)  Empty Re: How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)

Post by Dusker September 14th 2016, 5:55 pm

"Here big guy, take this and write with it." Astrid said as she handed the stone golem the stick and thought what questions she should. It was normally Tyler who would ask the questions but that task dawned on her this time.

"How would you feel about getting away from all of these people big guy?" she asked with a condescending smile...

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How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)  Empty Re: How stone ended up in The necessary (thoracto)

Post by Thoracto September 19th 2016, 12:10 pm

This girl was being awfully confident considering she was talking to a ten foot tall rock monster.
He considered her question for a moment. He was beginning to tire of being a tourist attraction. But he needed to know what she was suggesting before he committed to anything; He had learnt that lesson with the magician. He knelt and drew a question mark in the ground.

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Registration date : 2016-08-25

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